Libs Try Tear Jerker Approach on Border...Why am I I’m Supposed to Care

Most are children that crossed with FAMILY MEMBERS, aunts, uncles, grandparents.... they were NOT sent to cross alone or with coyotes or drug dealers.
Where do you get this "fact" from?

The Trump administration decided only parents are family, UNLIKE the Obama admin and the Bush admin etc... who recognized grandparents and Aunts etc as family, and kept them together. Trump admin has caused the separation of these kids from their family.

They were NOT unaccompanied children left to cross alone.
Do human traffickers count as family?
Well then you've either killed part of your humanity or some part of it never activated. Simple as that.
Are we done mourning Hiroshima victims? All these people/kids have the same thing in common-interests opposed to those of America.
So, you think children deserve to die because of what the adults do.
Don't say deserve to die-that indicates choice to harm. Their parents abandoned them to this, so the parents deserve punishment, and the kids deserve no more than what other kids in Central America get-which is a life IN Central America. Save your sympathy and OUR tax money for poor American kids in Chicago and Detroit.
Most are children that crossed with FAMILY MEMBERS, aunts, uncles, grandparents.... they were NOT sent to cross alone or with coyotes or drug dealers.

The Trump administration decided only parents are family, UNLIKE the Obama admin and the Bush admin etc... who recognized grandparents and Aunts etc as family, and kept them together. Trump admin has caused the separation of these kids from their family.

They were NOT unaccompanied children left to cross alone.
We need to quit letting the shit into our country, because it’s fucking contagious
You couldn't present more of a shallow minded, soulless, ignorant argument than what you are doing right now. What is wrong with you?
Most are children that crossed with FAMILY MEMBERS, aunts, uncles, grandparents.... they were NOT sent to cross alone or with coyotes or drug dealers.
Where do you get this "fact" from?

The Trump administration decided only parents are family, UNLIKE the Obama admin and the Bush admin etc... who recognized grandparents and Aunts etc as family, and kept them together. Trump admin has caused the separation of these kids from their family.

They were NOT unaccompanied children left to cross alone.
Do human traffickers count as family?
They count as victims by way of US policy and intervention. We created the traffickers.
Are we done mourning Hiroshima victims? All these people/kids have the same thing in common-interests opposed to those of America.
So, you think children deserve to die because of what the adults do.
Don't say deserve to die-that indicates choice to harm. Their parents abandoned them to this, so the parents deserve punishment, and the kids deserve no more than what other kids in Central America get-which is a life IN Central America. Save your sympathy and OUR tax money for poor American kids in Chicago and Detroit.
Most are children that crossed with FAMILY MEMBERS, aunts, uncles, grandparents.... they were NOT sent to cross alone or with coyotes or drug dealers.

The Trump administration decided only parents are family, UNLIKE the Obama admin and the Bush admin etc... who recognized grandparents and Aunts etc as family, and kept them together. Trump admin has caused the separation of these kids from their family.

They were NOT unaccompanied children left to cross alone.
We need to quit letting the shit into our country, because it’s fucking contagious
You couldn't present more of a shallow minded, soulless, ignorant argument than what you are doing right now. What is wrong with you?
The very first act these diseased illegal aliens do, is an illegal act.
So they have no standing from the very beginning, they need to stay in Mexico where they belong or the shit hole they came from.
Most are children that crossed with FAMILY MEMBERS, aunts, uncles, grandparents.... they were NOT sent to cross alone or with coyotes or drug dealers.
Where do you get this "fact" from?

The Trump administration decided only parents are family, UNLIKE the Obama admin and the Bush admin etc... who recognized grandparents and Aunts etc as family, and kept them together. Trump admin has caused the separation of these kids from their family.

They were NOT unaccompanied children left to cross alone.
Do human traffickers count as family?
They count as victims by way of US policy and intervention. We created the traffickers.
Illegal aliens are criminals from the very beginning… So who gives a fuck and shit about them. They will do anything to do criminal activity.
The best thing we could do is load all of these diseased illegal aliens in these facilities, into cattle trucks and dump them back into Mexico…
What entices refugees is to escape the situation in their home countries. They come here for help, why don;t you want to help them.
Or simply to make more money and benefits in America. Everyone wants to be richer. We sent Central American shit holes millions of dollars every year for a very long time.
What more should we have done? We are not the world's Salvation Army soup kitchen. Pull up your diapers and stop blubbering.
Most are children that crossed with FAMILY MEMBERS, aunts, uncles, grandparents.... they were NOT sent to cross alone or with coyotes or drug dealers.
Where do you get this "fact" from?

The Trump administration decided only parents are family, UNLIKE the Obama admin and the Bush admin etc... who recognized grandparents and Aunts etc as family, and kept them together. Trump admin has caused the separation of these kids from their family.

They were NOT unaccompanied children left to cross alone.
Do human traffickers count as family?
They count as victims by way of US policy and intervention. We created the traffickers.
Illegal aliens are criminals from the very beginning… So who gives a fuck and shit about them. They will do anything to do criminal activity.
There never was a beginning for them to be illegal. We created the monster of being illegal by our own policy towards these countries. The only illegal people in this equation is the US. We created the refugee out of policy and intervention.
Most are children that crossed with FAMILY MEMBERS, aunts, uncles, grandparents.... they were NOT sent to cross alone or with coyotes or drug dealers.
Where do you get this "fact" from?

The Trump administration decided only parents are family, UNLIKE the Obama admin and the Bush admin etc... who recognized grandparents and Aunts etc as family, and kept them together. Trump admin has caused the separation of these kids from their family.

They were NOT unaccompanied children left to cross alone.
Do human traffickers count as family?
They count as victims by way of US policy and intervention. We created the traffickers.
Illegal aliens are criminals from the very beginning… So who gives a fuck and shit about them. They will do anything to do criminal activity.
There never was a beginning for them to be illegal. We created the monster of being illegal by our own policy towards these countries. The only illegal people in this equation is the US. We created the refugee out of policy and intervention.
These diseased illegal aliens don’t belong in this country, so we have no responsibility to these diseased illegal aliens
What entices refugees is to escape the situation in their home countries. They come here for help, why don;t you want to help them.
Or simply to make more money and benefits in America. Everyone wants to be richer. We sent Central American shit holes millions of dollars every year for a very long time.
What more should we have done? We are not the world's Salvation Army soup kitchen. Pull up your diapers and stop blubbering.
Get out of their countries and stop setting US policy by taking over their governments, economies, and resources. We've destroyed their way of life, the same way we did to the American Indian.
What entices refugees is to escape the situation in their home countries. They come here for help, why don;t you want to help them.
Or simply to make more money and benefits in America. Everyone wants to be richer. We sent Central American shit holes millions of dollars every year for a very long time.
What more should we have done? We are not the world's Salvation Army soup kitchen. Pull up your diapers and stop blubbering.
Get out of their countries and stop setting US policy by taking over their governments, economies, and resources. We've destroyed their way of life, the same way we did to the American Indian.
You know nothing about American Indians, try living on the Indian reservation. I did for my whole adolescence life… Socialism at its best an absolute shit hole.

The federal government/socialism and American Indians in the form of reservations…
Most are children that crossed with FAMILY MEMBERS, aunts, uncles, grandparents.... they were NOT sent to cross alone or with coyotes or drug dealers.
Where do you get this "fact" from?

The Trump administration decided only parents are family, UNLIKE the Obama admin and the Bush admin etc... who recognized grandparents and Aunts etc as family, and kept them together. Trump admin has caused the separation of these kids from their family.

They were NOT unaccompanied children left to cross alone.
Do human traffickers count as family?
They count as victims by way of US policy and intervention. We created the traffickers.
Illegal aliens are criminals from the very beginning… So who gives a fuck and shit about them. They will do anything to do criminal activity.
There never was a beginning for them to be illegal. We created the monster of being illegal by our own policy towards these countries. The only illegal people in this equation is the US. We created the refugee out of policy and intervention.
These diseased illegal aliens don’t belong in this country, so we have no responsibility to these diseased illegal aliens
Wrong! We created the problem. If you can't create a coherent intelligent rebuttal to mine then shut the fuck up; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor Show me documentation from a linked source how it is not the US fault these countries are in the situation they are in? If you can't then get your losing ass out of here. Because right now, all you are doing is talking in circles, telling us all how you don't give a shit. We already know that. You have no soul. We already know that. And you have no intelligent argument. Produce one or get lost.
What entices refugees is to escape the situation in their home countries. They come here for help, why don;t you want to help them.
Or simply to make more money and benefits in America. Everyone wants to be richer. We sent Central American shit holes millions of dollars every year for a very long time.
What more should we have done? We are not the world's Salvation Army soup kitchen. Pull up your diapers and stop blubbering.
Get out of their countries and stop setting US policy by taking over their governments, economies, and resources. We've destroyed their way of life, the same way we did to the American Indian.
You know nothing about American Indians, try living on the Indian reservation. I did for my whole adolescence life… Socialism at its best an absolute shit hole.

The federal government/socialism and American Indians in the form of reservations…
Tell us again why Indian reservations exist?
Where do you get this "fact" from?

Do human traffickers count as family?
They count as victims by way of US policy and intervention. We created the traffickers.
Illegal aliens are criminals from the very beginning… So who gives a fuck and shit about them. They will do anything to do criminal activity.
There never was a beginning for them to be illegal. We created the monster of being illegal by our own policy towards these countries. The only illegal people in this equation is the US. We created the refugee out of policy and intervention.
These diseased illegal aliens don’t belong in this country, so we have no responsibility to these diseased illegal aliens
Wrong! We created the problem. If you can't create a coherent intelligent rebuttal to mine then shut the fuck up; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor Show me documentation from a linked source how it is not the US fault these countries are in the situation they are in? If you can't then get your losing ass out of here. Because right now, all you are doing is talking in circles, telling us all how you don't give a shit. We already know that. You have no soul. We already know that. And you have no intelligent argument. Produce one or get lost.
These diseased illegal aliens do not belong here, They just need to go back to the shit hole they came from, we have no use for more criminals in this country....
What entices refugees is to escape the situation in their home countries. They come here for help, why don;t you want to help them.
Or simply to make more money and benefits in America. Everyone wants to be richer. We sent Central American shit holes millions of dollars every year for a very long time.
What more should we have done? We are not the world's Salvation Army soup kitchen. Pull up your diapers and stop blubbering.
Get out of their countries and stop setting US policy by taking over their governments, economies, and resources. We've destroyed their way of life, the same way we did to the American Indian.
You know nothing about American Indians, try living on the Indian reservation. I did for my whole adolescence life… Socialism at its best an absolute shit hole.

The federal government/socialism and American Indians in the form of reservations…
Tell us again why Indian reservations exist?
What entices refugees is to escape the situation in their home countries. They come here for help, why don;t you want to help them.
Or simply to make more money and benefits in America. Everyone wants to be richer. We sent Central American shit holes millions of dollars every year for a very long time.
What more should we have done? We are not the world's Salvation Army soup kitchen. Pull up your diapers and stop blubbering.
Get out of their countries and stop setting US policy by taking over their governments, economies, and resources. We've destroyed their way of life, the same way we did to the American Indian.
You know nothing about American Indians, try living on the Indian reservation. I did for my whole adolescence life… Socialism at its best an absolute shit hole.

The federal government/socialism and American Indians in the form of reservations…
Tell us again why Indian reservations exist?
You have nothing that resembles intelligent debate. You're a waste of time. See you later.
Disagree on first point. I could care less.

Well then you've either killed part of your humanity or some part of it never activated. Simple as that.
Are we done mourning Hiroshima victims? All these people/kids have the same thing in common-interests opposed to those of America.
So, you think children deserve to die because of what the adults do.
Don't say deserve to die-that indicates choice to harm. Their parents abandoned them to this, so the parents deserve punishment, and the kids deserve no more than what other kids in Central America get-which is a life IN Central America. Save your sympathy and OUR tax money for poor American kids in Chicago and Detroit.
Most are children that crossed with FAMILY MEMBERS, aunts, uncles, grandparents.... they were NOT sent to cross alone or with coyotes or drug dealers.

The Trump administration decided only parents are family, UNLIKE the Obama admin and the Bush admin etc... who recognized grandparents and Aunts etc as family, and kept them together. Trump admin has caused the separation of these kids from their family.

They were NOT unaccompanied children left to cross alone.
Abandoned when parents had the choice to split or go home. Guess which THEY chose?
Disagree on first point. I could care less.

Well then you've either killed part of your humanity or some part of it never activated. Simple as that.
Are we done mourning Hiroshima victims? All these people/kids have the same thing in common-interests opposed to those of America.
So, you think children deserve to die because of what the adults do.
Don't say deserve to die-that indicates choice to harm. Their parents abandoned them to this, so the parents deserve punishment, and the kids deserve no more than what other kids in Central America get-which is a life IN Central America. Save your sympathy and OUR tax money for poor American kids in Chicago and Detroit.
Wrong! The parents were forced to flee as refugees from their own country as a result of US policy and intervention; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor
Oh forget that excuse. They could have applied in Mexico. They are greedy, and some pay the ultimate price for it.
Or simply to make more money and benefits in America. Everyone wants to be richer. We sent Central American shit holes millions of dollars every year for a very long time.
What more should we have done? We are not the world's Salvation Army soup kitchen. Pull up your diapers and stop blubbering.
Get out of their countries and stop setting US policy by taking over their governments, economies, and resources. We've destroyed their way of life, the same way we did to the American Indian.
You know nothing about American Indians, try living on the Indian reservation. I did for my whole adolescence life… Socialism at its best an absolute shit hole.

The federal government/socialism and American Indians in the form of reservations…
Tell us again why Indian reservations exist?
You have nothing that resembles intelligent debate. You're a waste of time. See you later.
I figured as much… All progressives are fucked in the head
Exactly, why should you care......??
Why should I or anyone care when you bite the dust?
------------------------------- of course thats true , death of family is a personal situation but throw some emotion at it like is being done with the little girl and her old man and make it into a big deal is all it is Moonglow .

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