Libya had billions in gold

Where did you read that it's not there anymore ??

Well, where is it? Is it still being used for the Libyan people or is it in somebody's pocket somewhere?

Just curious.
Which Arab / Muslim country used its wealth and natural resources for its people, for Libya to be the second one? They're all corrupt from top to bottom, oppressing and persecuting their people, stealing their national wealth and assets to line up their own pockets. it's just a question of degree.
Where did you read that it's not there anymore ??

Well, where is it? Is it still being used for the Libyan people or is it in somebody's pocket somewhere?

Just curious.
Which Arab / Muslim country used its wealth and natural resources for its people, for Libya to be the second one? They're all corrupt from top to bottom, oppressing and persecuting their people, stealing their national wealth and assets to line up their own pockets. it's just a question of degree.

[ame=]Eyewitness - NATO used Al-CIA-da to destroy Gadhafi/Libya ? TPH 07.24.2013 - YouTube[/ame]
Well, where is it? Is it still being used for the Libyan people or is it in somebody's pocket somewhere?

Just curious.
Which Arab / Muslim country used its wealth and natural resources for its people, for Libya to be the second one? They're all corrupt from top to bottom, oppressing and persecuting their people, stealing their national wealth and assets to line up their own pockets. it's just a question of degree.

[ame=]Eyewitness - NATO used Al-CIA-da to destroy Gadhafi/Libya ? TPH 07.24.2013 - YouTube[/ame]
Yeah, I mean Gaddaffi was such a generous, kind, benevolent leader to his people, right? He shared all the gold, and oil... :cuckoo:
Where did you read that it's not there anymore ??

Well, where is it? Is it still being used for the Libyan people or is it in somebody's pocket somewhere?

Just curious.

Now that you brought it up, I'm curious too. I asked for a link, because I couldn't find anything myself.

I haven't really looked but I have seen some things in passing.

[ame=]The Real Reason for NATO Attacking Libya (GOLD CURRENCY) - YouTube[/ame]
Interesting. Well if you find anything regarding the U.S taking some of that gold, post it here please, I would like to read up on it .
Good point. The rebels took over his compound and other properties, did they not ?
Well, where is it? Is it still being used for the Libyan people or is it in somebody's pocket somewhere?

Just curious.

Now that you brought it up, I'm curious too. I asked for a link, because I couldn't find anything myself.

I haven't really looked but I have seen some things in passing.

[ame=]The Real Reason for NATO Attacking Libya (GOLD CURRENCY) - YouTube[/ame]
Russian false propaganda service? LOL
I think you guys are all wrong.

Gadhaffi was an alien occupying a human body (that's why he acted so strange). After the American invasion of Libya, the gold was then moved to Area 51 in New Mexico to build better and stronger UFO's.
I still think that they got it and they are the ones who started the new Banking & Oil system.

?Libyan Rebels? Create Central Bank, Oil Company

Thanks, good link. From your link:

But some observers are convinced that the central bank issue was actually the primary motivation for the international war against Libya‘s dictatorship. In an article that has spread far and wide across the web, entitled “Globalists Target 100% State Owned Central Bank of Libya,” author Eric Encina maintains that the world’s “globalist financiers and market manipulators” could not stand the Libyan monetary authority’s independence, explaining:

Currently, the Libyan government creates its own money, the Libyan Dinar, through the facilities of its own central bank. One major problem for globalist banking cartels is that in order to do business with Libya, they must go through the Libyan Central Bank and its national currency, a place where they have absolutely zero dominion or power-broking ability. Hence, taking down the Central Bank of Libya (CBL) may not appear in the speeches of Obama, Cameron and Sarkozy but this is certainly at the top of the globalist agenda for absorbing Libya into its hive of compliant nations.

Guess who else has its own central bank.


My, what a coincidence. My money says that if Assad falls, a central bank will be installed.
The paragraph you quoted still doesn't say where the alleged gold went, if anywhere.

But as I said before, I'm sure Gaddafi had some in his compounds before they were taken over by rebels. So naturally, they would have been taken by them.
However, when Gaddafi realized he was doomed, I'm sure he took whatever money, gold he had in his compounds and moved it somewhere.
There's a lot of potential scenarios regarding this issue.

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