Lightfoot slams 'overwhelming whiteness' of Chicago press, defends only speaking to reporters of color

What lawyer are you talking about then?
Scroll up and read the whole thread if you care to.. I laid it all out. Care4all is as delightful as always, but still dedicated to ignorance when it comes to politics. I don't understand why. It's something professionals ought to be studying.

What lawyer are you talking about then?
Scroll up and read the whole thread if you care to.. I laid it all out. Care4all is as delightful as always, but still dedicated to ignorance when it comes to politics. I don't understand why. It's something professionals ought to be studying.

I did and I still couldn't figure it out. I vaguely remember a woman standing in the yard in her housecoat or something--but I don't remember who it was.
I did and I still couldn't figure it out. I vaguely remember a woman standing in the yard in her housecoat or something--but I don't remember who it was.
That was me on Halloween throwing cats at you.


Go back to the airport.

Lightfoot reeled off the diversity of the city's leadership, including its "majority Black and Latinx City Council," and called it "unacceptable" that reporters covering City Hall were mostly White.

"Many of them are smart and hard-working, savvy and skilled. But mostly white, nonetheless," she wrote.

She lectured the Chicago media leadership to evolve and diversify, for fear that "this arm of our democratic system is on life support."

Lightfoot has taken heavy criticism for banning White reporters from speaking with her, with one Latino Chicago Tribune reporter saying he had cancelled his scheduled interview with her in protest.

She is entirely too good for all those white reporters.

Tell me how the hell this woman was elected.
There's many more that think like her, and the current political climate is bringing it out of them. Ray Nagen of New Orleans once alledgedly said "This will be a chocolate City again", and this was after Katrina.

So blacks (if the shoe fits wear it), aren't just satisfied with civil rights applying to all American live's in America, but they are more interested in cornering the market on black priveledge growing by leaps and bounds in America, yeah you all know that thing, that thing that has now become a thing says Ole Joe, yeah y'all know that thing. Come on mannnnnnnnnn . LOL
I did and I still couldn't figure it out. I vaguely remember a woman standing in the yard in her housecoat or something--but I don't remember who it was.
That was me on Halloween throwing cats at you.

View attachment 491734

Go back to the airport.

You're not being helpful here. You sure you weren't talking about poor persecuted Rudy? Actually, all I've heard is something about him not registering as a foreign agent for Ukraine. Which of course he denies. But there may be more to it, if the Ukranian politico who gave that tip to the DOJ is telling the truth.
You're not being helpful here. You sure you weren't talking about poor persecuted Rudy? Actually, all I've heard is something about him not registering as a foreign agent for Ukraine. Which of course he denies. But there may be more to it, if the Ukranian politico who gave that tip to the DOJ is telling the truth.
a brilliant mother fucker said:
I'm talking about Michael Cohen. Since that frankenstein looking fuckstick Mueller couldn't find shit on Trump, anywhere, for anything, he decided to probe the Stormy Daniels bullshit and got a savage leftist piece of shit DA to raid Trump's lawyer over an issue that had absolutely NOTHING to do with anything he was supposed to be investigating.

Chicago is crumbling under her leadership. Crime has spread from the hood to the downtown area to where it isn't safe to walk or drive through the Loop. Carjackings are rampant and shootings are up significantly. The schools suck, the police are at odds with the State's Atty Kim Foxx and herhonor da mare. Tourism will die if crime stays where it is. We're on our way to being the next Detroit.
Lightfoot reeled off the diversity of the city's leadership, including its "majority Black and Latinx City Council," and called it "unacceptable" that reporters covering City Hall were mostly White.

"Many of them are smart and hard-working, savvy and skilled. But mostly white, nonetheless," she wrote.

She lectured the Chicago media leadership to evolve and diversify, for fear that "this arm of our democratic system is on life support."

Lightfoot has taken heavy criticism for banning White reporters from speaking with her, with one Latino Chicago Tribune reporter saying he had cancelled his scheduled interview with her in protest.

She is entirely too good for all those white reporters.

Tell me how the hell this woman was elected.
There's many more that think like her, and the current political climate is bringing it out of them. Ray Nagen of New Orleans once alledgedly said "This will be a chocolate City again", and this was after Katrina.

So blacks (if the shoe fits wear it), aren't just satisfied with civil rights applying to all American live's in America, but they are more interested in cornering the market on black priveledge growing by leaps and bounds in America, yeah you all know that thing, that thing that has now become a thing says Ole Joe, yeah y'all know that thing. Come on mannnnnnnnnn . LOL
I remember a very thoughtful discussion about this on PBS several years ago. News teams need the perspectives of all folks, including minorities, even if the differences are subtle. Lightfoot has a point, but it would be more appropriate if she were working in media; as mayor it's not really her call, is it?
Chicago is crumbling under her leadership. Crime has spread from the hood to the downtown area to where it isn't safe to walk or drive through the Loop. Carjackings are rampant and shootings are up significantly. The schools suck, the police are at odds with the State's Atty Kim Foxx and herhonor da mare. Tourism will die if crime stays where it is. We're on our way to being the next Detroit.
That's sad. I was there once for a quick visit and thought it was a very cool city.
Any lawyer with probable cause of committing a crime, can get a legal search warrant filedagainst them...any communications of a crime, can be viewed by law enforcement. Like in the Cohen case.

But know, judicial magistrates, are the ones who first went through the Cohen data and communications not involved in attorney client privilege before handing over to the law enforcement investigators... President Trump, even had his lawyers involved with the magistrates, to make certain nothing given to Cohen's investigators, was privileged.

Yes, the tactics of L/E can be disturbing to see, but as it sits, it IS all legal and a normal LE tactic to catch the bigger fish, like in plea bargains.


Least of all to a sitting POTUS. Nixon's lawyers were not RAIDED in the dead of night, nor were John Gotti's. It's not just "disturbing", it's the epitome of tyranny. STALIN didn't do that sort of shit, FUCKING HITLER didn't do that sort of shit. It's not "normal" it's UNPRECEDENTED. You can not point to a single instance in all of judicial history where someone's LAWYER had their door kicked in by armed agents of the government so that they could find some tidbit of information to prosecute a client.

To make it that much worse, NOTHING was found that made it possible to convict Trump for a GOD DAMNED THING.

I'm also not coming at this from a zealot's perspective. In 2016 I was NOT a Trump fan at all. I regularly referred to the man as the "World's Richest Professional Clown". I wrote in Ted Cruz rather than vote for him because I didn't believe he was even trying to beat hitlery. The fucker won me over in not just what he accomplished, but by the opposition he endured. The entire federal government, which is a GIGANTIC MALIGNANT CANCEROUS TUMOR attempted to purge him for the entirety of his administration. Does that not signal to you the possibility that the dude was actually trying to fix shit?

I know I'm not the only one who see's it, I just can't believe that YOU, or Coyote or OldLady and a few other libs I don't ignore because you aren't window licking jabbering retard drones refuse to acknowledge that Trump WAS NOT "hitler" and was not guilty of anything. Ya'll persist on demonizing the man and everyone who supports him for reasons I can not comprehend. You can't even acknowledge the shit he endured while trying to run the country was beyond contemptible. Next time we elect someone the feds deem "deplorable" I expect the chief justice to just shoot him (or her) in the fuckin face on stage at the inauguration. That's the only step lower we could actually take.

Yet Lightfoot will be re-elected, EASILY, and you won't care if it takes the votes of 1,000,000 dead people.
Pete (now that I know who you're talking about), Considering all the murky stuff that man did, you should be glad he was nabbed and taken far away from our government, even as the President's lawyer.
Lightfoot reeled off the diversity of the city's leadership, including its "majority Black and Latinx City Council," and called it "unacceptable" that reporters covering City Hall were mostly White.

"Many of them are smart and hard-working, savvy and skilled. But mostly white, nonetheless," she wrote.

She lectured the Chicago media leadership to evolve and diversify, for fear that "this arm of our democratic system is on life support."

Lightfoot has taken heavy criticism for banning White reporters from speaking with her, with one Latino Chicago Tribune reporter saying he had cancelled his scheduled interview with her in protest.

She is entirely too good for all those white reporters.

Tell me how the hell this woman was elected.
By Democrats who are just as stupid and BONKERS, as she is.
Now, white people are going to know what it is like to be discriminated against, and that will cause white people to do something.
White people have known what it is like to be discriminated against for 57 years now - since Affirmative Action was started in 1964. Whites haven't done much. It's only banned in 8 states, and even that just partially.
The question is, are African Americans being denied Careers in journalism? or as a group are they just not choosing that profession? I have also noticed that most sports announcers tend to be white... at least the ones who are really well known. Personally I don't care who's face is on tv as long as they aren't being denied for some reason. I don't think that would really be the case though, I think it's more about choices
I see lots of blacks in what is called journalism ( but is really is propagandizing for Democrats)





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Chicago is crumbling under her leadership. Crime has spread from the hood to the downtown area to where it isn't safe to walk or drive through the Loop. Carjackings are rampant and shootings are up significantly. The schools suck, the police are at odds with the State's Atty Kim Foxx and herhonor da mare. Tourism will die if crime stays where it is. We're on our way to being the next Detroit.
Yeah, remember the black mayor of Baltimore who made the police stand down while black imbeciles looted and destroyed businesses as they rioted? That pig was a real piece of work. So is Lightfoot.

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