Life after death....New study

Bible aside, near death experiences give credence to eternal life. The most profound that I know of was a woman blind from birth having to undergo brain surgery. They stopped her heart, and her brain had to be completely shut down. No awareness, no firing, completely stopped. When she was brought back to life, she told them everything that happened in the OR. What songs were played. She described the tools the doctors used and most amazing was she saw the color of the dr's scrubs. They were blue. She had never seen blue, yet recognized it, because her eternal eyes worked fine. She watch the whole thing.
IOW, "No, I have no proof."
LIFE AFTER DEATH: When you die you KNOW you’re dead as consciousness persists - study

LIFE AFTER DEATH: When you die you KNOW you’re dead as consciousness persists - study
From reading this link it seems more like humans (as usual) have gotten it wrong. The point we call death is premature if we are still aware.

Nope. We are eternal beings. When the clay exterior gives out, we step right out of it and on to the next phase. Your mind is not your brain. Your heart is not a muscle. You retain both when your gray matter dies and your muscle stops undulating.

I see the body like a submarine that we travel in in this realm/dimension..... that is why when the brain dies, we don't....much like being in a submarine that loses power, all the machinery and computers stop...but there living things are still in there....
Our consciousness is not going to be around long when blood stops flowing to our brains. Nerve cells will being to die almost immediately.

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