Life During Sequester, the Survivors Speak

I have all mt fishing gear ready for when I have to catch my own food


fresh or salt?

I went to town today. 10 elk crossed my path. I'm good to go. I have food on the move.

(psst btw it killed me watching them a joy beyond took my breath away )
I spent my last $12 on a bottle of whiskey. Figured I'll just drink the sequester off my mind.

Stolichnaya. Half the price double the duty. Have fun.

I can't wait to see Obama go down in flames over this. He's been such a drama queen.
Day 3.

Internet, cell phones, TV, and local radio all down. Fires burning everywhere from the massive earthquake and tidal wave that was caused by the budget apocalypse. My only contact with the outside world is through an old Ham radio I have that uses tubes and a wire antenna I strung over a tree that died for lack of water. Only person I can get is a guy in China that say that the world still exist, even though all the new cities are empty. Not sure what he means, I think my Mandarin is not up to translating what he says. I think I got across that I am in what is left of San Francisco, which was hit hard by the cuts. He promised to send help.

[ame=]SNL Makes Fun of Obama on Sequester Budget Cuts - March 2, 2013 - Saturday Night Live - YouTube[/ame]
Life During Sequester, the Survivors Speak: "It's cold in here... This forty eight foot subterranean Container which has now become my home. How strange that something once used to convey materialistic goods should now be my salvation. I can only pray that others have survived, as I have. The Twinkies beckon me, but I know I must remain diligent. The only way to survive this alive is by rationing. I rationalize that the single wire connecting my computer to the outside world, also connects me. I don't know how long I can survive... But I won't give up... Never... Somewhere there must be others..."
An air show that I never planned on attending was cancelled here. The humanity

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