Libs Try Tear Jerker Approach on Border...Why am I I’m Supposed to Care

They don’t really care. They feign sympathy because they think it makes them seem morally superior.

The left cares about what they consider life. They just don't consider fetuses life. They care about children, but not fetuses.

The OP considers himself pro-life. He has sympathy for fetuses, and no sympathy for a 2-year-old child. How can one be pro-life and not care about the life of a 2-year-old?
Youngest baby to survive outside it’s mothers womb was born at 21 weeks. The lefts “ fetus” crap is just used as a means to fool the ignorant.

The left only cares about dead 2 year olds to the extent that they can use their death pictures for propaganda purposes.

And only the right stops caring after birth.
My ass you liberal psychotic ding-bat! Free market capitalism creates jobs, wealth, and paychecks. Conservatives know that welfare for the sake of liberal politicians feeling all good inside about themselves is counterproductive. Republicans in Congress are trying to save Medicare and Social Security. No able bodied person deserves a hand-out. No street bum or drug addict deserves taxpayers to let them live for free on our society. Conservatives teach our children values of “God, duty, honor, country, and community.”

No one is talking about hand outs.

Just don't punish the kids for the actions of their parents.

And maybe treat people with a bit of compassion and dignity. That's not a handout.
Don’t Punish American citizens for fucked up diseased illegal aliens wanting to get into this country illegally...
Kick the fuckers back to Mexico...

We must try to have buoyant thoughts. But seriously? Will ya look at those MSM vultures circle? Saddest bit of all? The Americans who genuinely regret these deaths are those who haven't the slightest political motivation in their hearts, either side of the aisle. They shouldn't have come. They shouldn't have died young. The world doesn't need a hero per se but it damn well needs better parents.

You always blame the parents. I just wonder what choices they really have? Stay and starve or see your family eaten by lawless violence, or try to save them.

In an ideal world "we" could save everyone. In an even more ideal one, there'd be no victims for "us" to save at all. Pick a poison belief or drink one. All philosophies ultimately lead us back to our own backyards. Who gets to not save "them" when not saving them is saving our own . . . backyard? Around and around "we" go . . . right round, right round.

A lack of empathy is a sure sign of psychopathy.
Is that what progressives tell themselves when they sever the spine of an 8/9 month old in its mother’s womb?

Do you really think that people abort a viable fetus that could survive on its own outside the womb? Are you really that fucking stupid?

I'm speculating 'yep!'. This is our reality.
I don't understand how people can be pro abortion and simultaneously pretend to give a shit when an actual living child suffers at all.

See how that's played?
They don’t really care. They feign sympathy because they think it makes them seem morally superior.

The left cares about what they consider life. They just don't consider fetuses life. They care about children, but not fetuses.

The OP considers himself pro-life. He has sympathy for fetuses, and no sympathy for a 2-year-old child. How can one be pro-life and not care about the life of a 2-year-old?
Youngest baby to survive outside it’s mothers womb was born at 21 weeks. The lefts “ fetus” crap is just used as a means to fool the ignorant.

The left only cares about dead 2 year olds to the extent that they can use their death pictures for propaganda purposes.

And only the right stops caring after birth.
My ass you liberal psychotic ding-bat! Free market capitalism creates jobs, wealth, and paychecks. Conservatives know that welfare for the sake of liberal politicians feeling all good inside about themselves is counterproductive. Republicans in Congress are trying to save Medicare and Social Security. No able bodied person deserves a hand-out. No street bum or drug addict deserves taxpayers to let them live for free on our society. Conservatives teach our children values of “God, duty, honor, country, and community.”

Looks like the conservatives that taught those fine values missed teaching people like you much of anything good or fine or worthwhile.

A lack of empathy is a sure sign of psychopathy.
Is that what progressives tell themselves when they sever the spine of an 8/9 month old in its mother’s womb?
Blue fin is 100% spot on. Response from the Trotskyite Democrats?

You know I'm not a Democrat, and this is from the heart: Perhaps you both could use some therapy? The hyperbole seems to rule your lives, is all...
This is an excellent thread to show exactly what the "humanity" of CRCs is really all about. And we wonder how the Germans got to where they did.......

Stupid comparison dipshit

No, that comparison is VERY relevant. Especially the vilifying of the "other". In Germany it was the Jews. For Trump, it's the Central Americans, blacks, latinos, Muslims. Really, anyone who isn't white, and nominally Christian. Although I think that Trump loves the fundamentalists. Mainstream protestants, not so much. But the Fundies are easily manipulated, and their so-called ministers direct their flocks to vote for Trump.
This is an excellent thread to show exactly what the "humanity" of CRCs is really all about. And we wonder how the Germans got to where they did.......

Stupid comparison dipshit

No, that comparison is VERY relevant. Especially the vilifying of the "other". In Germany it was the Jews. For Trump, it's the Central Americans, blacks, latinos, Muslims. Really, anyone who isn't white, and nominally Christian. Although I think that Trump loves the fundamentalists. Mainstream protestants, not so much. But the Fundies are easily manipulated, and their so-called ministers direct their flocks to vote for Trump.

Even as you denounce and accuse vilification of the "other", you vilify some other(s). Think before you ______, also applies when ya let your fingers to the walking to do the talking.
Most illegal immigrants in US receive government benefits, costing taxpayers billions: experts
This week, the U.S. Supreme Court considers whether to count self-identified illegal immigrants in the 2020 census. Cities worry adding the citizenship question could undercount 6.5 million people. Their argument, however, isn't just about political power but billions of dollars in federal funds states expect.

The case underscores what experts say is a growing cost to taxpayers from the surge of Central American families and unaccompanied minors.

"We're talking about billions of dollars in taxpayer benefits over the next few years," said Dan Stein, director of the right-leaning think tank, Federation for American Immigration Reform. "The payout for the taxpayer is enormous and income to the Treasury is miniscule."

A FAIR study in 2017 found illegal immigrants are a net consumer of taxpayer benefits worth more than $100 billion a year, not including the cost of enforcing the border.

While federal benefits are supposed to be off limits, in practice many are not. More than 25,000 undocumented workers receive subsidized housing, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Children receive free education and most qualify for English lessons and free school breakfast and lunch.Most illegal immigrants in US receive government benefits, costing taxpayers billions: experts

At this rate, how can we survive as a nation if we continue to let this happen?

A lack of empathy is a sure sign of psychopathy.
Is that what progressives tell themselves when they sever the spine of an 8/9 month old in its mother’s womb?
Blue fin is 100% spot on. Response from the Trotskyite Democrats?

You know I'm not a Democrat, and this is from the heart: Perhaps you both could use some therapy? The hyperbole seems to rule your lives, is all...
We, as Americans, have no moral obligation to law breakers and possible terrorists infiltration.
The photos were taken from different perspectives.
No shit Sherlock

The child’s feet are in different positions in both photos
I think you are full of shit.

You are wrong. The child's feet are in the same position.

I want to know how they got up on the tree roots. What sprinkler system fixture?
I am not wrong, are you blind

Expand the picture, the pipe running in the water
has a sprinkler fixture attached

What fucking pipe? I suggest an emergency trip to see an optometrist!

This is a canal off the Rio Grande. Why would it need a sprinkler system?

Why is it that you are the only one who is seeing these things? Are you on some good meds?
Most isn't good enough. None should have a court date in the 1st place, they should be dumped over the border and told "Bye, Felicia".
Current law doesnt allow that. Want to change the law? STOP ELECTING THESE WORTHLESS DEMOCRATS.

They are THE SAME as those tards you put up with here.

These are refugees - created by US foreign policy. THEY ARE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.


Refugees? From being poor, illiterate, and good for nothing?

Because any death, that is needless, is a tragedy. The loss of a child is heartrending. I never met the people but I am saddened by their deaths because I am a human being, and I hate suffering.

That doesn't mean that I want illegals streaming over our border, but blowing off their deaths as callously as you are is a indication of your character.

It is a tragedy, and belongs squarely at the feet of the democrats who are inviting millions of illegals to invade.

How are Democrats inviting people to "invade"? Right wing idiocy gets more bizarre by the day.

Instead of looking at the climate change generated crop failures, and the narco terrorists overrunning their countries, people are fleeing for their lives because Democrats invited them? Republicans will believe anything.

More and more it's looking like these people are fleeing to the USA because they have RELATIVES there. These children are arriving at the border with telephone numbers of family taped to their bodies. Of course no one from the government is calling them to pick up their kids. No, Trump is just arresting the kids and putting them in jails.

This is insane.

What climate generated crop failure would those be? The ones in your overactive imagination?
No shit Sherlock

The child’s feet are in different positions in both photos
I think you are full of shit.

You are wrong. The child's feet are in the same position.

I want to know how they got up on the tree roots. What sprinkler system fixture?
I am not wrong, are you blind

Expand the picture, the pipe running in the water
has a sprinkler fixture attached

What fucking pipe? I suggest an emergency trip to see an optometrist!

This is a canal off the Rio Grande. Why would it need a sprinkler system?

Why is it that you are the only one who is seeing these things? Are you on some good meds?

You are right, it is not piping with a sprinkler head
after zooming in that was taken from a different angle

My bad, it is a tree root I’m assuming
This is an excellent thread to show exactly what the "humanity" of CRCs is really all about. And we wonder how the Germans got to where they did.......

Stupid comparison dipshit

Not really...not in the long run.

It's the systemic process of dehumanizing.

I know you'll come up with some nasty reply, but think a moment. You are a parent. And blessedly lucky - by the luck of birth - to be American. It's not earned. There is no merit whatsoever. It's by birth. These people aren't so lucky. They do what they have to to survive.

How utterly awful for a parent to see his or her child drown.

And that's being like Germany was? Really?

You and Plywood are letting emotions and utter idiocy cloud your thinking

By the way it happened under Obama too....was that like Germany

Good grief
If they were comng for asylum, it was not illegal.
/---/ Asylum from where? They already had it when the entered Mexico.

You are wrong. The caravans & others are fleeing the dangers in Central America.
to come to a country with a high murder rate ------
BULLSHIT---a lot of the world is a SHITHOLE--we can't take in the whole world
......and you just make the problem worse [ by letting them in ] when you don't try to fix the ROOT of the problem--the problem continues's like the dumbshit of blaming the police when the criminals are the problem because of the failed culture-----the ROOT of the problem is the failed culture

....we gave billions to latin America to help them--but it failed
learn some history please
Democrats, particularly Obama, created DACA, which led to this crisis in the first place.
Democrats refused to attend meetings dealing with the issue before it became a crisis.
Then they made sure less beds were allowed in detention camps.
Now that too many people are coming here at one time, they have to release them into the population because they can't separate the children from their families. Children that can only be held for a set number of days.
They made Mexicans unqualified to enter but intentionally left out Central Americans.
So when all of their plans come to fruition they start bawling because people end up dead in all of the chaos they've caused.
This is the Democrat Party.
They don’t really care. They feign sympathy because they think it makes them seem morally superior.

The left cares about what they consider life. They just don't consider fetuses life. They care about children, but not fetuses.

The OP considers himself pro-life. He has sympathy for fetuses, and no sympathy for a 2-year-old child. How can one be pro-life and not care about the life of a 2-year-old?
Youngest baby to survive outside it’s mothers womb was born at 21 weeks. The lefts “ fetus” crap is just used as a means to fool the ignorant.

The left only cares about dead 2 year olds to the extent that they can use their death pictures for propaganda purposes.

And only the right stops caring after birth.
My ass you liberal psychotic ding-bat! Free market capitalism creates jobs, wealth, and paychecks. Conservatives know that welfare for the sake of liberal politicians feeling all good inside about themselves is counterproductive. Republicans in Congress are trying to save Medicare and Social Security. No able bodied person deserves a hand-out. No street bum or drug addict deserves taxpayers to let them live for free on our society. Conservatives teach our children values of “God, duty, honor, country, and community.”

Looks like the conservatives that taught those fine values missed teaching people like you much of anything good or fine or worthwhile.
And the facade of the Evangelical Christian Republican right, who cheer about drowning people? Those are the disciples of the devil.

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