Libtard Finally Admits to Raping A Child...Then Declares The Matter Is OVER...Because He Says So.

Do you know the reason why the drinking age in the U.S. is 21?

Yes. Doesn't make it okay.

Also largely ignored by 18 year olds. Kind of like the age of consent laws.

But let's get this octogenarian for something that happened 40 years ago!
Only because he was found guilty and never served his sentence. There is no statute of limitations on evading sentencing.
Do you know the reason why the drinking age in the U.S. is 21?

Yes. Doesn't make it okay.

Also largely ignored by 18 year olds. Kind of like the age of consent laws.

But let's get this octogenarian for something that happened 40 years ago!
Only because he was found guilty and never served his sentence. There is no statute of limitations on evading sentencing.

He will probably never be extradited back here. He would have already been long ago. He seems to find sympathy amongst other rich perverts in high standing.
17 is not 13 and we don't allow them to vote, drink, sign contracts, etc., etc., etc.. Now answer the question and stop deflecting to defend your scuzzy Hollyweird child molester, who convinced this mother and daughter that he was going to do a photo shoot, plied a young child with alcohol and drugs and then raped her. Other women are now coming forward and saying he did the same to them when they were young girls.

Yeah, you know, the thing is, I don't take you seriously when you come forward decades later and claim something about a famous person. Otherwise you need to give all of Trump's accusers instant credibility.

I did answer the question. We treat children as adults when it suits us to do so. This girl had taken drugs and had sex in the past, it wasn't like this was a new and exciting experience for her.

even the prosecutors thought this was a bullshit case.

Was Polanski scuzzy? Yup. Being scuzzy isn't against the law. Just ask Trump.

So were they for wanting to get into that scuzzy world.
You don't think that trying to help prevent problems to still developing brains is bad? Sure kids drink from time to time, but does that mean we should say "fuck it" to the laws?

I think it's a matter of prioritizing. Going after a 40 year old case isn't a priority.

But reality- kids are going to do dumb things. they are going to experiment with drugs and alcohol and sex and risky behavior.

I am wondering what this adult condition is where you all completely forget about all the dumb shit you did as a kid.
He will probably never be extradited back here. He would have already been long ago. He seems to find sympathy amongst other rich perverts in high standing.

Or people who actually believe in due process. Those perverts. We need to go back to THIS kind of justice.

I think what he did was wrong, but just not that big of a deal.
Wow, whoever claimed liberals are 'intolerant' sure was wrong. It is obviously they are VERY tolerant of people who rape children.
They are generally very tolerant of perverts and criminals in general. Not so much tolerant of those of us who aren't fond of perverts and criminals.
They are generally very tolerant of perverts and criminals in general. Not so much tolerant of those of us who aren't fond of perverts and criminals.
They did have one who made it all the way to 'President'. :p
They are generally very tolerant of perverts and criminals in general. Not so much tolerant of those of us who aren't fond of perverts and criminals.

Maybe the whole world doesn't want to conform to your prudish views on sex...

Has nothing to do with this case, which was litigated decades ago.
- Who are you to tell me what threads I HAVE to start or did or did not start? F* You, you Lib-Troll!

No need to pay attention to you the rest of the day since the TRUTH is now going to trigger you into an emotionally unstable partisan rant rage (more than usual).

So you can show us the thread you started about the outrage over what Denny Hastert did, where the young man in question eventually committed suicide, right?
Hastert wasn't charged with molestation. He certainly wasn't convicted. Far from committing suicide the man lived to blackmail Hastert until the blackmail was discovered when Hastert was charged with structuring..

Hastert wasn't charged with molestation- because the statute of limitations on child rape had run out.
He wasn't convicted of child rape because the statute of limitations ran out.

But Hastert did confess to sexually molesting children- just as Polansky did- luckily Hastert was nailed on a related charge- and served some time- and Polansky deserves behind bars too.

Dennis Hastert admits sexually abusing teenage boys

Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert on Wednesday admitted to sexually abusing teenage boys during his time as a high school wrestling coach in a Chicago suburb before his career as an elected official.

Struggling to stand in federal court Wednesday, 74-year-old Hastert gripped his walker, approached the microphone and said that he "mistreated" some of his wrestlers and apologized.

"They looked to me, and I took advantage of them," Hastert said as he awaited his sentencing after pleading guilty last fall to breaking federal banking laws in a hush-money case. "I apologize to the court and to the people of the United States."

Judge Thomas Durkin sentenced Hastert to 15 months in prison, a $250,000 fine, along with two years of supervised release on the condition that he get sex offender treatment. Prosecutors had recommended a six-month sentence. Durkin called Hastert a "serial child molester" and said he must not contact any of his victims.

"That's necessary to protect the victims," the judge said.

One of the men who has accused Hastert of sexual abuse years ago identified himself in the courtroom Wednesday before Hastert spoke.

The man, previously known only as "Individual D," identified himself as Scott Cross, 53, who lives in Chicago and works in finance. He has a wife and two children.

"Coach Hastert sexually abused me," said Cross, who teared up at times as he identified himself publicly for the first time.

The allegations stem from the time Hastert worked as a wrestling coach at Yorkville High School in a Chicago suburb between 1965 and 1981.

Scott Cross, dressed in a business suit, recounted that he was alone in the locker room with Hastert, who told Cross he could help him lose weight by giving him a massage. Cross said that after a few minutes of a massage, Hastert tried to perform a sex act on him and Cross said he then jumped up and ran out of the room.

Cross said he felt alone and embarrassed and never told anyone about the incident and never discussed it with Hastert.

"I've had trouble sleeping and working," he said, and called the decision to come forward a "huge personal struggle."

He is the younger brother of longtime Illinois House Minority Leader Tom Cross, who served in that leadership role from 2002 to 2013 and retired from the legislature last year. The Chicago Tribune notes that Cross has credited Hastert with introducing him to politics and helping him move up the ladder.

In court, Hastert's lawyer said the former speaker had suggested that the elder Cross could write a support letter on his behalf. But the Tribune reported that by the time the request was made, Cross was aware that his younger brother was "Individual D" and he "did not respond." Hastert's lawyer mentioned the request in order to suggest that Hastert's mental health is severely diminished and could explain why he has lied throughout the investigation.

Prosecutors also called Jolene Burdge, the sister of an alleged Hastert victim who died in 1995. Burdge testified first and read aloud a letter her late brother wrote to their mother five months before he died of AIDS, and she accused Hastert of "sexually molesting" her brother.

"You took Steve's right to develop his sexual identity in a normal, healthy way," Burdge said directly to Hastert, who arrived to court Wednesday in a wheelchair. "Don't be a coward, Mr. Hastert. Tell the truth. What you did wasn't misconduct; it was sexual abuse of a minor."

Admonishing Hastert from the stand, she said, "You were supposed to keep him safe, not violate him," and she continued, "You took his innocence and turned it against him," turning him toward a life of high-risk behavior that eventually killed him.

"I will make you accountable for molesting my brother. I knew your secret and you couldn't bribe your way out," she added.

Hastert, an Illinois Republican, served in Congress from 1987 to 2007, and is the longest-serving House speaker, holding that post from 1999 to 2007.

Cross and Burdge's brother are among at least four victims who have made "credible allegations of sexual abuse," according to a report earlier this month in The Chicago Tribune.
Who was the blackmailer?

Why are you so much more concerned about the person who blew the whistle on Hastert- than Hastert's crimes and victims?
Oh look, the snowflakes are trying to deflect from the thread by claiming cutting tax payer funded benefits is the same as RAPING A CHILD.

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What The.....?
Drugging and raping 11 year old girls may become part of the DNC's platform in 2018.

Nah- Democrats are not like REpublicans.
Wow, this has to be a record - 12 hours later and the snowflake is still triggered, still ranting, still attempting to derail the thread, and still defending a child rapist..

Tipsy can't help herself to defend the former GOP Speaker of the House- Dennis Hastert- you know Dennis Hastert- the child molester that you never once condemned until backed into a corner here in this thread?

Why did you remain silent on Hastert's child molestation?- even finding his confession to child molestation 'funny'?
So snowflakes want to keep defending the child rapist - While you're at it, add this to the list of things to justify / defend him on:

Fourth woman accuses Roman Polanski of rape - Hot Air

So snowflakes want to keep defending the child rapist- Dennis Hastert.

Meanwhile- I hope that bastard Polansky ends up in the same cell as Hastert did.

Of course I have always condemned Polansky and Hastert for their child sexual assaults- unlike you.

But that is because, unlike you- I am not a partisan hack.

Donald Trump could rape a 12 year old on national TV and you would be starting a thread blaming Hillary Clinton for the rape.
Neither easyt65 or toobfreak ever once condemned Dennis Hastert- or his actions. Neither ever applauded his conviction or sentencing.
Ok, you just contradicted yourself / lied.

I pointed out that when you posted your condemnation of Hastert I 'Agreed' with you, which means this false accusation of me now makes you a LIAR.

And just because you can't remember it, maybe didn't see it, or just because you say so doesn't make it so, you f*ed up lying little lib-troll. Thank you for demonstrating you are a liar with your posts.

You agree so much you started exactly zero threads on Hastert......nor actually ever condemned him or his actions.
- Who are you to tell me what threads I HAVE to start or did or did not start? F* You, you Lib-Troll!

No need to pay attention to you the rest of the day since the TRUTH is now going to trigger you into an emotionally unstable partisan rant rage (more than usual).

You can forget taking Syriously

You political hacks who use child molestation as a tool to attack liberals and Democrats do hate the truth.
Yes, please, continue to attempt to distract from the thread topic, a liberal POS who admits to raping a child but demands not to be held accountable ... as more accusations of rape come out...
I thought the topic was you only pretending to care about child rape when you can use it to attack liberals?

Because you never once objected to Conservative Dennis Hastert's multiple child rapes- even in the threads where I confronted you with his crimes- not once. Until this thread.

You are a partisan hack who uses horrible crimes - and their victims- only for partisan attacks.
For a child sexual abuse is a life long ordeal, the same should hold true for the abuser

Oh fuck you.

Tell it to your priest.

As to the story,

That article was published yesterday. It's time to get over it.

That's a huge part of the problem - the statute of limitations is practically measured in hours. And, in this case, there's the problem of extradition.

If you cared one whit about this issue, you would condemn the catholic church as well as other pedos. But, since SassyIrishLass always takes the side of the pedo priests and because RWNJs stick together in their lies about liberals, you won't.
Nice rant, snowflake, but you're full of shit, making false accusations. I condemn anyone who preys on children - Hollywood directors, Catholic Priests, pasty-faced lying pedophole former Presidents....

Except of course you haven't until this thread ever condemned a Republican child molester- notice how even here you avoid mentioning GOP Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, even though you do mention Donald Trump.
For a child sexual abuse is a life long ordeal, the same should hold true for the abuser
Tell Denny Hastert.

He eventually went to prison and i don't recall a single repub supporting him. Might want to try again because this response of yours is an epic fail.

The OP never once condemned Dennis Hastert's conviction- nor did the OP ever once proclaim that a 'Contard finally admits to raping a child'- instead when confronted with Dennis Hastert's crimes in another thread he clicked 'funny'.

Yeah- I agree that Republicans didn't support Hastert- and good for them- but the Contards on this board were glaringly silent when Hastert admitted to his child molestation.

Child molestation is a horrible, horrible crime- I wish nothing but incarceration and punishment for both Hastert and Polansky- but the OP is using this horrible crime- purely for political purposes.

Because he is a political partisan hack- if Trump was caught raping a 12 year old on national TV- easy would be blaming Bill Clinton the next day here at USMB.
BTW, this is the DUMBEST chain I have ever been involved in, where I agree with a bunch of libtard trolls that Hastert committed a crime - which he went to jail for while libtards argue one of their own should not go to jail for raping a child - only to have the libtard trolls then attack me for agreeing with them.

Except Polanski went to jail, for 42 days, after which the prison staff concluded he was not a threat of doing this again. He was then forced to leave the country when a judge tried to renege on the plea agreement he had reached with the state.

As opposed to your hero Denny Hastert, who engaged in the behavior for years, spent thousands of dollars covering it up, and was elevated to being the third most important official in the country for a time.
Polansky wasn't forced to run- he chose to run- and more and more reports are coming out of his doing the same thing to other.

Polanski served 42 days in a state mental hospital- after he drugged, raped and sodomized a 13 year old girl.

The judge had the authority to change any plea deal- and frankly this plea deal was an abomination- and so was what Hastert was convicted of.

Stop defending this serial asshole rapist Polansky- he ran from justice.
To put matters into the sickminded ones in this thread can be truly appreciated.

This photo is from the time of the rape:


If you can't see that this is a CHILD. If you see something else - you need help.
Polanski gave her alcohol and drugs to intoxicate her, and then raped and sodomized her. IN HIS OWN WORDS..... ONE YEAR AFTER RAPING HER AND FLEEING THE COUNTRY:.........
“If I had killed somebody, it wouldn't have had so much appeal to the press, you see? “But… fucking, you see... the young girls. Judges want to fuck young girls. Juries want to fuck young girls. Everyone wants to fuck young girls!"

He drugged, raped and shoved his c*ck into her butt...and one year later tells an interviewer "everyone wants to".

He is one sick fuck.
And anyone who defends him is also a sick fuck.
Here is another photo of anything for you buddy?




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- Who are you to tell me what threads I HAVE to start or did or did not start? F* You, you Lib-Troll!

No need to pay attention to you the rest of the day since the TRUTH is now going to trigger you into an emotionally unstable partisan rant rage (more than usual).

So you can show us the thread you started about the outrage over what Denny Hastert did, where the young man in question eventually committed suicide, right?
Hastert wasn't charged with molestation. He certainly wasn't convicted. Far from committing suicide the man lived to blackmail Hastert until the blackmail was discovered when Hastert was charged with structuring..

Hastert wasn't charged with molestation- because the statute of limitations on child rape had run out.
He wasn't convicted of child rape because the statute of limitations ran out.

But Hastert did confess to sexually molesting children- just as Polansky did- luckily Hastert was nailed on a related charge- and served some time- and Polansky deserves behind bars too.

Dennis Hastert admits sexually abusing teenage boys

Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert on Wednesday admitted to sexually abusing teenage boys during his time as a high school wrestling coach in a Chicago suburb before his career as an elected official.

Struggling to stand in federal court Wednesday, 74-year-old Hastert gripped his walker, approached the microphone and said that he "mistreated" some of his wrestlers and apologized.

"They looked to me, and I took advantage of them," Hastert said as he awaited his sentencing after pleading guilty last fall to breaking federal banking laws in a hush-money case. "I apologize to the court and to the people of the United States."

Judge Thomas Durkin sentenced Hastert to 15 months in prison, a $250,000 fine, along with two years of supervised release on the condition that he get sex offender treatment. Prosecutors had recommended a six-month sentence. Durkin called Hastert a "serial child molester" and said he must not contact any of his victims.

"That's necessary to protect the victims," the judge said.

One of the men who has accused Hastert of sexual abuse years ago identified himself in the courtroom Wednesday before Hastert spoke.

The man, previously known only as "Individual D," identified himself as Scott Cross, 53, who lives in Chicago and works in finance. He has a wife and two children.

"Coach Hastert sexually abused me," said Cross, who teared up at times as he identified himself publicly for the first time.

The allegations stem from the time Hastert worked as a wrestling coach at Yorkville High School in a Chicago suburb between 1965 and 1981.

Scott Cross, dressed in a business suit, recounted that he was alone in the locker room with Hastert, who told Cross he could help him lose weight by giving him a massage. Cross said that after a few minutes of a massage, Hastert tried to perform a sex act on him and Cross said he then jumped up and ran out of the room.

Cross said he felt alone and embarrassed and never told anyone about the incident and never discussed it with Hastert.

"I've had trouble sleeping and working," he said, and called the decision to come forward a "huge personal struggle."

He is the younger brother of longtime Illinois House Minority Leader Tom Cross, who served in that leadership role from 2002 to 2013 and retired from the legislature last year. The Chicago Tribune notes that Cross has credited Hastert with introducing him to politics and helping him move up the ladder.

In court, Hastert's lawyer said the former speaker had suggested that the elder Cross could write a support letter on his behalf. But the Tribune reported that by the time the request was made, Cross was aware that his younger brother was "Individual D" and he "did not respond." Hastert's lawyer mentioned the request in order to suggest that Hastert's mental health is severely diminished and could explain why he has lied throughout the investigation.

Prosecutors also called Jolene Burdge, the sister of an alleged Hastert victim who died in 1995. Burdge testified first and read aloud a letter her late brother wrote to their mother five months before he died of AIDS, and she accused Hastert of "sexually molesting" her brother.

"You took Steve's right to develop his sexual identity in a normal, healthy way," Burdge said directly to Hastert, who arrived to court Wednesday in a wheelchair. "Don't be a coward, Mr. Hastert. Tell the truth. What you did wasn't misconduct; it was sexual abuse of a minor."

Admonishing Hastert from the stand, she said, "You were supposed to keep him safe, not violate him," and she continued, "You took his innocence and turned it against him," turning him toward a life of high-risk behavior that eventually killed him.

"I will make you accountable for molesting my brother. I knew your secret and you couldn't bribe your way out," she added.

Hastert, an Illinois Republican, served in Congress from 1987 to 2007, and is the longest-serving House speaker, holding that post from 1999 to 2007.

Cross and Burdge's brother are among at least four victims who have made "credible allegations of sexual abuse," according to a report earlier this month in The Chicago Tribune.
Who was the blackmailer?

Why are you so much more concerned about the person who blew the whistle on Hastert- than Hastert's crimes and victims?
Nobody blew the whistle on Hastert's crimes. Least of all the "victim" who would never have blown the whistle on the Payday. A blackmailer got about 4 million dollars over the years. That's not a victim. That's an opportunist. A victim goes to the police and screams their head off.

Hastert was never charged with molestation. He was never convicted of molestation and no moleststion was ever proven. A man was crying over the end of the gravy train. Hastert went to prison because he was dealing with his own money in ways the government didn't approve of. He was victimized twice. The blackmailer got off without an honorable mention and the statute certainly hadn't run out on that.

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