LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

If you live in Mexico and don't have a job or a way to support yourself, come to America illegally and have a baby. Bingo. Instant source of income and lots of handouts from the State. Who says those pesky Mexicans are stupid? Americans are very very generous - and stupid.
Originally posted by TruthMatters
They are not anchors they are babies.

They are tiny children.

If born here they are American babies.

I'll leave the american amendment aside, just for the sake of discussion.

The deportation of illegal immigrants and their children residing in America for two or three decades do no qualify as ethnic cleasing by any stretch of the imagination.

This amount of time is not enough for an immigrant to call any part of the world their homeland.
José;3233416 said:
They are not anchors they are babies.

They are tiny children.

If born here they are American babies.


I'll leave the american amendment aside, just for the sake of discussion.

The deportation of illegal immigrants and their children residing in America for two or three decades do no qualify as ethnic cleasing by any stretch of the imagination.

This amount of time is not enough for an immigrant to call any part of the world their homeland.

When you are a year old and then live here for 15 years all you know is America.

I never said anything about ethnic cleansing , you did.

Anchor babies is what this OP was talking about.

Anchor babies is a term for an undocumented workers child born in the USA.

Its a derogetory term for an American citizen who happens to be a child.

I dont like people talking about Americans that way.
Originally posted by TruthMatters
I never said anything about ethnic cleansing , you did.

I'm glad to see you're able to distinguish between normal deportation and ethnic cleansing.

Kudos to you on this. :clap2: :clap2: :thup: :thup:

Originally posted by TruthMatters
When you are a year old and then live here for 15 years all you know is America.


That teenager speaks the language of his parents fluently and has an awful lot of information about the old country.

He's more than ready to move to Mexico City.
Yeah split up families and orphan children

I have not suggested splitting up any families. If the illegals want to take their American citizen children home with them, they are free to do so. They are also free to leave their American citizen children here. We pay for them one way or the other.
José;3233454 said:
Originally posted by TruthMatters
I never said anything about ethnic cleansing , you did.

I'm glad to see you're able to distinguish between normal deportation and ethnic cleansing.

Kudos to you on this. :clap2: :clap2: :thup: :thup:

Originally posted by TruthMatters
When you are a year old and then live here for 15 years all you know is America.


That teenager speaks the language of his parents fluently and has an awful lot of information about the old country.

He's more than ready to move to Mexico City.

Jose thats not always the case, I have met plenty of Mexican-American kids who do not speak Spanish.
Originally posted by syrenn
Right, so we need to deport them all now. A very simple problem to fix.

So true.

The fight against illegal immigration is in many ways a race against time.

My advice to the American government is:

Deport them while you can.

Send them back to their countries of origin before they create roots or shut up and live with the consequences of your inaction.
Now go get all the funds you will need to deport all of these people.

What you wnat to happen is fiscally impossible even in good times.

How about we find a logical solution that can actually be done in the real world instead of what your heart wishes.
José;3233454 said:
Originally posted by TruthMatters
I never said anything about ethnic cleansing , you did.

I'm glad to see you're able to distinguish between normal deportation and ethnic cleansing.

Kudos to you on this. :clap2: :clap2: :thup: :thup:

Originally posted by TruthMatters
When you are a year old and then live here for 15 years all you know is America.


That teenager speaks the language of his parents fluently and has an awful lot of information about the old country.

He's more than ready to move to Mexico City.

So why all the whining when it is suggested that they do just that. Go home to where they are legal citizens.
I will never understand why people dont realize that being an illegal in this country is for some the ONLY path to American citizenship many have.

They come for the same reasons your forefathers came here. They dream of a better life and our immigartion quotas are so small they must do it illegally. Once here there are many paths to citizenship.

filing a paper in mexico to come will take them half their lives IF they get lucky.

Now tell me why we allow so few Brown people in?
Go to Wal-Mart, or just about anywhere else, and listen to all the Spanish flying around there. This is America. Speak English or get the hell out.

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