life in socialism land

Conservativism and ignorance are one in the same; likewise conservativism and dishonesty.

so fkn true......

Please be specific.
everything you know about Democrats is pure BS hate and character assassination propaganda d u h. Everything else is spun to Hell also. Examples the foundation is fine Hillary is not corrupt emails are b*******the rich do not pay enough in taxes, thanks for 911 through shear incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever, a corrupt World depression, wrecking the middle class and our infrastructure, super duper ignoramus.
So no argument at all, no connection to reality? LOL!
Community regulation is the same as collective Administration. Of course if you want Collective or government ownership of business and Industry you need totalitarianism to make it work and then you are communist or pure socialism. I guess you never took aa PoliSci course, just the GOP brainwash course...
Communism is not socialism.

Look it up.

Not in hannity's archives, somewhere real.

Karl Marx the father of communism, used socialism and communism interchangeably. Look it up.
And times have changed, doofus. Now socialism is Social Democratic democracy and communism is communism. He was wrong about everything.

Words have meaning dullard the Merriam Webster Dicitionary defines socialism:
Definition of socialism
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Your wishful thinking has no effect on what words mean dunce. What you call Social democracy is nothing more or less than a welfare state. Get yourself some education.
I will go with the Finland prime minister who said we were all socialists now when ACA passed and every conversation I've had with French people and Spanish people and my masters in history... Dictionary is for simpletons. Collective is the same as community, Administration is the same as regulation, but you and your stupid American dictionary make it as confusing as possible, considering they're talking about socialism is ownership and communism again. I've always seen definitions where business and industry are owned or regulated by the by the community. REGULATED! REGULATED!!! BY THE COMMUNITY OR THE COLLECTIVE, SAME GODDAMN THING, BRAINWASHED FUNCTIONAL MORON DUPES
That is communism and totalitarianism and neither of those are socialism. Everywhere but dupe world, socialism is democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net like all developed countries.
Communism is socialism, dumbass. Socialism isn't capitalism. I crackup every time you post that. If capitalism was socialism, then why have two separate words?
"We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ACA passed. Because socialism is democratic Faire capitalism with a good safety net. The dictionary definition is where industry and business is owned or regulated by the community. Since World War II regulated is the word for socialism. Owned is communism. Pure socialism. Only people duped in the United States aren't up on things.

Then why are dolts like you always attacking the US as guilty of capitalist self-interest? According to you, it's socialist.
A GOP rip off for the rich d u h. After 35 years of GOP taxes we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the developed world. Great job Dupe.
That kind of socialist, and now Healthcare has been sabotaged.
Keep your fucking Obama care/single payer to yourselves... The rest of us want nothing to do with it. It does not require our participation
Communism is not socialism.

Look it up.

Not in hannity's archives, somewhere real.
You can go ahead and look it up for yourself, jackass.

WTF is so great about socialism?
Deflection attempt noted.

Now go do your homework conservitard.
If socialism is so great you silly little fuckers would not have to force that shit on other people. Keep your socialism to yourselves it does not require our participation
Communism is socialism, dumbass. Socialism isn't capitalism. I crackup every time you post that. If capitalism was socialism, then why have two separate words?
"We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ACA passed. Because socialism is democratic Faire capitalism with a good safety net. The dictionary definition is where industry and business is owned or regulated by the community. Since World War II regulated is the word for socialism. Owned is communism. Pure socialism. Only people duped in the United States aren't up on things.

Then why are dolts like you always attacking the US as guilty of capitalist self-interest? According to you, it's socialist.
A GOP rip off for the rich d u h. After 35 years of GOP taxes we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the developed world. Great job Dupe.
That kind of socialist, and now Healthcare has been sabotaged.
Keep your fucking Obama care/single payer to yourselves... The rest of us want nothing to do with it. It does not require our participation
Fine, be an idiot. Obama did not want a mandate so neither do I. Now Tinker with it and bring down the costs which are the real problem here after years of the GOP scam non-system. With some good socialists tinkering or regulations, we can get the cost down to where you skinflints will even see it's a good deal. Right now you r totally misinformed, super dupers.
That is communism and totalitarianism and neither of those are socialism. Everywhere but dupe world, socialism is democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net like all developed countries.
Communism is socialism, dumbass. Socialism isn't capitalism. I crackup every time you post that. If capitalism was socialism, then why have two separate words?
If communism is socialism, then why have two separate words?
Socialists are fucked in the head
Communism is not socialism.

Look it up.

Not in hannity's archives, somewhere real.
You can go ahead and look it up for yourself, jackass.

WTF is so great about socialism?
In other words we are the only developed country without Healthcare daycare living wage good infrastructure and vacations cheap college and training.... Other developed countries think we are nuts. Nope just baffled with BS.
You are dodging the question.
You need a diagram? What's so great about socialism? It is always democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, that is Health Care daycare paid parental leave, good infrastructure and vacations, taxing the rich more than the middle class d u h, cheap college and training. Don't be a dupe. That is the definition Everywhere outside the dupe bubble more and more since World War IIand now is the definition.
Who pays for the shit… I see you have no answer
In other words we are the only developed country without Healthcare daycare living wage good infrastructure and vacations cheap college and training.... Other developed countries think we are nuts. Nope just baffled with BS.
Look you can have proper single payer healthcare, daycare. You can have all of it you just need to convince everyone to agree to a fifty or sixty percent income tax.
Could you explain the reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion?
By the way I just said what is so great about socialism as known everywhere but our duped Country...
What fucking socialist country are you even talking about?

No socialist country has anywhere near the standard of living that we have in the USA.
Socialism is defined as Community ownership or regulation of business and industry. REGULATION. NOT COMMUNISM. COMMUNISM IS PURE SOCIALISM AND DOES NOT WORK.
All socialism is a failure, any sort of freedom and individuality cannot exist in socialism...
So shut the fuck up
"We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ACA passed. Because socialism is democratic Faire capitalism with a good safety net. The dictionary definition is where industry and business is owned or regulated by the community. Since World War II regulated is the word for socialism. Owned is communism. Pure socialism. Only people duped in the United States aren't up on things.

Then why are dolts like you always attacking the US as guilty of capitalist self-interest? According to you, it's socialist.
A GOP rip off for the rich d u h. After 35 years of GOP taxes we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the developed world. Great job Dupe.
That kind of socialist, and now Healthcare has been sabotaged.
Keep your fucking Obama care/single payer to yourselves... The rest of us want nothing to do with it. It does not require our participation
Fine, be an idiot. Obama did not want a mandate so neither do I. Now Tinker with it and bring down the costs which are the real problem here after years of the GOP scam non-system. With some good socialists tinkering or regulations, we can get the cost down to where you skinflints will even see it's a good deal. Right now you r totally misinformed, super dupers.
Keep your village to yourselves, it does not require our participation
Communism is not socialism.

Look it up.

Not in hannity's archives, somewhere real.
You can go ahead and look it up for yourself, jackass.

WTF is so great about socialism?
Deflection attempt noted.

Now go do your homework conservitard.
If socialism is so great you silly little fuckers would not have to force that shit on other people. Keep your socialism to yourselves it does not require our participation
You're talking about Healthcare still? It's hard 2 keep up with your deflections. But yes we need a health system for smart people and no mandate for you idiots LOL. America land of freedom to be an idiot dupe of the rich, mainly. LOL
Communism is not socialism.

Look it up.

Not in hannity's archives, somewhere real.
You can go ahead and look it up for yourself, jackass.

WTF is so great about socialism?
Deflection attempt noted.

Now go do your homework conservitard.
If socialism is so great you silly little fuckers would not have to force that shit on other people. Keep your socialism to yourselves it does not require our participation
You're talking about Healthcare still? It's hard 2 keep up with your deflections. But yes we need a health system for smart people and no mandate for you idiots LOL. America land of freedom to be an idiot dupe of the rich, mainly. LOL
Only thing worse than nationalism is globalism
Look you can have proper single payer healthcare, daycare. You can have all of it you just need to convince everyone to agree to a fifty or sixty percent income tax.
Could you explain the reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion?
By the way I just said what is so great about socialism as known everywhere but our duped Country...
What fucking socialist country are you even talking about?

No socialist country has anywhere near the standard of living that we have in the USA.
Socialism is defined as Community ownership or regulation of business and industry. REGULATION. NOT COMMUNISM. COMMUNISM IS PURE SOCIALISM AND DOES NOT WORK.
All socialism is a failure, any sort of freedom and individuality cannot exist in socialism...
So shut the fuck up
So France Australia New Zealand Germany Canada are all horrible because they have health care at half the price living wage great vacations at least a month after a year of work, good infrastructure cheap college and training? You are an idiot... Socialism As as understood everywhere but Cold War dinosaur brainwash America
Communism is not socialism.

Look it up.

Not in hannity's archives, somewhere real.
You can go ahead and look it up for yourself, jackass.

WTF is so great about socialism?
Deflection attempt noted.

Now go do your homework conservitard.
If socialism is so great you silly little fuckers would not have to force that shit on other people. Keep your socialism to yourselves it does not require our participation
You're talking about Healthcare still? It's hard 2 keep up with your deflections. But yes we need a health system for smart people and no mandate for you idiots LOL. America land of freedom to be an idiot dupe of the rich, mainly. LOL
Only thing worse than nationalism is globalism
Globalism it's not a conspiracy either, not job. Natural progression with transportation and communication and cheap labor.... The problem is we don't train our workers for good jobs so they all end up selling each other hamburgers andand insurance. And guns AR a r Gigi hhhh.
Communism is not socialism.

Look it up.

Not in hannity's archives, somewhere real.
You can go ahead and look it up for yourself, jackass.

WTF is so great about socialism?
Deflection attempt noted.

Now go do your homework conservitard.
If socialism is so great you silly little fuckers would not have to force that shit on other people. Keep your socialism to yourselves it does not require our participation
You're talking about Healthcare still? It's hard 2 keep up with your deflections. But yes we need a health system for smart people and no mandate for you idiots LOL. America land of freedom to be an idiot dupe of the rich, mainly. LOL
Only thing worse than nationalism is globalism
Nationalism is a cover for racism and ignorant provincialism and another distraction for the idiot greedy rich 2 distract the yokels.
Could you explain the reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion?
By the way I just said what is so great about socialism as known everywhere but our duped Country...
What fucking socialist country are you even talking about?

No socialist country has anywhere near the standard of living that we have in the USA.
Socialism is defined as Community ownership or regulation of business and industry. REGULATION. NOT COMMUNISM. COMMUNISM IS PURE SOCIALISM AND DOES NOT WORK.
All socialism is a failure, any sort of freedom and individuality cannot exist in socialism...
So shut the fuck up
So France Australia New Zealand Germany Canada are all horrible because they have health care at half the price living wage great vacations at least a month after a year of work, good infrastructure cheap college and training? You are an idiot... Socialism As as understood everywhere but Cold War dinosaur brainwash America
Long-term socialism is always a failure, we don’t want nothing to do with that over here
Look you can have proper single payer healthcare, daycare. You can have all of it you just need to convince everyone to agree to a fifty or sixty percent income tax.
Could you explain the reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion?
By the way I just said what is so great about socialism as known everywhere but our duped Country...
What fucking socialist country are you even talking about?

No socialist country has anywhere near the standard of living that we have in the USA.
Socialism is defined as Community ownership or regulation of business and industry. REGULATION. NOT COMMUNISM. COMMUNISM IS PURE SOCIALISM AND DOES NOT WORK.
All socialism is a failure, any sort of freedom and individuality cannot exist in socialism...
So shut the fuck up
That is still communism, ziphead everybody but you idiot dupes think of France France Au Scandinavia d u Japan Canada EU Etc as socialism. You idiots go immediately to Communism, which no one is for LOL idiot!
You dodged the question again, just as I predicted. It is easy to predict the minds of simpletons, such as yourself.

Perhaps you would be better off just lurking here to learn, rather than posting here to make a fool of yourself.
Ask an honest question, maybe I'll consider answering.

Keep up the bullshit "have you stopped beating your wife yet" questions and I'll keep fucking with you.

The way I see it you need some learning, and I'm the guy doing the teaching.

ROTFLMAO!! You couldn't find your own ass in the dark with a flashlight and a map. You are on no one's Phone A Friend's list as a expert on ANY topic.....I I have read some of your postings of nothingness.
How nice for you. Are you somehow under the impression your opinion means something to anyone? Well please allow me to correct that.

No one cares.

Have a nice night!

Hmmmm? I must have missed the coronation ceremony where you were crowned as board spokeswoman......was it a nice tiara?
Calm down princess, I'm not after your job.
Are you a sexist pig?
Could you explain the reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion?
By the way I just said what is so great about socialism as known everywhere but our duped Country...
What fucking socialist country are you even talking about?

No socialist country has anywhere near the standard of living that we have in the USA.
Socialism is defined as Community ownership or regulation of business and industry. REGULATION. NOT COMMUNISM. COMMUNISM IS PURE SOCIALISM AND DOES NOT WORK.
All socialism is a failure, any sort of freedom and individuality cannot exist in socialism...
So shut the fuck up
That is still communism, ziphead everybody but you idiot dupes think of France France Au Scandinavia d u Japan Canada EU Etc as socialism. You idiots go immediately to Communism, which no one is for LOL idiot!
I think of them as capitalist welfare states.
Ask an honest question, maybe I'll consider answering.

Keep up the bullshit "have you stopped beating your wife yet" questions and I'll keep fucking with you.

The way I see it you need some learning, and I'm the guy doing the teaching.

ROTFLMAO!! You couldn't find your own ass in the dark with a flashlight and a map. You are on no one's Phone A Friend's list as a expert on ANY topic.....I I have read some of your postings of nothingness.
How nice for you. Are you somehow under the impression your opinion means something to anyone? Well please allow me to correct that.

No one cares.

Have a nice night!

Hmmmm? I must have missed the coronation ceremony where you were crowned as board spokeswoman......was it a nice tiara?
Calm down princess, I'm not after your job.
Are you a sexist pig?
Not generally, why? Did I say something that upset you honey?
Communism is not socialism.

Look it up.

Not in hannity's archives, somewhere real.
You can go ahead and look it up for yourself, jackass.

WTF is so great about socialism?
Deflection attempt noted.

Now go do your homework conservitard.
If socialism is so great you silly little fuckers would not have to force that shit on other people. Keep your socialism to yourselves it does not require our participation never use the roads?
you would NEVER call the Fire Dept if your house was on fire?

"If socialism is so great you silly little fuckers would not have to force that shit on other people"

I know conservatives HATE all forms of socialism that do NOT directly benefit themselves BUT.......I'd like to know what you actually think socialism is......

Are you capable of actually defining what you actually think socialism means......?

I'll bet not.......

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