Like her/Hate her - no one can deny Kayleigh Enany is just amazing

You are living in the dark ages.
You are living in the age of stupid, imbecilic trolls. Biden isn't leading us into any new age. Women have been running for high office for a long time, going back to 1984 I think. Biden is the fishing pole, and idiots like you are the guppy.

You and your kind will soon be relegated to the dustbins of history. To see the Nazi flag being flown by Trump supporters, will turn Americans off more than you English as second language types will every know. My father and my brother went to war, fought and bled to rid the world of that symbol of ignorance, hate, and genocide. It's time to do it again. This time, it will be done with ballots, not bullets.
I have watched numerous of her daily briefing and I have never seen in all my decades of watching press conferences have seen a press secretary so damn quick and effective as this woman. How in THE world does this woman jump from topic to topic and in microseconds snap back at slanted questions so effective and so fast.
I dislike Sean Hannity. He is a pimp. But he is extremely quick witted and has an amazing ability to summon up statistics and come backs - lies or no lies. But he is an amateur compared to this gal. Her friggin IQ must be 160.
Impressive as hell. Every single question is negative. All of them. 9 out of 10 is gotcha one-liners and narrative gotchas, but she gets right past it and comes right back at them

She's a lying dumbass.
I would do her and send her home immediately afterwards.
I have watched numerous of her daily briefing and I have never seen in all my decades of watching press conferences have seen a press secretary so damn quick and effective as this woman. How in THE world does this woman jump from topic to topic and in microseconds snap back at slanted questions so effective and so fast.
I dislike Sean Hannity. He is a pimp. But he is extremely quick witted and has an amazing ability to summon up statistics and come backs - lies or no lies. But he is an amateur compared to this gal. Her friggin IQ must be 160.
Impressive as hell. Every single question is negative. All of them. 9 out of 10 is gotcha one-liners and narrative gotchas, but she gets right past it and comes right back at them

Breaking: Low IQ Barbie lied about Trump "joking" about coronavirus.
The problem with conservatives is that everything they think they know about the progressive agenda is utterly and completely WRONG.
"Equality" doesn't mean a system where everyone has the same things. Equality means that no one is considered inferior because the race, religion or country of birth. We all have the same opportunities. Opportunities aren't denied to those who aren't white, male or straight. What we do with those opportunities, is up to us.
What progressives want to achieve is a level playing field, where everyone has and equal opportunity to rise to the level of their ability. Asking to be TREATED equally, is not the same thing as having everyone getting the same thing.
The problem with you is that we already have racial equality. The only people I see thinking other groups inferior are YOU. You say it every day about Trump supporters. That makes you a hypocrite.

Everyone has the same opportunities. No one is denied an opportunity based on sex, religion or color. We already have a level playing field, been that way for ages. If your goal is for everyone to be treated equally, then let me see it in how you treat Trump supporters, skinheads, Southern Baptists, people in central red states, KKK, Nazis and Confederate Flag wavers. You DID say you wanted a level playing field where all are treated equally!
You are living in the dark ages.
You are living in the age of stupid, imbecilic trolls. Biden isn't leading us into any new age. Women have been running for high office for a long time, going back to 1984 I think. Biden is the fishing pole, and idiots like you are the guppy.

You and your kind will soon be relegated to the dustbins of history.
Welp, so much for your bold talk of treating everyone equally. Your level playing field is only level for who you want it to be. Your bullshit hypocrisy lasted all of 5 minutes.

Whenever you're ready to relegate me to the dustbin of history, JUST COME AND TRY IT.
I have watched numerous of her daily briefing and I have never seen in all my decades of watching press conferences have seen a press secretary so damn quick and effective as this woman. How in THE world does this woman jump from topic to topic and in microseconds snap back at slanted questions so effective and so fast.
I dislike Sean Hannity. He is a pimp. But he is extremely quick witted and has an amazing ability to summon up statistics and come backs - lies or no lies. But he is an amateur compared to this gal. Her friggin IQ must be 160.
Impressive as hell. Every single question is negative. All of them. 9 out of 10 is gotcha one-liners and narrative gotchas, but she gets right past it and comes right back at them

You're impressed by how well she lies?

That's not a skill most people appreciate.

When you check your morals and any integrity at the door you can say anything with a straight face....

Her credibility is going down everyday, not her fault but she has to pander to the audience of one...

Thing is she gets caught out regularly she then throws out a gaslight and spins to a new topic... If you have no one in the administration who cares about honesty then that is how you suit up everyday...

Remember she actually works for the tax payers and then listen to her again... Are you happy with your money paying for that?

Trump doesn't work for the taxpayers. Do you hold everyone to that standard?

You are aware that he's supposed to be working for the taxpayers, right?

Or did you not know that?
There is nothing amazing about this political hack. Actually, I find it kind of creepy when folks, especially men, call her hot. Trump must have been remembering spying on teenage miss America contestants when he hired her because she looks like a high school kid.
  1. This woman OWNS you, that's why you're calling her a hack. Prove one thing she's said is wrong.
  2. She's hot. You know she's hot, I know she's hot. You couldn't get a woman this smokin' if you offered her $2,000 (assuming you even HAD it).
  3. Miss America contestants aren't teenagers.
  4. All high school kids are teenagers.
  5. Your an idiot.
View attachment 353968

One thing she said that was wrong: "I will never lie to you".

That was the first thing she said. Right after she said that, she started lying.
You are living in the dark ages.
You are living in the age of stupid, imbecilic trolls. Biden isn't leading us into any new age. Women have been running for high office for a long time, going back to 1984 I think. Biden is the fishing pole, and idiots like you are the guppy.

You and your kind will soon be relegated to the dustbins of history.
Welp, so much for your bold talk of treating everyone equally. Your level playing field is only level for who you want it to be. Your bullshit hypocrisy lasted all of 5 minutes.

Whenever you're ready to relegate me to the dustbin of history, JUST COME AND TRY IT.

It's already done asshole. You just don't realize it yet. That you don't realize it has happened shows how out of touch you really are. This is the revolution you've been begging for. It's just not the violent war you wanted.
One thing she said that was wrong: "I will never lie to you".

That was the first thing she said. Right after she said that, she started lying.

Nope. That very first thing she said was the first lie. She merely continued in that vein thereafter.
You are living in the dark ages.
You are living in the age of stupid, imbecilic trolls. Biden isn't leading us into any new age. Women have been running for high office for a long time, going back to 1984 I think. Biden is the fishing pole, and idiots like you are the guppy.

You and your kind will soon be relegated to the dustbins of history.
Welp, so much for your bold talk of treating everyone equally. Your level playing field is only level for who you want it to be. Your bullshit hypocrisy lasted all of 5 minutes.

Whenever you're ready to relegate me to the dustbin of history, JUST COME AND TRY IT.

It's already done asshole. You just don't realize it yet. That you don't realize it has happened shows how out of touch you really are. This is the revolution you've been begging for. It's just not the violent war you wanted.

Oh golly.....look atchu all tough and s*it
You are living in the dark ages.
You are living in the age of stupid, imbecilic trolls. Biden isn't leading us into any new age. Women have been running for high office for a long time, going back to 1984 I think. Biden is the fishing pole, and idiots like you are the guppy.

You and your kind will soon be relegated to the dustbins of history.
Welp, so much for your bold talk of treating everyone equally. Your level playing field is only level for who you want it to be. Your bullshit hypocrisy lasted all of 5 minutes.

Whenever you're ready to relegate me to the dustbin of history, JUST COME AND TRY IT.

It's already done asshole. You just don't realize it yet. That you don't realize it has happened shows how out of touch you really are. This is the revolution you've been begging for. It's just not the violent war you wanted.
Sure, baby, congrats. So you've created civil war in 70 democratic cities hurting and killing your own now during a pandemic escalating racial tension needlessly ten fold just when everyone is out of work with no money saying you don't want police protection either. And your the side who doesn't like guns either. Yep. Only a brainless fuckwad like you would brag about that as a "victory." You think you've started a "revolution" that you will be the only victims of that you can't possibly win. Nice.
I have watched numerous of her daily briefing and I have never seen in all my decades of watching press conferences have seen a press secretary so damn quick and effective as this woman. How in THE world does this woman jump from topic to topic and in microseconds snap back at slanted questions so effective and so fast.
I dislike Sean Hannity. He is a pimp. But he is extremely quick witted and has an amazing ability to summon up statistics and come backs - lies or no lies. But he is an amateur compared to this gal. Her friggin IQ must be 160.
Impressive as hell. Every single question is negative. All of them. 9 out of 10 is gotcha one-liners and narrative gotchas, but she gets right past it and comes right back at them

Except no one feeds the poor girl. Look at her, all skin and bones.
You are living in the dark ages.
You are living in the age of stupid, imbecilic trolls. Biden isn't leading us into any new age. Women have been running for high office for a long time, going back to 1984 I think. Biden is the fishing pole, and idiots like you are the guppy.

You and your kind will soon be relegated to the dustbins of history.
Welp, so much for your bold talk of treating everyone equally. Your level playing field is only level for who you want it to be. Your bullshit hypocrisy lasted all of 5 minutes.

Whenever you're ready to relegate me to the dustbin of history, JUST COME AND TRY IT.

It's already done asshole. You just don't realize it yet. That you don't realize it has happened shows how out of touch you really are. This is the revolution you've been begging for. It's just not the violent war you wanted.
Sure, baby, congrats. So you've created civil war in 70 democratic cities hurting and killing your own now during a pandemic escalating racial tension needlessly ten fold just when everyone is out of work with no money saying you don't want police protection either. And your the side who doesn't like guns either. Yep. Only a brainless fuckwad like you would brag about that as a "victory." You think you've started a "revolution" that you will be the only victims of that you can't possibly win. Nice.

I haven’t done anything. I’m dispassionately observing from a distance.
I haven’t done anything. I’m dispassionately observing from a distance.
We know. You're nothing but talk. At a distance. You haven't done a thing, ever. Another armchair anarchist. You're so far away you can't even see what's really going on yet you've got all the answers.

Meantime, the right has the police on their side, the firefighters, the gun owners, the vets, the military and combat troops.

The Left has a bunch of squirrelly kids running around in their diapers with their dick in their hands.
I have watched numerous of her daily briefing and I have never seen in all my decades of watching press conferences have seen a press secretary so damn quick and effective as this woman. How in THE world does this woman jump from topic to topic and in microseconds snap back at slanted questions so effective and so fast.
I dislike Sean Hannity. He is a pimp. But he is extremely quick witted and has an amazing ability to summon up statistics and come backs - lies or no lies. But he is an amateur compared to this gal. Her friggin IQ must be 160.
Impressive as hell. Every single question is negative. All of them. 9 out of 10 is gotcha one-liners and narrative gotchas, but she gets right past it and comes right back at them

Unlike twinkle toes Spicer and ShadestheTruthSarah, she'll find a job after Trump.
I haven’t done anything. I’m dispassionately observing from a distance.
We know. You're nothing but talk. At a distance. You haven't done a thing, ever. Another armchair anarchist. You're so far away you can't even see what's really going on yet you've got all the answers.

Meantime, the right has the police on their side, the firefighters, the gun owners, the vets, the military and combat troops.

The Left has a bunch of squirrelly kids running around in their diapers with their dick in their hands.
I know. You're the huge success the rest of us can only dream of being.
She was battle tested at CNN and learned how to clobber the idiot left. Plus she actually has a degree from Harvard. The clowns asking the questions are idiots with what passes as a journalism degree so really it is a one sided slap fest.
That stupid Asian chick can only say....Kung Flu racist....Kung Flu.......Racist.

Then that fat nasty black B. So god Damned ugly she scares hotdogs off buns.

KungFlu was a crass snide swipe from Trump towards China for creating and spreading the Coronavirus. Just because one does not like it or Trump does not mean it is racist. That woman is trying to get some use out of a worn and torn racist card and it’s not being accepted.
You are living in the dark ages.
You are living in the age of stupid, imbecilic trolls. Biden isn't leading us into any new age. Women have been running for high office for a long time, going back to 1984 I think. Biden is the fishing pole, and idiots like you are the guppy.

You and your kind will soon be relegated to the dustbins of history.
Welp, so much for your bold talk of treating everyone equally. Your level playing field is only level for who you want it to be. Your bullshit hypocrisy lasted all of 5 minutes.

Whenever you're ready to relegate me to the dustbin of history, JUST COME AND TRY IT.

It's already done asshole. You just don't realize it yet. That you don't realize it has happened shows how out of touch you really are. This is the revolution you've been begging for. It's just not the violent war you wanted.
Sure, baby, congrats. So you've created civil war in 70 democratic cities hurting and killing your own now during a pandemic escalating racial tension needlessly ten fold just when everyone is out of work with no money saying you don't want police protection either. And your the side who doesn't like guns either. Yep. Only a brainless fuckwad like you would brag about that as a "victory." You think you've started a "revolution" that you will be the only victims of that you can't possibly win. Nice.

I haven’t done anything. I’m dispassionately observing from a distance.

You're so full of shit I'm sure you truly believe that. Your words however betray your true nature. You are a hate filled bigoted b*tch hack.

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