Lighthizer denies Bolton claim that Trump asked China’s Xi for 2020 help: ‘Never happened. I was there’

The claim is so stupid that it couldn't be true....why would Trump say something like that....Bolton is part of the neo con warrior mentality....he thought he could change Trump into a war hawk but failed....Trump says Bolton was off the charts promoting one war or military venture after another to the point where Trump and the rest of the staff would laugh and just shake their heads after Bolton left the room....
There is no telling why trump says any of the crazy lying crap he makes up. Ought to be an interesting read, at least the first 50-100 pages if like Fire and Fury book I bought early in the administration.
Trump came into office thinking he could smooth over tyrants and dictators...a common mistake for first term presidents...Obama was no exception...but Obama never dealt with political foe like Trump has had to deal with....both parties wanting desperately to keep things the way they are have went about trying to destroy Trumps efforts abroad and at home....even the courts have joined in...
But this just tells me I need to support Trump even more...when the neo cons hate him and the loony left hates him he must be on the side of the working class constitutional minded patriot....because neither of them are...and never have been...
Oh Please.... Trump created enemies here in US and overseas. Trump foreign and domestic policies are nothing but pure garbage. Trump doesn’t give a shit only cares for his ego and his base. Trump destroyed this country no matter how much you and the rest cry.

Are you forgetting something? Trump instigate violence against his own people. Since when you see any president of a country that say that kind of stupid crap? START WITH THAT.
Bolton is a world class liar.
Imagine having your head so far up Trump’s ass that you actually think that anybody outside of your cult is going to believe that John fucking Bolton — who has been reliably conservative and anti-liberal, and celebrated by the right for decades — is making up stories.
Please list for us the items on the Democratic Platform that you disagree with.
Oh Please.... Trump created enemies here in US and overseas
How?...By winning and beating Hillary? standing for the common man that believes in sovereignty for the USA and placing America and its citizens first for a change.....if that pisses off the folks that have been ripping America off for generations whether they be from here or abroad they can kiss my ass.....
Absolutely untrue, never happened. I was there, I have no recollection of that ever happening. I don't believe it's true, I don't believe it ever happened," Lighthizer said

I have no recollection and I dont believe is not a firm denial

Never happened.

Why don't you quit being suck a sorry assed brownshirt.
Absolutely untrue, never happened. I was there, I have no recollection of that ever happening. I don't believe it's true, I don't believe it ever happened," Lighthizer said

I have no recollection and I dont believe is not a firm denial

Never happened.

Why don't you quit being suck a sorry assed brownshirt.
He has no recollection. Pretty weak
Bolton is a world class liar.
Imagine having your head so far up Trump’s ass that you actually think that anybody outside of your cult is going to believe that John fucking Bolton — who has been reliably conservative and anti-liberal, and celebrated by the right for decades — is making up stories.
Please list for us the items on the Democratic Platform that you disagree with.
Shut up troll
The claim is so stupid that it couldn't be true....why would Trump say something like that.
Trump said it himself in front of cameras. You don’t think that he’d say it in private?
Hey still waiting for the video of this....liar.....
You’re a god damn idiot. Trump and his fucking cronies have been openly asking foreign nations to help him win re-election. They have not even tried to hide their intentions.

“They should investigate the Bidens because how does a company that’s newly formed—and all these companies—and by the way, likewise, China should start an investigation into the Bidens because what happened in China is just about as bad as what happened with Ukraine.”


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