Lie of the Year: ‘I Will Shutdown This Virus’

Trump is crass. But not a bullshit artist. Biden is so much better at that. And you like it. People earning 50 gees a year are now living like earning 46 gees a year as compared to his coronation last January. The Virus is still fuzzy to us all. A Flu or a Biological Weapon released by the Chinese. Please tell us.
Listen... I believe that Biden and the Dems are responsible for today's Inflation and several foreign policy screw-ups ( China, Russia ).

But in what way is Sleepy Old Uncle Joe bull$hitting you with respect to COVID-19?
I am not aware that he lied. Are you? What did he say that you believe was a lie?
um he said if you get the vaccine, you won’t get sick. Did you not other to read the OP?

Maybe in propaganda world of the dembot cult they aren’t covering it, but people are still getting sick after the vaccine
They would have impeached President Trump right now during the holidays the way this outbreak part 2 is happening. So F-ing ridiculous how much slack the Sleepy joe gets.
You want to impeach a President for...Covid evolution?

Wtf would you have Joe do exactly??
um he said if you get the vaccine, you won’t get sick. Did you not other to read the OP?

Maybe in propaganda world of the dembot cult they aren’t covering it, but people are still getting sick after the vaccine
Vaccination is highly effective at preventing hospitalization.

What is it you think you were lied about?
The lie of 2019 was that COVID didn't come from a Chinese lab.
The lie of 2020 was that Biden got 81 million votes.
The lie of 2021 was that Jan 6th was an insurrection.
Welcome to the alt-fact universe.
You want to impeach a President for...Covid evolution?

Wtf would you have Joe do exactly??

I would have Brandon do as he promised- and get rid of the Corona virus.

That is what he promised to do, after all.

And if he now says he is unable to do it, be man enough to stand before the American public with the Hoe and declare on TV "I Lied to you"
I would have Brandon do as he promised- and get rid of the Corona virus.

That is what he promised to do, after all.

And if he now says he is unable to do it, be man enough to stand before the American public with the Hoe and declare on TV "I Lied to you"
He promised that when vaccination fully stopped Alpha variant and Biden still has 3 more years to make good on that part of his promise.

He didn't shut down the country, you give him zero credit on that and you rightwing yahoos then bitched and moaned about Biden's vaccination mandates that got more people vaccinated.

And I also don't recall you ever holding Trump to this standard on his promises. Strange right?

The amount of stupid, hypocritical garbage in this thread is mind boggling.
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Listen... I believe that Biden and the Dems are responsible for today's Inflation and several foreign policy screw-ups ( China, Russia ).

But in what way is Sleepy Old Uncle Joe bull$hitting you with respect to COVID-19?
Because he lied. He said something different than what he has done. From before Trump was elected this crap was pushed on all of us. They know better. They are of pure genous. Trump was kind in their debates. Real kind.
Listen... I believe that Biden and the Dems are responsible for today's Inflation and several foreign policy screw-ups ( China, Russia ).

But in what way is Sleepy Old Uncle Joe bull$hitting you with respect to COVID-19?
He seems to live in a vacuum. He thinks he can get away with claiming that only Trump Supporters are the unvaxxed when everyone with any sense knows that children and many Democrat voters (Blacks) either refuse to get a vaccination or aren't allowed to get one yet.
He politicized masks and now vaccines.
Because he lied. He said something different than what he has done. From before Trump was elected this crap was pushed on all of us. They know better. They are of pure genous. Trump was kind in their debates. Real kind.
Nothing you said establishes it to be a lie.

There is zero reason to think that Biden honestly didn't think that a vaccine highly effective at stopping transmission and hospitalizations will end the pandemic. It wasn't untill widespread vaccination resistance and emergence of new variants that this came under question.

No doubt Biden, like everyone else, still belives pandemic will come to an end soon, certainly sooner than his term in office.

Finally let's note the hypocrisy of you never holding Trump responsible for all the blatant bullshit he promised and failed to deliver.
um he said if you get the vaccine, you won’t get sick. Did you not other to read the OP?
Oh for goodness' sake... is THAT what you characters are "on about"? Sheesh. He was wrong. You can still get sick.

You just won't get sssooooo sick that you'll end-up in the hospital or on the county ME's table sporting a toe-tag.

The difference is enough to overlook his amateur (non-medical/non-scientist) opining back then.

Close enough for Gubmint work.

Much ado about nothing.

Maybe in propaganda world of the dembot cult they aren’t covering it, but people are still getting sick after the vaccine
Yep. People are still getting sick. But they aren't going to the hospital And they aren't dying. Unless they were stupid enough not to get vax'ed.
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He seems to live in a vacuum. He thinks he can get away with claiming that only Trump Supporters are the unvaxxed when everyone with any sense knows that children and many Democrat voters (Blacks) either refuse to get a vaccination or aren't allowed to get one yet.
Yes. Little kids aren't vaccinated. That's a gimme.

But within the vast domain of adults who CAN take the vax and have not... the overwhelming, overpowering majority are Trump supporters.

He politicized masks and now vaccines.
Yes. He pissed off Rumpian Orange Kool-Aid Drinkers by (rightly) accusing them of stupidity in not vax'ing nor supporting masking, etc.
Nothing you said establishes it to be a lie.

There is zero reason to think that Biden honestly didn't think that a vaccine highly effective at stopping transmission and hospitalizations will end the pandemic. It wasn't untill widespread vaccination resistance and emergence of new variants that this came under question.

No doubt Biden, like everyone else, still belives pandemic will come to an end soon, certainly sooner than his term in office.

Finally let's note the hypocrisy of you never holding Trump responsible for all the blatant bullshit he promised and failed to deliver.
In reality most people have leeway. Not with this inflation and increase in other things. This is different. When a person runs for office, they promise. Getting a percentage of that done is what they are graded on. Biden has done nothing! Nada! He ran as a moderate! He is a phukn traitor and will not get patriotism to him from half the population. Let your cites blow up. Trump promised about 75% of what Cruz did. But Cruz was not going to be elected without Prog help. Getting half of what he promised would be a victory. And he got a lot of it done. And it could have been more. Biden is pure lie. Pure Prog socialist communist. He is owed nothing. Let us be attacked.
In reality most people have leeway. Not with this inflation and increase in other things. This is different. When a person runs for office, they promise. Getting a percentage of that done is what they are graded on. Biden has done nothing! Nada! He ran as a moderate! He is a phukn traitor and will not get patriotism to him from half the population. Let your cites blow up. Trump promised about 75% of what Cruz did. But Cruz was not going to be elected without Prog help. Getting half of what he promised would be a victory. And he got a lot of it done. And it could have been more. Biden is pure lie. Pure Prog socialist communist. He is owed nothing. Let us be attacked.

You sure like to push that air...but nothing you said establishes that Biden lied about shutting down Covid, not economy.

Trump was talking about infrastructure bill and withdrawing from Afghanistan for 4 years, Biden got it done in his first. You talking about how Biden "neva-did-nothin" is laughable bullshit.
Nothing you said establishes it to be a lie.

There is zero reason to think that Biden honestly didn't think that a vaccine highly effective at stopping transmission and hospitalizations will end the pandemic. It wasn't untill widespread vaccination resistance and emergence of new variants that this came under question.

No doubt Biden, like everyone else, still belives pandemic will come to an end soon, certainly sooner than his term in office.

Finally let's note the hypocrisy of you never holding Trump responsible for all the blatant bullshit he promised and failed to deliver.
Everything Biden is doing is only going to cause the pandemic to go on longer.
When the virus becomes like a slight case of the Common Cold there's no reason for them to lock everything down.....but that's where we're headed again.
Oh for goodness' sake... is THAT what you characters are "on about"? Sheesh. He was wrong. You can still get sick.

You just won't get sssooooo sick that you'll end-up in the hospital or on the county ME's table sporting a toe-tag.

The difference is enough to overlook his amateur (non-medical/non-scientist) opining back then.

Close enough for Gubmint work.

Much ado about nothing.

Yep. People are still getting sick. But they aren't going to the hospital And they aren't dying. Unless they were stupid enough not to get vax'ed.
did you not read the OP before making comments on the thread? not read the title?

seriously…the cult must be happy to have someone like you
Like what?
Easy....isolating everyone....mandating the jab causing people to tell him to fuck off.

A lack of trust in Biden's Admin is the primary cause of the pandemic.
Not to mention alot of communist propaganda that is misleading everyone into believing Biden is lying to us about everything.
Maybe he is, maybe he isn't.....but nobody trusts him.
So why should we do what he wants us to?

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