Life During Sequester, the Survivors Speak


I cannot believe the devastation. This was once a world class city, the envy of the world, the shining success of American Innovation and Entrepreneurship. The people and industries have fled leaving chaos and crime in their wake. My God! Is this what Sequester is like?

Hell, no! This is Detroit and letting Democrats run things down to the ground

^^^^^THAT'S the truth! I used to love going to Detroit, i try hard to go no where near there anymore. It's scarey to drive almost anywhere in that city anymore.....and Detroit was the main reason Michigan went for Obama in the elections! Unbelievable!!
Is anyone out there?




I've lost track of the days since the Brutal Obama Sequester kicked in
You're still there!

Oh thank goodness! I thought I was the only one still hanging on!

I have to tell you. I'm really scared here all alone.

[ame=]Get to da choppa! - YouTube[/ame]
All around me are sentinels that collapsed our civilization, their silence mocking us


Is this the most brutal sequester ever?

How does it compare with other sequester through the ages?
It is being rumored that because of this massively painful SEQUESTER, the liberal Democrats in Congress are actually considering (although this is jarringly hard to believe) proposing a


Is this one of the signs of The END TIMES?

But wait, it gets even more shocking.

The liberal Democrats in Congress are apparently going to propose a budget WITH another tax hike.

Evidently, they think that if they could ONLY grab another TRILLION dollars from our collective paychecks over ten years, then they could both spend and attend to the deficit problem.

They are very confident it will work.
Life seems pretty normal.
Haven't noticed anything unusual.
What's it been a few weeks now.
The sky hasn't fallen.

All is well...

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