Libs Try Tear Jerker Approach on Border...Why am I I’m Supposed to Care

Exactly, why should you care......??
Why should I or anyone care when you bite the dust?
/—-/ Libtards didn’t care when illegals rob, rape and murder American citizens.
How do you think illegals felt when we did the same in their countries?
TRY walking into Mexico. I dare you!
I've done it. I've driven across the border.

Not illegally you haven't. Mexico don't play that.
Having more people come here to seek asylum is not open borders
It is when they are RELEASED INTO THE COUNTRY and disappear until caught and you guys DEMAND they get amnesty instead of being deported.
Most show up for their court date.

Most isn't good enough. None should have a court date in the 1st place, they should be dumped over the border and told "Bye, Felicia".

According to this, 37% don't show up for court:

Where are these immigrants ordered to be deported? Not in court

According to this, 18 out of 20 didn't show:

Migrant children are no-shows at Dallas immigration hearings | News | Dallas News

I'd say the real number lies somewhere in between.

I also say none should be released pending trial in the 1st place.

Go down to Mexico and see if they release you from jail pending your court date. :auiqs.jpg:

All foreigners in national territory have the right to apply for refugee status, which must be submitted to COMAR or the National Institute for Migration, within in 30 days after entering national territory.

The procedure lasts 45 business days, a period in which confidentiality, non-discrimination, and non-refoulment to the country of origin or habitual residence where their life, security, or freedom is threatened are guaranteed.

Likewise, the right to a hearing is guaranteed and at the end of said period, COMAR will issue a reasoned and motivated resolution regarding the recognition or not of refugee status as well as the granting of complementary protection.

As part of the procedure, the applicant must fill, in his/her handwriting in front of an authority, an information form in which he/she must provide personal data and the reasons for which he/she emigrated from his country of origin or habitual residence. Applicants for recognition of refugee status have the right to legal representation.

When interviewed, the applicant must narrate the events that led to his/her departure from his/her country of origin or habitual residence, as well as provide evidence to support his/her statements. If required, assistance is provided by a translator or interpreter of his/her native language or understanding. Throughout the process for recognition of refugee status, respect for human rights of the applicants and refugees is guaranteed. Upon being granted the recognition of refugee status by COMAR, the right to access permanent residence is obtained.
Most isn't good enough. None should have a court date in the 1st place, they should be dumped over the border and told "Bye, Felicia".
Current law doesnt allow that. Want to change the law? STOP ELECTING THESE WORTHLESS DEMOCRATS.

They are THE SAME as those tards you put up with here.
That is because America stands for something. A country that helps those in need.

Trump has turned us into a nations of liars & bigots who torture children.
/——/ Would you consider the new infanticide abortion bill Libs are crowing about, torture?
Exactly, why should you care......??
Why should I or anyone care when you bite the dust?
/—-/ Libtards didn’t care when illegals rob, rape and murder American citizens.
How do you think illegals felt when we did the same in their countries?
TRY walking into Mexico. I dare you!
I've done it. I've driven across the border.
/—-/ Did you have permission to cross into Mexico?
I've been to Mexico several times you walk or drive across the bridge and go in a building and fill out paperwork and they ask you if you want Mexican insurance cause you insurance is no good senior...You hand them the papers they stamp them and you get into yer car and drive..
I've been to Mexico several times you walk or drive across the bridge and go in a building and fill out paperwork and they ask you if you want Mexican insurance cause you insurance is no good senior...You hand them the papers they stamp them and you get into yer car and drive..
/—-/ Well Hell’s Bells why did you just sneak across? What could possibly go wrong?
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I've been to Mexico several times you walk or drive across the bridge and go in a building and fill out paperwork and they ask you if you want Mexican insurance cause you insurance is no good senior...You hand them the papers they stamp them and you get into yer car and drive..
/—-/ Well Heel’s Bella why did you just sneak across? What could possibly go wrong?
I don't like walking I'd rather drive...

Two things are true at once:

1. the death of this husband and daughter is a tragedy and a heartbreak

2. Those deaths still don't mean we should open our borders to legions of people trying to make it across illegally...or what they did was wise

Liberals think the first is true but not the second, for the most part. Conservatives think the second is true but they should dismiss the first.

No, I think both can be true at the same time.

It's not against the law for asylum seekers to cross the border illegally, they by law can seek asylum any way they can cross the border, thru an entry point, or outside of one... once on our soil, they legally have the right to seek asylum...

That is why the President ordering border crossing guards at the entry points to reduce the amount of asylum seekers who could cross thru the legal entries daily, was a waste of time, intentionally cruel, and only caused chaos, put border patrol outside of legal crossings at risk with hordes of refugee seakers crossing outside of entries, hiding drug dealers in them, and yes, killing this father and child...

Two things are true at once:

1. the death of this husband and daughter is a tragedy and a heartbreak

2. Those deaths still don't mean we should open our borders to legions of people trying to make it across illegally...or what they did was wise

Liberals think the first is true but not the second, for the most part. Conservatives think the second is true but they should dismiss the first.

No, I think both can be true at the same time.

It's not against the law for asylum seekers to cross the border illegally, they by law can seek asylum any way they can cross the border, thru an entry point, or outside of one... once on our soil, they legally have the right to seek asylum...

That is why the President ordering border crossing guards at the entry points to reduce the amount of asylum seekers who could cross thru the legal entries daily, was a waste of time, intentionally cruel, and only caused chaos, put border patrol outside of legal crossings at risk with hordes of refugee seakers crossing outside of entries, hiding drug dealers in them, and yes, killing this father and child...

People seeking asylum are only allowed to do so after crossing 1 border. One border.
None of the South Americans are eligible for asylum here.
This is known, and yes it is illegal for them to cross our border and seek asylum here.
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Exactly, why should you care......??
Why should I or anyone care when you bite the dust?
/—-/ Libtards didn’t care when illegals rob, rape and murder American citizens.
How do you think illegals felt when we did the same in their countries?
/——/ When did we go to their country and do that, Spring break in Cancun?
CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

Two things are true at once:

1. the death of this husband and daughter is a tragedy and a heartbreak

2. Those deaths still don't mean we should open our borders to legions of people trying to make it across illegally...or what they did was wise

Liberals think the first is true but not the second, for the most part. Conservatives think the second is true but they should dismiss the first.

No, I think both can be true at the same time.

It's not against the law for asylum seekers to cross the border illegally, they by law can seek asylum any way they can cross the border, thru an entry point, or outside of one... once on our soil, they legally have the right to seek asylum...

That is why the President ordering border crossing guards at the entry points to reduce the amount of asylum seekers who could cross thru the legal entries daily, was a waste of time, intentionally cruel, and only caused chaos, put border patrol outside of legal crossings at risk with hordes of refugee seakers crossing outside of entries, hiding drug dealers in them, and yes, killing this father and child...

People seeking asylum are only allowed to do so after crossing 1 border. One border.
None of the South Americans are eligible for asylum here.
This is known, and yes it is illegal for them to cross our border and seek asylum here.
What about us? Is it illegal for us too? Ecuador 1960-63: The CIA infiltrated the Ecuadorian government, set up news agencies and radio stations, bombed right-wing agencies and churches and blamed the left, all to force democratically elected Velasco Ibarra from office. When his replacement, Carlos Arosemara, refused to break relations with Cuba, the CIA-funded military took over the country, outlawed communism, and cancelled the 1964 elections.
I have not been to Mexico in decades. I have lived among and around these shits since 1959. They have been neighbors, associates, customers, clients and employers. My opinions come from long associations. Put these creatures down before they get here. The only thing they are good for is feeding animals in the zoos.

Two things are true at once:

1. the death of this husband and daughter is a tragedy and a heartbreak

2. Those deaths still don't mean we should open our borders to legions of people trying to make it across illegally...or what they did was wise

Liberals think the first is true but not the second, for the most part. Conservatives think the second is true but they should dismiss the first.

No, I think both can be true at the same time.

It's not against the law for asylum seekers to cross the border illegally, they by law can seek asylum any way they can cross the border, thru an entry point, or outside of one... once on our soil, they legally have the right to seek asylum...

That is why the President ordering border crossing guards at the entry points to reduce the amount of asylum seekers who could cross thru the legal entries daily, was a waste of time, intentionally cruel, and only caused chaos, put border patrol outside of legal crossings at risk with hordes of refugee seakers crossing outside of entries, hiding drug dealers in them, and yes, killing this father and child...

People seeking asylum are only allowed to do so after crossing 1 border. One border.
None of the South Americans are eligible for asylum here.
This is known, and yes it is illegal for them to cross our border and seek asylum here.
What about us? Is it illegal for us too? Ecuador 1960-63: The CIA infiltrated the Ecuadorian government, set up news agencies and radio stations, bombed right-wing agencies and churches and blamed the left, all to force democratically elected Velasco Ibarra from office. When his replacement, Carlos Arosemara, refused to break relations with Cuba, the CIA-funded military took over the country, outlawed communism, and cancelled the 1964 elections.
And Ecuador is doing well. There aren't many Ecuadorians invading.
They pulled the same stunt about a year ago when third/turd world migrants were coming to, go fuck yourself, ya punk ass sack of shit.
Liberals don’t want open borders or illegal crossings. A 40 ft wall sea to sea paid for by not Mexico is a joke waste of money. Fencing where it is needed makes sense as does manpower.

We process asylum seekers and treat humanely. It’s not hard when you aren’t trying to manufacture a crisis. Congrats Trump. You created a crisis.

Two things are true at once:

1. the death of this husband and daughter is a tragedy and a heartbreak

2. Those deaths still don't mean we should open our borders to legions of people trying to make it across illegally...or what they did was wise

Liberals think the first is true but not the second, for the most part. Conservatives think the second is true but they should dismiss the first.

No, I think both can be true at the same time.

It's not against the law for asylum seekers to cross the border illegally, they by law can seek asylum any way they can cross the border, thru an entry point, or outside of one... once on our soil, they legally have the right to seek asylum...

That is why the President ordering border crossing guards at the entry points to reduce the amount of asylum seekers who could cross thru the legal entries daily, was a waste of time, intentionally cruel, and only caused chaos, put border patrol outside of legal crossings at risk with hordes of refugee seakers crossing outside of entries, hiding drug dealers in them, and yes, killing this father and child...

People seeking asylum are only allowed to do so after crossing 1 border. One border.
None of the South Americans are eligible for asylum here.
This is known, and yes it is illegal for them to cross our border and seek asylum here.
Prove that, please. Show the law.... That states they only can seek asylum at first border crossed....

I think that is simply NOT TRUE..... for the USA, asylum seekers are those who make it here from a country WHO DOES NOT border us.... as example those crossing living in Mexico, or Canada, are not asylum seekers.... because they border us.... but from Central American countries would be, because they do not border us.

As Mexicans illegally crossing are NOT asylum seekers, they are "illegals", with very very few exceptions.... if it were as what you are saying, then all Mexicans and all Canadians crossing illegally, WOULD BE asylum seekers and NOT illegal aliens because this is the first country they cross over in to.....

And that is not the case.

Also, we would simply turn all central Americans away, not cage them for months, awaiting their Asylum Seeking Court hearings, as the President is doing.

I think you've been given some phony, bad, information.
Most isn't good enough. None should have a court date in the 1st place, they should be dumped over the border and told "Bye, Felicia".
Current law doesnt allow that. Want to change the law? STOP ELECTING THESE WORTHLESS DEMOCRATS.

They are THE SAME as those tards you put up with here.
That is because America stands for something. A country that helps those in need.

Trump has turned us into a nations of liars & bigots who torture children.

Except for the fact all this happened during the Hussein era....

Two things are true at once:

1. the death of this husband and daughter is a tragedy and a heartbreak

2. Those deaths still don't mean we should open our borders to legions of people trying to make it across illegally...or what they did was wise

Liberals think the first is true but not the second, for the most part. Conservatives think the second is true but they should dismiss the first.

No, I think both can be true at the same time.

It's not against the law for asylum seekers to cross the border illegally, they by law can seek asylum any way they can cross the border, thru an entry point, or outside of one... once on our soil, they legally have the right to seek asylum...

That is why the President ordering border crossing guards at the entry points to reduce the amount of asylum seekers who could cross thru the legal entries daily, was a waste of time, intentionally cruel, and only caused chaos, put border patrol outside of legal crossings at risk with hordes of refugee seakers crossing outside of entries, hiding drug dealers in them, and yes, killing this father and child...

People seeking asylum are only allowed to do so after crossing 1 border. One border.
None of the South Americans are eligible for asylum here.
This is known, and yes it is illegal for them to cross our border and seek asylum here.
What about us? Is it illegal for us too? Ecuador 1960-63: The CIA infiltrated the Ecuadorian government, set up news agencies and radio stations, bombed right-wing agencies and churches and blamed the left, all to force democratically elected Velasco Ibarra from office. When his replacement, Carlos Arosemara, refused to break relations with Cuba, the CIA-funded military took over the country, outlawed communism, and cancelled the 1964 elections.
And Ecuador is doing well. There aren't many Ecuadorians invading.
Do you know where Ecuador is? Google Maps

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