Lie of the Year: ‘I Will Shutdown This Virus’

WASHINGTON—The Border Patrol made about 1.66 million arrests of migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally in the 2021 fiscal year, the highest annual number ever recorded, according to figures released Friday by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

That’s almost the entire population of KKKANADA!—The%20Border%20Patrol%20made%20about%201.66%20million%20arrests,released%20Friday%20by%20U.S.%20Customs%20and%20Border%20Protection.
Dragonbreath is completely ignorant on everything about the USA, yet she chimes in on everthing on a daily basis. She always exposes her ignorance. Always.
no i don’t…he left his business when he took office and it was no secret he ran an international business
He didn't leave shit and was directly pocketing Trump company profits as he ran American foreign policy.

Why lie?
i am not that’s completely untrue
What is "not true"? That Trump never divested from his companies and had financial intests in many countries, including China, as he was conducting American foreign policy?

It's 100% true and just because you have some sort of political hangup about accepting these facts doesn't meant it's not.
What is "not true"? That Trump never divested from his companies and had financial intests in many countries, including China, as he was conducting American foreign policy?

It's 100% true and just because you have some sort of political hangup about accepting these facts doesn't meant it's not.
no they he was still running them

why would he have to divest? we don’t require any other president or politician to not have investments
no they he was still running them

why would he have to divest? we don’t require any other president or politician to not have investments
Oohh, so because he let his sons run daily operations while he was pocketing the money it's all ok by you.

Right dummy? We should just ignore his conflicts of interests. We should just ignore Trump plainly admiting these conflicts and back stabbing the Kurds during his presidency, giving Arduan what he wanted for decades. Nothing to see here, tight?


Oohh, so because he let his sons run daily operations while he was pocketing the money it's all ok by you.

Right dummy? We should just ignore the fact that his conflicts of interests actually materialized when it came to Turkey for example and Trump back stabbing the Kurds, giving Arduan what he wanted for decades.


Come on man, Hunter Biden was allowed to smoke crack and rape Chinese Child Prostitutes sent to him by Xi for VIP access to Biden and Obama Bin Lying. And Xi gave Hunter like $250 Million, right?

And you want to complain about The Trump Family who actually were legitimate businessmen before their dad decided to run for president?

Not only are you a Lying Fool, but you are a Damn Lying Fool. Don't you have to go run along and shave Xi's hairless balls for him, or whatever you weirdos call it these days?
Oohh, so because he let his sons run daily operations while he was pocketing the money it's all ok by you.

Right dummy? We should just ignore his conflicts of interests. We should just ignore Trump plainly admiting these conflicts and back stabbing the Kurds during his presidency, giving Arduan what he wanted for decades. Nothing to see here, tight?


i have no problem with anyone with an investment in a company getting a return. That’s the point of investing in a company

I am not sure why you think trump should be treated differently then any other president with investments.
i have no problem with anyone with an investment in a company getting a return.
Unless it's Biden's son, right?

Or maybe you are going to tell me that the way payments are structured are the real difference maker when it comes to ethics.
I am not sure why you think trump should be treated differently then any other president with investments.
What president? What investiments? What are you talking about?

Carter went so far as to put his penut farm into a blind trust when he became the president. We've never had ANYTHING like the mountain of financial conflict Trump brought into the White House so he didn't have to give up any control or profit from his companies.
What president? What investiments? What are you talking about?

Carter went so far as to put his penut farm into a blind trust when he became the president. We've never had ANYTHING like the mountain of financial conflict Trump brought into the White House so he didn't have to give up any control or profit from his companies.
i thought we were talking about president trump? and his investment in the trump organization?

good for carter…his farm went bankrupt

that’s one president though…has xiden de invested all his investments? did obama? clinton? what about members of congress?
Unless it's Biden's son, right?

Or maybe you are going to tell me that the way payments are structured are the real difference maker when it comes to ethics.
i got no problem with him having investment either. I did have a problem with him using air force 2 to conduct it

and i am a little curious why the big guy got 10 percent

but you seem not to have an issue with any of that, but for some reason have an issue with trump still having stock in his former real estate company.

that’s called hypocrisy
Yes, I did.

Life has a 100% fatality rate, yet it doesn’t scare me as much as your Fauci Flu scares you.
And life is not a verb, something you should have learned when you were in grade school.

Hence, you cannot point out anything you do that you have a 1 in 50 chance of killing you. Or a 1 in 100. And COVID does not scare me at all as I know what risk assessment is so I protected myself with what measures I needed to in order to make that 1 or 2 percent drop down to .1 or .05.

We could try again but you are not honest enough.

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