Like her/Hate her - no one can deny Kayleigh Enany is just amazing

There is nothing amazing about this political hack. Actually, I find it kind of creepy when folks, especially men, call her hot. Trump must have been remembering spying on teenage miss America contestants when he hired her because she looks like a high school kid.
Yeah..... but you don't find it creepy when Biden simply cannot stop putting his hands all over preteen girls.

View attachment 353967
No, people who know him or have followed him and the parents of the kids he is affectionate to understand what his affection is all about.
There is nothing amazing about this political hack. Actually, I find it kind of creepy when folks, especially men, call her hot. Trump must have been remembering spying on teenage miss America contestants when he hired her because she looks like a high school kid.
  1. This woman OWNS you, that's why you're calling her a hack. Prove one thing she's said is wrong.
  2. She's hot. You know she's hot, I know she's hot. You couldn't get a woman this smokin' if you offered her $2,000 (assuming you even HAD it).
  3. Miss America contestants aren't teenagers.
  4. All high school kids are teenagers.
  5. Your an idiot.
My mistake. Trump was spying on Miss Teenage America contestants.
Prove one thing she's said is wrong.
No problem.

"McEnany’s first lie from the White House podium came in response to a question about comments President Donald Trump made earlier in the day characterizing Tara Reade’s sexual assault allegation against Joe Biden as “far more compelling” than the accusations made against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings. Asked to flesh out Trump’s thinking, McEnany characterized the Kavanaugh allegations as “verifiably false.”

“I think it was a grave miscarriage of justice with what happened with Justice Brett Kavanaugh. There’s no need for me to bring up the salacious, awful, and verifiably false allegations that were made against Justice Kavanaugh,” she said.

But that’s a lie. Instead of being “verifiably false,” multiple accusations against Kavanaugh were found to be credible during the course of an investigation conducted by the New York Times that was published last fall, roughly a year after his confirmation to the court."

There is nothing amazing about this political hack. Actually, I find it kind of creepy when folks, especially men, call her hot. Trump must have been remembering spying on teenage miss America contestants when he hired her because she looks like a high school kid.
Yeah..... but you don't find it creepy when Biden simply cannot stop putting his hands all over preteen girls.

View attachment 353967
No, people who know him or have followed him and the parents of the kids he is affectionate to understand what his affection is all about.
Sure, Cramp. That's why every child and women try to get away creeped out by the dude?
There is nothing amazing about this political hack. Actually, I find it kind of creepy when folks, especially men, call her hot. Trump must have been remembering spying on teenage miss America contestants when he hired her because she looks like a high school kid.
  1. This woman OWNS you, that's why you're calling her a hack. Prove one thing she's said is wrong.
  2. She's hot. You know she's hot, I know she's hot. You couldn't get a woman this smokin' if you offered her $2,000 (assuming you even HAD it).
  3. Miss America contestants aren't teenagers.
  4. All high school kids are teenagers.
  5. Your an idiot.
My mistake. Trump was spying on Miss Teenage America contestants.
You're an idiot.
Creepy weirdo trumpoholics judge many of his appointments on physical appearances. No matter how unqualified or corrupt they are, if a female is "hot" in their eyes, she is qualified.
If the press sec'y looked like THIS, the marxist faggots would just love it. They need something that validates their own defects.

I have watched numerous of her daily briefing and I have never seen in all my decades of watching press conferences have seen a press secretary so damn quick and effective as this woman. How in THE world does this woman jump from topic to topic and in microseconds snap back at slanted questions so effective and so fast.
I dislike Sean Hannity. He is a pimp. But he is extremely quick witted and has an amazing ability to summon up statistics and come backs - lies or no lies. But he is an amateur compared to this gal. Her friggin IQ must be 160.
Impressive as hell. Every single question is negative. All of them. 9 out of 10 is gotcha one-liners and narrative gotchas, but she gets right past it and comes right back at them

I’m denying it. She’s a paid Trump-cultist. What’s there to be impressed over?

Cult45 rejects can't get women to touch them for free. Give them a break. They think she's 'hawt'.
Creepy weirdo trumpoholics judge many of his appointments on physical appearances. No matter how unqualified or corrupt they are
You mean like picking your running mate purely on their GENDER and RACE, because you think it will test well in your polls regardless of what their qualifications might be?
Creepy weirdo trumpoholics judge many of his appointments on physical appearances. No matter how unqualified or corrupt they are
You mean like picking your running mate purely on their GENDER and RACE, because you think it will test well in your polls regardless of what their qualifications might be?
Sounds like you are claiming a black female qualified for being VP can't be found anywhere in America. Biden is showing leadership by example. He is telling racist misogynists like you to get fucked.
Creepy weirdo trumpoholics judge many of his appointments on physical appearances. No matter how unqualified or corrupt they are
You mean like picking your running mate purely on their GENDER and RACE, because you think it will test well in your polls regardless of what their qualifications might be?

Sarah Palin? Is that you?
Oh really? You think Palin was picked for her looks or gender or race? Show me where McCain ever even RAN on any of those issues!
Creepy weirdo trumpoholics judge many of his appointments on physical appearances. No matter how unqualified or corrupt they are
You mean like picking your running mate purely on their GENDER and RACE, because you think it will test well in your polls regardless of what their qualifications might be?

Sarah Palin? Is that you?
Oh really? You think Palin was picked for her looks or gender or race? Show me where McCain ever even RAN on any of those issues!
Whatever became of the loser, quitter Palin?
Creepy weirdo trumpoholics judge many of his appointments on physical appearances. No matter how unqualified or corrupt they are
You mean like picking your running mate purely on their GENDER and RACE, because you think it will test well in your polls regardless of what their qualifications might be?

Sarah Palin? Is that you?
Oh really? You think Palin was picked for her looks or gender or race? Show me where McCain ever even RAN on any of those issues!

I think you might just be one of those superficial idiots that votes for candidates based on those three criteria alone.
Creepy weirdo trumpoholics judge many of his appointments on physical appearances. No matter how unqualified or corrupt they are
You mean like picking your running mate purely on their GENDER and RACE, because you think it will test well in your polls regardless of what their qualifications might be?
Sounds like you are claiming a black female qualified for being VP can't be found anywhere in America. Biden is showing leadership by example. He is telling racist misogynists like you to get fucked.
No, people like ME are telling YOU to go get fucked. If the best candidate you can find just happens to be a woman and black, great, but a VP is too important a position to play identity politics with. Unlike McCain, Joe has ALREADY come out saying he is COMMITTED to PICKING A WOMAN as VP. Why, because he thinks she needs a job?

He's doing this purely hoping it buys him votes from schmucks like you. But then, they are not running Joe because they think he's the best. They are only running Joe because they think he stands the best chance of getting elected. The DNC PICKED Joe.

The GOP didn't pick Trump, they didn't even like him. They wanted Jeb Bush! Joe has no leadership to show, this is purely just one morre stunt by the DNC to game their base into thinking they are "giving a woman a chance."

Think about it, last three elections (including this one), the Democrats have run:

And now they want a BLACK WOMAN.

It has nothing to do with misogyny and everything about qualification.

A pussy and your skin color ain't a qualification.

BTW, I was lukewarm on Palin but liked her folksy charm, but I was a big supporter of Alan Keyes (whom I bet you don't even know who that is).
Prove one thing she's said is wrong.
Please stop pretending that you care if she lies. If she didn't, she wouldn't have the job.

"That wasn’t the only lie McEnany told during her first briefing. Asked about newly released FBI notes regarding the investigation of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn that Trump and White House officials have been hyping as evidence that Flynn was “set up,” McEneny misquoted what the documents say to make them sound more incriminating than they are."
Creepy weirdo trumpoholics judge many of his appointments on physical appearances. No matter how unqualified or corrupt they are
You mean like picking your running mate purely on their GENDER and RACE, because you think it will test well in your polls regardless of what their qualifications might be?
Sounds like you are claiming a black female qualified for being VP can't be found anywhere in America. Biden is showing leadership by example. He is telling racist misogynists like you to get fucked.
No, people like ME are telling YOU to go get fucked. If the best candidate you can find just happens to be a woman and black, great, but a VP is too important a position to play identity politics with. Unlike McCain, Joe has ALREADY come out saying he is COMMITTED to PICKING A WOMAN as VP. Why, because he thinks she needs a job?

He's doing this purely hoping it buys him votes from schmucks like you. But then, they are not running Joe because they think he's the best. They are only running Joe because they think he stands the best chance of getting elected. The DNC PICKED Joe.

The GOP didn't pick Trump, they didn't even like him. They wanted Jeb Bush! Joe has no leadership to show, this is purely just one morre stunt by the DNC to game their base into thinking they are "giving a woman a chance."

Think about it, last three elections (including this one), the Democrats have run:

And now they want a BLACK WOMAN.

It has nothing to do with misogyny and everything about qualification.

A pussy and your skin color ain't a qualification.

BTW, I was lukewarm on Palin but liked her folksy charm, but I was a big supporter of Alan Keyes (whom I bet you don't even know who that is).
You are living in the dark ages. Biden is telling America and the world he will lead America into a new era of sincere, not only superficial but genuine sincere equality of races.
Biden has a wide range of candidates to choose from.
You are living in the dark ages.
You are living in the age of stupid, imbecilic trolls. Biden isn't leading us into any new age. Women have been running for high office for a long time, going back to 1984 I think. Biden is the fishing pole, and idiots like you are the guppy.
I have watched numerous of her daily briefing and I have never seen in all my decades of watching press conferences have seen a press secretary so damn quick and effective as this woman. How in THE world does this woman jump from topic to topic and in microseconds snap back at slanted questions so effective and so fast.
I dislike Sean Hannity. He is a pimp. But he is extremely quick witted and has an amazing ability to summon up statistics and come backs - lies or no lies. But he is an amateur compared to this gal. Her friggin IQ must be 160.
Impressive as hell. Every single question is negative. All of them. 9 out of 10 is gotcha one-liners and narrative gotchas, but she gets right past it and comes right back at them

This woman is trash.

She truly is, but she's lashed her career to Trump, which means it's gonna be quite short.

Yeah, she pretty much sold out to the devil.

It's one thing for a tired old hack like Barr to take this risk, but for someone this young to commit career suicide like this. Sean Spicer hasn't really worked since he left the White House.

True. But she's a true believer so she thinks she is doing something great.

I have watched numerous of her daily briefing and I have never seen in all my decades of watching press conferences have seen a press secretary so damn quick and effective as this woman. How in THE world does this woman jump from topic to topic and in microseconds snap back at slanted questions so effective and so fast.
I gotta admit, she's good! No, great! She had an answer for everything they could throw at her, and never even skipped a beat! Keep her!

I dislike Sean Hannity. He is a pimp. But he is extremely quick witted and has an amazing ability to summon up statistics and come backs
I grew tired of Hannity years before I stopped getting Fox. Hannity is predictable, a mouthpiece, a cheerleader, but he does a good job of gathering facts and stats.

As to the insipid remarks of detractors here, they obviously fear her because they see they've met their match. She can take it and dish it back far better than any of their medias trolls. And she's a hottie, too.
Hannity is a worthless sack of shit to anybody besides Fox who uses him as a puppet for their propaganda
Every program on TV that has talking people on it has Prog versions of Hannity all over the place. This is brought up but you never say anything like doing things against the laws of nature is now correct. And you use the living breathing gaia that is earth in place of a religious based God as a replacement and you go against nature. You want total socialism then everyone is treated near same. Everything built for people to live in is near same. All employment has only small differences in pay. That is not going to happen. Even proponents of this are living the high life in their expensive homes, expesnive get togethers, expensive vacations, expensive clothes, expensive food, expensive drink, personal idolatry with massive plastic surgery done to themselves and more.

The problem with conservatives is that everything they think they know about the progressive agenda is utterly and completely WRONG.

"Equality" doesn't mean a system where everyone has the same things. Equality means that no one is considered inferior because the race, religion or country of birth. We all have the same opportunities. Opportunities aren't denied to those who aren't white, male or straight. What we do with those opportunities, is up to us.

What progressives want to achieve is a level playing field, where everyone has and equal opportunity to rise to the level of their ability. Asking to be TREATED equally, is not the same thing as having everyone getting the same thing.

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