Libs Try Tear Jerker Approach on Border...Why am I I’m Supposed to Care

What entices refugees is to escape the situation in their home countries. They come here for help, why don;t you want to help them.
Or simply to make more money and benefits in America. Everyone wants to be richer. We sent Central American shit holes millions of dollars every year for a very long time.
What more should we have done? We are not the world's Salvation Army soup kitchen. Pull up your diapers and stop blubbering.
Get out of their countries and stop setting US policy by taking over their governments, economies, and resources. We've destroyed their way of life, the same way we did to the American Indian.
If we did so be it. If not, the money we sent was MORE than enough.
The summer heat is killing way more illegals than the Rio Grande.
Our do-nothing Congress, which has had very low approval ratings for over a decade is on the same immoral plane as the coyotes who abandon the weak.
American voters who gave the House to the Democrats in the mid-terms have blood on their hands.
Y'all proud?
Well then you've either killed part of your humanity or some part of it never activated. Simple as that.
Are we done mourning Hiroshima victims? All these people/kids have the same thing in common-interests opposed to those of America.
So, you think children deserve to die because of what the adults do.
Don't say deserve to die-that indicates choice to harm. Their parents abandoned them to this, so the parents deserve punishment, and the kids deserve no more than what other kids in Central America get-which is a life IN Central America. Save your sympathy and OUR tax money for poor American kids in Chicago and Detroit.
Most are children that crossed with FAMILY MEMBERS, aunts, uncles, grandparents.... they were NOT sent to cross alone or with coyotes or drug dealers.

The Trump administration decided only parents are family, UNLIKE the Obama admin and the Bush admin etc... who recognized grandparents and Aunts etc as family, and kept them together. Trump admin has caused the separation of these kids from their family.

They were NOT unaccompanied children left to cross alone.
Abandoned when parents had the choice to split or go home. Guess which THEY chose?
Who, illegally, told the parents that was their only choice..? Either leave with your kid or leave without your kid, without getting your day in immigration court? And the news is reporting these designated by Trump admin as unaccompanied children, are children who crossed WITH Family, grandparents, older sisters, aunts etc....
Are we done mourning Hiroshima victims? All these people/kids have the same thing in common-interests opposed to those of America.
So, you think children deserve to die because of what the adults do.
Don't say deserve to die-that indicates choice to harm. Their parents abandoned them to this, so the parents deserve punishment, and the kids deserve no more than what other kids in Central America get-which is a life IN Central America. Save your sympathy and OUR tax money for poor American kids in Chicago and Detroit.
Most are children that crossed with FAMILY MEMBERS, aunts, uncles, grandparents.... they were NOT sent to cross alone or with coyotes or drug dealers.

The Trump administration decided only parents are family, UNLIKE the Obama admin and the Bush admin etc... who recognized grandparents and Aunts etc as family, and kept them together. Trump admin has caused the separation of these kids from their family.

They were NOT unaccompanied children left to cross alone.
Abandoned when parents had the choice to split or go home. Guess which THEY chose?
Who, illegally, told the parents that was their choice..? Either leave with your kid or leave without your kid, without getting your day in immigration court? And the news is reporting these designated by Trump admin as unaccompanied children, are children who crossed WITH Family, grandparents, older sisters, aunts etc....

How do you really know? Are you taking the word of those who use 'recycled children' to get in?
Gosh, you're naive!
They ruined themselves by dragging their kids to OUR border. They could have asked for asylum in any of the countries they crossed to get here.

Mexico offered them all asylum and they refused and that says it all right there.

We ruined their lives?? Not fucking hardly.
No, we caused that dysfunction and chaos when we invaded their countries, stole their resources and governments, and left these people with nothing. How many times do I need to drill this shit in an idiots head? CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor We did this, we are responsible. If you can't produce an intelligent counter argument, then shut the fuck up.
Seriously? People dying at the border when it's all our fault, and that's funny to you? Wow, you are sick.

Its their own fault for being at the border and trying to get into the US. Maybe you like spending billions on these useless fucks but most American's don't.

You are pathetic.
No it's the US fault for crossing their borders and taking over their countries.
Keep talking. Thank you for exposing liberalism.

What we are exposing is American economic colonialism, of the kind that swoops in, buys up all the local resources and leaves the people at the mercy of narco-terrorists exporting drugs to the USA.

Trump keeps talking about stopping drugs from crossing your borders, well the place to start is in Honduras, Guatamala, and other "shithole" countries which produce the drugs. Clear up the manufacturers/growers/corrupt governments which let this criminals flourish, and your refugee problem goes away.

But Trump doesn't want the problem to go away. He created it and he's going to milk it for all it's worth, blaming Democrats at every step of the way, because he thinks torturing refugees children is a winning strategy. Trump is just that dumb.
Disagree on first point. I could care less.

I don't understand how people like you can be so adamantly against abortion and simultaneously not give a shit when an actual living child dies.

I don't understand how people can be pro abortion and simultaneously pretend to give a shit when an actual living child suffers at all.

See how that's played?
They don’t really care. They feign sympathy because they think it makes them seem morally superior.
Disagree on first point. I could care less.

I don't understand how people like you can be so adamantly against abortion and simultaneously not give a shit when an actual living child dies.

I don't understand how people can be pro abortion and simultaneously pretend to give a shit when an actual living child suffers at all.

See how that's played?
They don’t really care. They feign sympathy because they think it makes them seem morally superior.

The left cares about what they consider life. They just don't consider fetuses life. They care about children, but not fetuses.

The OP considers himself pro-life. He has sympathy for fetuses, and no sympathy for a 2-year-old child. How can one be pro-life and not care about the life of a 2-year-old?

A lack of empathy is a sure sign of psychopathy.
Is that what progressives tell themselves when they sever the spine of an 8/9 month old in its mother’s womb?

Do you really think that people abort a viable fetus that could survive on its own outside the womb? Are you really that fucking stupid?

Because any death, that is needless, is a tragedy. The loss of a child is heartrending. I never met the people but I am saddened by their deaths because I am a human being, and I hate suffering.

That doesn't mean that I want illegals streaming over our border, but blowing off their deaths as callously as you are is a indication of your character.

It is a tragedy, and belongs squarely at the feet of the democrats who are inviting millions of illegals to invade.

Because any death, that is needless, is a tragedy. The loss of a child is heartrending. I never met the people but I am saddened by their deaths because I am a human being, and I hate suffering.

That doesn't mean that I want illegals streaming over our border, but blowing off their deaths as callously as you are is a indication of your character.

It is a tragedy, and belongs squarely at the feet of the democrats who are inviting millions of illegals to invade.
Yep. They see HALF or more of our government working for open borders and getting in the way of EVERYTHING this president is trying to do.

They come here because WE ARE NOT UNIFIED

A lack of empathy is a sure sign of psychopathy.
Is that what progressives tell themselves when they sever the spine of an 8/9 month old in its mother’s womb?

Do you really think that people abort a viable fetus that could survive on its own outside the womb? Are you really that fucking stupid?
Not the topic of OP Lizard Bitch.
Disagree on first point. I could care less.

I don't understand how people like you can be so adamantly against abortion and simultaneously not give a shit when an actual living child dies.

I don't understand how people can be pro abortion and simultaneously pretend to give a shit when an actual living child suffers at all.

See how that's played?
They don’t really care. They feign sympathy because they think it makes them seem morally superior.

The left cares about what they consider life. They just don't consider fetuses life. They care about children, but not fetuses.

The OP considers himself pro-life. He has sympathy for fetuses, and no sympathy for a 2-year-old child. How can one be pro-life and not care about the life of a 2-year-old?
Her parents killed her...just like abortion. This child was the victim of her parents. But we are in a war for survival. Our great constitutional republic must not be brought down by the criminal activity of others. In such circumstances as war...we must become cold. Just another number.
Disagree on first point. I could care less.

I don't understand how people like you can be so adamantly against abortion and simultaneously not give a shit when an actual living child dies.

I don't understand how people can be pro abortion and simultaneously pretend to give a shit when an actual living child suffers at all.

See how that's played?
They don’t really care. They feign sympathy because they think it makes them seem morally superior.

The left cares about what they consider life. They just don't consider fetuses life. They care about children, but not fetuses.

The OP considers himself pro-life. He has sympathy for fetuses, and no sympathy for a 2-year-old child. How can one be pro-life and not care about the life of a 2-year-old?
Her parents killed her...just like abortion. This child was the victim of her parents.

Right. And you're against that when it comes to abortion, and you don't give a shit about that when it's a two-year-old child.


A lack of empathy is a sure sign of psychopathy.
Is that what progressives tell themselves when they sever the spine of an 8/9 month old in its mother’s womb?

Do you really think that people abort a viable fetus that could survive on its own outside the womb? Are you really that fucking stupid?
With the way you so callously post on this site, most folks around here would not put it past YOU.

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