Lifelong Republican James Comey urges all: Vote Democrat


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2014
It’s a nice thought, but if Russia continues her cyber warfare, it’s not going to matter.

Jim Comey opens up an investigation into Hillary Clinton a week before the 2016 election. Now he's urging everyone to vote Democrat. I think we've found the real source of the meddling.
Life long republicrat my ass. He's a traitor like that piece of globalist shit McLame.
I'm getting sick of Trumpbots insisting that the only Republicans are people who kiss Trump's ass. It is not so, Pete. He is a dangerous idiot. Everything good that has come from this Presidency has been conceived and made to happen by conservatives with a brain. That does not include Trump. He's their figurehead (to their lasting embarrassment right now).
It’s a nice thought, but if Russia continues her cyber warfare, it’s not going to matter.

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So, ah this must be it, huh? I mean finally after 3+ years of its they’ve found what they’ve been looking for, or will this too just go poof soon and that’s it? Not THE it, just it as in done, over with.
It’s a nice thought, but if Russia continues her cyber warfare, it’s not going to matter.

JAMES COMEY: Enabler of Crime In Chief telling us to vote Democrat because:


I'm getting sick of Trumpbots insisting that the only Republicans are people who kiss Trump's ass. It is not so, Pete. He is a dangerous idiot. Everything good that has come from this Presidency has been conceived and made to happen by conservatives with a brain. That does not include Trump. He's their figurehead (to their lasting embarrassment right now).

It has nothing to do with my support for Trump, I'm not a republicrat either. Comey deliberately let that sociopath hag off the hook in spite of confirming at a hearing in congress that she was guilty. McLame is a corrupt sociopath of the same elitist cloth. We would not have had a meat puppet faggot elected to POTUS had it not been "McCain's turn". As far as I'm concerned McCain deliberately lost that election.

The GOP is either in open opposition to the regressive democrook agenda, or it's the same sort of enemy. If certain republicrats are siding with democrooks for any reason, they're traitors.

Dear Mr. fucked up our election, ie Comey......

We all knew Trump would be a nightmare, everyone but you.
We all thought Hillary the hag would win, everyone wanted it but you

Just as the sorry ass white shit for brains mf's have to deal with their fucked up Trump vote...YOU SIR MUST DEAL WITH THE BLOW, YOU GAVE TO BOTH HILLARY AND THE AMERICAN STUPID!!

I don't know who got fucked over the worst for helping Trump get elected, you or CNN:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
Jim Comey opens up an investigation into Hillary Clinton a week before the 2016 election. Now he's urging everyone to vote Democrat. I think we've found the real source of the meddling.
Between Comey and CNN, both of who aided Trump in his win and both of whom Trump has turned viciously upon, there'd be no Trump. So deal with the monster you birthed!!
His wife and daughters attended the Women's March, which by the way is ran by individuals friendly with Louis Farrakhan, and supported Hillar
This guy has been against Trump from the start, so anything he says about supporting Dimocrats is simply partisan bullshit.
His wife and daughters attended the Women's March, which by the way is ran by individuals friendly with Louis Farrakhan, and supported Hillar
This guy has been against Trump from the start, so anything he says about supporting Dimocrats is simply partisan bullshit.

Oh yes, and everybody knows family members are interchangeable.

What a fucktard of an answer.

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