life in socialism land

Hmmmm? I must have missed the coronation ceremony where you were crowned as board spokeswoman......was it a nice tiara?
You have to admit you are an ignorant conspiracy Nut Job with a specialization in the fed... LOL Republican voters are something special....

I don't belong to any political party. Repubs, demcrats.....all the same at the top...but uneducated commie leftards are definitely the worst.
So you're in favor of the rich being taxed at the same rate as the middle class with all the New Wealth going to the rich? That's brilliant, super duper. Change the channel.

I am not for "taxing" the labor of anyone that barters their labor in exchange for paper scrip notes of debt. Why should I give over a fourth of my earnings to a corporate entity that didn't do a fourth of the work?? Rich, poor, doesnt matter.
If you want less taxes on the non Rich & More on the rich, vote democratic. Or be a doop.

No one's labor should be taxed...PERIOD. Consumption taxes worked fine before the Federal Reserve Act and 16th Amendment that was never ratified by enough states. Do YOU believe that stealing from others/producers to subsidize those that can't or won't promotes an incentive to work if all needs will be supplied by the state regardless.. .or until it collapses under its own weight?

I certainly don't and millions of people such as myself feel the same way AND we are producers and our participation would be required....not gonna happen.
Hmmmm? I must have missed the coronation ceremony where you were crowned as board spokeswoman......was it a nice tiara?
You have to admit you are an ignorant conspiracy Nut Job with a specialization in the fed... LOL Republican voters are something special....

I don't belong to any political party. Repubs, demcrats.....all the same at the top...but uneducated commie leftards are definitely the worst.
and yet you vote against the Democrats because you are brainwashed and ignorant, unless you enjoy corruption and being robbed by the greedy idiot Rich GOP, with a corrupt bubble and bust every time they get 8 years..

I am not a defacto employee of USA.INC since I corrected my status.....but even if I were still under the UCC? I wouldn't vote for a leftard or tout one even at gunpoint. The globalists haven't had a more willing dupe and pawn than the fabian socialists that make up the demcrat party.
UCC? I have no idea what you're talking about...

Of course you don't.......and therein lies the problem and a problem that can't be fixed by implementing socialism/communism.
No, I'm not. The OP doesn't know the difference.
You dodged the question again, just as I predicted. It is easy to predict the minds of simpletons, such as yourself.

Perhaps you would be better off just lurking here to learn, rather than posting here to make a fool of yourself.
Ask an honest question, maybe I'll consider answering.

Keep up the bullshit "have you stopped beating your wife yet" questions and I'll keep fucking with you.

The way I see it you need some learning, and I'm the guy doing the teaching.

ROTFLMAO!! You couldn't find your own ass in the dark with a flashlight and a map. You are on no one's Phone A Friend's list as a expert on ANY topic.....I I have read some of your postings of nothingness.
How nice for you. Are you somehow under the impression your opinion means something to anyone? Well please allow me to correct that.

No one cares.

Have a nice night!

Hmmmm? I must have missed the coronation ceremony where you were crowned as board spokeswoman......was it a nice tiara?
Calm down princess, I'm not after your job.
Ask an honest question, maybe I'll consider answering.

Keep up the bullshit "have you stopped beating your wife yet" questions and I'll keep fucking with you.

The way I see it you need some learning, and I'm the guy doing the teaching.

ROTFLMAO!! You couldn't find your own ass in the dark with a flashlight and a map. You are on no one's Phone A Friend's list as a expert on ANY topic.....I I have read some of your postings of nothingness.
How nice for you. Are you somehow under the impression your opinion means something to anyone? Well please allow me to correct that.

No one cares.

Have a nice night!

Hmmmm? I must have missed the coronation ceremony where you were crowned as board spokeswoman......was it a nice tiara?
You have to admit you are an ignorant conspiracy Nut Job with a specialization in the fed... LOL Republican voters are something special....

I don't belong to any political party. Repubs, demcrats.....all the same at the top...but uneducated commie leftards are definitely the worst.
You're a tRumpkin.

You are just understandably embarrassed to admit it.
Communism is not socialism.

Look it up.

Not in hannity's archives, somewhere real.

China is not Communist. It has a certain amount of Socialism, although it also has a semi-capitalist system going, whereby many companies are forced to be a part of the political system.
The communist party is still very much a power to be reconed with in china.
Be careful what you wish for ,you maybe eating bark off trees one day.

Communism is not socialism.

Look it up.

Not in hannity's archives, somewhere real.

China is not Communist. It has a certain amount of Socialism, although it also has a semi-capitalist system going, whereby many companies are forced to be a part of the political system.
The communist party is still very much a power to be reconed with in china.

Right. But the Communist Party isn't Communist.

It's like North Korea calling itself the People's Democratic Republic when it's neither run by the people, democratic nor a Republic. It's words.

Unless of course you think that by calling yourself Communist you instantly become Communist. If this is the case I'm going to start calling myself a multi-billionaire and hope it doesn't happen in Vietnamese Dong.
Communism is not socialism.

Look it up.

Not in hannity's archives, somewhere real.

China is not Communist. It has a certain amount of Socialism, although it also has a semi-capitalist system going, whereby many companies are forced to be a part of the political system.
The communist party is still very much a power to be reconed with in china.

Right. But the Communist Party isn't Communist.

It's like North Korea calling itself the People's Democratic Republic when it's neither run by the people, democratic nor a Republic. It's words.

Unless of course you think that by calling yourself Communist you instantly become Communist. If this is the case I'm going to start calling myself a multi-billionaire and hope it doesn't happen in Vietnamese Dong.
The leaders never are.
You can go ahead and look it up for yourself, jackass.

WTF is so great about socialism?
In other words we are the only developed country without Healthcare daycare living wage good infrastructure and vacations cheap college and training.... Other developed countries think we are nuts. Nope just baffled with BS.
Look you can have proper single payer healthcare, daycare. You can have all of it you just need to convince everyone to agree to a fifty or sixty percent income tax.

Not easy to do when so many are complaining that they did not get a permanent tax cut. Add on the fact that states and cities are upset because the salt cap is too low so that they can raise their taxes. Then add on the fact that so many are not happy with current wages, even if you double the minimum wage and do not factor in inflation. I doubt very much that you will ever convince everyone to go for that kind of taxation.
Obamacare with tinkering forever... Who said single payer. Of course the problem is all our ridiculous costs after years and years of the GOP scam non-system, super duper chump of the greedy idiot GOP rich...
No sure what you are trying to say here but my guess is that you don't want single payer. But yet you were crying about not having healthcare. We have healthcare if you pay for it or insurance to pay for it.

So either you want single payer or you want insurance. I guess you could always be just talking crazy. 44 passed ACA then changed it 22 times all without congressional approval.

Blaming the GOP in your little super duper chump rant is around the bend from crazy.
The GOP is against all reform of our Medical non-system which basically cost s twice as much as other developed countries, without covering many at all... The GOP proved it when they would not vote for ACA despite the fact it was what they supposedly wanted. Obamacare is obviously all we can hope for, since single-payer is communism LOL.
The GOP did not vote for ACA simply because of the fact it was setup to do exactly what it did do. Prices have escataled and in most places it is down to one insurer, which means you either take them or no one.

They wanted a system that allowed for insurers to move across state lines. They wanted companies to be able to band together and in that cooperation be able to shop for better prices.

Right now there are two proposals that are working their way through congress that will allow for better insurance rates. One does allow companies to band together. The other allows for what is known as short term insurance. Short term can be in effect for up to three years then you can again look for cheaper or better insurance.
Unfortunately the Democratic Party is trying to block those preposals which would mean more then 2 million more on insurance at affordable prices.
In other words we are the only developed country without Healthcare daycare living wage good infrastructure and vacations cheap college and training.... Other developed countries think we are nuts. Nope just baffled with BS.
Look you can have proper single payer healthcare, daycare. You can have all of it you just need to convince everyone to agree to a fifty or sixty percent income tax.

Not easy to do when so many are complaining that they did not get a permanent tax cut. Add on the fact that states and cities are upset because the salt cap is too low so that they can raise their taxes. Then add on the fact that so many are not happy with current wages, even if you double the minimum wage and do not factor in inflation. I doubt very much that you will ever convince everyone to go for that kind of taxation.
Obamacare with tinkering forever... Who said single payer. Of course the problem is all our ridiculous costs after years and years of the GOP scam non-system, super duper chump of the greedy idiot GOP rich...
No sure what you are trying to say here but my guess is that you don't want single payer. But yet you were crying about not having healthcare. We have healthcare if you pay for it or insurance to pay for it.

So either you want single payer or you want insurance. I guess you could always be just talking crazy. 44 passed ACA then changed it 22 times all without congressional approval.

Blaming the GOP in your little super duper chump rant is around the bend from crazy.
The GOP is against all reform of our Medical non-system which basically cost s twice as much as other developed countries, without covering many at all... The GOP proved it when they would not vote for ACA despite the fact it was what they supposedly wanted. Obamacare is obviously all we can hope for, since single-payer is communism LOL.
The GOP did not vote for ACA simply because of the fact it was setup to do exactly what it did do. Prices have escataled and in most places it is down to one insurer, which means you either take them or no one.

They wanted a system that allowed for insurers to move across state lines. They wanted companies to be able to band together and in that cooperation be able to shop for better prices.

Right now there are two proposals that are working their way through congress that will allow for better insurance rates. One does allow companies to band together. The other allows for what is known as short term insurance. Short term can be in effect for up to three years then you can again look for cheaper or better insurance.
Unfortunately the Democratic Party is trying to block those preposals which would mean more then 2 million more on insurance at affordable prices.

Obamacare is nothing more than a scheme to steal your money to pay for some worthless asshole to get free healthcare because he decides to pop out kids like gerbils or decides to not to work.
Communism is not socialism.

Look it up.

Not in hannity's archives, somewhere real.
You can go ahead and look it up for yourself, jackass.

WTF is so great about socialism?
In other words we are the only developed country without Healthcare daycare living wage good infrastructure and vacations cheap college and training.... Other developed countries think we are nuts. Nope just baffled with BS.
Look you can have proper single payer healthcare, daycare. You can have all of it you just need to convince everyone to agree to a fifty or sixty percent income tax.
Could you explain the reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion?
I came to that conclusion quite simply. First I looked at what countries that have single payer health care were paying in income tax. Next I looked at the estimates for just single payer health care. The lowest I saw was Bernie's estimate of 1.9 Trillion a year the highest I saw was 3.2 Trillion a year. I decided that considering there would be those that for one reason or another could not pay their part of the amount would have to be added in. Then the inevitable government bloat and inefficientcy would need to be added in. That means the cost would most likely be in the 2.8 Trillion area. Then you add in the call for daycare, infestrastructure. You consider that we are already running a deficit so I factored in taking that out.

Last but not least it would be better to try and get a tax increase passed then if needed give a tax break rather then attempt to get a high tax increase then when drowning in more debt attempt to increases taxes again.

All in all a rather simple matter of economics and applied thought.
Look you can have proper single payer healthcare, daycare. You can have all of it you just need to convince everyone to agree to a fifty or sixty percent income tax.

Not easy to do when so many are complaining that they did not get a permanent tax cut. Add on the fact that states and cities are upset because the salt cap is too low so that they can raise their taxes. Then add on the fact that so many are not happy with current wages, even if you double the minimum wage and do not factor in inflation. I doubt very much that you will ever convince everyone to go for that kind of taxation.
Obamacare with tinkering forever... Who said single payer. Of course the problem is all our ridiculous costs after years and years of the GOP scam non-system, super duper chump of the greedy idiot GOP rich...
No sure what you are trying to say here but my guess is that you don't want single payer. But yet you were crying about not having healthcare. We have healthcare if you pay for it or insurance to pay for it.

So either you want single payer or you want insurance. I guess you could always be just talking crazy. 44 passed ACA then changed it 22 times all without congressional approval.

Blaming the GOP in your little super duper chump rant is around the bend from crazy.
The GOP is against all reform of our Medical non-system which basically cost s twice as much as other developed countries, without covering many at all... The GOP proved it when they would not vote for ACA despite the fact it was what they supposedly wanted. Obamacare is obviously all we can hope for, since single-payer is communism LOL.
The GOP did not vote for ACA simply because of the fact it was setup to do exactly what it did do. Prices have escataled and in most places it is down to one insurer, which means you either take them or no one.

They wanted a system that allowed for insurers to move across state lines. They wanted companies to be able to band together and in that cooperation be able to shop for better prices.

Right now there are two proposals that are working their way through congress that will allow for better insurance rates. One does allow companies to band together. The other allows for what is known as short term insurance. Short term can be in effect for up to three years then you can again look for cheaper or better insurance.
Unfortunately the Democratic Party is trying to block those preposals which would mean more then 2 million more on insurance at affordable prices.

Obamacare is nothing more than a scheme to steal your money to pay for some worthless asshole to get free healthcare because he decides to pop out kids like gerbils or decides to not to work.
You always were paying for them Just in the stupidest most expensive cruel and deadly way. Now they have preventive care in the doctor.... You live in a dream world. The GOP wants to go back to the old scam no system.
Communism is not socialism.

Look it up.

Not in hannity's archives, somewhere real.
You can go ahead and look it up for yourself, jackass.

WTF is so great about socialism?
In other words we are the only developed country without Healthcare daycare living wage good infrastructure and vacations cheap college and training.... Other developed countries think we are nuts. Nope just baffled with BS.
You are dodging the question.
Communism is not socialism.

Look it up.

Not in hannity's archives, somewhere real.
You can go ahead and look it up for yourself, jackass.

WTF is so great about socialism?
In other words we are the only developed country without Healthcare daycare living wage good infrastructure and vacations cheap college and training.... Other developed countries think we are nuts. Nope just baffled with BS.
Look you can have proper single payer healthcare, daycare. You can have all of it you just need to convince everyone to agree to a fifty or sixty percent income tax.
Could you explain the reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion?
By the way I just said what is so great about socialism as known everywhere but our duped Country...
What fucking socialist country are you even talking about?

No socialist country has anywhere near the standard of living that we have in the USA.
You can go ahead and look it up for yourself, jackass.

WTF is so great about socialism?
Deflection attempt noted.

Now go do your homework conservitard.
You are dodging the question.

The question in the post you responded to is "WTF is so great about socialism?"

Are you going to answer the question, or continue to dodge the question?

I bet that you are going to dodge the question again.
No, I'm not. The OP doesn't know the difference.
You dodged the question again, just as I predicted. It is easy to predict the minds of simpletons, such as yourself.

Perhaps you would be better off just lurking here to learn, rather than posting here to make a fool of yourself.
Ask an honest question, maybe I'll consider answering.

Keep up the bullshit "have you stopped beating your wife yet" questions and I'll keep fucking with you.

The way I see it you need some learning, and I'm the guy doing the teaching.

Despite your lame dumbass excuses, you are simply dodging the question again. just like I said you would, jackass.
Communism is not socialism.

Look it up.

Not in hannity's archives, somewhere real.
You can go ahead and look it up for yourself, jackass.

WTF is so great about socialism?
In other words we are the only developed country without Healthcare daycare living wage good infrastructure and vacations cheap college and training.... Other developed countries think we are nuts. Nope just baffled with BS.
You are dodging the question.
You need a diagram? What's so great about socialism? It is always democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, that is Health Care daycare paid parental leave, good infrastructure and vacations, taxing the rich more than the middle class d u h, cheap college and training. Don't be a dupe. That is the definition Everywhere outside the dupe bubble more and more since World War IIand now is the definition.
Communism is not socialism.

Look it up.

Not in hannity's archives, somewhere real.
You can go ahead and look it up for yourself, jackass.

WTF is so great about socialism?
In other words we are the only developed country without Healthcare daycare living wage good infrastructure and vacations cheap college and training.... Other developed countries think we are nuts. Nope just baffled with BS.
You are dodging the question.
You need a diagram? What's so great about socialism? It is always democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, that is Health Care daycare paid parental leave, good infrastructure and vacations, taxing the rich more than the middle class d u h, cheap college and training. Don't be a dupe. That is the definition
No, that is not the definition of socialism.
You can go ahead and look it up for yourself, jackass.

WTF is so great about socialism?
In other words we are the only developed country without Healthcare daycare living wage good infrastructure and vacations cheap college and training.... Other developed countries think we are nuts. Nope just baffled with BS.
Look you can have proper single payer healthcare, daycare. You can have all of it you just need to convince everyone to agree to a fifty or sixty percent income tax.
Could you explain the reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion?
By the way I just said what is so great about socialism as known everywhere but our duped Country...
What fucking socialist country are you even talking about?

No socialist country has anywhere near the standard of living that we have in the USA.
Socialism is defined as Community ownership or regulation of business and industry. REGULATION. NOT COMMUNISM. COMMUNISM IS PURE SOCIALISM AND DOES NOT WORK.

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