Libs Playing 'Hiding Mrs Hillary' Instead of 'Drivnig Miss Daisy'

easyt says he has a journalism degree.

A degree in manufacturing bullshit, maybe...

He'd fit right in at Fox "News" or Breitbart.
And this is the second topic so far today about "hiding Clinton".

Again, not a coincidence. The rubes all line up to refill their piss cups from the same spigot.

Parroting the Ministry of Propaganda is easyt65's idea of "journalism".

It ain't propaganda if it's true, G! But I am sure the Libs have a very good reason for hiding Hillary from prime time... :)
Actually, putting her up on prime time with a big event/show is the best way to hide her.

Think about it--An important Football game, or a mundane debate--which would you watch?

There is a reason why PBS is not the channel of choice during prime time--its boring!
The Big Quack is defining himself. Never get in your opponent's way when he's destroying himself.
Hillary leads Trump's numbers in one category.....

It's the other way around. Trump leads in the old white man vote. Clinton owns every other demographic.

Yep, that's the dems break point. If they can tie or win slightly among ALL women, there's no way the gop can win a natl election ... unless they break near 20% with Hispanics.

But, Hillary's Achilles heal (-: has always been her negatives. I realize the Trumpeters think statements about banning and registering Muslims, and how Putin is > than Obama play well, and they do play well the 40% (Plus?) Big Quack supporters in the GOP. But the one thing Reagan really did teach us, who were really too young to experience FDR and JFK, is that playing the fear card is a loser with Americans. Ultimately, his negatives will catch up with him, and at this point Hillary is hoping that by playing your nice Auntie Hill, the Big Quack will seem even less genuine.

And the funny thing is that Hillary IS genuine. She's genuinely left of center, left of neo-con center, and willing to do about anything to grasp power. LOL
However, this debate maybe interesting!!

There is a scandal with BernieSanders campaign dealing with the DNC voter banks.
Let's be honest, Hillary could GIVE Bernie all of her voter data, and Bernie would still not have a shot in hail of defeating Hillary. Bernie is only there because you have to have at least 2 candidates to at least make it LOOK like you are offering more than one candidate.
However, this debate maybe interesting!!

There is a scandal with BernieSanders campaign dealing with the DNC voter banks.
Dude, are you being intentionally obtuse? The entire point of the OP is that Hillary has absolutely no interest in debating Martin, not to mention Bernie. Hillary would be quite happy if the gop had 3 more debates planned.
G5000 is a serious wetblanket to this thread.

Why not entertain the rwnj wide eyed fantasies? Hillary is hiding. Liberals are scared of A Trump nomination. Benhazi, emails are destroying the Clinton campaign. Democrats don't have choice(despite the tradition after a two presidency)!!

If you are not to careful, G5000, the moderators might throw this into the conspiracy section!! Where is the fun in that, some of the rwnj will know their thoughts are far fetch then. Where is the fun in THAT?

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