life in socialism land

You are dodging the question.
You need a diagram? What's so great about socialism? It is always democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, that is Health Care daycare paid parental leave, good infrastructure and vacations, taxing the rich more than the middle class d u h, cheap college and training. Don't be a dupe. That is the definition Everywhere outside the dupe bubble more and more since World War IIand now is the definition.
You socialists are fucking idiots. All that free feel good shit you just listed? You missed one glaring point of failure that always, and I mean always, happens.

Who’s going to pay for it?
The bloated rich the the GOP has given all the money the last 35 years d u h, dupe. And most of it doesn't cost the government much at all...
Take all their money and you fund your socialist paradise for less than a year.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and think maybe you haven’t thought as far ahead as what you’re going to do in year two.
Try raising their taxes ten to 15%... The assumptions you make are ridiculous super duper.
We had the highest corporate tax rate in the world before the cuts. We also had low employment and record welfare rolls. Now those are reversed and it’s going damn good. Why would you be so fucking stupid you would want to go back to that?
You are dodging the question.
You need a diagram? What's so great about socialism? It is always democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, that is Health Care daycare paid parental leave, good infrastructure and vacations, taxing the rich more than the middle class d u h, cheap college and training. Don't be a dupe. That is the definition Everywhere outside the dupe bubble more and more since World War IIand now is the definition.
You socialists are fucking idiots. All that free feel good shit you just listed? You missed one glaring point of failure that always, and I mean always, happens.

Who’s going to pay for it?
The bloated rich the the GOP has given all the money the last 35 years d u h, dupe. And most of it doesn't cost the government much at all...
Take all their money and you fund your socialist paradise for less than a year.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and think maybe you haven’t thought as far ahead as what you’re going to do in year two.
And of course they don't do all those things at once d u h.
Of course not. Took Venezuela 10 years to fuck themselves this hard.
In other words we are the only developed country without Healthcare daycare living wage good infrastructure and vacations cheap college and training.... Other developed countries think we are nuts. Nope just baffled with BS.
You are dodging the question.
You need a diagram? What's so great about socialism? It is always democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, that is Health Care daycare paid parental leave, good infrastructure and vacations, taxing the rich more than the middle class d u h, cheap college and training. Don't be a dupe. That is the definition Everywhere outside the dupe bubble more and more since World War IIand now is the definition.
You socialists are fucking idiots. All that free feel good shit you just listed? You missed one glaring point of failure that always, and I mean always, happens.

Who’s going to pay for it?
The bloated rich the the GOP has given all the money the last 35 years d u h, dupe. And most of it doesn't cost the government much at all...

How is letting people keep more of what they earn equate into "giving" something "da gubermint" was never entitled to have to begin with? Of course a commie such as yourself believes that those of your ilk are entitled to the fruits of other's labor.....sure beats working for a living, eh?
Every other country manages to do it. Healthcare and living wage and vacations anyway... You nuts LOL. Great slaves of the greedy idiot rich lying GOP.
You need a diagram? What's so great about socialism? It is always democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, that is Health Care daycare paid parental leave, good infrastructure and vacations, taxing the rich more than the middle class d u h, cheap college and training. Don't be a dupe. That is the definition Everywhere outside the dupe bubble more and more since World War IIand now is the definition.
You socialists are fucking idiots. All that free feel good shit you just listed? You missed one glaring point of failure that always, and I mean always, happens.

Who’s going to pay for it?
The bloated rich the the GOP has given all the money the last 35 years d u h, dupe. And most of it doesn't cost the government much at all...
Take all their money and you fund your socialist paradise for less than a year.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and think maybe you haven’t thought as far ahead as what you’re going to do in year two.
And of course they don't do all those things at once d u h.
Of course not. Took Venezuela 10 years to fuck themselves this hard.
Venezuela is a third-world mess... LOL dupes...
You need a diagram? What's so great about socialism? It is always democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, that is Health Care daycare paid parental leave, good infrastructure and vacations, taxing the rich more than the middle class d u h, cheap college and training. Don't be a dupe. That is the definition Everywhere outside the dupe bubble more and more since World War IIand now is the definition.
You socialists are fucking idiots. All that free feel good shit you just listed? You missed one glaring point of failure that always, and I mean always, happens.

Who’s going to pay for it?
The bloated rich the the GOP has given all the money the last 35 years d u h, dupe. And most of it doesn't cost the government much at all...
Take all their money and you fund your socialist paradise for less than a year.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and think maybe you haven’t thought as far ahead as what you’re going to do in year two.
And of course they don't do all those things at once d u h.
You need a diagram? What's so great about socialism? It is always democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, that is Health Care daycare paid parental leave, good infrastructure and vacations, taxing the rich more than the middle class d u h, cheap college and training. Don't be a dupe. That is the definition Everywhere outside the dupe bubble more and more since World War IIand now is the definition.
You socialists are fucking idiots. All that free feel good shit you just listed? You missed one glaring point of failure that always, and I mean always, happens.

Who’s going to pay for it?
The bloated rich the the GOP has given all the money the last 35 years d u h, dupe. And most of it doesn't cost the government much at all...
Take all their money and you fund your socialist paradise for less than a year.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and think maybe you haven’t thought as far ahead as what you’re going to do in year two.
Try raising their taxes ten to 15%... The assumptions you make are ridiculous super duper.

Income taxes do not go towards funding any function of this corporate "entity" you call "gubermint". The IRS i.e Puerto Rican Trust #62 collects on behalf of the International Monetary Fund that took USA.INC into receivership when it once again filed for bankruptcy. Reference the Grace Committee findings revealed to Congress in 1984, "dupe".
Talk about lost in forest for the trees...
Your greedy idiot Rich GOP Heroes have been reDistributing the wealth to the rich for 35 years, Super Duper.
Anyone’s personal wealth or lack of personal wealth is no one else’s business, and certainly not the federal governments business
And that is why your duped family and friends will continue to be screwed by your brain washing Heroes. We now have the worst inequality and upward Mobility in our in our history, genius.
Na, not really
Upward mobility is up to the individual the federal government has nothing to do with it
Yep they just make college and training more and more expensive and obstruct cheap daycare etc etc. Makes no difference right, people are just lazy, especially blacks right? Mario Cuomo a great Democrat, said Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable, so he could screw everyone but the rich, super duper. We always used to call them the unfortunate and helped them. Until Reagan, California University was almost free and many other places too, Jasper.
Envy is your friend apparently
I'm worried about the country and our people, super duper. I'm happily retired thanks, brainwashed functional morons.
You socialists are fucking idiots. All that free feel good shit you just listed? You missed one glaring point of failure that always, and I mean always, happens.

Who’s going to pay for it?
The bloated rich the the GOP has given all the money the last 35 years d u h, dupe. And most of it doesn't cost the government much at all...
Take all their money and you fund your socialist paradise for less than a year.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and think maybe you haven’t thought as far ahead as what you’re going to do in year two.
And of course they don't do all those things at once d u h.
Of course not. Took Venezuela 10 years to fuck themselves this hard.
Venezuela is a third-world mess... LOL dupes...
It wasn’t until socialism showed up.
Anyone’s personal wealth or lack of personal wealth is no one else’s business, and certainly not the federal governments business
And that is why your duped family and friends will continue to be screwed by your brain washing Heroes. We now have the worst inequality and upward Mobility in our in our history, genius.
Na, not really
Upward mobility is up to the individual the federal government has nothing to do with it
Yep they just make college and training more and more expensive and obstruct cheap daycare etc etc. Makes no difference right, people are just lazy, especially blacks right? Mario Cuomo a great Democrat, said Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable, so he could screw everyone but the rich, super duper. We always used to call them the unfortunate and helped them. Until Reagan, California University was almost free and many other places too, Jasper.
Envy is your friend apparently
I'm worried about the country and our people, super duper. I'm happily retired thanks, brainwashed functional morons.
Other people’s financial situation is none of your business then, The federal government is not the friend of the individual
The bloated rich the the GOP has given all the money the last 35 years d u h, dupe. And most of it doesn't cost the government much at all...
Take all their money and you fund your socialist paradise for less than a year.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and think maybe you haven’t thought as far ahead as what you’re going to do in year two.
And of course they don't do all those things at once d u h.
Of course not. Took Venezuela 10 years to fuck themselves this hard.
Venezuela is a third-world mess... LOL dupes...
It wasn’t until socialism showed up.
It wasn't until George W bush wrecked the world economy, dumbass. Trump's sanctions against Venezuela help a lot too.
You are dodging the question.
You need a diagram? What's so great about socialism? It is always democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, that is Health Care daycare paid parental leave, good infrastructure and vacations, taxing the rich more than the middle class d u h, cheap college and training. Don't be a dupe. That is the definition Everywhere outside the dupe bubble more and more since World War IIand now is the definition.
You socialists are fucking idiots. All that free feel good shit you just listed? You missed one glaring point of failure that always, and I mean always, happens.

Who’s going to pay for it?
The bloated rich the the GOP has given all the money the last 35 years d u h, dupe. And most of it doesn't cost the government much at all...

How is letting people keep more of what they earn equate into "giving" something "da gubermint" was never entitled to have to begin with? Of course a commie such as yourself believes that those of your ilk are entitled to the fruits of other's labor.....sure beats working for a living, eh?
Every other country manages to do it. Healthcare and living wage and vacations anyway... You nuts LOL. Great slaves of the greedy idiot rich lying GOP.

Compare their population as opposed to America and there are many disgruntled citizens that resent having half of their wages confiscated in order to subsidize those that can't work or won't but still enjoy the same benefits of those that produce. Socialism isn't about raising the bottom to the middle but the middle down to the bottom. Socialism here will never happen in your lifetime.....too many of us that are not onboard and would make it our business to make sure that it's not implemented.
And that is why your duped family and friends will continue to be screwed by your brain washing Heroes. We now have the worst inequality and upward Mobility in our in our history, genius.
Na, not really
Upward mobility is up to the individual the federal government has nothing to do with it
Yep they just make college and training more and more expensive and obstruct cheap daycare etc etc. Makes no difference right, people are just lazy, especially blacks right? Mario Cuomo a great Democrat, said Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable, so he could screw everyone but the rich, super duper. We always used to call them the unfortunate and helped them. Until Reagan, California University was almost free and many other places too, Jasper.
Envy is your friend apparently
I'm worried about the country and our people, super duper. I'm happily retired thanks, brainwashed functional morons.
Other people’s financial situation is none of your business then, The federal government is not the friend of the individual
Government is corrupt so you shouldn't know what they are doing? That is ridiculous.
So socialists can’t point to any successful nation it’s used. Also seem to think what we need to do is legalize drugs and offer a living wage to anyone too messed up on them to work. Free healthcare for them of course. And somehow magically some random capitalist, because socialism doesn’t mean the state is stealing all your stuff, but this random capitalist under the thumb of government taxation is going to make enough money the government can steal to pay for all of this free shit.
You need a diagram? What's so great about socialism? It is always democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, that is Health Care daycare paid parental leave, good infrastructure and vacations, taxing the rich more than the middle class d u h, cheap college and training. Don't be a dupe. That is the definition Everywhere outside the dupe bubble more and more since World War IIand now is the definition.
You socialists are fucking idiots. All that free feel good shit you just listed? You missed one glaring point of failure that always, and I mean always, happens.

Who’s going to pay for it?
The bloated rich the the GOP has given all the money the last 35 years d u h, dupe. And most of it doesn't cost the government much at all...

How is letting people keep more of what they earn equate into "giving" something "da gubermint" was never entitled to have to begin with? Of course a commie such as yourself believes that those of your ilk are entitled to the fruits of other's labor.....sure beats working for a living, eh?
Every other country manages to do it. Healthcare and living wage and vacations anyway... You nuts LOL. Great slaves of the greedy idiot rich lying GOP.

Compare their population as opposed to America and there are many disgruntled citizens that resent having half of their wages confiscated in order to subsidize those that can't work or won't but still enjoy the same benefits of those that produce. Socialism isn't about raising the bottom to the middle but the middle down to the bottom. Socialism here will never happen in your lifetime.....too many of us that are not onboard and would make it our business to make sure that it's not implemented.
By which you mean communism, super dupe. I agree duh. Socialism is now simply democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. All we need is Health Care. Forget your fear Mongered idiocy, Cold War dinosaur. Bernie Sanders is a socialist. He only says democratic socialist Because of You brainwashed idiots. Democratic is part of the definition now and for 40 60 70 years... Snap out of it.
Take all their money and you fund your socialist paradise for less than a year.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and think maybe you haven’t thought as far ahead as what you’re going to do in year two.
And of course they don't do all those things at once d u h.
Of course not. Took Venezuela 10 years to fuck themselves this hard.
Venezuela is a third-world mess... LOL dupes...
It wasn’t until socialism showed up.
It wasn't until George W bush wrecked the world economy, dumbass. Trump's sanctions against Venezuela help a lot too.
Are you telling me Venezuela citizens wouldn’t be eating out of trash piles, using their hand to wipe their asses and running to other countries if Bush hadn’t caused it? Did you miss the eightfucking years floppy ears was there? And what the hell did Trump have to do with it?
You socialists are fucking idiots. All that free feel good shit you just listed? You missed one glaring point of failure that always, and I mean always, happens.

Who’s going to pay for it?
The bloated rich the the GOP has given all the money the last 35 years d u h, dupe. And most of it doesn't cost the government much at all...

How is letting people keep more of what they earn equate into "giving" something "da gubermint" was never entitled to have to begin with? Of course a commie such as yourself believes that those of your ilk are entitled to the fruits of other's labor.....sure beats working for a living, eh?
Every other country manages to do it. Healthcare and living wage and vacations anyway... You nuts LOL. Great slaves of the greedy idiot rich lying GOP.

Compare their population as opposed to America and there are many disgruntled citizens that resent having half of their wages confiscated in order to subsidize those that can't work or won't but still enjoy the same benefits of those that produce. Socialism isn't about raising the bottom to the middle but the middle down to the bottom. Socialism here will never happen in your lifetime.....too many of us that are not onboard and would make it our business to make sure that it's not implemented.
By which you mean communism, super dupe. I agree d u. Socialism is now simply democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. All we need is Health Care. Forget your fear Mongered idiocy, Cold War dinosaur. Bernie Sanders is a socialist. He only says democratic socialists Because of You brainwashed idiots. Democratic is part of the definition now and for 40 60 70 years... Snap out of it.

Why do so many leftards like Bernie Sanders have ties to communist front groups??????

BTW, you can't have fair capitalism with a central bank (foreign owned) that extends credit from an empty bank account and THEN charges interest.
So socialists can’t point to any successful nation it’s used. Also seem to think what we need to do is legalize drugs and offer a living wage to anyone too messed up on them to work. Free healthcare for them of course. And somehow magically some random capitalist, because socialism doesn’t mean the state is stealing all your stuff, but this random capitalist under the thumb of government taxation is going to make enough money the government can steal to pay for all of this free shit.
Absolute brainwashed idiocy... Everyone wants a good job Etc. We need to invest in Americans and our infrastructure like in the good old days 50s and 60s and 70s before Reagan and his anti-poor b*******, super dupers.
You socialists are fucking idiots. All that free feel good shit you just listed? You missed one glaring point of failure that always, and I mean always, happens.

Who’s going to pay for it?
The bloated rich the the GOP has given all the money the last 35 years d u h, dupe. And most of it doesn't cost the government much at all...

How is letting people keep more of what they earn equate into "giving" something "da gubermint" was never entitled to have to begin with? Of course a commie such as yourself believes that those of your ilk are entitled to the fruits of other's labor.....sure beats working for a living, eh?
Every other country manages to do it. Healthcare and living wage and vacations anyway... You nuts LOL. Great slaves of the greedy idiot rich lying GOP.

Compare their population as opposed to America and there are many disgruntled citizens that resent having half of their wages confiscated in order to subsidize those that can't work or won't but still enjoy the same benefits of those that produce. Socialism isn't about raising the bottom to the middle but the middle down to the bottom. Socialism here will never happen in your lifetime.....too many of us that are not onboard and would make it our business to make sure that it's not implemented.
By which you mean communism, super dupe. I agree duh. Socialism is now simply democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. All we need is Health Care. Forget your fear Mongered idiocy, Cold War dinosaur. Bernie Sanders is a socialist. He only says democratic socialist Because of You brainwashed idiots. Democratic is part of the definition now and for 40 60 70 years... Snap out of it.
I asked this before and you ignored it. I will ask again.

What is fair capitalism?
The bloated rich the the GOP has given all the money the last 35 years d u h, dupe. And most of it doesn't cost the government much at all...

How is letting people keep more of what they earn equate into "giving" something "da gubermint" was never entitled to have to begin with? Of course a commie such as yourself believes that those of your ilk are entitled to the fruits of other's labor.....sure beats working for a living, eh?
Every other country manages to do it. Healthcare and living wage and vacations anyway... You nuts LOL. Great slaves of the greedy idiot rich lying GOP.

Compare their population as opposed to America and there are many disgruntled citizens that resent having half of their wages confiscated in order to subsidize those that can't work or won't but still enjoy the same benefits of those that produce. Socialism isn't about raising the bottom to the middle but the middle down to the bottom. Socialism here will never happen in your lifetime.....too many of us that are not onboard and would make it our business to make sure that it's not implemented.
By which you mean communism, super dupe. I agree d u. Socialism is now simply democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. All we need is Health Care. Forget your fear Mongered idiocy, Cold War dinosaur. Bernie Sanders is a socialist. He only says democratic socialists Because of You brainwashed idiots. Democratic is part of the definition now and for 40 60 70 years... Snap out of it.

Why do so many leftards like Bernie Sanders have ties to communist front groups??????

BTW, you can't have fair capitalism with a central bank (foreign owned) that extends credit from an empty bank account and THEN charges interest.
My goodness you are nuts...

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