Libs Try Tear Jerker Approach on Border...Why am I I’m Supposed to Care

Thank you for proving that the lives of others don't matter to Republicans. And I'll just bet you oppose abortion, don't you?

He does. Here's a post of his:

"Abortion is infanticide and would I hope responsible adults would stand -up against the murder of innocent children."

"Pro-Life" and yet doesn't care about the death of brown children. Hmmm, interesting.
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Yet people care more about an unborn fetus than the one carrying it?

I do....somebody has to protect them. Its not an unborn's fault it's mother won't bear responsibility

So it's unreasonable to care for a 2-year-old more than the parents. But it's not unreasonable to care for a fetus more than the parents.

At least that's what I'm gathering from your responses. I'm not sure if you two are in agreement or not.
Yes, I don't expect you to care more for my son than I do.

Right. But you do expect others to care more for a fetus than the parents.
According to leftist apologists there is no crisis at the border. So why did Pelosi and her gang pass a bill sending
billions to the border?
Actually, they know there is a crisis at the border & they know who created it.
That's a strart, and now they have to stop enticing these people with free stuff.

Yes, I'm sure these people are being enticed by the idea of being locked up with no food, clothing, soap, toothbrushes, or blankets. And yet when people tried to drop off diapers, clothing and toys for the imprisoned toddlers, Border Patrol staff refused the donations, saying they have adequate supplies and funding to take care of the children.

If true, that they do have supplies, this is an admission that these conditions are DELIBERATELY TERRIBLE. The violations of civil rights, and the natural rights of parents, resulting in permanent damage to these children, is being done for POLITICAL REASONS.
If they were comng for asylum, it was not illegal.

So that is why Obama increased border security because he wanted open borders.

You assfucks with your open borders lie.

Obama isn't in office anymore. Trump wants to build a wall to assist in border security, by allowing agents to concentrate more in areas by blocking other areas.

You deny him the ability to do this out of hand.
Son were is your proof that Democrats want open borders? Certainly, not when they were running the executive branch. Certainly not when they ran Congress.

So if Dempocrasts want open borders, where are the bills in Congress indicating this?

They psssed funding for border security & your orange buddy vetoed it.

The fact is that you afre just another Trumptard lying all the time to misdirect from the total mess Trump has made at the border.

I mean how fucking stupid do you need to be to order changes that would result in thousands more incarcerations & yet do nothing to increase the incarceration space.

Stupid people support these stupid people that do stupid shit.

I say give them a wagon and some supplies, and send them out into some vast area of America's wilderness to settle.
Why not just give them their countries back instead?

Because it's their countries. Apparently they weren't responsible enough citizens to make things happen in their country. America has no business interfering in other countries. We have everything we need right here. What their countries do, unless it harms us, is not our business.
Got it. So, through speculation on your part, you decide it's a good idea to take over these countries because it all of a sudden it was your business to get into theirs, take over the countries politics, resources, jobs etc., turn them into refugees from their own country, flee the country through desperation because of our intervention, and low and behold, along comes Marion Morrison who gets to stand on moral high ground and blame the immigrants turned refugees. Now ain't you a piece of work?

By the way, "we have everything we need right here." You don't say? Except maybe their Copper, Gold, Diamonds, oil, minerals, Timber, and farmland. Everything except that. No biggy right? Lol! These Trump invaders are the pieces of shit of the world people.

Because any death, that is needless, is a tragedy. The loss of a child is heartrending. I never met the people but I am saddened by their deaths because I am a human being, and I hate suffering.

That doesn't mean that I want illegals streaming over our border, but blowing off their deaths as callously as you are is a indication of your character.

what do you expect from a Republican?
They truly are the epitome of evil.
Yup. If they weren't trying to get across our border illegally that child would still be alive.

Massive stupidity on the part of the parent.

Feeling sorry for the loss of the child doesn't mean I'm willing to pay for thousands of illegals in our country. Hell we already have 20 million who cost we taxpayers billions every year. Build the wall and once its up we can boot that 20 million right the hell out.
Too bad we got across their borders first, just so we could ruin their lives; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

They ruined themselves by dragging their kids to OUR border. They could have asked for asylum in any of the countries they crossed to get here.

Mexico offered them all asylum and they refused and that says it all right there.

We ruined their lives?? Not fucking hardly.
No, we caused that dysfunction and chaos when we invaded their countries, stole their resources and governments, and left these people with nothing. How many times do I need to drill this shit in an idiots head? CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor We did this, we are responsible. If you can't produce an intelligent counter argument, then shut the fuck up.
Seriously? People dying at the border when it's all our fault, and that's funny to you? Wow, you are sick.

Its their own fault for being at the border and trying to get into the US. Maybe you like spending billions on these useless fucks but most American's don't.

You are pathetic.
No it's the US fault for crossing their borders and taking over their countries.
If they were comng for asylum, it was not illegal.

Actually, we prefer these things do not happen. It makes it worse when these events are the direct result of Trump policies & his inability to manage the border.

Bullshit. Your side has said open borders, and then these people believe it and flock to it.

Trump is trying to close the border, and you fight him at every turn.
So that is why Obama increased border security because he wanted open borders.

You assfucks with your open borders lie.

Obama isn't in office anymore. Trump wants to build a wall to assist in border security, by allowing agents to concentrate more in areas by blocking other areas.

You deny him the ability to do this out of hand.
Son were is your proof that Democrats want open borders? Certainly, not when they were running the executive branch. Certainly not when they ran Congress.

So if Dempocrasts want open borders, where are the bills in Congress indicating this?

They psssed funding for border security & your orange buddy vetoed it.

The fact is that you afre just another Trumptard lying all the time to misdirect from the total mess Trump has made at the border.

I mean how fucking stupid do you need to be to order changes that would result in thousands more incarcerations & yet do nothing to increase the incarceration space.

Stupid people support these stupid people that do stupid shit.

I say give them a wagon and some supplies, and send them out into some vast area of America's wilderness to settle. That'd be pretty cheap.

Sure, you get a wagon, 3 month's worth of supplies for you and yours, a mule or horse, and go and make your way. If you don't make it, well, maybe you shouldn't have come in the 1st place.
Refer to post #149. Maybe I'll get lucky and you'll get it.
So it's unreasonable to care for a 2-year-old more than the parents. But it's not unreasonable to care for a fetus more than the parents.

At least that's what I'm gathering from your responses. I'm not sure if you two are in agreement or not.
Yes, I don't expect you to care more for my son than I do.

Right. But you do expect others to care more for a fetus than the parents.
According to leftist apologists there is no crisis at the border. So why did Pelosi and her gang pass a bill sending
billions to the border?
Actually, they know there is a crisis at the border & they know who created it.
That's a strart, and now they have to stop enticing these people with free stuff.
What free stuff.
You know, health care, housing, food, education for the bambinos. Free stuff that they don't get in their native shitholes.

What entices refugees is to escape the situation in their home countries. They come here for help, why don;t you want to help them.
Too bad we got across their borders first, just so we could ruin their lives; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

They ruined themselves by dragging their kids to OUR border. They could have asked for asylum in any of the countries they crossed to get here.

Mexico offered them all asylum and they refused and that says it all right there.

We ruined their lives?? Not fucking hardly.
No, we caused that dysfunction and chaos when we invaded their countries, stole their resources and governments, and left these people with nothing. How many times do I need to drill this shit in an idiots head? CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor We did this, we are responsible. If you can't produce an intelligent counter argument, then shut the fuck up.
Seriously? People dying at the border when it's all our fault, and that's funny to you? Wow, you are sick.

Its their own fault for being at the border and trying to get into the US. Maybe you like spending billions on these useless fucks but most American's don't.

You are pathetic.
No it's the US fault for crossing their borders and taking over their countries.
Keep talking. Thank you for exposing liberalism.
They ruined themselves by dragging their kids to OUR border. They could have asked for asylum in any of the countries they crossed to get here.

Mexico offered them all asylum and they refused and that says it all right there.

We ruined their lives?? Not fucking hardly.
No, we caused that dysfunction and chaos when we invaded their countries, stole their resources and governments, and left these people with nothing. How many times do I need to drill this shit in an idiots head? CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor We did this, we are responsible. If you can't produce an intelligent counter argument, then shut the fuck up.
Seriously? People dying at the border when it's all our fault, and that's funny to you? Wow, you are sick.

Its their own fault for being at the border and trying to get into the US. Maybe you like spending billions on these useless fucks but most American's don't.

You are pathetic.
No it's the US fault for crossing their borders and taking over their countries.
Keep talking. Thank you for exposing librealism.
You are very welcome. It knows right from wrong.
Yes, I don't expect you to care more for my son than I do.

Right. But you do expect others to care more for a fetus than the parents.
According to leftist apologists there is no crisis at the border. So why did Pelosi and her gang pass a bill sending
billions to the border?
Actually, they know there is a crisis at the border & they know who created it.
That's a strart, and now they have to stop enticing these people with free stuff.
What free stuff.
You know, health care, housing, food, education for the bambinos. Free stuff that they don't get in their native shitholes.

What entices refugees is to escape the situation in their home countries. They come here for help, why don;t you want to help them.
Because these people are evil for one, and second, they want to continue scapegoating them to justify our own invasions. Right now, as we speak, we have aircraft parked in the Galapagos Islands. Why? Because Venezuela just happens to have Gold, Diamonds, and Billions of barrels of oil. Maybe the most? That's why these Trump demons don't want to help them. The US is after their wealth. Which is why they have to keep blaming them, not helping them.
Having more people come here to seek asylum is not open borders
It is when they are RELEASED INTO THE COUNTRY and disappear until caught and you guys DEMAND they get amnesty instead of being deported.
Most show up for their court date.

Most isn't good enough. None should have a court date in the 1st place, they should be dumped over the border and told "Bye, Felicia".

According to this, 37% don't show up for court:

Where are these immigrants ordered to be deported? Not in court

According to this, 18 out of 20 didn't show:

Migrant children are no-shows at Dallas immigration hearings | News | Dallas News

I'd say the real number lies somewhere in between.

I also say none should be released pending trial in the 1st place.

Go down to Mexico and see if they release you from jail pending your court date. :auiqs.jpg:
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According to leftist apologists there is no crisis at the border. So why did Pelosi and her gang pass a bill sending
billions to the border?
Actually, they know there is a crisis at the border & they know who created it.


If Democrats wanted a crisis at the border, they could have done it under Obama.

But they didn't.

Trump's gross negligence, & ignorance created our current situation.
Most isn't good enough. None should have a court date in the 1st place, they should be dumped over the border and told "Bye, Felicia".
Current law doesnt allow that. Want to change the law? STOP ELECTING THESE WORTHLESS DEMOCRATS.

They are THE SAME as those tards you put up with here.
That is because America stands for something. A country that helps those in need.

Trump has turned us into a nations of liars & bigots who torture children.

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