Life In The Democrat Cities

I live in an ultra blue city here are the pros and cons:
No racists.
Very diverse.
High tech ( state of the art library, electric cars, electric bikes, electric scooters for hire)
Best restaurants
Best stores
Best schools
Best hospitals
No guns
No nazis
No ignorant hillbillies

Too damn good that I can catch a flight fly all over the world and never visit a red shithole here in the US.

Knucklehead all cities have racists, in fact Democrats are some of the best at covering their racism. I’m in a city, not ultra blue, whatever the hell that means, we have state of the art libraries, electric scooters, bikes and cars and we aren’t a large city. Define “best” because most cities have the same stores, restaurants, and your slam on “hillbillies” proves your racism. Thanks for proving you are dead wrong on your BS.
U guys love to say Democrats are good at covering racism lol to cover your loud racism. 20 years living amongst liberals haven't seen a gram of racism, my friends and family in red areas cant say the same....heck is a known fact the red areas are racist and close minded areas for foreigners to thrive. Is a known fact worldwide about the US....

All the goodies you have in your city as you said, started here in California, by liberals and foreign engineers on H1B visas.

Yea because your all racist ..
Lol ....ok.
I live in an ultra blue city here are the pros and cons:
No racists.
Very diverse.
High tech ( state of the art library, electric cars, electric bikes, electric scooters for hire)
Best restaurants
Best stores
Best schools
Best hospitals
No guns
No nazis
No ignorant hillbillies

Too damn good that I can catch a flight fly all over the world and never visit a red shithole here in the US.

Knucklehead all cities have racists, in fact Democrats are some of the best at covering their racism. I’m in a city, not ultra blue, whatever the hell that means, we have state of the art libraries, electric scooters, bikes and cars and we aren’t a large city. Define “best” because most cities have the same stores, restaurants, and your slam on “hillbillies” proves your racism. Thanks for proving you are dead wrong on your BS.
U guys love to say Democrats are good at covering racism lol to cover your loud racism. 20 years living amongst liberals haven't seen a gram of racism, my friends and family in red areas cant say the same....heck is a known fact the red areas are racist and close minded areas for foreigners to thrive. Is a known fact worldwide about the US....

All the goodies you have in your city as you said, started here in California, by liberals and foreign engineers on H1B visas.

All the goodies didn’t start in California so you again are wrong and remain ignorant. You are also a racist, by your very ignorant comments about racism. I have lived in left wing cities and they flourish with racist lefties, if you are a minority you wouldn’t know it because they hide it well. Your pretend life experience doesn’t override reality. Look at Biden’s comments on Obama and Indians and comeback to me and lie to me some more.
Tesla ? California.
Uber/bird/jumpbikes? California

They hide racism they said lol...I'm loving it, just stay the fuck out, you and your racists ***** who love to display their racism.
I live in an ultra blue city here are the pros and cons:
No racists.
Very diverse.
High tech ( state of the art library, electric cars, electric bikes, electric scooters for hire)
Best restaurants
Best stores
Best schools
Best hospitals
No guns
No nazis
No ignorant hillbillies

Too damn good that I can catch a flight fly all over the world and never visit a red shithole here in the US.

To your claim of no racists, proof you are very wrong: Number One In Poverty, California Isn't Our Most Progressive State -- It's Our Most Racist One

Your claim of best schools is also wrong, California rated 36th in education.

No guns? 21.3% of Californians have at least on gun.

No Nazis? Lol! SPLC lists 77 hate groups in California, some are Nazi quite a few anti-Muslim groups.

California higher than average on crime and violent crime.

Probably few hillbillies because they think lefties are pure nuts, which they are correct.

Got anymore BS you want to spew, bigot?
U forgot that I was taking my cory loooool....we have one of the best districts, highest incomes, lowest gun ownerships etc....
Come again sweet heart, show me one red shirhole worth me switching to.
I live in an ultra blue city here are the pros and cons:
No racists.
Very diverse.
High tech ( state of the art library, electric cars, electric bikes, electric scooters for hire)
Best restaurants
Best stores
Best schools
Best hospitals
No guns
No nazis
No ignorant hillbillies

Too damn good that I can catch a flight fly all over the world and never visit a red shithole here in the US.

Knucklehead all cities have racists, in fact Democrats are some of the best at covering their racism. I’m in a city, not ultra blue, whatever the hell that means, we have state of the art libraries, electric scooters, bikes and cars and we aren’t a large city. Define “best” because most cities have the same stores, restaurants, and your slam on “hillbillies” proves your racism. Thanks for proving you are dead wrong on your BS.
U guys love to say Democrats are good at covering racism lol to cover your loud racism. 20 years living amongst liberals haven't seen a gram of racism, my friends and family in red areas cant say the same....heck is a known fact the red areas are racist and close minded areas for foreigners to thrive. Is a known fact worldwide about the US....

All the goodies you have in your city as you said, started here in California, by liberals and foreign engineers on H1B visas.

All the goodies didn’t start in California so you again are wrong and remain ignorant. You are also a racist, by your very ignorant comments about racism. I have lived in left wing cities and they flourish with racist lefties, if you are a minority you wouldn’t know it because they hide it well. Your pretend life experience doesn’t override reality. Look at Biden’s comments on Obama and Indians and comeback to me and lie to me some more.
Tesla ? California.
Uber/bird/jumpbikes? California

They hide racism they said lol...I'm loving it, just stay the fuck out, you and your racists ***** who love to display their racism.
Fisher Price
IBM I just proved all goodies didn’t start in California

Why no comment on your buddy Joe Biden, he said some racist things.

Where have I displayed racism? Exact quotes will be fine.

I’m in California all the time and I will continue to do business there if I choose and their not anything your racist ass can do to stop it.
Come now... we can't forget all the PISS and SHIT and NEEDLES in the streets of San Franqueerco... they're a contender too. Those LOVELY, LOVLEY toilets the LEFTIST DEMOCRATS have created for themselves... THEY LOVE IT. I mean WHO WOULDN'T walk to walk past a guy SHITTING in the GUTTER? That's the LEFTIST DEMOCRATS UTOPIA!!
I live in an ultra blue city here are the pros and cons:
No racists.
Very diverse.
High tech ( state of the art library, electric cars, electric bikes, electric scooters for hire)
Best restaurants
Best stores
Best schools
Best hospitals
No guns
No nazis
No ignorant hillbillies

Too damn good that I can catch a flight fly all over the world and never visit a red shithole here in the US.

To your claim of no racists, proof you are very wrong: Number One In Poverty, California Isn't Our Most Progressive State -- It's Our Most Racist One

Your claim of best schools is also wrong, California rated 36th in education.

No guns? 21.3% of Californians have at least on gun.

No Nazis? Lol! SPLC lists 77 hate groups in California, some are Nazi quite a few anti-Muslim groups.

California higher than average on crime and violent crime.

Probably few hillbillies because they think lefties are pure nuts, which they are correct.

Got anymore BS you want to spew, bigot?
U forgot that I was taking my cory loooool....we have one of the best districts, highest incomes, lowest gun ownerships etc....
Come again sweet heart, show me one red shirhole worth me switching to.

So you live one of the most racist areas of the country.
I live in an ultra blue city here are the pros and cons:
No racists.
Very diverse.
High tech ( state of the art library, electric cars, electric bikes, electric scooters for hire)
Best restaurants
Best stores
Best schools
Best hospitals
No guns
No nazis
No ignorant hillbillies

Too damn good that I can catch a flight fly all over the world and never visit a red shithole here in the US.

To your claim of no racists, proof you are very wrong: Number One In Poverty, California Isn't Our Most Progressive State -- It's Our Most Racist One

Your claim of best schools is also wrong, California rated 36th in education.

No guns? 21.3% of Californians have at least on gun.

No Nazis? Lol! SPLC lists 77 hate groups in California, some are Nazi quite a few anti-Muslim groups.

California higher than average on crime and violent crime.

Probably few hillbillies because they think lefties are pure nuts, which they are correct.

Got anymore BS you want to spew, bigot?
U forgot that I was taking my cory loooool....we have one of the best districts, highest incomes, lowest gun ownerships etc....
Come again sweet heart, show me one red shirhole worth me switching to.

Got links to prove your statements? So far every post this evening you have made has had huge inaccuracies.

And if you live where you claim, you live in one of the most racist areas in The United States. I take it you didn’t read the link in my last post, that explains why you are a complete racist.

I won’t live in the LA area, too many people, too many cars, I prefer living in a smaller city, with less smog, less traffic, less crime, less racism, less income inequality, less taxes, more freedoms, more fresh air, more beautiful mountains, more rivers, more streams, more trees, better fishing, better camping, less people, closer knit community, lots of diversity, friendly people, better health climate, less keeping up with the Jones, less tension, more laid back, you can be who you are.
Come now... we can't forget all the PISS and SHIT and NEEDLES in the streets of San Franqueerco... they're a contender too. Those LOVELY, LOVLEY toilets the LEFTIST DEMOCRATS have created for themselves... THEY LOVE IT. I mean WHO WOULDN'T walk to walk past a guy SHITTING in the GUTTER? That's the LEFTIST DEMOCRATS UTOPIA!!

Issa loves all that, those are all the great lefties, just out their expressing themselves.
Come now... we can't forget all the PISS and SHIT and NEEDLES in the streets of San Franqueerco... they're a contender too. Those LOVELY, LOVLEY toilets the LEFTIST DEMOCRATS have created for themselves... THEY LOVE IT. I mean WHO WOULDN'T walk to walk past a guy SHITTING in the GUTTER? That's the LEFTIST DEMOCRATS UTOPIA!!

Issa loves all that, those are all the great lefties, just out their expressing themselves.
Leftist cities are TOILETS, and apparently that's the way democrats LIKE IT.

Democrats ARE the party of TRASH. That is getting through to more and more Americans.
I live in an ultra blue city here are the pros and cons:
No racists.
Very diverse.
High tech ( state of the art library, electric cars, electric bikes, electric scooters for hire)
Best restaurants
Best stores
Best schools
Best hospitals
No guns
No nazis
No ignorant hillbillies

Too damn good that I can catch a flight fly all over the world and never visit a red shithole here in the US.

Knucklehead all cities have racists, in fact Democrats are some of the best at covering their racism. I’m in a city, not ultra blue, whatever the hell that means, we have state of the art libraries, electric scooters, bikes and cars and we aren’t a large city. Define “best” because most cities have the same stores, restaurants, and your slam on “hillbillies” proves your racism. Thanks for proving you are dead wrong on your BS.
U guys love to say Democrats are good at covering racism lol to cover your loud racism. 20 years living amongst liberals haven't seen a gram of racism, my friends and family in red areas cant say the same....heck is a known fact the red areas are racist and close minded areas for foreigners to thrive. Is a known fact worldwide about the US....

All the goodies you have in your city as you said, started here in California, by liberals and foreign engineers on H1B visas.

All the goodies didn’t start in California so you again are wrong and remain ignorant. You are also a racist, by your very ignorant comments about racism. I have lived in left wing cities and they flourish with racist lefties, if you are a minority you wouldn’t know it because they hide it well. Your pretend life experience doesn’t override reality. Look at Biden’s comments on Obama and Indians and comeback to me and lie to me some more.
Tesla ? California.
Uber/bird/jumpbikes? California

They hide racism they said lol...I'm loving it, just stay the fuck out, you and your racists ***** who love to display their racism.
Fisher Price
IBM I just proved all goodies didn’t start in California

Why no comment on your buddy Joe Biden, he said some racist things.

Where have I displayed racism? Exact quotes will be fine.

I’m in California all the time and I will continue to do business there if I choose and their not anything your racist ass can do to stop it.
I live in an ultra blue city here are the pros and cons:
No racists.
Very diverse.
High tech ( state of the art library, electric cars, electric bikes, electric scooters for hire)
Best restaurants
Best stores
Best schools
Best hospitals
No guns
No nazis
No ignorant hillbillies

Too damn good that I can catch a flight fly all over the world and never visit a red shithole here in the US.

Knucklehead all cities have racists, in fact Democrats are some of the best at covering their racism. I’m in a city, not ultra blue, whatever the hell that means, we have state of the art libraries, electric scooters, bikes and cars and we aren’t a large city. Define “best” because most cities have the same stores, restaurants, and your slam on “hillbillies” proves your racism. Thanks for proving you are dead wrong on your BS.
U guys love to say Democrats are good at covering racism lol to cover your loud racism. 20 years living amongst liberals haven't seen a gram of racism, my friends and family in red areas cant say the same....heck is a known fact the red areas are racist and close minded areas for foreigners to thrive. Is a known fact worldwide about the US....

All the goodies you have in your city as you said, started here in California, by liberals and foreign engineers on H1B visas.

All the goodies didn’t start in California so you again are wrong and remain ignorant. You are also a racist, by your very ignorant comments about racism. I have lived in left wing cities and they flourish with racist lefties, if you are a minority you wouldn’t know it because they hide it well. Your pretend life experience doesn’t override reality. Look at Biden’s comments on Obama and Indians and comeback to me and lie to me some more.
Tesla ? California.
Uber/bird/jumpbikes? California

They hide racism they said lol...I'm loving it, just stay the fuck out, you and your racists ***** who love to display their racism.
Fisher Price
IBM I just proved all goodies didn’t start in California

Why no comment on your buddy Joe Biden, he said some racist things.

Where have I displayed racism? Exact quotes will be fine.

I’m in California all the time and I will continue to do business there if I choose and their not anything your racist ass can do to stop it.

I didn't claim that all those great companies were from California, I spoke of Uber/Jump, Tesla, etc....Although the companies you mentioned all of them are in a Blue state of course and not one of them in a red state LOL.
Even your sorry ass now claim you do business with California, I suggest you go to Alabama or any other racist infested red shithole where you fit right in and do business.
I live in an ultra blue city here are the pros and cons:
No racists.
Very diverse.
High tech ( state of the art library, electric cars, electric bikes, electric scooters for hire)
Best restaurants
Best stores
Best schools
Best hospitals
No guns
No nazis
No ignorant hillbillies

Too damn good that I can catch a flight fly all over the world and never visit a red shithole here in the US.

To your claim of no racists, proof you are very wrong: Number One In Poverty, California Isn't Our Most Progressive State -- It's Our Most Racist One

Your claim of best schools is also wrong, California rated 36th in education.

No guns? 21.3% of Californians have at least on gun.

No Nazis? Lol! SPLC lists 77 hate groups in California, some are Nazi quite a few anti-Muslim groups.

California higher than average on crime and violent crime.

Probably few hillbillies because they think lefties are pure nuts, which they are correct.

Got anymore BS you want to spew, bigot?
U forgot that I was taking my cory loooool....we have one of the best districts, highest incomes, lowest gun ownerships etc....
Come again sweet heart, show me one red shirhole worth me switching to.

So you live one of the most racist areas of the country.
I live in an ultra blue city here are the pros and cons:
No racists.
Very diverse.
High tech ( state of the art library, electric cars, electric bikes, electric scooters for hire)
Best restaurants
Best stores
Best schools
Best hospitals
No guns
No nazis
No ignorant hillbillies

Too damn good that I can catch a flight fly all over the world and never visit a red shithole here in the US.

To your claim of no racists, proof you are very wrong: Number One In Poverty, California Isn't Our Most Progressive State -- It's Our Most Racist One

Your claim of best schools is also wrong, California rated 36th in education.

No guns? 21.3% of Californians have at least on gun.

No Nazis? Lol! SPLC lists 77 hate groups in California, some are Nazi quite a few anti-Muslim groups.

California higher than average on crime and violent crime.

Probably few hillbillies because they think lefties are pure nuts, which they are correct.

Got anymore BS you want to spew, bigot?
U forgot that I was taking my cory loooool....we have one of the best districts, highest incomes, lowest gun ownerships etc....
Come again sweet heart, show me one red shirhole worth me switching to.

Got links to prove your statements? So far every post this evening you have made has had huge inaccuracies.

And if you live where you claim, you live in one of the most racist areas in The United States. I take it you didn’t read the link in my last post, that explains why you are a complete racist.

I won’t live in the LA area, too many people, too many cars, I prefer living in a smaller city, with less smog, less traffic, less crime, less racism, less income inequality, less taxes, more freedoms, more fresh air, more beautiful mountains, more rivers, more streams, more trees, better fishing, better camping, less people, closer knit community, lots of diversity, friendly people, better health climate, less keeping up with the Jones, less tension, more laid back, you can be who you are.

You can live wherever the hell you want and long as you far from me with your toxic racist self. I wish the liberals didn't make you a window in the virtual world, where you can poison us with your racist shit.
When I was in the Air Force, I spent 2 years at Wright Patterson AFB. The little city of Dayton was a pretty nice area to live in. But when the political correctness came in, you could see the decline of that city, just like any other liberal city. It must really hurt when a liberal has to use his/her/its brain.

Unreal. Eric Holder Now Forcing Dayton Police Force to Hire Minority Applicants Who Can't Pass Test
The Dayton Police Department is lowering its testing standards for recruits.
It’s a move required by the U.S. Department of Justice(Eric Holder) after it says not enough African-American candidates passed the exam.
Under the previous requirements, candidates had to get a 66% on part one of the exam and a 72% on part two.

The D.O.J. approved new scoring policy only requires potential police officers to get a 58% and a 63%. That’s the equivalent of an ‘F’ and a ‘D’.

“It becomes a safety issue for the people of our community,” said Dayton Fraternal Order of Police President, Randy Beane. “It becomes a safety issue to have an incompetent officer next to you in a life and death situation.”
And then the people wonder why police are shooting up their neighbors....

Keith Lander, chairman of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and Dayton NAACP president Derrick Foward condemned the DOJ actions. Mr. Lander said, "Lowering the test score is insulting to black people," adding, "The DOJ is creating the perception that black people are dumb by lowering the score.".

Those Who Can See: Progressives: the New Race Realists
Hiring minorities is not part of the political correct policies.
Knucklehead all cities have racists, in fact Democrats are some of the best at covering their racism. I’m in a city, not ultra blue, whatever the hell that means, we have state of the art libraries, electric scooters, bikes and cars and we aren’t a large city. Define “best” because most cities have the same stores, restaurants, and your slam on “hillbillies” proves your racism. Thanks for proving you are dead wrong on your BS.
U guys love to say Democrats are good at covering racism lol to cover your loud racism. 20 years living amongst liberals haven't seen a gram of racism, my friends and family in red areas cant say the same....heck is a known fact the red areas are racist and close minded areas for foreigners to thrive. Is a known fact worldwide about the US....

All the goodies you have in your city as you said, started here in California, by liberals and foreign engineers on H1B visas.

All the goodies didn’t start in California so you again are wrong and remain ignorant. You are also a racist, by your very ignorant comments about racism. I have lived in left wing cities and they flourish with racist lefties, if you are a minority you wouldn’t know it because they hide it well. Your pretend life experience doesn’t override reality. Look at Biden’s comments on Obama and Indians and comeback to me and lie to me some more.
Tesla ? California.
Uber/bird/jumpbikes? California

They hide racism they said lol...I'm loving it, just stay the fuck out, you and your racists ***** who love to display their racism.
Fisher Price
IBM I just proved all goodies didn’t start in California

Why no comment on your buddy Joe Biden, he said some racist things.

Where have I displayed racism? Exact quotes will be fine.

I’m in California all the time and I will continue to do business there if I choose and their not anything your racist ass can do to stop it.
Knucklehead all cities have racists, in fact Democrats are some of the best at covering their racism. I’m in a city, not ultra blue, whatever the hell that means, we have state of the art libraries, electric scooters, bikes and cars and we aren’t a large city. Define “best” because most cities have the same stores, restaurants, and your slam on “hillbillies” proves your racism. Thanks for proving you are dead wrong on your BS.
U guys love to say Democrats are good at covering racism lol to cover your loud racism. 20 years living amongst liberals haven't seen a gram of racism, my friends and family in red areas cant say the same....heck is a known fact the red areas are racist and close minded areas for foreigners to thrive. Is a known fact worldwide about the US....

All the goodies you have in your city as you said, started here in California, by liberals and foreign engineers on H1B visas.

All the goodies didn’t start in California so you again are wrong and remain ignorant. You are also a racist, by your very ignorant comments about racism. I have lived in left wing cities and they flourish with racist lefties, if you are a minority you wouldn’t know it because they hide it well. Your pretend life experience doesn’t override reality. Look at Biden’s comments on Obama and Indians and comeback to me and lie to me some more.
Tesla ? California.
Uber/bird/jumpbikes? California

They hide racism they said lol...I'm loving it, just stay the fuck out, you and your racists ***** who love to display their racism.
Fisher Price
IBM I just proved all goodies didn’t start in California

Why no comment on your buddy Joe Biden, he said some racist things.

Where have I displayed racism? Exact quotes will be fine.

I’m in California all the time and I will continue to do business there if I choose and their not anything your racist ass can do to stop it.

I didn't claim that all those great companies were from California, I spoke of Uber/Jump, Tesla, etc....Although the companies you mentioned all of them are in a Blue state of course and not one of them in a red state LOL.
Even your sorry ass now claim you do business with California, I suggest you go to Alabama or any other racist infested red shithole where you fit right in and do business.

You said all goodies we had in our city started in California, I just mentioned several goodies that didn’t start in California. I never claimed I didn’t do business California and why go all the way to Alabama when you can go where the nuts live? They are much easier to sell to.

How do you know where I fit in? That said you haven’t proved I ever displayed racism, so you are still lying and you still avoided commenting on the liberal racist Biden. Seems you avoid commenting where you have to prove anything. You seem to make generalizations which is also what racists do.
I live in an ultra blue city here are the pros and cons:
No racists.
Very diverse.
High tech ( state of the art library, electric cars, electric bikes, electric scooters for hire)
Best restaurants
Best stores
Best schools
Best hospitals
No guns
No nazis
No ignorant hillbillies

Too damn good that I can catch a flight fly all over the world and never visit a red shithole here in the US.

To your claim of no racists, proof you are very wrong: Number One In Poverty, California Isn't Our Most Progressive State -- It's Our Most Racist One

Your claim of best schools is also wrong, California rated 36th in education.

No guns? 21.3% of Californians have at least on gun.

No Nazis? Lol! SPLC lists 77 hate groups in California, some are Nazi quite a few anti-Muslim groups.

California higher than average on crime and violent crime.

Probably few hillbillies because they think lefties are pure nuts, which they are correct.

Got anymore BS you want to spew, bigot?
U forgot that I was taking my cory loooool....we have one of the best districts, highest incomes, lowest gun ownerships etc....
Come again sweet heart, show me one red shirhole worth me switching to.

So you live one of the most racist areas of the country.
I live in an ultra blue city here are the pros and cons:
No racists.
Very diverse.
High tech ( state of the art library, electric cars, electric bikes, electric scooters for hire)
Best restaurants
Best stores
Best schools
Best hospitals
No guns
No nazis
No ignorant hillbillies

Too damn good that I can catch a flight fly all over the world and never visit a red shithole here in the US.

To your claim of no racists, proof you are very wrong: Number One In Poverty, California Isn't Our Most Progressive State -- It's Our Most Racist One

Your claim of best schools is also wrong, California rated 36th in education.

No guns? 21.3% of Californians have at least on gun.

No Nazis? Lol! SPLC lists 77 hate groups in California, some are Nazi quite a few anti-Muslim groups.

California higher than average on crime and violent crime.

Probably few hillbillies because they think lefties are pure nuts, which they are correct.

Got anymore BS you want to spew, bigot?
U forgot that I was taking my cory loooool....we have one of the best districts, highest incomes, lowest gun ownerships etc....
Come again sweet heart, show me one red shirhole worth me switching to.

Got links to prove your statements? So far every post this evening you have made has had huge inaccuracies.

And if you live where you claim, you live in one of the most racist areas in The United States. I take it you didn’t read the link in my last post, that explains why you are a complete racist.

I won’t live in the LA area, too many people, too many cars, I prefer living in a smaller city, with less smog, less traffic, less crime, less racism, less income inequality, less taxes, more freedoms, more fresh air, more beautiful mountains, more rivers, more streams, more trees, better fishing, better camping, less people, closer knit community, lots of diversity, friendly people, better health climate, less keeping up with the Jones, less tension, more laid back, you can be who you are.

You can live wherever the hell you want and long as you far from me with your toxic racist self. I wish the liberals didn't make you a window in the virtual world, where you can poison us with your racist shit.

So you again have no proof of your statements? Again, show me all my racist statements, so far you are just spouting lies and have no proof. More generalizations and more lies from a left wing nut.

I don’t hate people, never have never will, it’s not productive. I don’t care what you make, where you are from, the color of your skin, where you are born, the God you serve, it isn’t relevant, your left wing bigotry and intolerance I will call out and I did, I called you out on your lies about California and Because I did you call me a racist, which shows how juvenile and shallow your arguments are.
U guys love to say Democrats are good at covering racism lol to cover your loud racism. 20 years living amongst liberals haven't seen a gram of racism

Why do they live in gated communities and send their kids to private schools? Oh, and you forgot to mention the crime rate...
U guys love to say Democrats are good at covering racism lol to cover your loud racism. 20 years living amongst liberals haven't seen a gram of racism, my friends and family in red areas cant say the same....heck is a known fact the red areas are racist and close minded areas for foreigners to thrive. Is a known fact worldwide about the US....

All the goodies you have in your city as you said, started here in California, by liberals and foreign engineers on H1B visas.

All the goodies didn’t start in California so you again are wrong and remain ignorant. You are also a racist, by your very ignorant comments about racism. I have lived in left wing cities and they flourish with racist lefties, if you are a minority you wouldn’t know it because they hide it well. Your pretend life experience doesn’t override reality. Look at Biden’s comments on Obama and Indians and comeback to me and lie to me some more.
Tesla ? California.
Uber/bird/jumpbikes? California

They hide racism they said lol...I'm loving it, just stay the fuck out, you and your racists ***** who love to display their racism.
Fisher Price
IBM I just proved all goodies didn’t start in California

Why no comment on your buddy Joe Biden, he said some racist things.

Where have I displayed racism? Exact quotes will be fine.

I’m in California all the time and I will continue to do business there if I choose and their not anything your racist ass can do to stop it.
U guys love to say Democrats are good at covering racism lol to cover your loud racism. 20 years living amongst liberals haven't seen a gram of racism, my friends and family in red areas cant say the same....heck is a known fact the red areas are racist and close minded areas for foreigners to thrive. Is a known fact worldwide about the US....

All the goodies you have in your city as you said, started here in California, by liberals and foreign engineers on H1B visas.

All the goodies didn’t start in California so you again are wrong and remain ignorant. You are also a racist, by your very ignorant comments about racism. I have lived in left wing cities and they flourish with racist lefties, if you are a minority you wouldn’t know it because they hide it well. Your pretend life experience doesn’t override reality. Look at Biden’s comments on Obama and Indians and comeback to me and lie to me some more.
Tesla ? California.
Uber/bird/jumpbikes? California

They hide racism they said lol...I'm loving it, just stay the fuck out, you and your racists ***** who love to display their racism.
Fisher Price
IBM I just proved all goodies didn’t start in California

Why no comment on your buddy Joe Biden, he said some racist things.

Where have I displayed racism? Exact quotes will be fine.

I’m in California all the time and I will continue to do business there if I choose and their not anything your racist ass can do to stop it.

I didn't claim that all those great companies were from California, I spoke of Uber/Jump, Tesla, etc....Although the companies you mentioned all of them are in a Blue state of course and not one of them in a red state LOL.
Even your sorry ass now claim you do business with California, I suggest you go to Alabama or any other racist infested red shithole where you fit right in and do business.

You said all goodies we had in our city started in California, I just mentioned several goodies that didn’t start in California. I never claimed I didn’t do business California and why go all the way to Alabama when you can go where the nuts live? They are much easier to sell to.

How do you know where I fit in? That said you haven’t proved I ever displayed racism, so you are still lying and you still avoided commenting on the liberal racist Biden. Seems you avoid commenting where you have to prove anything. You seem to make generalizations which is also what racists do.
The goodies I mentioned started in California...where is the problem?
I dont generalize I state states/areas are more racists qll of us minorities know this....GOP harbors racists qnd has a racist agenda that's why most of minorities vote anti GOP....what didnt you understand in all of this ?
U guys love to say Democrats are good at covering racism lol to cover your loud racism. 20 years living amongst liberals haven't seen a gram of racism

Why do they live in gated communities and send their kids to private schools? Oh, and you forgot to mention the crime rate...
We have no gates communities where I live. Come again .
All the goodies didn’t start in California so you again are wrong and remain ignorant. You are also a racist, by your very ignorant comments about racism. I have lived in left wing cities and they flourish with racist lefties, if you are a minority you wouldn’t know it because they hide it well. Your pretend life experience doesn’t override reality. Look at Biden’s comments on Obama and Indians and comeback to me and lie to me some more.
Tesla ? California.
Uber/bird/jumpbikes? California

They hide racism they said lol...I'm loving it, just stay the fuck out, you and your racists ***** who love to display their racism.
Fisher Price
IBM I just proved all goodies didn’t start in California

Why no comment on your buddy Joe Biden, he said some racist things.

Where have I displayed racism? Exact quotes will be fine.

I’m in California all the time and I will continue to do business there if I choose and their not anything your racist ass can do to stop it.
All the goodies didn’t start in California so you again are wrong and remain ignorant. You are also a racist, by your very ignorant comments about racism. I have lived in left wing cities and they flourish with racist lefties, if you are a minority you wouldn’t know it because they hide it well. Your pretend life experience doesn’t override reality. Look at Biden’s comments on Obama and Indians and comeback to me and lie to me some more.
Tesla ? California.
Uber/bird/jumpbikes? California

They hide racism they said lol...I'm loving it, just stay the fuck out, you and your racists ***** who love to display their racism.
Fisher Price
IBM I just proved all goodies didn’t start in California

Why no comment on your buddy Joe Biden, he said some racist things.

Where have I displayed racism? Exact quotes will be fine.

I’m in California all the time and I will continue to do business there if I choose and their not anything your racist ass can do to stop it.

I didn't claim that all those great companies were from California, I spoke of Uber/Jump, Tesla, etc....Although the companies you mentioned all of them are in a Blue state of course and not one of them in a red state LOL.
Even your sorry ass now claim you do business with California, I suggest you go to Alabama or any other racist infested red shithole where you fit right in and do business.

You said all goodies we had in our city started in California, I just mentioned several goodies that didn’t start in California. I never claimed I didn’t do business California and why go all the way to Alabama when you can go where the nuts live? They are much easier to sell to.

How do you know where I fit in? That said you haven’t proved I ever displayed racism, so you are still lying and you still avoided commenting on the liberal racist Biden. Seems you avoid commenting where you have to prove anything. You seem to make generalizations which is also what racists do.
The goodies I mentioned started in California...where is the problem?
I dont generalize I state states/areas are more racists qll of us minorities know this....GOP harbors racists qnd has a racist agenda that's why most of minorities vote anti GOP....what didnt you understand in all of this ?

You never traveled much it's obvious..

The blue States and cities are waaaaayyyy more racist and segergated then the south is in 2018.

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