Lie of the Year: ‘I Will Shutdown This Virus’

No. I don't worship Obumble, either. I consider him to have done a decent job with most domestic issues, but he sucked big-time on the foreign policy front.

But you are right about one thing, in connection with me... I regard Old Joe as a necessary evil, brought about by a vastly worse evil... your power-mad Orange POS.
A power mad Orange POS that was removed from office two weeks before the end of his 4 year term of a bunch of power mad Deep State insurrectionists.
At least Old Joe will have the decency to step aside when his time is done, rather than play the Big Orange Whiny Bitch about things not going his way.
Will he?

Democrats have been lying about stolen election FAR longer than republicans. For decades, virtually every election they lost was 'stolen.' they are ALREADY bitching about how the republicans are stealing 2022. Right now, before even one vote is cast.

The real difference last year was because Trump, in virtually all things, takes things ten steps further than everyone else because everyone else realizes that going so far is simply nuts. He will step aside, as even Trump had to do, but he will also claim, like every election, that it was stolen.
I don't think it was a "lie"...

Instead, I think it was an arrogant bit of braggadocio...

But Sleepy Old Uncle Joe is dealing with Delta and Omicron better than Rump could have dreamed...
Another, is he?

Trump, essentially, could haver ceased to exist and I think there would have been almost no difference in the outcome of COVID other than the media would not have been so caustic and nuts.

I do not really see any difference with Biden either. If he simply did not exist, we would likely be right where we are now with respect to COVID. I guess you can say his messaging has been FAR better, at least we are not listening to him opine about bullshit virtually every day on COVID, but messaging immaterial and unimportant.
Easy....isolating everyone....mandating the jab causing people to tell him to fuck off.

A lack of trust in Biden's Admin is the primary cause of the pandemic.
Not to mention alot of communist propaganda...
Sooo...people voluntarily isolating and vaccinations...prolonged pandemic...which was originally caused by distrust of Biden...a year before he got to the White House....

Hoooly shit I forgot how out of your damn mind you are before I asked that.

Thanks for the reminder.
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Sooo...people voluntarily isolating and vaccinations...prolonged pandemic...which was originally caused by distrust of Biden...a year before he got to the White House....

Hoooly shit I forgot how out of your damn mind you are before I asked that.

Thanks for the reminder.
Clearly you don't have a clue how viruses spread or the fact that they mutate.
Ask yourself why we haven't cured the common-cold....try researching it....and maybe you'll understand why isolation of the healthy and the uninfected only prolongs the spread of the virus.
Democrats have been lying about stolen election FAR longer than republicans.
The "The Other Guy Did It Too." defense stopped working in 4th or 5th grade... or had you not noticed?
...they are ALREADY bitching about how the republicans are stealing 2022. Right now, before even one vote is cast.
You are changing the rules on them in a wide variety of States, so they're bitching about it. But that's different than lying about elections being stolen.

BTW... personally... I actually approve of many of those more stringent voting criteria... in-person, or jumping through more hoops for mail-in, etc.

But my approval or disapproval has nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not bitching about barriers is the same thing as accusations of theft.

The real difference last year was because Trump
The real difference last year was that for the first time ever, a sitting American President incited his followers to violence, to hold onto personal political power.

Failure to uphold the sacred American tradition of a Peaceful Transfer of Power... truly a Mortal Sin in our American political context.

, in virtually all things, takes things ten steps further than everyone else because everyone else realizes that going so far is simply nuts.
Yes. I agree that Rump was "nuts" to go that far. Yet one more reason that Rump is unfit for high office and public trust.
He will step aside, as even Trump had to do, but he will also claim, like every election, that it was stolen.
Nahhhh... Old Joe will step aside as a Good Sport... he has far more "class", grace and "style" than the Orange Baboon.

BTW... the only reason why Rump stepped down is because the Joint Chiefs of Staff made a public declaration that they would not participate in his coup.
Another, is he?

Trump, essentially, could haver ceased to exist and I think there would have been almost no difference in the outcome of COVID other than the media would not have been so caustic and nuts.

I do not really see any difference with Biden either. If he simply did not exist, we would likely be right where we are now with respect to COVID. I guess you can say his messaging has been FAR better, at least we are not listening to him opine about bullshit virtually every day on COVID, but messaging immaterial and unimportant.
There is some considerable truth in this...
Clearly you don't have a clue how viruses spread or the fact that they mutate.
Ask yourself why we haven't cured the common-cold....try researching it....and maybe you'll understand why isolation of the healthy and the uninfected only prolongs the spread of the virus. you typed this, did it occur to you that we didn't isolate or vaccinate for common cold and yet it's still with us?

You are just rambling. I could probably write a bot that can generate random sentances with better cohesion.

Covid-19 is obviously naturally adaptive to get by past immunity and probably not going away for a long while, and we don't really need it to. What we need is for it to go from a disruptive pandemic to your standard fare endemic virus like other corono viruses that we call common cold, so we can get back to life as usual.

With vaccinations, Omicron's dominance and highly effective aniviral pills like the one from Pfizer coming online we seem to be very close to that.
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At least Old Joe will have the decency to step aside when his time is done, rather than play the Big Orange Whiny Bitch about things not going his way.
Pedo joe will not step aside when his time comes. he won't know his time is up and he won't know where to go. his puppeteers will have have to let him know his time is up and will have to lead him away. and he will be out there. out out there
Pedo joe will not step aside when his time comes. he won't know his time is up and he won't know where to go. his puppeteers will have have to let him know his time is up and will have to lead him away. and he will be out there. out out there
Yes... yes... yes... very nice, I'm sure... thank you for playing... next batter, please... you typed this, did it occur to you that we didn't isolate or vaccinate for common cold and yet it's still with us?

You are just rambling. I could probably write a bot that can generate random sentances with better cohesion.

Covid-19 is obviously naturally adaptive to get by past immunity and probably not going away for a long while, and we don't really need it to. What we need is for it to go from a disruptive pandemic to your standard fare endemic virus like other corono viruses that we call common cold, so we can get back to life as usual.

With vaccinations, Omicron's dominance and highly effective aniviral pills like the one from Pfizer coming online we seem to be very close to that.
Yes....going on 3 years and yet we still haven't found a cure.....mainly because you folks on the left refuse to accept or allow cheaper, more effective alternative treatments.
Even if they aren't they are still catching, spreading, and mutating the virus. Maybe the next version of covid will only effect vaxxed people.
The percentage of vaxxed people getting breakthrough Covid in study after study is higher than the percentage of vaccination in the population.

Therefore I think the virus may disproportionately attack vaccinated people.

The "The Other Guy Did It Too." defense stopped working in 4th or 5th grade... or had you not noticed?

You are changing the rules on them in a wide variety of States, so they're bitching about it. But that's different than lying about elections being stolen.

BTW... personally... I actually approve of many of those more stringent voting criteria... in-person, or jumping through more hoops for mail-in, etc.

But my approval or disapproval has nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not bitching about barriers is the same thing as accusations of theft.

The real difference last year was that for the first time ever, a sitting American President incited his followers to violence, to hold onto personal political power.

Failure to uphold the sacred American tradition of a Peaceful Transfer of Power... truly a Mortal Sin in our American political context.

Yes. I agree that Rump was "nuts" to go that far. Yet one more reason that Rump is unfit for high office and public trust.

Nahhhh... Old Joe will step aside as a Good Sport... he has far more "class", grace and "style" than the Orange Baboon.

BTW... the only reason why Rump stepped down is because the Joint Chiefs of Staff made a public declaration that they would not participate in his coup.
Its not a defense.

It is a fact. Democrats crow about 'stolen' elections every single election. Next cycle is going to be no different even if Trump managed to show exactly how caustic such can become.
Yes....going on 3 years and yet we still haven't found a cure.....mainly because you folks on the left refuse to accept or allow cheaper, more effective alternative treatments.
Nobody's stopping you.

Present your evidence to the FDA or the CDC or the Surgeon General's Office, or to any large, responsible medical consortium.
At least Old Joe will have the decency to step aside when his time is done, rather than play the Big Orange Whiny Bitch about things not going his way.
Old Joe's time was done before he got 'selected' he should have stepped down then but, instead he's bumbling his way through and ruining the country.
Old Joe's time was done before he got 'selected' he should have stepped down then but, instead he's bumbling his way through and ruining the country.
Then sell enough of the country on your party and its agenda so that you win back control of Congress in eleven months.
Nobody's stopping you.

Present your evidence to the FDA or the CDC or the Surgeon General's Office, or to any large, responsible medical consortium.
Why should anyone give evidence to those political institutions? It would be a waste of time.

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