like I just said ..

The US has a terribly inefficient military, but it isn't due to a lack of spending. It's the fact that most defense spending is actually welfare for private contractors.
He sees the US Treasury as his own personal petty cash fund. Added to what he has said in the past, that he "loves war" and wants to use nukes, knowing he's a pathological liar with no regard for human life, he's a dangerous and unstable froot loop war monger.

He's been a failure at almost everything he has done, he's a frightened little boy (even Melania said that) and he wants to play toy soldier.

We don't need to spend more on military toys that do nothing but enrich war profiteers but that's what he and the Repubs will do.
LOL ---- it's amazing just how disconnected from reality our progressive friends are.

Its not at all amazing that RWNJ traitors hide their ignorance behind idiotic insults.
Then, allow me to be more specific -

You, and the left, suffer from a complete loss of relevance. You lack any substantive argument to counter the logic of the right. Thus, you are forced to resort to the pedantic rantings, as demonstrated in this thread, that have no factual basis, but merely is emotional rage directed at the personification of your frustration.

Look at the posts in this thread, to date:

Post 1 - posits that, somehow, Trump is able to circumvent the checks and balances of our political system, totalling ignoring the budgeting process. It fails to acknowledge that the Presidential budget is a "wish list" that is subject to the budgetary process of the House, and the approval/modification process of the Senate.

Post 2 - claims there is no justification for the "boost", not even outlining a basic objection, nor detailing why there is no objection.

Post 3 - disagrees with Post 2, but has to caveat it with a hint at some master conspiracy to invent a confrontation with North Korea.

Post 4 - Ah yes, the magnificent Post 4, an attack on all who that the temerity to disagree with the amazing wisdom of the left by lumping all into a single bucket, and painting them with the same brush. The first salvo of personal attacks that have become the mantra of the progressive left.

Post 5 - Yet another conspiracy theory, not based in fact, but rather in paranoia and ignorance. Not a single iota of justification provided.

Post 6 - the first intelligent post (oh wait, that was mine!)

Post 7 - Our first full-throated attack on the character of the president - not his actions, but his character. No justification - no facts - just heated irresponsible rhetoric that we are supposed to accept at face value

Post 8 - an attack on someone, anyone, who even slightly indicates that they might not see that obvious wisdom of the left, would dare to question their obviously superior intelligence, and did not properly genuflect to their superiority. It, of course, is couched in childish little personal attacks that, frankly, are not worthy of a third grade playground fight, much less a SUPPOSEDLY adult discussion of serious issues.

There? That better?
LOL ---- it's amazing just how disconnected from reality our progressive friends are.

Its not at all amazing that RWNJ traitors hide their ignorance behind idiotic insults.
Then, allow me to be more specific -

You, and the left, suffer from a complete loss of relevance. You lack any substantive argument to counter the logic of the right. Thus, you are forced to resort to the pedantic rantings, as demonstrated in this thread, that have no factual basis, but merely is emotional rage directed at the personification of your frustration.

Look at the posts in this thread, to date:

Post 1 - posits that, somehow, Trump is able to circumvent the checks and balances of our political system, totalling ignoring the budgeting process. It fails to acknowledge that the Presidential budget is a "wish list" that is subject to the budgetary process of the House, and the approval/modification process of the Senate.

Post 2 - claims there is no justification for the "boost", not even outlining a basic objection, nor detailing why there is no objection.

Post 3 - disagrees with Post 2, but has to caveat it with a hint at some master conspiracy to invent a confrontation with North Korea.

Post 4 - Ah yes, the magnificent Post 4, an attack on all who that the temerity to disagree with the amazing wisdom of the left by lumping all into a single bucket, and painting them with the same brush. The first salvo of personal attacks that have become the mantra of the progressive left.

Post 5 - Yet another conspiracy theory, not based in fact, but rather in paranoia and ignorance. Not a single iota of justification provided.

Post 6 - the first intelligent post (oh wait, that was mine!)

Post 7 - Our first full-throated attack on the character of the president - not his actions, but his character. No justification - no facts - just heated irresponsible rhetoric that we are supposed to accept at face value

Post 8 - an attack on someone, anyone, who even slightly indicates that they might not see that obvious wisdom of the left, would dare to question their obviously superior intelligence, and did not properly genuflect to their superiority. It, of course, is couched in childish little personal attacks that, frankly, are not worthy of a third grade playground fight, much less a SUPPOSEDLY adult discussion of serious issues.

There? That better?

I'v been saying FUCK TRUMP since day one of the primaries... doesn't that count
LOL ---- it's amazing just how disconnected from reality our progressive friends are.

Its not at all amazing that RWNJ traitors hide their ignorance behind idiotic insults.
Then, allow me to be more specific -

You, and the left, suffer from a complete loss of relevance. You lack any substantive argument to counter the logic of the right. Thus, you are forced to resort to the pedantic rantings, as demonstrated in this thread, that have no factual basis, but merely is emotional rage directed at the personification of your frustration.

Look at the posts in this thread, to date:

Post 1 - posits that, somehow, Trump is able to circumvent the checks and balances of our political system, totalling ignoring the budgeting process. It fails to acknowledge that the Presidential budget is a "wish list" that is subject to the budgetary process of the House, and the approval/modification process of the Senate.

Post 2 - claims there is no justification for the "boost", not even outlining a basic objection, nor detailing why there is no objection.

Post 3 - disagrees with Post 2, but has to caveat it with a hint at some master conspiracy to invent a confrontation with North Korea.

Post 4 - Ah yes, the magnificent Post 4, an attack on all who that the temerity to disagree with the amazing wisdom of the left by lumping all into a single bucket, and painting them with the same brush. The first salvo of personal attacks that have become the mantra of the progressive left.

Post 5 - Yet another conspiracy theory, not based in fact, but rather in paranoia and ignorance. Not a single iota of justification provided.

Post 6 - the first intelligent post (oh wait, that was mine!)

Post 7 - Our first full-throated attack on the character of the president - not his actions, but his character. No justification - no facts - just heated irresponsible rhetoric that we are supposed to accept at face value

Post 8 - an attack on someone, anyone, who even slightly indicates that they might not see that obvious wisdom of the left, would dare to question their obviously superior intelligence, and did not properly genuflect to their superiority. It, of course, is couched in childish little personal attacks that, frankly, are not worthy of a third grade playground fight, much less a SUPPOSEDLY adult discussion of serious issues.

There? That better?

I'v been saying FUCK TRUMP since day one of the primaries... doesn't that count

Nope --- it just means your mind closed earlier than others --- without once looking at facts, positions, platforms, or concern for your country.
LOL ---- it's amazing just how disconnected from reality our progressive friends are.

Its not at all amazing that RWNJ traitors hide their ignorance behind idiotic insults.
Then, allow me to be more specific -

You, and the left, suffer from a complete loss of relevance. You lack any substantive argument to counter the logic of the right. Thus, you are forced to resort to the pedantic rantings, as demonstrated in this thread, that have no factual basis, but merely is emotional rage directed at the personification of your frustration.

Look at the posts in this thread, to date:

Post 1 - posits that, somehow, Trump is able to circumvent the checks and balances of our political system, totalling ignoring the budgeting process. It fails to acknowledge that the Presidential budget is a "wish list" that is subject to the budgetary process of the House, and the approval/modification process of the Senate.

Post 2 - claims there is no justification for the "boost", not even outlining a basic objection, nor detailing why there is no objection.

Post 3 - disagrees with Post 2, but has to caveat it with a hint at some master conspiracy to invent a confrontation with North Korea.

Post 4 - Ah yes, the magnificent Post 4, an attack on all who that the temerity to disagree with the amazing wisdom of the left by lumping all into a single bucket, and painting them with the same brush. The first salvo of personal attacks that have become the mantra of the progressive left.

Post 5 - Yet another conspiracy theory, not based in fact, but rather in paranoia and ignorance. Not a single iota of justification provided.

Post 6 - the first intelligent post (oh wait, that was mine!)

Post 7 - Our first full-throated attack on the character of the president - not his actions, but his character. No justification - no facts - just heated irresponsible rhetoric that we are supposed to accept at face value

Post 8 - an attack on someone, anyone, who even slightly indicates that they might not see that obvious wisdom of the left, would dare to question their obviously superior intelligence, and did not properly genuflect to their superiority. It, of course, is couched in childish little personal attacks that, frankly, are not worthy of a third grade playground fight, much less a SUPPOSEDLY adult discussion of serious issues.

There? That better?

I'v been saying FUCK TRUMP since day one of the primaries... doesn't that count

Nope --- it just means your mind closed earlier than others --- without once looking at facts, positions, platforms, or concern for your country.

unless you've bee asleep for the last 2 months the facts back up my statement, he holds more positions than monkey on 100 feet of grapevine, and his platform either gets walked back, totally changed, or starts a battle within his own rank and file,
LOL ---- it's amazing just how disconnected from reality our progressive friends are.

Its not at all amazing that RWNJ traitors hide their ignorance behind idiotic insults.
Then, allow me to be more specific -

You, and the left, suffer from a complete loss of relevance. You lack any substantive argument to counter the logic of the right. Thus, you are forced to resort to the pedantic rantings, as demonstrated in this thread, that have no factual basis, but merely is emotional rage directed at the personification of your frustration.

Look at the posts in this thread, to date:

Post 1 - posits that, somehow, Trump is able to circumvent the checks and balances of our political system, totalling ignoring the budgeting process. It fails to acknowledge that the Presidential budget is a "wish list" that is subject to the budgetary process of the House, and the approval/modification process of the Senate.

Post 2 - claims there is no justification for the "boost", not even outlining a basic objection, nor detailing why there is no objection.

Post 3 - disagrees with Post 2, but has to caveat it with a hint at some master conspiracy to invent a confrontation with North Korea.

Post 4 - Ah yes, the magnificent Post 4, an attack on all who that the temerity to disagree with the amazing wisdom of the left by lumping all into a single bucket, and painting them with the same brush. The first salvo of personal attacks that have become the mantra of the progressive left.

Post 5 - Yet another conspiracy theory, not based in fact, but rather in paranoia and ignorance. Not a single iota of justification provided.

Post 6 - the first intelligent post (oh wait, that was mine!)

Post 7 - Our first full-throated attack on the character of the president - not his actions, but his character. No justification - no facts - just heated irresponsible rhetoric that we are supposed to accept at face value

Post 8 - an attack on someone, anyone, who even slightly indicates that they might not see that obvious wisdom of the left, would dare to question their obviously superior intelligence, and did not properly genuflect to their superiority. It, of course, is couched in childish little personal attacks that, frankly, are not worthy of a third grade playground fight, much less a SUPPOSEDLY adult discussion of serious issues.

There? That better?

I'v been saying FUCK TRUMP since day one of the primaries... doesn't that count

Nope --- it just means your mind closed earlier than others --- without once looking at facts, positions, platforms, or concern for your country.

unless you've bee asleep for the last 2 months the facts back up my statement, he holds more positions than monkey on 100 feet of grapevine, and his platform either gets walked back, totally changed, or starts a battle within his own rank and file,

I recommend you go back and read your own post again ... then, come back and explain to use how it even remotely refers to a changing platform.

Your first post indicates that Trump, somehow, circumvents the checks and balances processes in order to get "billions"

Your second post, #3, is a dogwhistle to indicate that Trump is intentionally setting up North Korea in order to justify raising funding for the military.

Neither of those have a damn thing to do with his platform being "walked back".

Next time, say what you mean ... or own up to what you said.
Its not at all amazing that RWNJ traitors hide their ignorance behind idiotic insults.
Then, allow me to be more specific -

You, and the left, suffer from a complete loss of relevance. You lack any substantive argument to counter the logic of the right. Thus, you are forced to resort to the pedantic rantings, as demonstrated in this thread, that have no factual basis, but merely is emotional rage directed at the personification of your frustration.

Look at the posts in this thread, to date:

Post 1 - posits that, somehow, Trump is able to circumvent the checks and balances of our political system, totalling ignoring the budgeting process. It fails to acknowledge that the Presidential budget is a "wish list" that is subject to the budgetary process of the House, and the approval/modification process of the Senate.

Post 2 - claims there is no justification for the "boost", not even outlining a basic objection, nor detailing why there is no objection.

Post 3 - disagrees with Post 2, but has to caveat it with a hint at some master conspiracy to invent a confrontation with North Korea.

Post 4 - Ah yes, the magnificent Post 4, an attack on all who that the temerity to disagree with the amazing wisdom of the left by lumping all into a single bucket, and painting them with the same brush. The first salvo of personal attacks that have become the mantra of the progressive left.

Post 5 - Yet another conspiracy theory, not based in fact, but rather in paranoia and ignorance. Not a single iota of justification provided.

Post 6 - the first intelligent post (oh wait, that was mine!)

Post 7 - Our first full-throated attack on the character of the president - not his actions, but his character. No justification - no facts - just heated irresponsible rhetoric that we are supposed to accept at face value

Post 8 - an attack on someone, anyone, who even slightly indicates that they might not see that obvious wisdom of the left, would dare to question their obviously superior intelligence, and did not properly genuflect to their superiority. It, of course, is couched in childish little personal attacks that, frankly, are not worthy of a third grade playground fight, much less a SUPPOSEDLY adult discussion of serious issues.

There? That better?

I'v been saying FUCK TRUMP since day one of the primaries... doesn't that count

Nope --- it just means your mind closed earlier than others --- without once looking at facts, positions, platforms, or concern for your country.

unless you've bee asleep for the last 2 months the facts back up my statement, he holds more positions than monkey on 100 feet of grapevine, and his platform either gets walked back, totally changed, or starts a battle within his own rank and file,

I recommend you go back and read your own post again ... then, come back and explain to use how it even remotely refers to a changing platform.

Your first post indicates that Trump, somehow, circumvents the checks and balances processes in order to get "billions"

Your second post, #3, is a dogwhistle to indicate that Trump is intentionally setting up North Korea in order to justify raising funding for the military.

Neither of those have a damn thing to do with his platform being "walked back".

Next time, say what you mean ... or own up to what you said.

his platform was "I Will" .. fill in the blank, followed by "believe me" ..

where do you want me to start ?
Then, allow me to be more specific -

You, and the left, suffer from a complete loss of relevance. You lack any substantive argument to counter the logic of the right. Thus, you are forced to resort to the pedantic rantings, as demonstrated in this thread, that have no factual basis, but merely is emotional rage directed at the personification of your frustration.

Look at the posts in this thread, to date:

Post 1 - posits that, somehow, Trump is able to circumvent the checks and balances of our political system, totalling ignoring the budgeting process. It fails to acknowledge that the Presidential budget is a "wish list" that is subject to the budgetary process of the House, and the approval/modification process of the Senate.

Post 2 - claims there is no justification for the "boost", not even outlining a basic objection, nor detailing why there is no objection.

Post 3 - disagrees with Post 2, but has to caveat it with a hint at some master conspiracy to invent a confrontation with North Korea.

Post 4 - Ah yes, the magnificent Post 4, an attack on all who that the temerity to disagree with the amazing wisdom of the left by lumping all into a single bucket, and painting them with the same brush. The first salvo of personal attacks that have become the mantra of the progressive left.

Post 5 - Yet another conspiracy theory, not based in fact, but rather in paranoia and ignorance. Not a single iota of justification provided.

Post 6 - the first intelligent post (oh wait, that was mine!)

Post 7 - Our first full-throated attack on the character of the president - not his actions, but his character. No justification - no facts - just heated irresponsible rhetoric that we are supposed to accept at face value

Post 8 - an attack on someone, anyone, who even slightly indicates that they might not see that obvious wisdom of the left, would dare to question their obviously superior intelligence, and did not properly genuflect to their superiority. It, of course, is couched in childish little personal attacks that, frankly, are not worthy of a third grade playground fight, much less a SUPPOSEDLY adult discussion of serious issues.

There? That better?

I'v been saying FUCK TRUMP since day one of the primaries... doesn't that count

Nope --- it just means your mind closed earlier than others --- without once looking at facts, positions, platforms, or concern for your country.

unless you've bee asleep for the last 2 months the facts back up my statement, he holds more positions than monkey on 100 feet of grapevine, and his platform either gets walked back, totally changed, or starts a battle within his own rank and file,

I recommend you go back and read your own post again ... then, come back and explain to use how it even remotely refers to a changing platform.

Your first post indicates that Trump, somehow, circumvents the checks and balances processes in order to get "billions"

Your second post, #3, is a dogwhistle to indicate that Trump is intentionally setting up North Korea in order to justify raising funding for the military.

Neither of those have a damn thing to do with his platform being "walked back".

Next time, say what you mean ... or own up to what you said.

his platform was "I Will" .. fill in the blank, followed by "believe me" ..

where do you want me to start ?

Start? You just told me that's what your previous posts were all about .... wish you would make up your mind.

I have absolutely no interest in your interpretation of Trump's agenda. Frankly, you have shown a complete inability to apply reason and logic to what, for you, seems to be a very emotional subject.
I'v been saying FUCK TRUMP since day one of the primaries... doesn't that count

Nope --- it just means your mind closed earlier than others --- without once looking at facts, positions, platforms, or concern for your country.

unless you've bee asleep for the last 2 months the facts back up my statement, he holds more positions than monkey on 100 feet of grapevine, and his platform either gets walked back, totally changed, or starts a battle within his own rank and file,

I recommend you go back and read your own post again ... then, come back and explain to use how it even remotely refers to a changing platform.

Your first post indicates that Trump, somehow, circumvents the checks and balances processes in order to get "billions"

Your second post, #3, is a dogwhistle to indicate that Trump is intentionally setting up North Korea in order to justify raising funding for the military.

Neither of those have a damn thing to do with his platform being "walked back".

Next time, say what you mean ... or own up to what you said.

his platform was "I Will" .. fill in the blank, followed by "believe me" ..

where do you want me to start ?

Start? You just told me that's what your previous posts were all about .... wish you would make up your mind.

I have absolutely no interest in your interpretation of Trump's agenda. Frankly, you have shown a complete inability to apply reason and logic to what, for you, seems to be a very emotional subject.

exactly what I thought ... nothing from you but little bird chirps. Run along and find another Chump drone like you. I have no intention dignifying your ignorance with my time and effort. Everyone knows Donnieboi flaked out on the majority of his vapid promises.

Fuck Trump.
Our going to war with China on the mainland is nil.

Yes, we could strike NK, but the dictator would unleash his divisions on the DMZ. Defeating him would take far more than a couple of bombing runs, and possibly cost 1000s of American service personnel their lives.
loose change missed the point ... NK is just an excuse to ramp up military spending $638 billion bucks... just like mushroom clouds and yellowcake was an excuse for Cheneys Cartel ...
Nope --- it just means your mind closed earlier than others --- without once looking at facts, positions, platforms, or concern for your country.

unless you've bee asleep for the last 2 months the facts back up my statement, he holds more positions than monkey on 100 feet of grapevine, and his platform either gets walked back, totally changed, or starts a battle within his own rank and file,

I recommend you go back and read your own post again ... then, come back and explain to use how it even remotely refers to a changing platform.

Your first post indicates that Trump, somehow, circumvents the checks and balances processes in order to get "billions"

Your second post, #3, is a dogwhistle to indicate that Trump is intentionally setting up North Korea in order to justify raising funding for the military.

Neither of those have a damn thing to do with his platform being "walked back".

Next time, say what you mean ... or own up to what you said.

his platform was "I Will" .. fill in the blank, followed by "believe me" ..

where do you want me to start ?

Start? You just told me that's what your previous posts were all about .... wish you would make up your mind.

I have absolutely no interest in your interpretation of Trump's agenda. Frankly, you have shown a complete inability to apply reason and logic to what, for you, seems to be a very emotional subject.

exactly what I thought ... nothing from you but little bird chirps. Run along and find another Chump drone like you. I have no intention dignifying your ignorance with my time and effort. Everyone knows Donnieboi flaked out on the majority of his vapid promises.

Fuck Trump.

EVERYONE knows !!! Oh hell, I must have missed that email!!!

We don't need to discuss this any more --- after all, EVERYONE knows.

cuz if Siete says it, it must be true.

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