"Like A Dog With A Bone"

"Once he decides he wants something, he's relentless...he won't give up". That's how Marco Rubio described the President's quest for completing the border wall.....and he's correct. He played the game with Ryan and the Turtle for two years and they lost the House and might have lost the Senate if he hadn't intervened....30 campaign appearances for the Lords. They told him to wait....wait for this, wait for that, wait until after the midterms, and he agreed. Now that bullshit is over and done with. He's getting the Emergency money, and the forfeit seizure money, and the Pentagon construction money and now he's asking for another $8.6B in September. Sooner or later the Rats will realize he's not going to stop....he's coming at them harder every time now. He'll complete the Wall....he always gets what he wants....that's how he became a multi-billionaire...it's how he became President. :wink_2:

The worship of this wannabe mobster who has never earned anything a day in his life by the right is getting to be over the top.
Can't prove any of that can you liar?
My opinion? Get a lobotomy, Trump sheep.
Never offers proof, just smokes and lies more.

Best rivalry ever...

But seriously we need to get over the white boy/black boy racism and just hate people for what's on the inside...

No racism....I'm white, Bentdog is white...hell, everybody here is white...even Asslips. :lol:

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