Lightfoot slams 'overwhelming whiteness' of Chicago press, defends only speaking to reporters of color

Lightfoot reeled off the diversity of the city's leadership, including its "majority Black and Latinx City Council," and called it "unacceptable" that reporters covering City Hall were mostly White.

"Many of them are smart and hard-working, savvy and skilled. But mostly white, nonetheless," she wrote.

She lectured the Chicago media leadership to evolve and diversify, for fear that "this arm of our democratic system is on life support."

Lightfoot has taken heavy criticism for banning White reporters from speaking with her, with one Latino Chicago Tribune reporter saying he had cancelled his scheduled interview with her in protest.

She is entirely too good for all those white reporters.

Tell me how the hell this woman was elected.
There's many more that think like her, and the current political climate is bringing it out of them. Ray Nagen of New Orleans once alledgedly said "This will be a chocolate City again", and this was after Katrina.

So blacks (if the shoe fits wear it), aren't just satisfied with civil rights applying to all American live's in America, but they are more interested in cornering the market on black priveledge growing by leaps and bounds in America, yeah you all know that thing, that thing that has now become a thing says Ole Joe, yeah y'all know that thing. Come on mannnnnnnnnn . LOL
I remember a very thoughtful discussion about this on PBS several years ago. News teams need the perspectives of all folks, including minorities, even if the differences are subtle. Lightfoot has a point, but it would be more appropriate if she were working in media; as mayor it's not really her call, is it?
Nope, as an elected official she is supposed to be working for all Americans, and if not then she needs to go big time. Tired of racism, because it's the dumbest bullcrap ever. It's about culture, belief's, choice's, and responsibility for one's action's. To use skin color is ridiculous, but it's understandable how people are duped into it when a large number of concentrated people (who just happen to be of the same color), and are somehow found agreeing with each other that some bad thing's are ok, then we have a major problem again in America.....If then acting out in unison, otherwise in those bad thing's, and as if they are ok, then it's hard not to think that every aspect of those humans united, are united in their cause together. This goes for all color's who do such things in group think.

The main thing is to not drag the innocent into the picture, otherwise if a picture becomes part of the identifying qualities of the group that is unified, and is acting badly. So don't drag in the innocent who are of the same color when they aren't acting badly or supporting the actions of the group who is acting badly, and coincidentally is of the same color.

Using color is absolutely not the right thing ever to do, but it's hard for people not to do it if groups are doing bad things, and surprisingly they are of the same color for some reason when doing those bad things.
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Chicago is crumbling under her leadership. Crime has spread from the hood to the downtown area to where it isn't safe to walk or drive through the Loop. Carjackings are rampant and shootings are up significantly. The schools suck, the police are at odds with the State's Atty Kim Foxx and herhonor da mare. Tourism will die if crime stays where it is. We're on our way to being the next Detroit.
Yeah, remember the black mayor of Baltimore who made the police stand down while black imbeciles looted and destroyed businesses as they rioted? That pig was a real piece of work. So is Lightfoot.
Black racist are just as bad as white racist. Racism can be used by any group in unison, and at anytime.
Tell me how the hell this woman was elected.

Okay, here's what happened.

A thug cop named Jason Van Dyke shot a 17 year old boy named LaQuan McDonald 16 times. Instead of coming clean about it, Rahm Emmanual and the mostly WHITE city power structure LIED about it. Tried to pay off the family to keep it quiet, hid the video until a court ordered it released.

Rahm realized his re-election was going to happen with the backdrop of Van Dyke finally being brought to trial, and decided to Peace Out.

Lightfoot got elected because she was the only one who had been a consistent voice for police reform.
Lightfoot's stated racial preference is one of the main reasons that the current 2-party pendulum is swinging too far left. If this type of behavior continues to play out, and more Dem leaders jump on this racial preference type of mindset, the Dems are going to ensure they lose in 2024. By publicly defining who has access to the news and who does not due to skin color will boost the numbers of undecideds to the middle and right. There is still a lot of time left before the next election and if Lightfoot's course doesn't wind up in the mud now, it will later in a much bigger way.

Never a dull moment in the political circus arenas.

Oh, let's get real. She said something stupid. Politicians say stupid things all the time. Some of them have even made a career out of it, like Trump.

She had a point that the city of Chicago is mostly people of color, the press corps at City Hall is mostly white people. That's actually a valid complaint. I think it shows a disconnect between the media and the population it is supposed to serve.
Exactly. We don't know...which is why Lightfoot isn't exactly helpful in that matter and is just trying to score political points I'm guessing.

Or that she is just tired of mostly white reporters only asking questions about things that white people care about.

I think she said something stupid, but she kind of has a point. Our media lacks diversity.
The question is, are African Americans being denied Careers in journalism? or as a group are they just not choosing that profession? I have also noticed that most sports announcers tend to be white... at least the ones who are really well known. Personally I don't care who's face is on tv as long as they aren't being denied for some reason. I dont think that would really be the case though, I think it's more about choices

Here's the thing. TV will try to be more diverse at the anchor desk, but when it comes to the beat reporters, for print, radio and TV, they tend to be overwealmingly white.

So, yeah, a white reporter making six figures and sending his kid to a private school isn't going to give that much of a concern to lets' say, school reform. A white reporter living on the Gold Cost isn't going to care about police misconduct on the South Side or poverty on the West side.

If you understand that the reporters role is to ask those in power the questions we would ask if we could talk to politicians directly, then diversity is kind of important.
The question is, are African Americans being denied Careers in journalism? or as a group are they just not choosing that profession? I have also noticed that most sports announcers tend to be white... at least the ones who are really well known. Personally I don't care who's face is on tv as long as they aren't being denied for some reason. I dont think that would really be the case though, I think it's more about choices

Here's the thing. TV will try to be more diverse at the anchor desk, but when it comes to the beat reporters, for print, radio and TV, they tend to be overwealmingly white.

So, yeah, a white reporter making six figures and sending his kid to a private school isn't going to give that much of a concern to lets' say, school reform. A white reporter living on the Gold Cost isn't going to care about police misconduct on the South Side or poverty on the West side.

If you understand that the reporters role is to ask those in power the questions we would ask if we could talk to politicians directly, then diversity is kind of important.
You are not only just a racist, but a leftist too ??? Double whammy huh ?? Rotflmbo.
Lightfoot reeled off the diversity of the city's leadership, including its "majority Black and Latinx City Council," and called it "unacceptable" that reporters covering City Hall were mostly White.

"Many of them are smart and hard-working, savvy and skilled. But mostly white, nonetheless," she wrote.

She lectured the Chicago media leadership to evolve and diversify, for fear that "this arm of our democratic system is on life support."

Lightfoot has taken heavy criticism for banning White reporters from speaking with her, with one Latino Chicago Tribune reporter saying he had cancelled his scheduled interview with her in protest.

She is entirely too good for all those white reporters.

Tell me how the hell this woman was elected.
..she needs to be charged with racism
Now, white people are going to know what it is like to be discriminated against, and that will cause white people to do something.

Yeah......cry more.

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
Lightfoot reeled off the diversity of the city's leadership, including its "majority Black and Latinx City Council," and called it "unacceptable" that reporters covering City Hall were mostly White.

"Many of them are smart and hard-working, savvy and skilled. But mostly white, nonetheless," she wrote.

She lectured the Chicago media leadership to evolve and diversify, for fear that "this arm of our democratic system is on life support."

Lightfoot has taken heavy criticism for banning White reporters from speaking with her, with one Latino Chicago Tribune reporter saying he had cancelled his scheduled interview with her in protest.

She is entirely too good for all those white reporters.

Tell me how the hell this woman was elected.
..she needs to be charged with racism
She needs to be tossed. She just sucks.
With each passing day of doing nothing, this will become more and more entrenched and demanded more of by these groups.
It's a spiraling self feeding frenzy. It's a runaway freight train on a guaranteed collision course with violence.

Somewhere along the way people forgot that freedom was never "free"
The "white-ness" of the J-School pool has nothing to do with racial discrimination; it is ACADEMIC discrimination - favoring those with superior intelligence, knowledge, and aptitude. The number of Black people who can even get into a reputable J-School on merit is MICROSCOPIC.

If it weren't for '"Affirmative Action," and other similarly-discriminatory programs, there would be ZERO Black journalists. Let Heronor suck on that for a while.
Lightfoot reeled off the diversity of the city's leadership, including its "majority Black and Latinx City Council," and called it "unacceptable" that reporters covering City Hall were mostly White.

"Many of them are smart and hard-working, savvy and skilled. But mostly white, nonetheless," she wrote.

She lectured the Chicago media leadership to evolve and diversify, for fear that "this arm of our democratic system is on life support."

Lightfoot has taken heavy criticism for banning White reporters from speaking with her, with one Latino Chicago Tribune reporter saying he had cancelled his scheduled interview with her in protest.

She is entirely too good for all those white reporters.

Tell me how the hell this woman was elected.
..she needs to be charged with racism
She needs to be tossed. She just sucks.
nneds to be charged with discrimination/etc

Let's see if she get's re-elected with that crap.
It's Chicago. Why wouldn't she?
Good point.
But you would have higher expectations of a WHITE mayor in a hypothetically WHITE city.

Both of you exhibit the "soft bigotry of low expectations"
I get where you were coming from. . . but I think DTMBro's comment was referring to every politico junkie's all knowing about the historical corruption of the Daley era. . . When the boss machines ran Chi Town, their policies and corruption didn't so much matter, only their patronage did.

The "white-ness" of the J-School pool has nothing to do with racial discrimination; it is ACADEMIC discrimination - favoring those with superior intelligence, knowledge, and aptitude. The number of Black people who can even get into a reputable J-School on merit is MICROSCOPIC.

If it weren't for '"Affirmative Action," and other similarly-discriminatory programs, there would be ZERO Black journalists. Let Heronor suck on that for a while.

You're kidding, right? Have you ever watched 10 minutes of a local newscast? These people didn't get their jobs because of their fucking brilliance. She got that job because she has a nice fucking rack.

I'm sure that most of them would be white for the same reason why whites have advantages in other areas... because when you have other white people making the hiring decisions, they are going to hire whites.

So it's bad to get a racial preference in hiring, but it's okay for the boss to hire his drinking buddy?
What’s with white reporters? Too accountable for Lightfoot? She obviously feels entitled to be exempt from accountability and is not afraid to use race, gender, and sexual preference to get it. Now that’s privilege.
like biden, anthony weiner, Hunter, and so many more...Lori is a gift to the republican party
The "white-ness" of the J-School pool has nothing to do with racial discrimination; it is ACADEMIC discrimination - favoring those with superior intelligence, knowledge, and aptitude. The number of Black people who can even get into a reputable J-School on merit is MICROSCOPIC.

If it weren't for '"Affirmative Action," and other similarly-discriminatory programs, there would be ZERO Black journalists. Let Heronor suck on that for a while.

You're kidding, right? Have you ever watched 10 minutes of a local newscast? These people didn't get their jobs because of their fucking brilliance. She got that job because she has a nice fucking rack.

I'm sure that most of them would be white for the same reason why whites have advantages in other areas... because when you have other white people making the hiring decisions, they are going to hire whites.

So it's bad to get a racial preference in hiring, but it's okay for the boss to hire his drinking buddy?
I don't want to hear your racist BULLCRAP, but I will say this. I went into a big box store the other day, and every employee on shift was black. The extortion of corporations who fear all of this stuff is pathetic, and it just might be in violation of the civil rights act.

Last I checked you aren't supposed to be hiring or working people based upon racial quota's or using race as a criteria for giving a group job position's or title's in such job's over and above other's when their qualifications of the position comes first. Now this is not to say that black's weren't qualified or doing their Jobs, but when we saw that kind of make up on the staff, it was blatant and in your face what was taking place. The black's hated this type of thing back in the day, and it should concern them greatly when they themselves see this type of thing again (even if it is their race involved). Two wrongs don't make a right, and they should be speaking out about such a thing as well as those who place their application in as American's, but were looked over due to the current reinvention of segregation going on in the United States.
Lightfoot reeled off the diversity of the city's leadership, including its "majority Black and Latinx City Council," and called it "unacceptable" that reporters covering City Hall were mostly White.

"Many of them are smart and hard-working, savvy and skilled. But mostly white, nonetheless," she wrote.

She lectured the Chicago media leadership to evolve and diversify, for fear that "this arm of our democratic system is on life support."

Lightfoot has taken heavy criticism for banning White reporters from speaking with her, with one Latino Chicago Tribune reporter saying he had cancelled his scheduled interview with her in protest.

She is entirely too good for all those white reporters.

Tell me how the hell this woman was elected.
..she needs to be charged with racism
She needs to be tossed. She just sucks.
I firmly believe something did happen in Roswell now
The "white-ness" of the J-School pool has nothing to do with racial discrimination; it is ACADEMIC discrimination - favoring those with superior intelligence, knowledge, and aptitude. The number of Black people who can even get into a reputable J-School on merit is MICROSCOPIC.

If it weren't for '"Affirmative Action," and other similarly-discriminatory programs, there would be ZERO Black journalists. Let Heronor suck on that for a while.

You're kidding, right? Have you ever watched 10 minutes of a local newscast? These people didn't get their jobs because of their fucking brilliance. She got that job because she has a nice fucking rack.

I'm sure that most of them would be white for the same reason why whites have advantages in other areas... because when you have other white people making the hiring decisions, they are going to hire whites.

So it's bad to get a racial preference in hiring, but it's okay for the boss to hire his drinking buddy?
I don't want to hear your racist BULLCRAP, but I will say this. I went into a big box store the other day, and every employee on shift was black. The extortion of corporations who fear all of this stuff is pathetic, and it just might be in violation of the civil rights act.

Last I checked you aren't supposed to be hiring or working people based upon racial quota's or using race as a criteria for giving a group job position's or title's in such job's over and above other's when their qualifications of the position comes first. Now this is not to say that black's weren't qualified or doing their Jobs, but when we saw that kind of make up on the staff, it was blatant and in your face what was taking place. The black's hated this type of thing back in the day, and it should concern them greatly when they themselves see this type of thing again (even if it is their race involved). Two wrongs don't make a right, and they should be speaking out about such a thing as well as those who place their application in as American's, but were looked over due to the current reinvention of segregation going on in the United States.
The same thing has happened in television. Every time you look at the screen you have to look at a black face.

And the early national news broadcasts have been ruined by the huge number of blacks involved. American TV is all but unwatchable these days.

I want to see some beautiful blondes and asians. Not a bunch of black broads wearing hair-hats (ugghh...).

Broadcasters seem to have forgotten that this is teleVISION, and some of the viewers have just eaten breakfast (barf...).

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