Libs Try Tear Jerker Approach on Border...Why am I I’m Supposed to Care

I don't understand how people like you can be so adamantly against abortion and simultaneously not give a shit when an actual living child dies.

I don't understand how people can be pro abortion and simultaneously pretend to give a shit when an actual living child suffers at all.

See how that's played?
They don’t really care. They feign sympathy because they think it makes them seem morally superior.

The left cares about what they consider life. They just don't consider fetuses life. They care about children, but not fetuses.

The OP considers himself pro-life. He has sympathy for fetuses, and no sympathy for a 2-year-old child. How can one be pro-life and not care about the life of a 2-year-old?
Her parents killed her...just like abortion. This child was the victim of her parents.

Right. And you're against that when it comes to abortion, and you don't give a shit about that when it's a two-year-old child.

People are losing their humanity in the Last Days. It was prophesied. It has come to pass.

"Because lawlessness shall abound, the love of many will grow cold."
I don't understand how people like you can be so adamantly against abortion and simultaneously not give a shit when an actual living child dies.

I don't understand how people can be pro abortion and simultaneously pretend to give a shit when an actual living child suffers at all.

See how that's played?
They don’t really care. They feign sympathy because they think it makes them seem morally superior.

The left cares about what they consider life. They just don't consider fetuses life. They care about children, but not fetuses.

The OP considers himself pro-life. He has sympathy for fetuses, and no sympathy for a 2-year-old child. How can one be pro-life and not care about the life of a 2-year-old?
Her parents killed her...just like abortion. This child was the victim of her parents.

Right. And you're against that when it comes to abortion, and you don't give a shit about that when it's a two-year-old child.

Unborn child murdered by choice as opposed to criminals breaking the law, and dying by chance. Again...we have a war for survival on our southern border...survival of our nation.
This is an excellent thread to show exactly what the "humanity" of CRCs is really all about. And we wonder how the Germans got to where they did.......
I don't understand how people can be pro abortion and simultaneously pretend to give a shit when an actual living child suffers at all.

See how that's played?
They don’t really care. They feign sympathy because they think it makes them seem morally superior.

The left cares about what they consider life. They just don't consider fetuses life. They care about children, but not fetuses.

The OP considers himself pro-life. He has sympathy for fetuses, and no sympathy for a 2-year-old child. How can one be pro-life and not care about the life of a 2-year-old?
Her parents killed her...just like abortion. This child was the victim of her parents.

Right. And you're against that when it comes to abortion, and you don't give a shit about that when it's a two-year-old child.

Unborn child murdered by choice as opposed to criminals breaking the law, and dying by chance. Again...we have a war for survival on our southern border...survival of our nation.

Both are by choice of the parents.

Abortion is a choice the parents make. Entering the country illegally is a choice the parents make.
Disagree on first point. I could care less.

Well then you've either killed part of your humanity or some part of it never activated. Simple as that.
Are we done mourning Hiroshima victims? All these people/kids have the same thing in common-interests opposed to those of America.
So, you think children deserve to die because of what the adults do.
Don't say deserve to die-that indicates choice to harm. Their parents abandoned them to this, so the parents deserve punishment, and the kids deserve no more than what other kids in Central America get-which is a life IN Central America. Save your sympathy and OUR tax money for poor American kids in Chicago and Detroit.
Most are children that crossed with FAMILY MEMBERS, aunts, uncles, grandparents.... they were NOT sent to cross alone or with coyotes or drug dealers.

The Trump administration decided only parents are family, UNLIKE the Obama admin and the Bush admin etc... who recognized grandparents and Aunts etc as family, and kept them together. Trump admin has caused the separation of these kids from their family.

They were NOT unaccompanied children left to cross alone.
Bullshit. You don’t know a fucking thing about the reality of the border. I have worked with illegals and they will tell you straight the fuck-up these people are screwing the system and they laugh about it.

Because any death, that is needless, is a tragedy. The loss of a child is heartrending. I never met the people but I am saddened by their deaths because I am a human being, and I hate suffering.

That doesn't mean that I want illegals streaming over our border, but blowing off their deaths as callously as you are is a indication of your character.

It is a tragedy, and belongs squarely at the feet of the democrats who are inviting millions of illegals to invade.

How are Democrats inviting people to "invade"? Right wing idiocy gets more bizarre by the day.

Instead of looking at the climate change generated crop failures, and the narco terrorists overrunning their countries, people are fleeing for their lives because Democrats invited them? Republicans will believe anything.

More and more it's looking like these people are fleeing to the USA because they have RELATIVES there. These children are arriving at the border with telephone numbers of family taped to their bodies. Of course no one from the government is calling them to pick up their kids. No, Trump is just arresting the kids and putting them in jails.

This is insane.

Two things are true at once:

1. the death of this husband and daughter is a tragedy and a heartbreak

2. Those deaths still don't mean we should open our borders to legions of people trying to make it across illegally...or what they did was wise

Liberals think the first is true but not the second, for the most part. Conservatives think the second is true but they should dismiss the first.

No, I think both can be true at the same time.
Disagree on first point. I could care less.

Well then you've either killed part of your humanity or some part of it never activated. Simple as that.
Combat changes your world view. People are just numbers. Nothing more than that. Protecting our national sovereignty and homeland security are things of value.
Really? It's combat. Seeing people die. That's fascinating and would explain much.

Because any death, that is needless, is a tragedy. The loss of a child is heartrending. I never met the people but I am saddened by their deaths because I am a human being, and I hate suffering.

That doesn't mean that I want illegals streaming over our border, but blowing off their deaths as callously as you are is a indication of your character.

It is a tragedy, and belongs squarely at the feet of the democrats who are inviting millions of illegals to invade.

How are Democrats inviting people to "invade"? Right wing idiocy gets more bizarre by the day.

Instead of looking at the climate change generated crop failures, and the narco terrorists overrunning their countries, people are fleeing for their lives because Democrats invited them? Republicans will believe anything.

More and more it's looking like these people are fleeing to the USA because they have RELATIVES there. These children are arriving at the border with telephone numbers of family taped to their bodies. Of course no one from the government is calling them to pick up their kids. No, Trump is just arresting the kids and putting them in jails.

This is insane.

Worry about Canada

Because any death, that is needless, is a tragedy. The loss of a child is heartrending. I never met the people but I am saddened by their deaths because I am a human being, and I hate suffering.

That doesn't mean that I want illegals streaming over our border, but blowing off their deaths as callously as you are is a indication of your character.

It is a tragedy, and belongs squarely at the feet of the democrats who are inviting millions of illegals to invade.

How are Democrats inviting people to "invade"? Right wing idiocy gets more bizarre by the day.

Instead of looking at the climate change generated crop failures, and the narco terrorists overrunning their countries, people are fleeing for their lives because Democrats invited them? Republicans will believe anything.

More and more it's looking like these people are fleeing to the USA because they have RELATIVES there. These children are arriving at the border with telephone numbers of family taped to their bodies. Of course no one from the government is calling them to pick up their kids. No, Trump is just arresting the kids and putting them in jails.

This is insane.

Worry about Canada

I do worry about living next door to a nation governed by a criminal like Donald Trump, who continues to be supported by Russian trolls. I worry about the damage he is doing to your nation. But clearly you don't.

Because any death, that is needless, is a tragedy. The loss of a child is heartrending. I never met the people but I am saddened by their deaths because I am a human being, and I hate suffering.

That doesn't mean that I want illegals streaming over our border, but blowing off their deaths as callously as you are is a indication of your character.

It is a tragedy, and belongs squarely at the feet of the democrats who are inviting millions of illegals to invade.

How are Democrats inviting people to "invade"? Right wing idiocy gets more bizarre by the day.

Instead of looking at the climate change generated crop failures, and the narco terrorists overrunning their countries, people are fleeing for their lives because Democrats invited them? Republicans will believe anything.

More and more it's looking like these people are fleeing to the USA because they have RELATIVES there. These children are arriving at the border with telephone numbers of family taped to their bodies. Of course no one from the government is calling them to pick up their kids. No, Trump is just arresting the kids and putting them in jails.

This is insane.

Worry about Canada

I do worry about living next door to a nation governed by a criminal like Donald Trump, who continues to be supported by Russian trolls. I worry about the damage he is doing to your nation. But clearly you don't.

Yawn i don't care.
This is an excellent thread to show exactly what the "humanity" of CRCs is really all about. And we wonder how the Germans got to where they did.......

Stupid comparison dipshit

Not really...not in the long run.

It's the systemic process of dehumanizing.

I know you'll come up with some nasty reply, but think a moment. You are a parent. And blessedly lucky - by the luck of birth - to be American. It's not earned. There is no merit whatsoever. It's by birth. These people aren't so lucky. They do what they have to to survive.

How utterly awful for a parent to see his or her child drown.
Because any death, that is needless, is a tragedy. The loss of a child is heartrending. I never met the people but I am saddened by their deaths because I am a human being, and I hate suffering.

That doesn't mean that I want illegals streaming over our border, but blowing off their deaths as callously as you are is a indication of your character.

It is a tragedy, and belongs squarely at the feet of the democrats who are inviting millions of illegals to invade.

How are Democrats inviting people to "invade"? Right wing idiocy gets more bizarre by the day.

Instead of looking at the climate change generated crop failures, and the narco terrorists overrunning their countries, people are fleeing for their lives because Democrats invited them? Republicans will believe anything.

More and more it's looking like these people are fleeing to the USA because they have RELATIVES there. These children are arriving at the border with telephone numbers of family taped to their bodies. Of course no one from the government is calling them to pick up their kids. No, Trump is just arresting the kids and putting them in jails.

This is insane.

Worry about Canada

I do worry about living next door to a nation governed by a criminal like Donald Trump, who continues to be supported by Russian trolls. I worry about the damage he is doing to your nation. But clearly you don't.

Yawn i don't care.
I didnt know she wasnt American. Suddenly her opinion means less to me too. Sure helps knowing she and Tammy cant vote here.

Two things are true at once:

1. the death of this husband and daughter is a tragedy and a heartbreak

2. Those deaths still don't mean we should open our borders to legions of people trying to make it across illegally...or what they did was wise

Liberals think the first is true but not the second, for the most part. Conservatives think the second is true but they should dismiss the first.

No, I think both can be true at the same time.
Disagree on first point. I could care less.

Well then you've either killed part of your humanity or some part of it never activated. Simple as that.
Combat changes your world view. People are just numbers. Nothing more than that. Protecting our national sovereignty and homeland security are things of value.
Really? It's combat. Seeing people die. That's fascinating and would explain much.
It is an invasion of our country. These are armies of immigrants invited in by Mexico, sent by foreign lands with one mission in mind: The destruction of the United States of America. Democratic Party loves fits well with their agenda; and that agenda is the destruction of the United States of America. Democratic Party has several truisms in their philosophy:
#1.) We need victims.
#2.) They can’t be white.
#3.) All white people are privileged aggressors to the working class.
#4.) The Welfare dependent “victims “ will vote Democrat.
DNC would destabilize and destroy or political infrastructure in the United States to achieve a political ends. Only problem is they help our enemies, China, Russia, and Islamic terrorists. All of this to put white people in the minority.
Disagree on first point. I could care less.

I don't understand how people like you can be so adamantly against abortion and simultaneously not give a shit when an actual living child dies.

I don't understand how people can be pro abortion and simultaneously pretend to give a shit when an actual living child suffers at all.

See how that's played?
They don’t really care. They feign sympathy because they think it makes them seem morally superior.

The left cares about what they consider life. They just don't consider fetuses life. They care about children, but not fetuses.

The OP considers himself pro-life. He has sympathy for fetuses, and no sympathy for a 2-year-old child. How can one be pro-life and not care about the life of a 2-year-old?
Youngest baby to survive outside it’s mothers womb was born at 21 weeks. The lefts “ fetus” crap is just used as a means to fool the ignorant.

The left only cares about dead 2 year olds to the extent that they can use their death pictures for propaganda purposes.
Disagree on first point. I could care less.

I don't understand how people like you can be so adamantly against abortion and simultaneously not give a shit when an actual living child dies.

I don't understand how people can be pro abortion and simultaneously pretend to give a shit when an actual living child suffers at all.

See how that's played?
They don’t really care. They feign sympathy because they think it makes them seem morally superior.

The left cares about what they consider life. They just don't consider fetuses life. They care about children, but not fetuses.

The OP considers himself pro-life. He has sympathy for fetuses, and no sympathy for a 2-year-old child. How can one be pro-life and not care about the life of a 2-year-old?
Youngest baby to survive outside it’s mothers womb was born at 21 weeks. The lefts “ fetus” crap is just used as a means to fool the ignorant.

The left only cares about dead 2 year olds to the extent that they can use their death pictures for propaganda purposes.

How can one be pro-life and not care about the life of a 2-year-old?
I don't understand how people like you can be so adamantly against abortion and simultaneously not give a shit when an actual living child dies.

I don't understand how people can be pro abortion and simultaneously pretend to give a shit when an actual living child suffers at all.

See how that's played?
They don’t really care. They feign sympathy because they think it makes them seem morally superior.

The left cares about what they consider life. They just don't consider fetuses life. They care about children, but not fetuses.

The OP considers himself pro-life. He has sympathy for fetuses, and no sympathy for a 2-year-old child. How can one be pro-life and not care about the life of a 2-year-old?
Youngest baby to survive outside it’s mothers womb was born at 21 weeks. The lefts “ fetus” crap is just used as a means to fool the ignorant.

The left only cares about dead 2 year olds to the extent that they can use their death pictures for propaganda purposes.

How can one be pro-life and not care about the life of a 2-year-old?
Did she say that? I didnt hear that.

Because any death, that is needless, is a tragedy. The loss of a child is heartrending. I never met the people but I am saddened by their deaths because I am a human being, and I hate suffering.

That doesn't mean that I want illegals streaming over our border, but blowing off their deaths as callously as you are is a indication of your character.

It is a tragedy, and belongs squarely at the feet of the democrats who are inviting millions of illegals to invade.

How are Democrats inviting people to "invade"? Right wing idiocy gets more bizarre by the day.

Instead of looking at the climate change generated crop failures, and the narco terrorists overrunning their countries, people are fleeing for their lives because Democrats invited them? Republicans will believe anything.

More and more it's looking like these people are fleeing to the USA because they have RELATIVES there. These children are arriving at the border with telephone numbers of family taped to their bodies. Of course no one from the government is calling them to pick up their kids. No, Trump is just arresting the kids and putting them in jails.

This is insane.

Lie some more, no one is on to you.


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