Lifting the Skirt of Climate Change Censorship..

So your 300 year warm pulse is suppositional. Got it.

I'm curious how you got that graphic. It was in a protected PDF when I found it.

It's not MY supposition. It's in their CHART and paper. The "warming trend" had BARELY STARTED when their extinction period starts. That requires a MASSIVE and quick spike in warming to have any enviro effect and melt the amount of ice they imagine that it did..

CRAG yourself out of this stupor. Put the chart in FRONT of you, stare at it while you try to read the paper. It's all in THERE --- not something I invented to annoy you..

And their theory is just a theory and doesn't really make a lot of sense anyway. Since the "reversal" and recovery NEVER led to any temps that were much higher than BEFORE the reversal at the time of those extinctions.
Can you explain why you think there ought to be spikes there? If you're going to assume that anything that can't be seen in the data must be there, you need to apply for citizenship to La-La Land.

Read the fucking OP.. Go find out how they determined the RAPID WARMING 12,000 years ago occurred over just 300 years. NOT ONE of the hockey stick proxy studies would have FOUND a 300 event capable of extinctions. Was never a possibility with the sketchy data sets that were used.

You're hopeless. Round and round and you STILL don't get that all those hockey sticks are NO BETTER than just graphs of long-term AVERAGE temps or CO2 or whatever. They have no ability to show events accurately shorter than 400 or 500 year duration..

Not doing this with you again. Because you're not getting it..
First, none of the hockey stick studies went back further than 2000 years. Second, the proxies used that determined the cooling and warming event known as the Younger Dryas were the fossils of large mammals, and the cessation of any of them being found above certain levels. And, yes, we can date many events of that magnitude of age accurately by dating volcanic ash layers.

Marcott did.. Went back 11,500 years. Not sure why your referencing "volcanic ash" layers. Sure they exist but they are far too local and sparse to tell time by.. What's the period in between MAJOR volcanic events that cover large portions of the globe where most of these proxies come from?
I'm still waiting for some reason to believe that such spikes exist unseen in the record. A non-CO2 explanation for the current situation might be a good place to start, but, say, haven't you all tried that already? Then there's the point that despite the best of man's efforts, the current spike won't be over in 300 years.
I'm still waiting for some reason to believe that such spikes exist unseen in the record. A non-CO2 explanation for the current situation might be a good place to start, but, say, haven't you all tried that already? Then there's the point that despite the best of man's efforts, the current spike won't be over in 300 years.

If you understood the difference between GLOBALLY isolated tree rings and the occasional mud bug shell and the detail in a rather LOCAL Oxy proxy --- you might understand what is SEEN and what would never EXPECT to be seen..
What I'm waiting for is why we should believe that 300 year temperature spikes took place when not only is their no evidence for their existence, but no probable or potential CAUSE to create them.

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