Like father like daughter

Then you better revoke your votes for George W Bush and a shit load of other pols that smoked a little weed in their lives
yep and it made national news right? hmmmmm the outrage only good if it's conservative kid. I see, you really crossed over.

Unlike you I really don't care what people do in their private lives. I have no problem voting for a guy who smoked a little weed. If you do then you better check your candidates because I guarantee at least some of them have a stoned skeleton in their closets.
so why do you care about that dude speaking his mind if you don't care? Can't see the hypocrisy to it can ya? That is truly lefturd

So why the fuck do you care if I speak mine?

Can't see that hypocrisy?
dude, I'm not telling you to do anything unlike you. i am just curious why you crossed over to lefturd land. Wow,

I'll all anyone out on stupid shit regardless of their political bent

Who gives a fuck if a teenager, any teenager that is not their kid smokes a joint, moons a crowd, gets cocked at a party?

No one. It is one of the most moronic things in the world to rant about Obama's kid acting like a teenager.
If I know the Obama girls, chances are they're hangin wit white folk, thinkin they cool and look what's happened got sold out!!
I'm sure you or your kids never ever smoked a joint right?

Yeah OK

I suppose you piss test your kids.
Never needed to. All my kids grew up respecting the law. None of them ever smoked dope or got drunk.
Their reaction to their peers who did smoke dope and get drunk was: "They are losers".
Clueless parent poster child
i one i knew told their parents they smoked or drank.....and they acted around them like they never even seen a joint....and this included the guy who got us our stuff...
Didnt more than a few GOP candidates have children who are Heroin addicts?
Did you have to ask the question or were they shooting up on camera.

obama is just another black drug addict raising black drug addict baby mamas.

No, I'm wondering if Malia is smoking and that means something about Obama then what does it mean for the GOP that they raised heroin addicts?

Ahhh, now you see how it cuts both ways dont you?
Who is the heroin addict? You can't say that some GOP president had a heroin addict kid shooting up on film.

The only president dealing rationally with druggies is the president of the Philippines.
do you need help in moving there?....
I'm sure you or your kids never ever smoked a joint right?

Yeah OK

I suppose you piss test your kids.
My son is more anti dope than I am.
yea most kids kids ACT like that in front of the parents....
That's why he was taken out of school. He was calling the dopers, dopers, turning in the dealers and ratting out potheads to their parents. That wasn't around me.

He saw a teacher smoking dope, on her own time, and reported it to the school board. 35 years ago, she was fired instantly.
Didnt more than a few GOP candidates have children who are Heroin addicts?
Did you have to ask the question or were they shooting up on camera.

obama is just another black drug addict raising black drug addict baby mamas.
one has to that experience talking or just plain bigotry?...
You can see it on the evening news. All she needs is a black thug with a diamond in his tooth.
Potheads seem to think that since they do everyone does?

I'm not a pot head never was but I have smoked pot in the past.

Shit I did speed and coke too
what an honor. Nothing like boasting about it. LOL :cheers2:
its called being honest.....i went to school with a lot of rich white kids,sons and daughters of doctors,lawyers and even judges and cops.....90% of them got high,drank and a hell of a lot did coke and speed...yea i was shocked too....
She's the daughter of the President of the United States for Christ's sake!
Didn't even have the 'class' to smoke dope out of the public's eye.
What does that tell us we didn't already know about Obama?
Within a couple of years she'll be arrested in a fucking crack house.

She's a teenager and has absolutely no obligation to the nation or it's citizens.

Do you know how many teens smoke pot ? Do you know how many responsible adults smoked pot when they were teens?

JEsus Christ man if you had a life you'd see there are a hell of a lot more important things to get yourself worked up over

What Mr. Boys also doesn't understand is there's about 6 Secret Service men in the crowd and in direct proximity to Malia. If she's smoking weed, there's nothing they can do about that, actually. And I can certainly understand how an 18-year-old girl would want to have friends and go to music venues, regardless of who her father is.
I don't see how doing drugs and having friends have anything to do with each other.

Why don't you prove that is a joint she is smoking, and not a cigarette, Miss PumpkinMush? You watch a video on a gossip site and say it's the Gospel truth. How naive.
Why don't you prove it's a cigarette? Not that it's any better.

I didn't make any claim to whatever she is ingesting, Miss Pumpkin. You did. So stop your dithering and back up your claim that Miss Obama is a drug addict.
I'm not a pot head never was but I have smoked pot in the past.

Shit I did speed and coke too
what an honor. Nothing like boasting about it. LOL :cheers2:

The point that sailed right over your head is that a little experimenting with drugs as a youth is meaningless.
so? it outraged that dude. you're telling him he's wrong. That's a progressive act. he's allowed to think that and you as a conservative should recognize it. Of course, or not, and then you'd fall in ranks with a libturd.
I'm telling him he's a fucking idiot and needs to get a real life
so you admit being a libturd now. Wow, ok. No more backing your posts.
jc i got news for you.....MANY righties/conservatives/republicans did drugs at one time and many still do,especially pot.....yea i was shocked too....
Didnt more than a few GOP candidates have children who are Heroin addicts?
Did you have to ask the question or were they shooting up on camera.

obama is just another black drug addict raising black drug addict baby mamas.
one has to that experience talking or just plain bigotry?...
You can see it on the evening news. All she needs is a black thug with a diamond in his tooth.

But you're not a racist or anything, Ms. Tipsy.
yep and it made national news right? hmmmmm the outrage only good if it's conservative kid. I see, you really crossed over.

Unlike you I really don't care what people do in their private lives. I have no problem voting for a guy who smoked a little weed. If you do then you better check your candidates because I guarantee at least some of them have a stoned skeleton in their closets.
so why do you care about that dude speaking his mind if you don't care? Can't see the hypocrisy to it can ya? That is truly lefturd

So why the fuck do you care if I speak mine?

Can't see that hypocrisy?
dude, I'm not telling you to do anything unlike you. i am just curious why you crossed over to lefturd land. Wow,

I'll all anyone out on stupid shit regardless of their political bent

Who gives a fuck if a teenager, any teenager that is not their kid smokes a joint, moons a crowd, gets cocked at a party?

No one. It is one of the most moronic things in the world to rant about Obama's kid acting like a teenager.
If your kid smokes pot and you don't have a problem with that that could be fine but if that additude transfers to mine it becomes a major problem. I still hold Bill responsible for lying about a blowjob 'not being sex.' That creep helped to corrupt a whole generation of children that believed his shit because "after all he was a president and supposedly a lawyer so he must be smart right"
The point that sailed right over your head is that a little experimenting with drugs as a youth is meaningless.
Experimenting as a teen is one making it a lifestyle choice means you do not belong in an elected office for any reason.

Then you better revoke your votes for George W Bush and a shit load of other pols that smoked a little weed in their lives

That is history and old news that won't fly. Excuses are not cutting the mustard any longer. Today is what will count and determine the future of this nation and the people of this nation.

And today there are candidates running that have smoked a little weed at one time or another in their lives. Just like there will be tomorrow, next week, next year, next decade, next century

And people will vote them out of office every time they act like idiots.

yea you can see how that is working.....look at some of the idiots in congress that get re-elected year after year....
Experimenting as a teen is one making it a lifestyle choice means you do not belong in an elected office for any reason.

Then you better revoke your votes for George W Bush and a shit load of other pols that smoked a little weed in their lives

That is history and old news that won't fly. Excuses are not cutting the mustard any longer. Today is what will count and determine the future of this nation and the people of this nation.

And today there are candidates running that have smoked a little weed at one time or another in their lives. Just like there will be tomorrow, next week, next year, next decade, next century

And people will vote them out of office every time they act like idiots.

yea you can see how that is working.....look at some of the idiots in congress that get re-elected year after year....

Look at all the lobbyist money making it happen. We got a new senator here and so far I do really like her. Change doesn't come easy but eventually as the truth gets out it comes.
She's a teenager and has absolutely no obligation to the nation or it's citizens.

Do you know how many teens smoke pot ? Do you know how many responsible adults smoked pot when they were teens?

JEsus Christ man if you had a life you'd see there are a hell of a lot more important things to get yourself worked up over

What Mr. Boys also doesn't understand is there's about 6 Secret Service men in the crowd and in direct proximity to Malia. If she's smoking weed, there's nothing they can do about that, actually. And I can certainly understand how an 18-year-old girl would want to have friends and go to music venues, regardless of who her father is.
I don't see how doing drugs and having friends have anything to do with each other.

Why don't you prove that is a joint she is smoking, and not a cigarette, Miss PumpkinMush? You watch a video on a gossip site and say it's the Gospel truth. How naive.
Why don't you prove it's a cigarette? Not that it's any better.

I didn't make any claim to whatever she is ingesting, Miss Pumpkin. You did. So stop your dithering and back up your claim that Miss Obama is a drug addict.
When you prove it's a cigarette, sure.
I'm sure you or your kids never ever smoked a joint right?

Yeah OK

I suppose you piss test your kids.
My son is more anti dope than I am.
yea most kids kids ACT like that in front of the parents....
That's why he was taken out of school. He was calling the dopers, dopers, turning in the dealers and ratting out potheads to their parents. That wasn't around me.

He saw a teacher smoking dope, on her own time, and reported it to the school board. 35 years ago, she was fired instantly.
i bet he had a lot of friends.....i knew plenty of people who did not care to do drugs,but they did not tell on everyone who did,and they were just fine in school....

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