Libs: If Trump talk owns these violent clashes; Then YOUR side owns dead cops.

Naw, BLM killing cops

Just how are they achieving the feat? Because a unarmed buck naked black man with a priest hat on, will proboally end up dead, just looking at a cop, so do tell how they're doing this and oh, by the, its you hicks killing these cop hicks, not us
BLM called for violence against cops
Are you insinuating that any hate of cops demonstrated by BLM is groundless. For those who have lost loved ones unjustifiably at the hands of a cop, I can not condemn them for it/ Many White people see Blacks as a monolithic threat out to "get over on Whitey!" Many Black people see cops the same shock troops defending White society against THEM. Why would you expect them to LOVE a para,military force that reflects the same hateful attitudes towards them mirrored by the dominant society? Actually, I am surprised Blacks haven't been more militant iin the face of such pervasive bigotry and wanton murder of their people. Maybe the liberals served as a buffer and gave them hope of a better life here...eventually... If that is TRUE, you had better pray they stay on your imagined Democrat Plantation!
yes I am. someone posted up the number of cops and those numbers and the numbers in question are well under .05% of the men in blue. And to threaten violence is disgusting and unamerican.

Well, we just had a new one this week in Chicago, some ham radio fool made a racist comment over the cops two way radio frequencies and yep, here come the BLM members looking for heads. Anyone, ANYONE who believes that a cop over an open airwaves would make such a comment is in la la land. Yet these fools get on TV cause the media outlets are bought out by those who support the BLM. Fk em all. I hate obvious set ups. Anyone thinking anything less is pure stupid and delusional. So go with your delusion.
Your anecdote is noteworthy but is hardly credible. Got anymore fairy tales?
Got brains?
No, you don't. You are guilty of quote mining. How many lives were saved by better training, tactics and vests? You don't say. I have no problem with cops, like most people. Are you too stupid to understand why that might be?

Liberals refuse to accept responsibility for ANYTHING. It's always somebody else's fault. You go to a rally to stir up shit and cry foul if you get socked. Not long ago everyone would have laughed at such stupidity.
Quote mining?Heh heh heh...On a message board that is quite common I suppose. Looks like I struck gold!

1. We can go on forever speculating about cop's lives being saved by vests and tactics while ignoring the real issue that a lot of bigoted, corrupt cops are causing good cops to be stereotyped along with them. You seem to be too stupid to understand that vests, better training and tactics mean very little to a sniper with a scope training his weapon on a cop issuing a ticket or investigating a traffic accident. If there was a war on cops, the body count would be significantly higher.

2. That catchall moniker, "liberal," is overused and inappropriate. To you anyone who does something you don;t agree with is a "liberal." I doubt if any of the GOP establishment diehards who don't like Trump would
concur with your tunnel vision. Be that as it may, I do feel that attending a Trump rally to disrupt it is not something I would recommend. Those who do so may be among the bravest people I have seen or the most foolhardy. Nevertheless, those patriots bring the dark side of Trump mania to light. The response to them by Trump or his supporters is recorded by the unblinking eye of the camera for all the world to see. Trump's groupies drew first blood. That swooshing sound you hear is not just idle gusts of wind; it is the sound of people withdrawing their votes for a man who cannot handle criticism or opposition well.
Lots of fluff and puff not no real substance there. How many cops have been killed by snipers? That's important to back up if it's a valid point. Yes, you figures ignore every other possible factor. There are nearly a million cops having regular encounters with street tards yet we only see a few, and they get recycled often and freely.

Libs are libs, I'm not sure why you want to run away from it. But going to any rally to stir up shit is only a good idea if you want the ass whooping. And some people do. Imagine the victimhood! He can pass his bloody hankie around the quivering mass of libs in solidarity. It's a bonding experience they will remember long after they've grown up.

You missed my point completely. Any would be=cop hunter would be savvy enough to know that most of them wear bullet proof vests. They aren't going to engage a cop directly just because of that fact... They know their best chance of success would be a head shot or ambush. There have been some of those reported and they have all been successful as far as I know. Still, those are rare occurrences having no reoccurring pattern.

You are rambling and illogical. Any rally held in a public place cannot be shielded from opposition.I agree that disruptions are inherently wrong and anyone engaging in them should be escorted off the premises if all he/she does is vocalize their grievances and aren't violent , no one should lay a hand on them except the cops escorting them out. When anyone strikes someone just for speaking up to protest a statement uttered by a candidate, that is assault.
I addressed your point, the words are still there. You pulled out figures with total disregard to anything except what you tried to spin. Lots of factors are to be considered in lower cop deaths and it isn't due to a more peaceful malcontent.

I'm rambling and illogical when I say you don't have the right to shut down someone else's speech? You proved you are a dumb asshole.
You addressed my point? Which one. It is hard to tell exactly what point you are addressing since your rambling jumps from one to the next spontaneously.

I think I see your confusion. Perhaps I wasn't clear when I said any rally held in a public place cannot be shielded from the opposition. That is not a lie. Even with tickets and other controls, detractors still manage to get into those rallies. You can't deny that, can you? We have already seen several incidents where they got in. If they had tickets they must be Republicans who were invited. Remember, dummy, a lot of GOP constituents don't like Trump either. But in any case, HR347 gives the Secret Service extended powers to arrest disruptors in such events. Now move on, you been checked and mated dumbass!
The puss filled anus spews again. The words are still there, brainchild.
Perhaps it is shameful. but understandable. It is also irrelevant in regards to Tigerred's premise.

The only reason I am dismissing the cops being killed by liberal rhetoric, is because BLM is not about killing cops, its about cops killing blacks and for that person to counter with cops being killed as a defense.....showing him who's doing the killings, makes my point. Violence against cops is a white thang...they don't like it, than damit stop!! But do not dismiss our plight as fodder for their inability to refrain from violence against cops.
Naw, BLM killing cops

Just how are they achieving the feat? Because a unarmed buck naked black man with a priest hat on, will proboally end up dead, just looking at a cop, so do tell how they're doing this and oh, by the, its you hicks killing these cop hicks, not us
BLM called for violence against cops
Are you insinuating that any hate of cops demonstrated by BLM is groundless. For those who have lost loved ones unjustifiably at the hands of a cop, I can not condemn them for it/ Many White people see Blacks as a monolithic threat out to "get over on Whitey!" Many Black people see cops the same shock troops defending White society against THEM. Why would you expect them to LOVE a para,military force that reflects the same hateful attitudes towards them mirrored by the dominant society? Actually, I am surprised Blacks haven't been more militant iin the face of such pervasive bigotry and wanton murder of their people. Maybe the liberals served as a buffer and gave them hope of a better life here...eventually... If that is TRUE, you had better pray they stay on your imagined Democrat Plantation!
No, dumbfuck. The problem is the lies of leftists and make it seem like the cops are out to get blacks. Once uncovered the facts in almost all cases it was some dipshit acting up then doubles down by wrestling with the police. The few bad examples get played in an endless loop, because it's all they have.

Grow a brain.
You missed my point completely. Any would be=cop hunter would be savvy enough to know that most of them wear bullet proof vests. They aren't going to engage a cop directly just because of that fact... They know their best chance of success would be a head shot or ambush. There have been some of those reported and they have all been successful as far as I know. Still, those are rare occurrences having no reoccurring pattern.

You are rambling and illogical. Any rally held in a public place cannot be shielded from opposition.I agree that disruptions are inherently wrong and anyone engaging in them should be escorted off the premises if all he/she does is vocalize their grievances and aren't violent , no one should lay a hand on them except the cops escorting them out. When anyone strikes someone just for speaking up to protest a statement uttered by a candidate, that is assault.
Hr347 look it up jack
I already know that disrupting government events in restricted areas and on public property can end in an arrest for the perpetrators by the Secret Service. That law won't prevent people from attempting to disrupt rallies.

So let the Secret Service handle it. The law doesn't give Trump supporters or civilian authorities the right to do anything but get but of the way when the SS goes after a detractor.
Wrong. You can't shut down someone else's free speech and you can't take over a private event. You're a liar.
Are you so stupid or drunk? whichever the case, your reading incomprehension is causing you to look like a damn fool. In the post you are responding too I said nothing even close to what you are accusing me of. You seem to agree with me that disrupting a rally has consequences then you call me a liar without any apparent reason. I suggest you read the entire post before you call someone a liar, fool. Your apology is accepted in advance.
Hey you puss filled anus, you said "Any rally held in a public place cannot be shielded from opposition."

That's a lie. It's wrong. I disagreed and said why, the words are still there. For you to try to smear your diseased ass on me isn't going work, genius. Fuck off.

You are out of control! Calm down. Your twisting doesn't change what I said and your filthy language just exposes the true nature of your inner core. No event can be shielded from anything or anyone determined to get into that event. In this case the opposition to trump could range from members of the GOP, anarchists or anyone in between. Some of those invited to the rally via party affiliation might have become disenchanted by something Trump said and tried to protest. But whatever the reason, the rally could not and was not shielded from disruption. If you can find a fallacy with that your myopia is incurable.
Last edited:
Quote mining?Heh heh heh...On a message board that is quite common I suppose. Looks like I struck gold!

1. We can go on forever speculating about cop's lives being saved by vests and tactics while ignoring the real issue that a lot of bigoted, corrupt cops are causing good cops to be stereotyped along with them. You seem to be too stupid to understand that vests, better training and tactics mean very little to a sniper with a scope training his weapon on a cop issuing a ticket or investigating a traffic accident. If there was a war on cops, the body count would be significantly higher.

2. That catchall moniker, "liberal," is overused and inappropriate. To you anyone who does something you don;t agree with is a "liberal." I doubt if any of the GOP establishment diehards who don't like Trump would
concur with your tunnel vision. Be that as it may, I do feel that attending a Trump rally to disrupt it is not something I would recommend. Those who do so may be among the bravest people I have seen or the most foolhardy. Nevertheless, those patriots bring the dark side of Trump mania to light. The response to them by Trump or his supporters is recorded by the unblinking eye of the camera for all the world to see. Trump's groupies drew first blood. That swooshing sound you hear is not just idle gusts of wind; it is the sound of people withdrawing their votes for a man who cannot handle criticism or opposition well.
Lots of fluff and puff not no real substance there. How many cops have been killed by snipers? That's important to back up if it's a valid point. Yes, you figures ignore every other possible factor. There are nearly a million cops having regular encounters with street tards yet we only see a few, and they get recycled often and freely.

Libs are libs, I'm not sure why you want to run away from it. But going to any rally to stir up shit is only a good idea if you want the ass whooping. And some people do. Imagine the victimhood! He can pass his bloody hankie around the quivering mass of libs in solidarity. It's a bonding experience they will remember long after they've grown up.

You missed my point completely. Any would be=cop hunter would be savvy enough to know that most of them wear bullet proof vests. They aren't going to engage a cop directly just because of that fact... They know their best chance of success would be a head shot or ambush. There have been some of those reported and they have all been successful as far as I know. Still, those are rare occurrences having no reoccurring pattern.

You are rambling and illogical. Any rally held in a public place cannot be shielded from opposition.I agree that disruptions are inherently wrong and anyone engaging in them should be escorted off the premises if all he/she does is vocalize their grievances and aren't violent , no one should lay a hand on them except the cops escorting them out. When anyone strikes someone just for speaking up to protest a statement uttered by a candidate, that is assault.
I addressed your point, the words are still there. You pulled out figures with total disregard to anything except what you tried to spin. Lots of factors are to be considered in lower cop deaths and it isn't due to a more peaceful malcontent.

I'm rambling and illogical when I say you don't have the right to shut down someone else's speech? You proved you are a dumb asshole.
You addressed my point? Which one. It is hard to tell exactly what point you are addressing since your rambling jumps from one to the next spontaneously.

I think I see your confusion. Perhaps I wasn't clear when I said any rally held in a public place cannot be shielded from the opposition. That is not a lie. Even with tickets and other controls, detractors still manage to get into those rallies. You can't deny that, can you? We have already seen several incidents where they got in. If they had tickets they must be Republicans who were invited. Remember, dummy, a lot of GOP constituents don't like Trump either. But in any case, HR347 gives the Secret Service extended powers to arrest disruptors in such events. Now move on, you been checked and mated dumbass!
The puss filled anus spews again. The words are still there, brainchild.
Yes, they are still there and I have explained them far more than necessary to make them clear. Your mental obstruction has not been clarifed , though.
Hr347 look it up jack
I already know that disrupting government events in restricted areas and on public property can end in an arrest for the perpetrators by the Secret Service. That law won't prevent people from attempting to disrupt rallies.

So let the Secret Service handle it. The law doesn't give Trump supporters or civilian authorities the right to do anything but get but of the way when the SS goes after a detractor.
Wrong. You can't shut down someone else's free speech and you can't take over a private event. You're a liar.
Are you so stupid or drunk? whichever the case, your reading incomprehension is causing you to look like a damn fool. In the post you are responding too I said nothing even close to what you are accusing me of. You seem to agree with me that disrupting a rally has consequences then you call me a liar without any apparent reason. I suggest you read the entire post before you call someone a liar, fool. Your apology is accepted in advance.
Hey you puss filled anus, you said "Any rally held in a public place cannot be shielded from opposition."

That's a lie. It's wrong. I disagreed and said why, the words are still there. For you to try to smear your diseased ass on me isn't going work, genius. Fuck off.

You are out of control! Calm down. Your twisting doesn't change what I said and your filthy language just exposes the true nature of your inner core. No event can be shielded from anything or anyone determined to get into that event. In this case the opposition to trump could range from members of the GOP, anarchists or anyone in between. Some of those invited to the rally via party affiliation might have become disenchanted by something Trump said tried to protest. But whatever the reason, the rally could not and was not shielded from disruption. If you can find a fallacy with that your myopia is incurable.
you still haven't justified the BLM, so it is you that is still getting trumped.
The only reason I am dismissing the cops being killed by liberal rhetoric, is because BLM is not about killing cops, its about cops killing blacks and for that person to counter with cops being killed as a defense.....showing him who's doing the killings, makes my point. Violence against cops is a white thang...they don't like it, than damit stop!! But do not dismiss our plight as fodder for their inability to refrain from violence against cops.
Naw, BLM killing cops

Just how are they achieving the feat? Because a unarmed buck naked black man with a priest hat on, will proboally end up dead, just looking at a cop, so do tell how they're doing this and oh, by the, its you hicks killing these cop hicks, not us
BLM called for violence against cops
Are you insinuating that any hate of cops demonstrated by BLM is groundless. For those who have lost loved ones unjustifiably at the hands of a cop, I can not condemn them for it/ Many White people see Blacks as a monolithic threat out to "get over on Whitey!" Many Black people see cops the same shock troops defending White society against THEM. Why would you expect them to LOVE a para,military force that reflects the same hateful attitudes towards them mirrored by the dominant society? Actually, I am surprised Blacks haven't been more militant iin the face of such pervasive bigotry and wanton murder of their people. Maybe the liberals served as a buffer and gave them hope of a better life here...eventually... If that is TRUE, you had better pray they stay on your imagined Democrat Plantation!
No, dumbfuck. The problem is the lies of leftists and make it seem like the cops are out to get blacks. Once uncovered the facts in almost all cases it was some dipshit acting up then doubles down by wrestling with the police. The few bad examples get played in an endless loop, because it's all they have.

Grow a brain.
You aren't Black so how would you know what Blacks experience on a daily basis with cops?
There you go again assuming that some mysterious "leftist" is telling Black people to hate cops.
Now THAT IS A LIE, LIAR! BTW, You are turning this thread into a sounding board for RW lies. Lies littered with filth from the darkest recesses of your demented mind. I wonder why this thread hasn't been closed already. I had one closed after one of your ilk derailed a thread I started and he was only a fraction as vulgar as you are. Bias?
Hr347 look it up jack
I already know that disrupting government events in restricted areas and on public property can end in an arrest for the perpetrators by the Secret Service. That law won't prevent people from attempting to disrupt rallies.

So let the Secret Service handle it. The law doesn't give Trump supporters or civilian authorities the right to do anything but get but of the way when the SS goes after a detractor.
Wrong. You can't shut down someone else's free speech and you can't take over a private event. You're a liar.
Are you so stupid or drunk? whichever the case, your reading incomprehension is causing you to look like a damn fool. In the post you are responding too I said nothing even close to what you are accusing me of. You seem to agree with me that disrupting a rally has consequences then you call me a liar without any apparent reason. I suggest you read the entire post before you call someone a liar, fool. Your apology is accepted in advance.
Hey you puss filled anus, you said "Any rally held in a public place cannot be shielded from opposition."

That's a lie. It's wrong. I disagreed and said why, the words are still there. For you to try to smear your diseased ass on me isn't going work, genius. Fuck off.

You are out of control! Calm down. Your twisting doesn't change what I said and your filthy language just exposes the true nature of your inner core. No event can be shielded from anything or anyone determined to get into that event. In this case the opposition to trump could range from members of the GOP, anarchists or anyone in between. Some of those invited to the rally via party affiliation might have become disenchanted by something Trump said and tried to protest. But whatever the reason, the rally could not and was not shielded from disruption. If you can find a fallacy with that your myopia is incurable.
You're a fucking liar. Spreading more lies won't work. The words are still there, you can't spin it by trying to make me look at fault. Sorry, slick.
Naw, BLM killing cops

Just how are they achieving the feat? Because a unarmed buck naked black man with a priest hat on, will proboally end up dead, just looking at a cop, so do tell how they're doing this and oh, by the, its you hicks killing these cop hicks, not us
BLM called for violence against cops
Are you insinuating that any hate of cops demonstrated by BLM is groundless. For those who have lost loved ones unjustifiably at the hands of a cop, I can not condemn them for it/ Many White people see Blacks as a monolithic threat out to "get over on Whitey!" Many Black people see cops the same shock troops defending White society against THEM. Why would you expect them to LOVE a para,military force that reflects the same hateful attitudes towards them mirrored by the dominant society? Actually, I am surprised Blacks haven't been more militant iin the face of such pervasive bigotry and wanton murder of their people. Maybe the liberals served as a buffer and gave them hope of a better life here...eventually... If that is TRUE, you had better pray they stay on your imagined Democrat Plantation!
No, dumbfuck. The problem is the lies of leftists and make it seem like the cops are out to get blacks. Once uncovered the facts in almost all cases it was some dipshit acting up then doubles down by wrestling with the police. The few bad examples get played in an endless loop, because it's all they have.

Grow a brain.
You aren't Black so how would you know what Blacks experience on a daily basis with cops?
There you go again assuming that some mysterious "leftist" is telling Black people to hate cops.
Now THAT IS A LIE, LIAR! BTW, You are turning this thread into a sounding board for RW lies. Lies littered with filth from the darkest recesses of your demented mind. I wonder why this thread hasn't been closed already. I had one closed after one of your ilk derailed a thread I started and he was only a fraction as vulgar as you are. Bias?
I've seen the videos. I said so, it's right up there. The ones we are supposed to wring our hands over as examples of racism turn out to be blacks out of control wrestling with cops and getting hurt. Try to read.
I already know that disrupting government events in restricted areas and on public property can end in an arrest for the perpetrators by the Secret Service. That law won't prevent people from attempting to disrupt rallies.

So let the Secret Service handle it. The law doesn't give Trump supporters or civilian authorities the right to do anything but get but of the way when the SS goes after a detractor.
Wrong. You can't shut down someone else's free speech and you can't take over a private event. You're a liar.
Are you so stupid or drunk? whichever the case, your reading incomprehension is causing you to look like a damn fool. In the post you are responding too I said nothing even close to what you are accusing me of. You seem to agree with me that disrupting a rally has consequences then you call me a liar without any apparent reason. I suggest you read the entire post before you call someone a liar, fool. Your apology is accepted in advance.
Hey you puss filled anus, you said "Any rally held in a public place cannot be shielded from opposition."

That's a lie. It's wrong. I disagreed and said why, the words are still there. For you to try to smear your diseased ass on me isn't going work, genius. Fuck off.

You are out of control! Calm down. Your twisting doesn't change what I said and your filthy language just exposes the true nature of your inner core. No event can be shielded from anything or anyone determined to get into that event. In this case the opposition to trump could range from members of the GOP, anarchists or anyone in between. Some of those invited to the rally via party affiliation might have become disenchanted by something Trump said tried to protest. But whatever the reason, the rally could not and was not shielded from disruption. If you can find a fallacy with that your myopia is incurable.
you still haven't justified the BLM, so it is you that is still getting trumped.

I have no intention of justifying the BLM. The BLM is just a tiny fraction of the Black population. Just because White media outlets think their exploits are newsworthy, their importance has been blown out of proportion as though they represent and speak for ALL black people. That is NOT the case.
Black people have been wary of cops decades before BLM was ever though of. Focusing on the BLM as a political powerhouse is like focusing on the KKK as representative of all White people.
I already know that disrupting government events in restricted areas and on public property can end in an arrest for the perpetrators by the Secret Service. That law won't prevent people from attempting to disrupt rallies.

So let the Secret Service handle it. The law doesn't give Trump supporters or civilian authorities the right to do anything but get but of the way when the SS goes after a detractor.
Wrong. You can't shut down someone else's free speech and you can't take over a private event. You're a liar.
Are you so stupid or drunk? whichever the case, your reading incomprehension is causing you to look like a damn fool. In the post you are responding too I said nothing even close to what you are accusing me of. You seem to agree with me that disrupting a rally has consequences then you call me a liar without any apparent reason. I suggest you read the entire post before you call someone a liar, fool. Your apology is accepted in advance.
Hey you puss filled anus, you said "Any rally held in a public place cannot be shielded from opposition."

That's a lie. It's wrong. I disagreed and said why, the words are still there. For you to try to smear your diseased ass on me isn't going work, genius. Fuck off.

You are out of control! Calm down. Your twisting doesn't change what I said and your filthy language just exposes the true nature of your inner core. No event can be shielded from anything or anyone determined to get into that event. In this case the opposition to trump could range from members of the GOP, anarchists or anyone in between. Some of those invited to the rally via party affiliation might have become disenchanted by something Trump said and tried to protest. But whatever the reason, the rally could not and was not shielded from disruption. If you can find a fallacy with that your myopia is incurable.
You're a fucking liar. Spreading more lies won't work. The words are still there, you can't spin it by trying to make me look at fault. Sorry, slick.
It doesn't take much to make you look stupid, fool. You have proven to be a fool without my help. . You have nothing of substance to offer so off to the trash bin with you. Bye, you lying weasel.
Naw, BLM killing cops

Just how are they achieving the feat? Because a unarmed buck naked black man with a priest hat on, will proboally end up dead, just looking at a cop, so do tell how they're doing this and oh, by the, its you hicks killing these cop hicks, not us
BLM called for violence against cops
Are you insinuating that any hate of cops demonstrated by BLM is groundless. For those who have lost loved ones unjustifiably at the hands of a cop, I can not condemn them for it/ Many White people see Blacks as a monolithic threat out to "get over on Whitey!" Many Black people see cops the same shock troops defending White society against THEM. Why would you expect them to LOVE a para,military force that reflects the same hateful attitudes towards them mirrored by the dominant society? Actually, I am surprised Blacks haven't been more militant iin the face of such pervasive bigotry and wanton murder of their people. Maybe the liberals served as a buffer and gave them hope of a better life here...eventually... If that is TRUE, you had better pray they stay on your imagined Democrat Plantation!
No, dumbfuck. The problem is the lies of leftists and make it seem like the cops are out to get blacks. Once uncovered the facts in almost all cases it was some dipshit acting up then doubles down by wrestling with the police. The few bad examples get played in an endless loop, because it's all they have.

Grow a brain.
You aren't Black so how would you know what Blacks experience on a daily basis with cops?
There you go again assuming that some mysterious "leftist" is telling Black people to hate cops.
Now THAT IS A LIE, LIAR! BTW, You are turning this thread into a sounding board for RW lies. Lies littered with filth from the darkest recesses of your demented mind. I wonder why this thread hasn't been closed already. I had one closed after one of your ilk derailed a thread I started and he was only a fraction as vulgar as you are. Bias?
dude, they're on the news every night.
Plain that those who like to attack cops need to form a union of their own and collect dues. Aren't ALL thugs entitled to union representation as well as representing them?
Blacklivesmatters is a stain on our society and Ted Cruz sided with them...I pray that Trump wipes the floor with this coward today.

Fuck Blacklivesdoesn'tmatters.
dude, they're on the news every night.
There's something wrong with him. Maybe too many billy clubs to the mellon?

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