Life During Sequester, the Survivors Speak

Sequester Day 19: I dug out the exit to my underground bunker this morning, snow is really getting high... Must be that Global Warming thing I used to hear about. Anyway, I shouldered my AR-15 with its 30 round magazine and carefully crawled out to check my animal traps. It looks like I'll be eating Rabbit again. I can only wonder and hope the rest of America is faring better than I under the sequester... Several weeks, and the walls of my bunker seem to tighten around me. I can only exist on the belief that Obama will ultimately save me... Three words keep me focused, and hold my faith.... "Hope,change and forward".... "Hope, change and forward"... Hearing myself repeat them, and the echos on my bunker walls comforts me, and will no doubt be my salvation...


If you have faith in Obama, praise be his holy name, you are saved
Sequester Day 19: I dug out the exit to my underground bunker this morning, snow is really getting high... Must be that Global Warming thing I used to hear about. Anyway, I shouldered my AR-15 with its 30 round magazine and carefully crawled out to check my animal traps. It looks like I'll be eating Rabbit again. I can only wonder and hope the rest of America is faring better than I under the sequester... Several weeks, and the walls of my bunker seem to tighten around me. I can only exist on the belief that Obama will ultimately save me... Three words keep me focused, and hold my faith.... "Hope,change and forward".... "Hope, change and forward"... Hearing myself repeat them, and the echos on my bunker walls comforts me, and will no doubt be my salvation...


hahahaha, stolen and shared on facebook! :rofl:
er, 20%?


This is like earning $50K a year, expecting a raise to $52K next year, finding out you're only getting $51K and telling your kids you're tossing them on to the streets as a result...that's the brutal Obama sequester
i only know that they're talking of cutting back to 80% of full time with my wife's job. that means 20% less pay.

so no, for us this is not like not getting an expected raise. it's like getting an unexpected pay cut.

your wife is a federal worker? will you tell us what agency/dept. please?
dual status worker for the guard.
granted, nothing is solid yet, but the persistent rumors are one day off a week. there have been rumors that it will only be one day every other week, which would still suck.

i have a good friend that works for the dept. of conservation. she's looking at the same sort of cuts only they're more certain about it for them.
Becoming a convert to Obamessiahism.

I am literally thinking it is right and proper to HOPE for CHANGE.

Yea, though we walk through the shadow of the valley of sequester, we shall fear no consequences; for spending shall be our salvation until debt.
You come to appreciate the little things, the everyday things that you take for granted: coffee, chocolate, cigarettes. You realize that, that was my last cigarette, my last cup of coffee; there's no more coming -- because of Obama's Sequester. Was at Ciao Bella in Grand Central, they're down to their last 38 flavors of gelato, is this the end?

[ame=]The Doors - The End (original) - YouTube[/ame]
Just read that Big Brother is adding Thousands of new Government jobs during this tragic apocalyptic Sequester. What's up with that?
If a Sequester falls in the forest and nobody feels it, is it still a brutal Obama Sequester?
Snowed the other day, not too bad maybe 2-3 inches, but the roads leading to my home are very hilly, saw a few cars stuck -- desperately trying to make it up the hill before Sequester claimed them. I should have stopped, I should have helped but I could feel the Sequester coming after me. I pretended not to notice their plight and drove on.

The Sequester has turned us into animals. I'm ashamed. I've lost track of the days now since it started
It is a crying shame that EVERY single thing on which the Government spends our money is so vital and crucial and necessary.

Otherwise, it might have been possible to avoid this CRUSHING SEQUESTER by just shit canning waste.

Damn the luck, though. Everything is crucial. Everything. There's not a hint of the blurry afterimage of a ghost of a shadow of a whisper of waste ANYWHERE in the Federal budget.

Nikrad: Treasury Identifies Billions in Waste : Roll Call Opinion

Damn the luck.
Met a guy selling apples outside the Mall of America yesterday....Felt so badly for him that I bought three, even though I hate apples...At least he wasn't just panhandling at the freeway entrance ramp...Gave the apples to little children to help them stave off total malnutrition...One of their mothers wept at my generosity to her starving waif.

Damn this sequester all to hell!
Last edited:
Spring Break, 2013

Local school planned on going on White House another victim claimed by the Brutal Sequester


"Viva La Sequester!"

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