LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

Originally posted by High_Gravity
Jose thats not always the case, I have met plenty of Mexican-American kids who do not speak Spanish.

I was referring to the children not the grandchildren of illegal Mexicans, Gravity. I'm sure you can find one or two cases where the children are not fluent in Spanish but the vast majority is.

Immigration regulations remained stable for the next four decades until everything was radically transformed by the 1965 Immigration Act, which set the ceiling for immigrants from the Western hemisphere at 120,000 per year while earmarking fully 170,000 slots for immigrants from nations outside the Western Hemisphere. For the first time in American history, non-Europeans formed the dominant immigrant group, the new arrivals hailing predominantly from Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, and the Middle East. Between 1968 and 1993, fully 85 percent of the 16.7 million legal immigrants arriving in the United States during that period came from the Third World – including 47 percent from Latin America and the Caribbean, and 34 percent from Asia.

Do you realize how hard it is to come here legally?
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I will never understand why people dont realize that being an illegal in this country is for some the ONLY path to American citizenship many have.

They come for the same reasons your forefathers came here. They dream of a better life and our immigartion quotas are so small they must do it illegally. Once here there are many paths to citizenship.

filing a paper in mexico to come will take them half their lives IF they get lucky.

Now tell me why we allow so few Brown people in?

I will never understand what people do not understand about the meaning of illegal.

If it takes them half their lives to get there legally, fine by me.

I don't care if they are brown, yellow or white. Illegal is illegal and non should be allowed in.
Originally posted by syrenn
So why all the whining when it is suggested that they do just that. Go home to where they are legal citizens.

From China to South Africa, the vast majority of illegal immigrants do not voluntarily repatriate themselves provided that there are jobs available. They have to be handcuffed, put on a plane of bus and sent back to where they came from.

If you have any hope that illegal Mexicans will do the job of the US immigration service for them, I'm afraid you're in for the biggest disappointment in your whole life. : )
The vast majority of those people you see speaking spanish in wallmart are legal citizens.

Just because they are brown and can speak spanish does not mean they are illegal.

Retaining the spanish language is a great economic step up for these children.

There are MANY spanish speaking countries in this world and they need their businesses served by someone.

To tell a family not to train their child to be multilingual is utter silliness.
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José;3233492 said:
Originally posted by High_Gravity
Jose thats not always the case, I have met plenty of Mexican-American kids who do not speak Spanish.

I was referring to the children not the grandchildren of illegal Mexicans, Gravity. I'm sure you can find one or two cases where the children are not fluent in Spanish but the vast majority is.

Oh, I just remember when I was seeing my ex girlfriend her parents were from Mexico, she spoke spanish but her teenage brother did not.
Go to Wal-Mart, or just about anywhere else, and listen to all the Spanish flying around there. This is America. Speak English or get the hell out.

If you go a store in Koreatown in San Franciso everyone is speaking Korea, if you go to Brighton Beach they are all speaking Russian, should the Koreans and Russians also leave?
Now if your only real quam to these people being here is their status as illegal then you should have no problem with giving them a legal way to come right?
José;3233505 said:
Originally posted by syrenn
So why all the whining when it is suggested that they do just that. Go home to where they are legal citizens.

From China to South Africa, the vast majority of illegal immigrants do not voluntarily repatriate themselves provided that there are jobs available. They have to be handcuffed, put on a plane of bus and sent back to where they came from.

If you have any hope that illegal Mexicans will do the job of the US immigration service for them, I'm afraid you're in for the biggest disappointment in your whole life. : )

I know very well they wont go of their own. I am saying round them up and spend the money to get rid of them instead of spending the money on keeping them and their babies here.

It is rather simple to catch the anchor mothers. When she drops the baby, arrest her and deport her on the next plane out.
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ICE: Tab to remove illegal residents would approach $100 billion -

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- It would cost at least $94 billion to find, detain and remove all 12 million people believed to be staying illegally in the United States, the federal government estimated Wednesday.

Julie Myers, the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, gave the figure during a hearing before a Senate committee Wednesday.

She acknowledged it was based on "very rough calculations."

An ICE spokesman later said the $94 billion did not include the cost of finding illegal immigrants, nor court costs -- dollar amounts that are largely unknowable
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Originally posted by TruthMatters
Do you realize how hard it is to come here legally?

So very true.

Illegal immigrants don't "wait in line" because there is simply no "line" to wait in.

If you are a poor, unskilled Mexican worker your only chance to work in America permanently is by overstaying your visa or jumping the fence.

But this does not mean in any way that America has an obligation to increase her legal immigration quota.

Hell, America being a sovereign nation, the US government has every right to completely abolish any kind of immigration if it deems it to be in the best interest of the nation.
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Go to Wal-Mart, or just about anywhere else, and listen to all the Spanish flying around there. This is America. Speak English or get the hell out.

If you go a store in Koreatown in San Franciso everyone is speaking Korea, if you go to Brighton Beach they are all speaking Russian, should the Koreans and Russians also leave?

If they are illegal. Yes.

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