Lightfoot slams 'overwhelming whiteness' of Chicago press, defends only speaking to reporters of color

I've heard that journalism is a heavily white such it's worth asking why. The answer isn't necessarily racism, and Lightfoot's behavior does nothing to answer the questions and see if maybe that imbalence can be addressed and how. She just acts like an ass.

The question is, are African Americans being denied Careers in journalism? or as a group are they just not choosing that profession? I have also noticed that most sports announcers tend to be white... at least the ones who are really well known. Personally I don't care who's face is on tv as long as they aren't being denied for some reason. I dont think that would really be the case though, I think it's more about choices
I've heard that journalism is a heavily white such it's worth asking why. The answer isn't necessarily racism, and Lightfoot's behavior does nothing to answer the questions and see if maybe that imbalence can be addressed and how. She just acts like an ass.

The question is, are African Americans being denied Careers in journalism? or as a group are they just not choosing that profession? I have also noticed that most sports announcers tend to be white... at least the ones who are really well known. Personally I don't care who's face is on tv as long as they aren't being denied for some reason. I dont think that would really be the case though, I think it's more about choices

Exactly. We don't know...which is why Lightfoot isn't exactly helpful in that matter and is just trying to score political points I'm guessing.
I've heard that journalism is a heavily white such it's worth asking why. The answer isn't necessarily racism, and Lightfoot's behavior does nothing to answer the questions and see if maybe that imbalence can be addressed and how. She just acts like an ass.

The question is, are African Americans being denied Careers in journalism? or as a group are they just not choosing that profession? I have also noticed that most sports announcers tend to be white... at least the ones who are really well known. Personally I don't care who's face is on tv as long as they aren't being denied for some reason. I dont think that would really be the case though, I think it's more about choices

Exactly. We don't know...which is why Lightfoot isn't exactly helpful in that matter and is just trying to score political points I'm guessing.

Political points with who? Who thinks denying journalists access to public servants based on the color of their skin is a GOOD thing? Really think about that...
I've heard that journalism is a heavily white such it's worth asking why. The answer isn't necessarily racism, and Lightfoot's behavior does nothing to answer the questions and see if maybe that imbalence can be addressed and how. She just acts like an ass.

The question is, are African Americans being denied Careers in journalism? or as a group are they just not choosing that profession? I have also noticed that most sports announcers tend to be white... at least the ones who are really well known. Personally I don't care who's face is on tv as long as they aren't being denied for some reason. I dont think that would really be the case though, I think it's more about choices

Exactly. We don't know...which is why Lightfoot isn't exactly helpful in that matter and is just trying to score political points I'm guessing.

Political points with who? Who thinks denying journalists access to public servants based on the color of their skin is a GOOD thing? Really think about that...
Same sort of people who think denying journalists access to pubic servants based on percieved ideology.
I've heard that journalism is a heavily white such it's worth asking why. The answer isn't necessarily racism, and Lightfoot's behavior does nothing to answer the questions and see if maybe that imbalence can be addressed and how. She just acts like an ass.

The question is, are African Americans being denied Careers in journalism? or as a group are they just not choosing that profession? I have also noticed that most sports announcers tend to be white... at least the ones who are really well known. Personally I don't care who's face is on tv as long as they aren't being denied for some reason. I dont think that would really be the case though, I think it's more about choices

Exactly. We don't know...which is why Lightfoot isn't exactly helpful in that matter and is just trying to score political points I'm guessing.

Which goes to show no one is perfect. I feel strongly when one decides to become a politician, they need to put aside their personal feelings when trying to represent a diverse population and just be more professional about it. It seems to me Lightfoot has taken things personally a bit much,and like you say, probably just for points.
I've heard that journalism is a heavily white such it's worth asking why. The answer isn't necessarily racism, and Lightfoot's behavior does nothing to answer the questions and see if maybe that imbalence can be addressed and how. She just acts like an ass.

The question is, are African Americans being denied Careers in journalism? or as a group are they just not choosing that profession? I have also noticed that most sports announcers tend to be white... at least the ones who are really well known. Personally I don't care who's face is on tv as long as they aren't being denied for some reason. I dont think that would really be the case though, I think it's more about choices

Exactly. We don't know...which is why Lightfoot isn't exactly helpful in that matter and is just trying to score political points I'm guessing.

Political points with who? Who thinks denying journalists access to public servants based on the color of their skin is a GOOD thing? Really think about that...
Same sort of people who think denying journalists access to pubic servants based on percieved ideology.

Ah, yes, white liberals. The cause of virtually every problem in the country.
I've heard that journalism is a heavily white such it's worth asking why. The answer isn't necessarily racism, and Lightfoot's behavior does nothing to answer the questions and see if maybe that imbalence can be addressed and how. She just acts like an ass.

The question is, are African Americans being denied Careers in journalism? or as a group are they just not choosing that profession? I have also noticed that most sports announcers tend to be white... at least the ones who are really well known. Personally I don't care who's face is on tv as long as they aren't being denied for some reason. I dont think that would really be the case though, I think it's more about choices

Exactly. We don't know...which is why Lightfoot isn't exactly helpful in that matter and is just trying to score political points I'm guessing.

Which goes to show no one is perfect. I feel strongly when one decides to become a politician, they need to put aside their personal feelings when trying to represent a diverse population and just be more professional about it. It seems to me Lightfoot has taken things personally a bit much,and like you say, probably just for points.
To be fair, I don't know much about her but I agree with what you say regarding becoming a politician.
Lightfoot reeled off the diversity of the city's leadership, including its "majority Black and Latinx City Council," and called it "unacceptable" that reporters covering City Hall were mostly White.

"Many of them are smart and hard-working, savvy and skilled. But mostly white, nonetheless," she wrote.

She lectured the Chicago media leadership to evolve and diversify, for fear that "this arm of our democratic system is on life support."

Lightfoot has taken heavy criticism for banning White reporters from speaking with her, with one Latino Chicago Tribune reporter saying he had cancelled his scheduled interview with her in protest.

She is entirely too good for all those white reporters.

Tell me how the hell this woman was elected.
Segregation was outlawed in 1964. So why is it that Lightfoot is trying to segregate the city government and press? Why, also, do we have SEGREGATED black college dorms, SEGREGATED black college graduations, etc. Are we going to return to blacks only drinking fountains, lunch counters, etc. Is this not a return to Jim Crow. Is the back of the bus going to be reserved again? We already have black colleges that are receiving "illegal" racist funding. Civil war is coming over this idiocy and it will not be pretty. It will make the conflicts this country has so far endured look like walks in the park and the brutality will be epic.

Let's see if she get's re-elected with that crap.
LOL.... You bed wetters kept TED KENNEDY in the US Senate for decades after he killed a woman. You kept that jabbering retard Xiden in DC for over 47 years and then put him in the fuckin WH and this was AFTER he was the VP to the first POTUS who did a worse job than Jimmy Fucking Carter. You had a CRACK HEAD called Marion Barry RE-ELECTED to being DC Mayor after being released from federal prison, and you have window licking imbeciles like AOC, Illhan Omar and Hank Johnson on your team. There is no deeper you can send the bar.

In fact you have literally pushed the bar through the core of the earth, and has gone out to space above the Indian Ocean. It may be in the fuckin asteroid belt by now and that's why there are so many UFO's being reported. They're wondering how the fuck you lunatics reversed Darwin's Theory and set natural selection back so far.

oh...the bar can be much much lower - just take the log out of your eye.

Trump set that bar so deep into the cess no one is brave enough to go lower...but they'll do anything they can to overturn an election in order to get him back.

Then you have Dennis Hastert - kept getting relected despite tons of shady ethics and scandals, later found to be a child molester. Or how about Bill Janklow, killed a person when speeding through a stop sign - tons of traffic stops but no tickets...hmm...still managed to be re-elected...the scumwaffle.

Lot's of bars lying deep in the mud there...but it's hard to tell the R from the D bars.
I could care less about Trump.
If you think this is acceptable behavior for a mayor then you totally have lost the moral high-ground.

Next thing this woman (or whomever follows the bitch) will be doing is heating up the ovens.
I've heard that journalism is a heavily white such it's worth asking why. The answer isn't necessarily racism, and Lightfoot's behavior does nothing to answer the questions and see if maybe that imbalence can be addressed and how. She just acts like an ass.

The question is, are African Americans being denied Careers in journalism? or as a group are they just not choosing that profession? I have also noticed that most sports announcers tend to be white... at least the ones who are really well known. Personally I don't care who's face is on tv as long as they aren't being denied for some reason. I dont think that would really be the case though, I think it's more about choices

Exactly. We don't know...which is why Lightfoot isn't exactly helpful in that matter and is just trying to score political points I'm guessing.

Which goes to show no one is perfect. I feel strongly when one decides to become a politician, they need to put aside their personal feelings when trying to represent a diverse population and just be more professional about it. It seems to me Lightfoot has taken things personally a bit much,and like you say, probably just for points.
To be fair, I don't know much about her but I agree with what you say regarding becoming a politician.
The only reason a person like this gets elected is because of the creep that preceded her. Ralmn Emanuel.
oh...the bar can be much much lower - just take the log out of your eye.

Trump set that bar so deep into the cess no one is brave enough to go lower...but they'll do anything they can to overturn an election in order to get him back.

Then you have Dennis Hastert - kept getting relected despite tons of shady ethics and scandals, later found to be a child molester. Or how about Bill Janklow, killed a person when speeding through a stop sign - tons of traffic stops but no tickets...hmm...still managed to be re-elected...the scumwaffle.

Lot's of bars lying deep in the mud there...but it's hard to tell the R from the D bars.
First of all, Janklow didn't leave the scene, go sleep off the booze, and wait until he figured out he was in trouble because a dead woman was found in his car to call a lawyer, and then contact law enforcement. There is no comparison to Janklow and Kennedy. Janklow also immediately acknowledged his fault publicly and expressed regret, was tried and convicted, and his political career was OVER. Kennedy got away with what he did, until he got to hell several years ago. That's the difference. Republicrats get put on trial, democrooks run for a higher office.

You can't actually point to a single thing wrong with anything Trump has done. You bloviate and bullshit, but Trump was probably the only mother fucker who has been so thoroughly investigated and not a mother fucker has been able to find shit on him. There isn't even a mother fucker in US Judicial history that has had their lawyer's house and office raided. Hoffa, Capone, NAME THE CRIMINAL at the top of your evil list except for Trump who had their fucking lawyer's house raided.

I've heard that journalism is a heavily white such it's worth asking why. The answer isn't necessarily racism, and Lightfoot's behavior does nothing to answer the questions and see if maybe that imbalence can be addressed and how. She just acts like an ass.

The question is, are African Americans being denied Careers in journalism? or as a group are they just not choosing that profession? I have also noticed that most sports announcers tend to be white... at least the ones who are really well known. Personally I don't care who's face is on tv as long as they aren't being denied for some reason. I dont think that would really be the case though, I think it's more about choices

Exactly. We don't know...which is why Lightfoot isn't exactly helpful in that matter and is just trying to score political points I'm guessing.

Which goes to show no one is perfect. I feel strongly when one decides to become a politician, they need to put aside their personal feelings when trying to represent a diverse population and just be more professional about it. It seems to me Lightfoot has taken things personally a bit much,and like you say, probably just for points.
To be fair, I don't know much about her but I agree with what you say regarding becoming a politician.
The only reason a person like this gets elected is because of the creep that preceded her. Ralmn Emanuel.
Yeah...............he just sucked.
I wanna repeat something here...


I created two threads on this and not one son of a bitch "legal scholar" of all the assholes who present themselves to be one can point to an instance in all of criminal justice history where a man under investigation had government officials raid the files of the accused's LEGAL COUNSEL in order to find dirt on said man.

I don't care if it was Stalin's Lawyer, Hitler's Lawyer, Osama Bin Laden's Lawyer, Ted Bundy's Lawyer, You can't find a case, a subject, a perp, or anyone else on earth who had a LAWYER on a retainer that had their home and office RAIDED by government officials in order to find dirt on them.

OUR PRESIDENT had his lawyer's house and office raided and the feds FOUND FUCKING NOTHING THEY COULD PROSECUTE HIM FOR. They found a way to prosecute the lawyer, and stuck a hand up his ass to accuse his client of being a bastard, but they GOT NOTHING on Trump.

This should TERRIFY every citizen in this country that believes our government operates under restraints established by the COTUS.

It's because "people" like Coyote are willing to overlook any evil act done by a leftist, no matter how nefarious or depraved, and attempt to deflect their guilt by asserting the people she hates are "at least as bad". Like Stalin's people convicting nazis, even though the bolsheviks killed twice as many, or if Mao's government ever had the chance to convict the soviets even though they 250% more.

It's insane that we tolerate these leftist lunatics to exist beyond confinement in an asylum. I'm talking to you again Coyote and at this point Care4all or OldLady . How do you keep defending criminal sociopaths in offices of political power who always get away with the worst criminal acts and still manage to sleep at night?

Full disclosure: I know I will not get a response worth reading. I encourage it... Fuck I'm BEGGING FOR IT, but I won't get one. They haven't been programmed with one..

Coyoted did come within orbit but made herself and whatever stupid leftist website she read seem legit.

Beattie Juice crack head needs to be dumped back into her south Chicago dumpster
I wanna repeat something here...


I created two threads on this and not one son of a bitch "legal scholar" of all the assholes who present themselves to be one can point to an instance in all of criminal justice history where a man under investigation had government officials raid the files of the accused's LEGAL COUNSEL in order to find dirt on said man.

I don't care if it was Stalin's Lawyer, Hitler's Lawyer, Osama Bin Laden's Lawyer, Ted Bundy's Lawyer, You can't find a case, a subject, a perp, or anyone else on earth who had a LAWYER on a retainer that had their home and office RAIDED by government officials in order to find dirt on them.

OUR PRESIDENT had his lawyer's house and office raided and the feds FOUND FUCKING NOTHING THEY COULD PROSECUTE HIM FOR. They found a way to prosecute the lawyer, and stuck a hand up his ass to accuse his client of being a bastard, but they GOT NOTHING on Trump.

This should TERRIFY every citizen in this country that believes our government operates under restraints established by the COTUS.

It's because "people" like Coyote are willing to overlook any evil act done by a leftist, no matter how nefarious or depraved, and attempt to deflect their guilt by asserting the people she hates are "at least as bad". Like Stalin's people convicting nazis, even though the bolsheviks killed twice as many, or if Mao's government ever had the chance to convict the soviets even though they 250% more.

It's insane that we tolerate these leftist lunatics to exist beyond confinement in an asylum. I'm talking to you again Coyote and at this point Care4all or OldLady . How do you keep defending criminal sociopaths in offices of political power who always get away with the worst criminal acts and still manage to sleep at night?

Full disclosure: I know I will not get a response worth reading. I encourage it... Fuck I'm BEGGING FOR IT, but I won't get one. They haven't been programmed with one..

Coyoted did come within orbit but made herself and whatever stupid leftist website she read seem legit.

Pete...truly, the world isn't as crappy as it is in your head, Mr. Sourpuss! Get out and smell the roses! You might actually meet some nice ladies in the likes of Coyote, and OldLady and me....! :)

Lawyers being subpoenaed for their own crimes probably committed, is not illegal, and does take place some times, more so in the Organized Crime world of the Mafia lawyers, and others.

No one is targeting a client of Rudy's, Rudy is the target of the investigation in to a criminal offense.

A search warrant authorized by judges as meeting the probable cause standard, is even higher for a lawyer.... because of what you've mentioned.... Attorney client info that is private....!!!

Our judicial system recognizes this privilege, the judge authorizing the search warrant does too.

The judicial system has independent magistrates/judges that have a specific job of scouring every piece of evidence from the collected search warrant media of any lawyers being served a warrant, making certain that only the info given to the prosecutors is specific to the search warrant, and is NOT Attorney/Client privilege stuff.

The prosecutor only gets to review the search warrant stuff that is NOT attorney client stuff....
Pete...truly, the world isn't as crappy as it is in your head, Mr. Sourpuss! Get out and smell the roses! You might actually meet some nice ladies in the likes of Coyote, and OldLady and me....! :)

Lawyers being subpoenaed for their own crimes probably committed, is not illegal, and does take place some times, more so in the Organized Crime world of the Mafia lawyers, and others.

No one is targeting a client of Rudy's, Rudy is the target of the investigation in to a criminal offense.

A search warrant authorized by judges as meeting the probable cause standard, is even higher for a lawyer.... because of what you've mentioned.... Attorney client info that is private....!!!

Our judicial system recognizes this privilege, the judge authorizing the search warrant does too.

The judicial system has independent magistrates/judges that have a specific job of scouring every piece of evidence from the collected search warrant media of any lawyers being served a warrant, making certain that only the info given to the prosecutors is specific to the search warrant, and is NOT Attorney/Client privilege stuff.

The prosecutor only gets to review the search warrant stuff that is NOT attorney client stuff....
Well my dear lady....

I appreciate your response. If I sound pissed I'm glad because it's difficult to properly express emotion through context, but the problem is that EVERYONE should be pissed. I'm talking pitchforks, torches, hot tar and feathers pissed.

What you missed though, is the fact that I wasn't talking about Rudy. His persecution is mere revenge.

I'm talking about Michael Cohen. Since that frankenstein looking fuckstick Mueller couldn't find shit on Trump, anywhere, for anything, he decided to probe the Stormy Daniels bullshit and got a savage leftist piece of shit DA to raid Trump's lawyer over an issue that had absolutely NOTHING to do with anything he was supposed to be investigating.

Again, show me one single individual who had their fuckin lawyer's house raided while they were being investigated. You can not justify the sort of shit Trump faced while trying to run the country. You can not justify the way DEMOCROOKS elect and continue re-electing crack heads, convicted perjurers, and even killers to public office, and run republicrats out of office on account of accusations they are gay like they did to Larry Craig. I hope to God that Epstein story doesn't get buried because DC needs to be exposed, and the DNC is infested with the sickest fuckin sociopaths since Caligula.

You know it just as well as I do but you're willing to ignore it.


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Pete...truly, the world isn't as crappy as it is in your head, Mr. Sourpuss! Get out and smell the roses! You might actually meet some nice ladies in the likes of Coyote, and OldLady and me....! :)

Lawyers being subpoenaed for their own crimes probably committed, is not illegal, and does take place some times, more so in the Organized Crime world of the Mafia lawyers, and others.

No one is targeting a client of Rudy's, Rudy is the target of the investigation in to a criminal offense.

A search warrant authorized by judges as meeting the probable cause standard, is even higher for a lawyer.... because of what you've mentioned.... Attorney client info that is private....!!!

Our judicial system recognizes this privilege, the judge authorizing the search warrant does too.

The judicial system has independent magistrates/judges that have a specific job of scouring every piece of evidence from the collected search warrant media of any lawyers being served a warrant, making certain that only the info given to the prosecutors is specific to the search warrant, and is NOT Attorney/Client privilege stuff.

The prosecutor only gets to review the search warrant stuff that is NOT attorney client stuff....
Well my dear lady....

I appreciate your response. If I sound pissed I'm glad because it's difficult to properly express emotion through context, but the problem is that EVERYONE should be pissed. I'm talking pitchforks, torches, hot tar and feathers pissed.

What you missed though, is the fact that I wasn't talking about Rudy. His persecution is mere revenge.

I'm talking about Michael Cohen. Since that frankenstein looking fuckstick Mueller couldn't find shit on Trump, anywhere, for anything, he decided to probe the Stormy Daniels bullshit and got a savage leftist piece of shit DA to raid Trump's lawyer over an issue that had absolutely NOTHING to do with anything he was supposed to be investigating.

Again, show me one single individual who had their fuckin lawyer's house raided while they were being investigated. You can not justify the sort of shit Trump faced while trying to run the country. You can not justify the way DEMOCROOKS elect and continue re-electing crack heads, convicted perjurers, and even killers to public office, and run republicrats out of office on account of accusations they are gay like they did to Larry Craig. I hope to God that Epstein story doesn't get buried because DC needs to be exposed, and the DNC is infested with the sickest fuckin sociopaths since Caligula.

You know it just as well as I do but you're willing to ignore it.


Any lawyer with probable cause of committing a crime, can get a legal search warrant filedagainst them...any communications of a crime, can be viewed by law enforcement. Like in the Cohen case.

But know, judicial magistrates, are the ones who first went through the Cohen data and communications not involved in attorney client privilege before handing over to the law enforcement investigators... President Trump, even had his lawyers involved with the magistrates, to make certain nothing given to Cohen's investigators, was privileged.

Yes, the tactics of L/E can be disturbing to see, but as it sits, it IS all legal and a normal LE tactic to catch the bigger fish, like in plea bargains.
Lightfoot reeled off the diversity of the city's leadership, including its "majority Black and Latinx City Council," and called it "unacceptable" that reporters covering City Hall were mostly White.

"Many of them are smart and hard-working, savvy and skilled. But mostly white, nonetheless," she wrote.

She lectured the Chicago media leadership to evolve and diversify, for fear that "this arm of our democratic system is on life support."

Lightfoot has taken heavy criticism for banning White reporters from speaking with her, with one Latino Chicago Tribune reporter saying he had cancelled his scheduled interview with her in protest.

She is entirely too good for all those white reporters.

Tell me how the hell this woman was elected.
This is what you get when you elect racist Africans. Chicago deserves this goblin

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