LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

José;3233505 said:
Originally posted by syrenn
So why all the whining when it is suggested that they do just that. Go home to where they are legal citizens.

From China to South Africa, the vast majority of illegal immigrants do not voluntarily repatriate themselves provided that there are jobs available. They have to be handcuffed, put on a plane of bus and sent back to where they came from.

If you have any hope that illegal Mexicans will do the job of the US immigration service for them, I'm afraid you're in for the biggest disappointment in your whole life. : )

I know very well they wont go of their own. I am saying round them up and spend the money to get rid of them instead of spending the money on keeping them and their babies here.

It is rather simple to catch the anchor mothers. When she drops the baby, arrest her and deport her on the next plane out.

Send forth Thy light and Thy truth

It seems your light and truth is a pretty evil view of human decency
Do you realize how hard it is to come here legally?

I do.

The illegals don't give a shit.

Yes they do care, if we gave them a legal way to come they would do it legally.

They would prefer it and any sane person knows that.

TM, we DO give them a legal way to come here. THEY are choosing to storm the doors and abuse our system. That makes them criminals. Dropping a baby is a loophole to stay.

I care about Americans. I don't give a rats ass about illegals. They don't deserve one penny that is spent on them.

There you haved it.

The view of people who think very little of humans if they are not the right humans.

Not to mention that it is cost prohibitive to try and send everyone back.
Now if your only real quam to these people being here is their status as illegal then you should have no problem with giving them a legal way to come right?

We do have a legal way to come here. They choose not to come here the legal way.
There you haved it.

The view of people who think very little of humans if they are not the right humans.

Not to mention that it is cost prohibitive to try and send everyone back.

Wrong TM. Do try being civil and not misrepresent what you are reading and putting things in other mouths.

I dont give a shit about your "right humans" I care about humans who are in this country as legal citizens.
ICE: Tab to remove illegal residents would approach $100 billion -

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- It would cost at least $94 billion to find, detain and remove all 12 million people believed to be staying illegally in the United States, the federal government estimated Wednesday.

Julie Myers, the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, gave the figure during a hearing before a Senate committee Wednesday.

She acknowledged it was based on "very rough calculations."

An ICE spokesman later said the $94 billion did not include the cost of finding illegal immigrants, nor court costs -- dollar amounts that are largely unknowable

Now address this issue
José;3233505 said:
From China to South Africa, the vast majority of illegal immigrants do not voluntarily repatriate themselves provided that there are jobs available. They have to be handcuffed, put on a plane of bus and sent back to where they came from.

If you have any hope that illegal Mexicans will do the job of the US immigration service for them, I'm afraid you're in for the biggest disappointment in your whole life. : )

I know very well they wont go of their own. I am saying round them up and spend the money to get rid of them instead of spending the money on keeping them and their babies here.

It is rather simple to catch the anchor mothers. When she drops the baby, arrest her and deport her on the next plane out.

Send forth Thy light and Thy truth

It seems your light and truth is a pretty evil view of human decency

No one has ever said the truth is always pretty.
Anchor babies cost Los Angeles welfare $600 million last year
January 20th, 2011 8:26 am PT.

California harbors the most illegal aliens in the nation and a new report out from the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors shows the incredibly high cost of welfare for parents of anchor babies.

The $600 million tab was tallied using county statistics released by Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael Antonovich who says social spending for those families rose $53 million in November and when added to the $570 already spent would edge the yearly welfare bill past $600 million for 2010. ... -last-year
But how much money do their parents contribute to the economy? That is a question that has never been explored rationally.
ICE: Tab to remove illegal residents would approach $100 billion -

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- It would cost at least $94 billion to find, detain and remove all 12 million people believed to be staying illegally in the United States, the federal government estimated Wednesday.

Julie Myers, the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, gave the figure during a hearing before a Senate committee Wednesday.

She acknowledged it was based on "very rough calculations."

An ICE spokesman later said the $94 billion did not include the cost of finding illegal immigrants, nor court costs -- dollar amounts that are largely unknowable

Now address this issue

Only 94 billion? Sounds like a deal to me.

Rounding them up and deporting them would unclog over crowded education and criminal systems and help with the cost of health care. Decrease the demand on welfare and social services. The cost would even out.

As i have said before, ICE needs to take up portals of the emergency rooms and maternity wards. No need to find anyone.
Good one ravi , I swear I was just about to point that out.

Many pretend these people do not add to the economy and they certainly do.

That is one reason its so hard to calculate in all the costs of sending everyone home.

It is a huge expensive legal tangle and loss of revenue issue.

Some just want to be irrational instead of living i n the real world.

I truely believe many of the right leaning stances are designed to avoid solutions which is why I believe the right leadership wants this country drowned in the bathtub.

Not the rank and file but the real leaders of the right.

Their solutions are all non solutions.
ICE: Tab to remove illegal residents would approach $100 billion -

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- It would cost at least $94 billion to find, detain and remove all 12 million people believed to be staying illegally in the United States, the federal government estimated Wednesday.

Julie Myers, the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, gave the figure during a hearing before a Senate committee Wednesday.

She acknowledged it was based on "very rough calculations."

An ICE spokesman later said the $94 billion did not include the cost of finding illegal immigrants, nor court costs -- dollar amounts that are largely unknowable

Now address this issue

Only 94 billion? Sounds like a deal to me.

Rounding them up and deporting them would unclog over crowded education and criminal systems and help with the cost of health care. Decrease the demand on welfare and social services. The cost would even out.

As i have said before, ICE needs to take up portals of the emergency rooms and maternity wards. No need to find anyone.

Did you not read even the little I posted of the article?

Why do you only use partial information to decide your postions?
Originally posted by syrenn
TM, we DO give them a legal way to come here. THEY are choosing to storm the doors and abuse our system. That makes them criminals.

Now you're taking a good argument and pushing it too far. As a resident of California you are probably aware that during harvest time in your state US Border Patrol agents look the other way and allow illegal Mexicans to cross the border.

This is a testament to the fact that America's immigration quotas are not enough to supply even the most basic demand for unskilled work!!!!

So don't fool yourself, syrenn. The average Mexican citizen has a better chance of recreating the Aztec Empire than being allowed to live and work in the US.

But guess what... No one is blaming America for this!! No one is saying America should become the Mother Theresa of the world allowing millions of poor Mexicans to live and work there (well, at least I'm not).

I'm just saying... let's stop this verbal diarrhea "They could become legal citizens but choose to be criminals".
Now address this issue

Only 94 billion? Sounds like a deal to me.

Rounding them up and deporting them would unclog over crowded education and criminal systems and help with the cost of health care. Decrease the demand on welfare and social services. The cost would even out.

As i have said before, ICE needs to take up portals of the emergency rooms and maternity wards. No need to find anyone.

Did you not read even the little I posted of the article?

Why do you only use partial information to decide your postions?

Funny you of all people should ask that question TM.

Immigration regulations remained stable for the next four decades until everything was radically transformed by the 1965 Immigration Act, which set the ceiling for immigrants from the Western hemisphere at 120,000 per year while earmarking fully 170,000 slots for immigrants from nations outside the Western Hemisphere. For the first time in American history, non-Europeans formed the dominant immigrant group, the new arrivals hailing predominantly from Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, and the Middle East. Between 1968 and 1993, fully 85 percent of the 16.7 million legal immigrants arriving in the United States during that period came from the Third World – including 47 percent from Latin America and the Caribbean, and 34 percent from Asia.

Do you realize how hard it is to come here legally?

We need to up the number of legal immigrations to make this anywhere near the number the businesses clamour for to run their businesses
Only 94 billion? Sounds like a deal to me.

Rounding them up and deporting them would unclog over crowded education and criminal systems and help with the cost of health care. Decrease the demand on welfare and social services. The cost would even out.

As i have said before, ICE needs to take up portals of the emergency rooms and maternity wards. No need to find anyone.

Did you not read even the little I posted of the article?

Why do you only use partial information to decide your postions?

Funny you of all people should ask that question TM.

I understand you have embarassed yourself and wish to turn this on me but it is very thinly vieled and silly
So when a woman is going through labor in the hospital shes going to be asked to produce a birth certificate to prove she is an American? I wouldn't want the job of having to pester women in labor for documentation.

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