Life During Sequester, the Survivors Speak

i know it's funny because by and large the sky didn't fall - but for a good lot of people, including myself, we're looking at a greatly reduced income.

not many people in any line of work would be able to take a 20% pay cut and not feel it.
i know it's funny because by and large the sky didn't fall - but for a good lot of people, including myself, we're looking at a greatly reduced income.

not many people in any line of work would be able to take a 20% pay cut and not feel it.

er, 20%?


This is like earning $50K a year, expecting a raise to $52K next year, finding out you're only getting $51K and telling your kids you're tossing them on to the streets as a result...that's the brutal Obama sequester
i know it's funny because by and large the sky didn't fall - but for a good lot of people, including myself, we're looking at a greatly reduced income.

not many people in any line of work would be able to take a 20% pay cut and not feel it.

They just hired several Thousand new Government Workers. They're handing out Billions in Tax Dollars to numerous foreign nations. Doesn't look like Big Brother is hurtin too much. Where are all the cuts? Get that cash back from Egypt, and then bring the White House Tours back. I think most Americans would rather spend their money on White House tours.
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Just left the dump. It seems many were scavenging for their lives!

Course it was all birds but the nightly news would have left that important tidbit out.

Sequestration is really hurting the wildlife
i know it's funny because by and large the sky didn't fall - but for a good lot of people, including myself, we're looking at a greatly reduced income.

not many people in any line of work would be able to take a 20% pay cut and not feel it.

er, 20%?


This is like earning $50K a year, expecting a raise to $52K next year, finding out you're only getting $51K and telling your kids you're tossing them on to the streets as a result...that's the brutal Obama sequester
i only know that they're talking of cutting back to 80% of full time with my wife's job. that means 20% less pay.

so no, for us this is not like not getting an expected raise. it's like getting an unexpected pay cut.
i know it's funny because by and large the sky didn't fall - but for a good lot of people, including myself, we're looking at a greatly reduced income.

not many people in any line of work would be able to take a 20% pay cut and not feel it.

er, 20%?


This is like earning $50K a year, expecting a raise to $52K next year, finding out you're only getting $51K and telling your kids you're tossing them on to the streets as a result...that's the brutal Obama sequester
i only know that they're talking of cutting back to 80% of full time with my wife's job. that means 20% less pay.

so no, for us this is not like not getting an expected raise. it's like getting an unexpected pay cut.

your wife is a federal worker? will you tell us what agency/dept. please?
i know it's funny because by and large the sky didn't fall - but for a good lot of people, including myself, we're looking at a greatly reduced income.

not many people in any line of work would be able to take a 20% pay cut and not feel it.

er, 20%?


This is like earning $50K a year, expecting a raise to $52K next year, finding out you're only getting $51K and telling your kids you're tossing them on to the streets as a result...that's the brutal Obama sequester
i only know that they're talking of cutting back to 80% of full time with my wife's job. that means 20% less pay.

so no, for us this is not like not getting an expected raise. it's like getting an unexpected pay cut.
Cry me a river.

Go on SNAP....It's stimulus!
Satan revels in Sequester


Satan, "If I had a son, he'd look like Obama"
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If you sequester something you set it aside instead of spending it.

Isolate or hide away (someone or something): "the artist sequestered himself in his studio for two years".
A general cut in government spending.
verb. sequestrate - seize - isolate - impound - insulate
noun. segregation - sequestration

But when this government sequesters a portion of the budget, they still end up spending a whole lot more.

So, what was the point of a sequester again?
Oh, I don't know what the Republicans' felt the point of sequester was. I was just thinking of what Obama thinks it is for.
Oh, I don't know what the Republicans' felt the point of sequester was. I was just thinking of what Obama thinks it is for.

He came up with the idea so that he could get Boehner and the GOP to agree to it and then claim that it was their idea when HE manipulated it to inflict as much pain as he could on such a drop in the bucket amount.

But it hasn't caused all that much pain. Just inconvenience and greater disdain for the gubmint.

But he's a man of no principles. So he'll settle for it.
[ame=]Dr. Smith's Pain - YouTube[/ame]
Oh, I don't know what the Republicans' felt the point of sequester was. I was just thinking of what Obama thinks it is for.

He came up with the idea so that he could get Boehner and the GOP to agree to it and then claim that it was their idea when HE manipulated it to inflict as much pain as he could on such a drop in the bucket amount.

But it hasn't caused all that much pain. Just inconvenience and greater disdain for the gubmint.

But he's a man of no principles. So he'll settle for it.
He came up with the idea because he thought that republicans would cave over the Pentagon reductions....But, for the first time that I can remember, they didn't go wobbly.

Now Obiedoodle is painted into a corner and nobody can notice the difference.
Sky fall yet? We lose those 175 Million jobs?

According to Pelosi 500,000,000 now unemployed, but since, according to Pelosi, unemployment checks are the fastest way to stimulate the economy, we're expecting record growth.

Er, normal people have to stand on their heads to understand Democrat Speak
Oh, I don't know what the Republicans' felt the point of sequester was. I was just thinking of what Obama thinks it is for.

He came up with the idea so that he could get Boehner and the GOP to agree to it and then claim that it was their idea when HE manipulated it to inflict as much pain as he could on such a drop in the bucket amount.

But it hasn't caused all that much pain. Just inconvenience and greater disdain for the gubmint.

But he's a man of no principles. So he'll settle for it.
He came up with the idea because he thought that republicans would cave over the Pentagon reductions....But, for the first time that I can remember, they didn't go wobbly.

Now Obiedoodle is painted into a corner and nobody can notice the difference.

True. I have to give the Republicans some credit on this one. The sky didn't fall, now what?
Sequester Day 19: I dug out the exit to my underground bunker this morning, snow is really getting high... Must be that Global Warming thing I used to hear about. Anyway, I shouldered my AR-15 with its 30 round magazine and carefully crawled out to check my animal traps. It looks like I'll be eating Rabbit again. I can only wonder and hope the rest of America is faring better than I under the sequester... Several weeks, and the walls of my bunker seem to tighten around me. I can only exist on the belief that Obama will ultimately save me... Three words keep me focused, and hold my faith.... "Hope,change and forward".... "Hope, change and forward"... Hearing myself repeat them, and the echos on my bunker walls comforts me, and will no doubt be my salvation...
Sequester Day 19: I dug out the exit to my underground bunker this morning, snow is really getting high... Must be that Global Warming thing I used to hear about. Anyway, I shouldered my AR-15 with its 30 round magazine and carefully crawled out to check my animal traps. It looks like I'll be eating Rabbit again. I can only wonder and hope the rest of America is faring better than I under the sequester... Several weeks, and the walls of my bunker seem to tighten around me. I can only exist on the belief that Obama will ultimately save me... Three words keep me focused, and hold my faith.... "Hope,change and forward".... "Hope, change and forward"... Hearing myself repeat them, and the echos on my bunker walls comforts me, and will no doubt be my salvation...


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