Life sentence finished,

now he only has 1,000 years to go.

Ariel Castro kills himself in prison after 3 women held captive by him escape: Part 2

"After Castro's neighbor helped Amanda Berry escape, she called police, who then freed the other girls and arrested Castro. He killed himself a month into a sentence of life in prison plus 1,000 years."

The guy killed himself years ago. ?

He as well have.

According to the article, he has only been in prison about a month.

(making for a very short life sentence)
too bad he didn't get the death penalty & then offed the second he stepped into death row.
How does one get life PLUS 1000 years?

Kidnap 3 teenagers, keep them in cages, force them to have sex for years.

Personally, I think it should have been 2,000 years.

and forced to live every minute of it.

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