Libs Playing 'Hiding Mrs Hillary' Instead of 'Drivnig Miss Daisy'

The Big Quack is defining himself. Never get in your opponent's way when he's destroying himself.
The Big Quack is defining himself. Never get in your opponent's way when he's destroying himself.
Hillary leads Trump's numbers in one category.....more people think Hillary is the least trustworthy of ALL candidates. In the midst of an FBI investigation regarding the espionage act, like you said, NEVER get in your opponent's way when SHE's destroying HERSELF...'
The democrook party is like a family that kept their grossly deformed offspring locked in the basement and tossed down a bucket of table scraps every night.

Maybe they aren't hiding her, that she's just not ready for 'prime time' yet?!

Naaaahhhh! She's layin' low until the FBI is done with her...
There will be more people watching the new Star Wars movie than the Dems debate tomorrow night lol

I suggest republican candidates watch to find out what an adult debate looks like. They may never see what a real debate looks like otherwise.

A spokeswoman for Mr. O’Malley’s campaign said that avoiding prime-time debate slots was a way for the Democratic Party to “protect” Mrs. Clinton, and that it had given Mr. Trump and the Republicans a better platform to express their views.

The Clinton campaign did not respond to a request for comment.

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Ah, ageism in action, eh?
I don't think it's age. O'Malley's campaign was always predicated on Hillary somehow imploding, and he being the only alterative to Bernie. That's looking increasingly unlikely. If you actually look at what Hillary has said on Iraq and at the CFR, she's center right. On domestic issues, she probably even left of center left. But, at this point she'd just running out the primary clock. She's running a four corners offense in basketball parlance.

The Big Quack is the best matchup for her, and the more he appeals to the less educated white base of the gop, it's probably better for her. If anyone mixes it up with him, he just yells and insults them. Better to wait until the adults are paying attention. As for the women vote, dems seem to split pretty evenly, and at best win young white women by a slim majority. At some point the Big Quack will have to say how he feels, today, about abortion. And once he defines himself with that, he's stuck with it.

PS, I'd probably prefer even Cruz to Hillary, but that's probably not gonna be the choice.
There will be more people watching the new Star Wars movie than the Dems debate tomorrow night lol

That is the point!! LoL

The more people pay attention to Hillary, the less they like her!! Getting distractions like movie release and football games cut-down on Hillary exposure!!

The last democratic debate of the year is Saturday at 8pm est
Star Wars comes out this weekend
Jets Cowboys showdown at 8:18pm

LoL--I wonder, how many general election debates are there going to be? 1? 2? There are no rules saying we must have any!!

They're hiding her because, according to her own staff', she is 'often confused', and they are afraid she might have a mental breakdown in the middle of a debate....

The Big Quack is defining himself. Never get in your opponent's way when he's destroying himself.
Hillary leads Trump's numbers in one category.....

It's the other way around. Trump leads in the old white man vote. Clinton owns every other demographic.

It's the other way around. Trump leads in the old white man vote. Clinton owns every other demographic.

Liberals claim the GOP is the party of old rich white people....

The GOP has Carson, Fiorina, Rubio .. and the Libs are pushing an old white millionaire and an old white male millionaire Socialist.
There will be more people watching bowling than the Dem debate.
BINGO! Whattya know? It's true, even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.

They aren't hiding Hillary. Her nomination is a foregone conclusion, and so the Dem debate is a ratings dive, and thus earns the appropriate time slot.

You can't exactly cancel the Democratic debate due to lack of ratings, but you can move it a time slot of which it is worthy.
And this is the second topic so far today about "hiding Clinton".

Again, not a coincidence. The rubes all line up to refill their piss cups from the same spigot.

Parroting the Ministry of Propaganda is easyt65's idea of "journalism".

... in my opinion (as someone with a journalism degree).
And this is the second topic so far today about "hiding Clinton".

Again, not a coincidence. The rubes all line up to refill their piss cups from the same spigot.

Parroting the Ministry of Propaganda is easyt65's idea of "journalism".

It ain't propaganda if it's true, G! But I am sure the Libs have a very good reason for hiding Hillary from prime time... :)
It's the other way around. Trump leads in the old white man vote. Clinton owns every other demographic.

Liberals claim the GOP is the party of old rich white people....

The GOP has Carson, Fiorina, Rubio .. and the Libs are pushing an old white millionaire and an old white male millionaire Socialist.

I notice you failed to mention she's a female. And Bernie is far from a millionaire, dipshit.

Trump is the oldest candidate, second only to Sanders. He's older than Clinton. He has to get about in an electric cart. I doubt he would live out a first term.

The numbers don't lie. Trump has only the old white male vote over Clinton. She owns every other demographic.

You want to do identity politics? Okay.

How's the Republican black guy doing? What's his name again...?

Which party elected the first black President, and just might elect the first female President? And which party has NEVER selected a black or female as their nominee?

Have you taken a look at Congress? The GOP is old white men when you put them next to the Democrats. Definitely.
It's the other way around. Trump leads in the old white man vote. Clinton owns every other demographic.

Liberals claim the GOP is the party of old rich white people....

The GOP has Carson, Fiorina, Rubio .. and the Libs are pushing an old white millionaire and an old white male millionaire Socialist.

Well, you have partially right. The GOP is lead by old rich white men who have managed to get a whole lot of stupid white rednecks to vote against their own interests.

The "old white millionaire": you failed to mention she is a woman but Bernie Sanders is not a millionaire. You would have more cred if you didn't try to parse your own bullshit. Or at least do some fact checking.

21. Bernie Sanders Net Worth: $700,000
2016 Presidential candidates' net worth: Donald Trump vs. Bernie Sanders and more
Bernie Sanders' net worthis $700,000. The U.S. senator from Vermont is a Democratic presidential candidate despite previously identifying as an independent. Sanders is currently serving his second term in the U.S. Senate and previously spent 16 years in the House of Representatives — earning him the designation of longest-serving independent member of Congress in history.
Sanders is among the most liberal presidential candidates. He has long-supported a number of left-wing causes, such as single-payer health care, opposition of free trade and expanding Social Security.


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