Lie of the Year: ‘I Will Shutdown This Virus’

Just did, Simpleton.
No, you did not.

And everyone here can easily see that. I do not expect you to be honest about it though.

Continue on and show us you cant point to such an activity. Mostly because only an idiot is going to do something that has a 1 or 2 percent chance of killing them. That is monumentally moronic. Unfortunately, it is getting popular to possibly kill yourself out of political devotion.

This makes Jim Jones look like a minor league player.
A guy who RAN ON A PLATFORM of accusing Trump of "willful mass murder" and having "blood on his hands" for not having enough tests when he was president should be held to his own standard and have enough tests to not invent new "science" to justify rationing tests.
Yet here we are going into 2022 with a shortage of tests and the CDC changing it’s testing rules to cover for their senile boss.

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Nahhhh... the Lie of the Year (2021) was Donald Rump claiming that he'd won the November 3, 2020 general election... the arrogant POS Loser.
Who would have predicted that with hundreds of thousands of people dying from COVID that we would still have assholes refusing to get vaccinated?
Rightwing Conservatives, Blacks, Latinos, and liberals who don’t like the government injecting them with mandated medicine. Are those assholes you are referring to? Don’t forget the illegals flooding the southern border.
Rightwing Conservatives, Blacks, Latinos, and liberals who don’t like the government injecting them with mandated medicine. Are those assholes you are referring to? Don’t forget the illegals flooding the southern border.

Let me correct that paragraph: Right wing media continues to promote the idea that you have the right to refuse the vaccine, however stupid that idea might be.

And please stop saying that illegals are flooding the southern border, because that's yet another Republican lie. Here are the numbers from Customs and Border Patrol for October, 2021 - highlights of which are:

CBP Enforcement Numbers for October 2021

The large number of expulsions during the pandemic has contributed to a higher-than-usual number of migrants making multiple border crossing attempts, which means that total encounters somewhat overstate the number of unique individuals arriving at the border.

  • The number of unique individuals encountered in October 2021 was 117,260, an 18% reduction in the number of unique individuals encountered the prior month.
  • In total, there were 164,303 encounters along the Southwest border, a 14% decrease compared to September. Of those, 29% involved individuals who had at least one prior encounter in the previous 12 months, compared to an average one-year re-encounter rate of 14% for FY2014-2019.
  • Two-thirds (66%) of encounters were single adults, with 108,583 encounters in October, a 4% decrease compared to September.
  • 93,676 encounters, more than 57% of the total, were processed for expulsion under Title 42. 70,627 encounters were processed under Title 8.
    • 80,242 encounters involving single adults (74% of all single adult encounters) were processed for expulsion under Title 42, with 28,341 processed under Title 8.
    • 13,308 encounters involving family unit individuals (31% of all family unit individuals) were processed for expulsion under Title 42, with 29,418 processed under Title 8.
Unaccompanied Children

  • Encounters of unaccompanied children decreased 11%, with 12,807 encounters in October compared with 14,358 in September. In October, the average number of unaccompanied children in CBP custody was 595 per day, compared with an average of 772 per day in September.
Family Unit individuals

  • Encounters of family unit individuals decreased by 34% from 64,388 in September to 42,726 in October—which less than half the peak of 86,631 in August 2021.

xiden lied, people died

The term "Xiden" is a lie promulgated by Donald Trump, who received $11 million from a "secret Chinese bank account".

His daughter received dozens of personal trade marks from President Xi:

And Junior's $500 million loan deal with the Chinese:

Let me correct that paragraph: Right wing media continues to promote the idea that you have the right to refuse the vaccine, however stupid that idea might be.

And please stop saying that illegals are flooding the southern border, because that's yet another Republican lie. Here are the numbers from Customs and Border Patrol for October, 2021 - highlights of which are:

The CBP report sites a decrease. People are still coming across the border not vaccinated.
The term "Xiden" is a lie promulgated by Donald Trump, who received $11 million from a "secret Chinese bank account".

His daughter received dozens of personal trade marks from President Xi:

And Junior's $500 million loan deal with the Chinese:

not sure how it’s a “lie” irs a name…one i came up with not trump

haha yes the trump organization had a bank account in china as it did business there…that wasn’t or isn’t a secret, and the CCP makes it a law that if you did business there you had to go through their bank

you know what was a secret, as your own link highlights, is that the big guy got 10 percent…
Let me correct that paragraph: Right wing media continues to promote the idea that you have the right to refuse the vaccine, however stupid that idea might be.

And please stop saying that illegals are flooding the southern border, because that's yet another Republican lie. Here are the numbers from Customs and Border Patrol for October, 2021 - highlights of which are:

WASHINGTON—The Border Patrol made about 1.66 million arrests of migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally in the 2021 fiscal year, the highest annual number ever recorded, according to figures released Friday by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

That’s almost the entire population of KKKANADA!—The%20Border%20Patrol%20made%20about%201.66%20million%20arrests,released%20Friday%20by%20U.S.%20Customs%20and%20Border%20Protection.
not sure how it’s a “lie” irs a name…one i came up with not trump

haha yes the trump organization had a bank account in china as it did business there…that wasn’t or isn’t a secret, and the CCP makes it a law that if you did business there you had to go through their bank

you know what was a secret, as your own link highlights, is that the big guy got 10 percent…
You've just admitted that as a matter of fact Trump family has financial interests in China. Yet you have zero concerns about that.

So why should anyone take seriously your half-baked pleads about Biden supposedly having some financial dealings with Chinese?

And btw we have all of Biden tax returns, Trump did nothing but lie about disclosing his.
You've just admitted that as a matter of fact Trump family has financial interests in China. Yet you have zero concerns about that.

So why should anyone take seriously your half-baked pleads about Biden supposedly having some financial dealings with Chinese?

And btw we have all of Biden tax returns, Trump did nothing but lie about disclosing his.
So you either lied about xenophobe Trump or Brandon’s IRS is covering up for Trump.

I’ll let you decide.
So you either lied about xenophobe Trump or Brandon’s IRS is covering up for Trump.

I’ll let you decide.
I'll take C - false dichotomy setup by a total nutbag.

IRS does no evaluate conflicts of interest for POTUS.

Comeback when you can come up with something not completely laughable.
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You've just admitted that as a matter of fact Trump family has financial interests in China. Yet you have zero concerns about that.

So why should anyone take seriously your half-baked pleads about Biden supposedly having some financial dealings with Chinese?

And btw we have all of Biden tax returns, Trump did nothing but lie about disclosing his.
no i don’t…he left his business when he took office and it was no secret he ran an international business

he wasn’t getting 10 percent kickbacks like the big guy. and flying his sons to get the deals done on Airforce 2
No, you did not.

And everyone here can easily see that. I do not expect you to be honest about it though.

Continue on and show us you cant point to such an activity. Mostly because only an idiot is going to do something that has a 1 or 2 percent chance of killing them. That is monumentally moronic. Unfortunately, it is getting popular to possibly kill yourself out of political devotion.

This makes Jim Jones look like a minor league player.
Yes, I did.

Life has a 100% fatality rate, yet it doesn’t scare me as much as your Fauci Flu scares you.
Let me correct that paragraph: Right wing media continues to promote the idea that you have the right to refuse the vaccine, however stupid that idea might be.

And please stop saying that illegals are flooding the southern border, because that's yet another Republican lie. Here are the numbers from Customs and Border Patrol for October, 2021 - highlights of which are:

We do have a right to refuse the vax, Dipshit. If you knew anything about America you would know that.

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