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Libs turn on Wasserman Schultz

bernie Sanders won the debate, defeated the DNC, and became the real democratic frontrunner
Turn on DWS? We've always disliked her. You can't turn on someone if you were never on their side.

First, she hates liberals. You know, the Democratic base.

Second, she's a loser. That is, she loses elections. Because she organizes campaigns based on liberal-hating.

And no, I'm not a Sanders supporter. I just think someone who loses elections in record-setting fashion shouldn't be the party leader. Yeah, I'm funny that way.

Oh, we see the usual ugly sexism from some of the misogynist asswipes of the right on this thread. Same old same old. You simply don't see that sort of vile sexism coming from the left. Why do so many of the righties here hate women so much? You'll have to ask them.
If Hitlary gets the nod and gets around %40 of the vote, WaterheadShlitz is safe.

If hitlary gets her ass kicked with %30 or less, or if Bernie goes turd party, Dippy WaterheadShlitz will be purged like Nikolai Yezhov.


Would be funny to see her disappear. :laugh:
Plus the world be a much more beautiful place without her fugly mug invading TV screens.
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Too funny !!!

Fire Debbie Wasserman Schultz

It's increasingly clear that Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Chair of the Democratic National Committee, isn't acting as a neutral party Chair, trying to insure a fair and democratic primary and building the Democratic Party in the states.

Rather, she's acting as a shill for Hillary Clinton, doing everything in her power to ensure that no one will effectively challenge Hillary's coronation as the nominee.

Wasserman Schultz is committing political malpractice and should be removed.

Remember that Wasserman Schultz was National Co-Chair of Hillary's 2008 Presidential campaign against Barack Obama and has been a loyal Clinonista. Her actions throughout the campaign have made it clear that she's misusing her position as party chair to serve as a campaign operative for Clinton and not a representative of the entire party

Her latest travesty is being prosecutor, judge and jury, imposing the death penalty on Bernie Sanders' campaign for, at worst, a minor misdemeanor which hasn't even been proven.

On Thursday, Bernie Sanders had the best day of his campaign, receiving the endorsement of the 700,000 member Communications Workers of America, the grassroots Democracy for America, and surpassing 2,000,000 individual contributions.

On Friday, Wasserman Schultz suspended the Sanders campaign's access to its own data in the DNC database, making it impossible for the Sanders campaign to contact potential voters only weeks before the crucial Iowa Caucuses and New Hampshire primary. As I write, the Sanders campaign has been forced to go into Federal Court to get back its data, creating a fight that can only hurt the Democratic Party.

Sanders' offense? A breach in the DNC's voter database managed by a private contractor hired by Wasserman Schultz, which allowed a handful of Sanders campaign staff to get a peak at Clinton voter data for two hours. There's no evidence that they did anything untoward with the data and the breach was quickly closed.

No matter. Wasserman Schultz crippled the Sanders campaign and virtually invited the press to question Sanders' honesty and integrity at Saturday's Democratic debate. Few doubt that Sanders is one of the most honest politicians in the nation. But Wasserman Schultz managed to pour dirt over him.

And speaking of the debate, why did Wasserman Schultz schedule it for the Saturday night before Christmas, at one of the least-watched times on television, virtually guaranteeing low ratings?

As I previously wrote, the DNC under Wasserman Schultz wants to guarantee that as few people as possible actually watch the Democrats' own debates!

Hillary's campaign wanted as few debates as possible to prevent her lesser-known opponents from getting free television exposure. DNC limited debates to six, compared to 26 in the 2008 campaign that nominated Barack Obama, and 12 Republican debates this campaign season.

So far, more than 68 million viewers have watched the Republican debates while less than 24 million people have watched the Democratic debates.

Wasserman Schultz may think she's protecting Hillary by denying her Democratic opponents the chance to be seen by more voters. But whomever the Democratic nominee is, she's guaranteeing that during this primary season, far more people get to hear the Republican message than the Democratic message. The Republicans have used the debates to ramp up the fear factor in the American public, which is likely to help them in the general election, even as the Democrats have largely remained on the sidelines and Obama's approval ratings have plummeted.

And if Hillary wins the nomination but Bernie's millions of supporters feel he's been treated unfairly, many will stay home on election day, making it more like the Republicans will win.

Fire Debbie Wasserman Schultz
she was involved in the Benghazi cover up.
If Hitlary gets the nod and gets around %40 of the vote, WaterheadShlitz is safe.

If hitlary gets her ass kicked with %30 or less, or if Bernie goes turd party, Dippy WaterheadShlitz will be purged like Nikolai Yezhov.

Yes, either one of the two democratic candidate potentials will be "safe" to lose handily to whoever the GOP runs when voters reject in a landslide "the party that jailed Kim Davis.." or "The party whom the Pope denounced the values thereof"..or "the party that fines people $250,000 for refusing to call a man with his dick chopped off "a woman".. etc. etc. etc.

If I was either Hillary or Sanders I wouldn't lose one wink of sleep over any of their infighting. It will all be for naught. The Rainbow party is going to get shellacked next year. You can mark this post . I used to be a democrat. Now, I'm ashamed to have been affiliated with that party that rolled out the red carpet for a perverted cult. We had so many good platforms and all of them will be gone thanks to butt sex.
If Hitlary gets the nod and gets around %40 of the vote, WaterheadShlitz is safe.

If hitlary gets her ass kicked with %30 or less, or if Bernie goes turd party, Dippy WaterheadShlitz will be purged like Nikolai Yezhov.

Yes, either one of the two democratic candidate potentials will be "safe" to lose handily to whoever the GOP runs when voters reject in a landslide "the party that jailed Kim Davis.." or "The party whom the Pope denounced the values thereof"..or "the party that fines people $250,000 for refusing to call a man with his dick chopped off "a woman".. etc. etc. etc.

If I was either Hillary or Sanders I wouldn't lose one wink of sleep over any of their infighting. It will all be for naught. The Rainbow party is going to get shellacked next year. You can mark this post . I used to be a democrat. Now, I'm ashamed to have been affiliated with that party that rolled out the red carpet for a perverted cult. We had so many good platforms and all of them will be gone thanks to butt sex.

I never understood why some of the old dudes I worked with or for, who were WW2 vets and staunchly anti-communist insisted the democrooks were "the party of the people"

Everyone of them opposed abortion, gun control, queer weddings, the welfare state, open borders and nanny state regulations. Yet they insisted democrooks represented their interests.

These people weren't stupid either, they were all successful in life but when it came to politics they didn't even want to consider voting republicrat.

I never understood why some of the old dudes I worked with or for, who were WW2 vets and staunchly anti-communist insisted the democrooks were "the party of the people"

Everyone of them opposed abortion, gun control, queer weddings, the welfare state, open borders and nanny state regulations. Yet they insisted democrooks represented their interests.

These people weren't stupid either, they were all successful in life but when it came to politics they didn't even want to consider voting republicrat.

Here's the deal: The GOP has its own serious flaws and issues. One of which is the worship of the dollar...insular greed so malignant that they sell their fellows' jobs overseas to make one more goddamned buck among the zillions they already have. They are content to pollute our natural resources if it means making an extra buck. They rape and pillage the poor's birthright, then turn on them and blame them for being "unemployed layabouts". They monopolize industry, squeeze out the middle class and then complain they are paying more than their fair share of the taxes... etc. etc. etc.

Cults that are dangerous to America come in all shapes and sizes. This is Trump's appeal BTW. They see him as an outsider to the two dangerous cults. However, Trump himself is up for sale and one should be very wary of a man who wears his morality inside his wallet....especially if he has aims to sit in the Oval Office. There are some very rich enemies of ours who would simply LOVE Trump to be the next POTUS..
Here's the deal: The GOP has its own serious flaws and issues. One of which is the worship of the dollar...insular greed so malignant that they sell their fellows' jobs overseas to make one more goddamned buck among the zillions they already have.

I'm not saying the GOP as it happens to be is much less reprehensible than the democrooks. A little less, but only because it pretends to stand for limited government, free markets and individual rights. I don't believe either party's hierarchy is anything more than pawns for international corporatists who are indeed greedy beyond comprehension. The reason I am a stalwart Ted Cruz supporter is because I believe he will put the federal government back into the restraints established by the founders who wrote the COTUS.

They are content to pollute our natural resources if it means making an extra buck.

You're not talking about republicrats here. You're talking about plutocrats. These assholes own the democrooks entirely, except for Bernie perhaps, and a great portion of the republicrats. They fund campaigns for both parties, and they enrich elected officials from both parties. They still have to breathe the same air and drink the same water, but they can afford better filters and they can afford to direct when and where regulations are enforced. This is another reason why I support Ted Cruz. He will turn this authority back to the states so that the bureaucrats are more accountable at the lower levels.

They rape and pillage the poor's birthright, then turn on them and blame them for being "unemployed layabouts". They monopolize industry, squeeze out the middle class and then complain they are paying more than their fair share of the taxes... etc. etc. etc.

In my opinion it's the democrooks who are raping and pillaging the "poor". They keep them dependent on meager benefits, provide piss poor education, contain them in ghettos and undermine any sort of morality as if it's archaic to believe in the concept that you might go to hell for stealing, killing, raping, etc... The only sort of "religion" democrooks seem to tolerate is islam, and I don't see how that is beneficial to society.

Indeed conservatives are hard on "poor" people. They are taking the easy way out and living in squalid conditions. They've been told for generations that "the man" hates them, wants them to be poor, won't give them a chance. If you can just say fuck it, stay well fed, warm and clothed while doing nothing you'd do the same. Conservatives do need to do a better job inspiring people to seek a better standard of living.

Cults that are dangerous to America come in all shapes and sizes. This is Trump's appeal BTW. They see him as an outsider to the two dangerous cults. However, Trump himself is up for sale and one should be very wary of a man who wears his morality inside his wallet....especially if he has aims to sit in the Oval Office. There are some very rich enemies of ours who would simply LOVE Trump to be the next POTUS..

As far as cults of personality go I completely agree. No matter who you're talking about, Trump, hitlary, Bush, Cruz or the meat muppet faggot. People need to be honest with themselves and other people about their chosen political whores.

As I've said, I'm all in for Ted Cruz. He is by no means perfectly aligned with what I want in a president. I want the war on drugs ended but I know he will do little more than allow leniency in pot laws. I don't give a fruit fly's fuck about gay weddings, but I'm pissed that someone could be sued for not catering one. I want us out of the middle east. Let it burn. The ruskies and gooks can deal with it.

However it's because I believe he will roll back so much of the regressive laws that have empowered the feds, he's the one I will be happy with. I can tolerate Bernie over Bush or hitlary. Even Trump, but I will not support the political whores the plutocrats of the established parties want elected.
The funny thing is, why bother? Do they really think Sanders is going to win the nomination? He wont.
But it's like democrats simply cannot resist the urge to game the system, break rules, or lie.
They haven't broken any rules - they make their rules, and it's their system, so saying they're 'gaming' it is ridiculous. What have they lied about?

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