LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

Wow Jose. All that talk, and you said nothing. You think you know alot about me. Bet you would have never guessed my name is Lopez, or that I am from in south Texas. But unlike many others in south Texas with similar names, I am an American by birth, so were my parents, and their parents before them. The families of my parents came to this country in the 1800s, and legally, which is more than most non-black Americans can say nowadays.

I'm sure after your little hissy fit you're feeling very good about yourself. But those of us who are interested in an actual intellectual discussion see that everything you've said is a pile of logical fallacy. You've tried to twist my words into things I did not say (like your allegation that I said the Mexican government pays the expenses for illegal aliens to cross the borders). You've ranted and raved and done plenty of name calling toward me, all the meanwhile completely ignoring the substance of my arguments. And perhaps the worst part, is that you apparently seemed to expect a response from me in the middle of the night after a mere few hours, and somehow found a lack of response as some kind of indication that I was incapable of providing a meaningful response; you completely ignored the very natural inference that I was probably asleep would not have even logged on between the time of your first and second hissy fit.

Keep up with good work, Jose. You're a real contribution to your cause.
Mexico, the failed nation, Vicente Fox, ex-presidente of Mexico stated he reduced poverty by 50%, funny, it was done by illegal immigration.i
Mexicans are extremely racist people, at least the ones who claim to be of pure Spanish blood, the elites, the poor indians and mixed people suffer. Great people, real sad.

To the point, jobs Americans will not do. I have picked strawberries, blueberries, string beans, apples, and worms. I have worked side by side, with a shovel, landscaping in Southern California with illegal aliens. Hard workers who are typically very good people, a few are pretty confused politically but for the most part they seem okay.

The damn media war that is constantly trying to stir up racism is taking its toll, I think its turning some of the younger Mexicans hateful or fearful of us.

Pretty big shame.
Our condo is undergoing some major renovation. I would say at least 75 percent of the carpenters, foremen, and manual labor is Mexican. These guys work damn hard. There're on scaffolding in freezing weather nailing up waterproofing, pushing wheelbarrows through the mud and ice when the wind chill is about 10 degrees. I suspect that most of these people are illegal or at least would have a problem proving their legal. I really don't believe this country would be better off without them.

I drove home this morning, I passed about 25 Mexicans or at least they appeared to be Mexicans, standing in front of Home Depot ready to do just about any kind of work. A few blocks down the street at the Interstate entrance, I counted four Anglos carrying signs begging for money or food with no mention of work. This is not an isolated incident. I see it daily.

Why not stop and ask them why the Mexican Army isn't helping out in Iraq? Oh, yeah! Fighting evil is a job even Mexicans won't do!

Try talking to a holocaust survivior about all the crap they went through while Mexicans were picking crops in the US nice and safe during WW2.

Try talking to a WW2 veteran and ask how many Mexicans were in his outfit.

Try checking out a neighborhood that has been overrun with Mexicans. They attack senior citizens on their way to church and break into cars while Americans go to Mass. Yeah, those Mexicans sure are hard working, God fearing, .........:(
I seriously doubt any of these Mexicans working their but off have the foggiest idea what Mexico's position was in relation to Iraq or WWII. Further, I doubt they really give damn. There're too busy doing the crappy, poorly paid jobs that Americans won't do.
I seriously doubt any of these Mexicans working their but off have the foggiest idea what Mexico's position was in relation to Iraq or WWII. Further, I doubt they really give damn. There're too busy doing the crappy, poorly paid jobs that Americans won't do.

There's no such thing as a job that Americans won't do. Think about it, who did those jobs before the US had a bunch of illegal Mexicans doing them? That's right, good old Americans. Americans will do any job in this country. They just won't do it for pennies on the dollar in sub-par working conditions.
I seriously doubt any of these Mexicans working their but off have the foggiest idea what Mexico's position was in relation to Iraq or WWII. Further, I doubt they really give damn. There're too busy doing the crappy, poorly paid jobs that Americans won't do.

There's no such thing as a job that Americans won't do. Think about it, who did those jobs before the US had a bunch of illegal Mexicans doing them? That's right, good old Americans. Americans will do any job in this country. They just won't do it for pennies on the dollar in sub-par working conditions.
Of course. If you're willing to pay any amount for Americans to do this type work, then you'll be able fill these jobs. However, the cost of the product or service will increase considerable. Also these jobs will be filled with people who aren't qualified to do strenuous mindless work. The result is high turnover and a poorer quality product or service.
Of course. If you're willing to pay any amount for Americans to do this type work, then you'll be able fill these jobs. However, the cost of the product or service will increase considerable.

Again, what happened when there weren't illegals to fill the jobs for pennies on the dollar? Everything was fine. The suggestion that there would be significant negative economic repercussions is untrue and unfounded. Not only that, but raising any such concern as justification for illegal immigration, or relying on illegals for labor, equates to condoning illegally hazardous working conditions, unjustifiably inadequate pay, the suppression of wages for American workers, and Americans losing out on employment opportunities. I can never find these things acceptable.

Also these jobs will be filled with people who aren't qualified to do strenuous mindless work.

This is a remarkably racist thing to say. Mexicans are somehow specially qualified to do strenuous and mindless work? Why, because they're bred to be nothing but psedeo-slaves? Americans are, somehow, unqualified to do manual labor?

The result is high turnover and a poorer quality product or service.

You think that illegal immigrants are a reliable source for low turnover labor? And you think that they actually provide quality products? Actually, what often happens is that illegal immigrants from Mexico will take any job, even if they don't really know how to do the job, and people will accept them in that job because they can pay them pennies on the dollar. And the resulting work product is very shoddy. But, the Mexicans will think the quality is great, because "It's even worse in Mexico."
Of course. If you're willing to pay any amount for Americans to do this type work, then you'll be able fill these jobs. However, the cost of the product or service will increase considerable.

Again, what happened when there weren't illegals to fill the jobs for pennies on the dollar? Everything was fine. The suggestion that there would be significant negative economic repercussions is untrue and unfounded. Not only that, but raising any such concern as justification for illegal immigration, or relying on illegals for labor, equates to condoning illegally hazardous working conditions, unjustifiably inadequate pay, the suppression of wages for American workers, and Americans losing out on employment opportunities. I can never find these things acceptable.

Also these jobs will be filled with people who aren't qualified to do strenuous mindless work.

This is a remarkably racist thing to say. Mexicans are somehow specially qualified to do strenuous and mindless work? Why, because they're bred to be nothing but psedeo-slaves? Americans are, somehow, unqualified to do manual labor?

The result is high turnover and a poorer quality product or service.

You think that illegal immigrants are a reliable source for low turnover labor? And you think that they actually provide quality products? Actually, what often happens is that illegal immigrants from Mexico will take any job, even if they don't really know how to do the job, and people will accept them in that job because they can pay them pennies on the dollar. And the resulting work product is very shoddy. But, the Mexicans will think the quality is great, because "It's even worse in Mexico."
We have had illegal immigration since the 19th century. In the early part of the 20th Mexicans came and went across our boarders as if they weren't there. Prior to WWII we deported large number Mexicans. During the war we welcomed them in because we needed the labor. In the 50's, we started enforcing the law and deporting in numbers, then we opened the gates till the late 60's. Then we started enforcing the law due to pressure from unions. Then in 1986 Reagan granted unconditioned amnesty to 2.7 million Mexicans. This was followed by two amnesties under Clinton, then more rigid enforcement under Bush. Cheap illegal Mexican labor has been readily available in the Southwestern states for over 75 years.

In American we do have a large workforce of manual laborers. We have a large pool unemployed people that are mostly office workers, factory workers, and professions who are not physically qualified to work 8 to 10 hours a day in 100 temperatures picking fruit. Employers shy away from hiring overqualified workers because they quit as some as they find better jobs and just about any job is better than jobs the illegals do. As long we have food stamps, unemployment insurance, and welfare we will not be able to fill these jobs with American workers unless we pay a considerably higher wage which will increase costs and prices.

My experience with immigrant manual labor is that it is no better or worst than American, it's just a lot cheaper.
Of course. If you're willing to pay any amount for Americans to do this type work, then you'll be able fill these jobs. However, the cost of the product or service will increase considerable.

Again, what happened when there weren't illegals to fill the jobs for pennies on the dollar? Everything was fine. The suggestion that there would be significant negative economic repercussions is untrue and unfounded. Not only that, but raising any such concern as justification for illegal immigration, or relying on illegals for labor, equates to condoning illegally hazardous working conditions, unjustifiably inadequate pay, the suppression of wages for American workers, and Americans losing out on employment opportunities. I can never find these things acceptable.

This is a remarkably racist thing to say. Mexicans are somehow specially qualified to do strenuous and mindless work? Why, because they're bred to be nothing but psedeo-slaves? Americans are, somehow, unqualified to do manual labor?

The result is high turnover and a poorer quality product or service.

You think that illegal immigrants are a reliable source for low turnover labor? And you think that they actually provide quality products? Actually, what often happens is that illegal immigrants from Mexico will take any job, even if they don't really know how to do the job, and people will accept them in that job because they can pay them pennies on the dollar. And the resulting work product is very shoddy. But, the Mexicans will think the quality is great, because "It's even worse in Mexico."
We have had illegal immigration since the 19th century. In the early part of the 20th Mexicans came and went across our boarders as if they weren't there. Prior to WWII we deported large number Mexicans. During the war we welcomed them in because we needed the labor. In the 50's, we started enforcing the law and deporting in numbers, then we opened the gates till the late 60's. Then we started enforcing the law due to pressure from unions. Then in 1986 Reagan granted unconditioned amnesty to 2.7 million Mexicans. This was followed by two amnesties under Clinton, then more rigid enforcement under Bush. Cheap illegal Mexican labor has been readily available in the Southwestern states for over 75 years.

In American we do have a large workforce of manual laborers. We have a large pool unemployed people that are mostly office workers, factory workers, and professions who are not physically qualified to work 8 to 10 hours a day in 100 temperatures picking fruit. Employers shy away from hiring overqualified workers because they quit as some as they find better jobs and just about any job is better than jobs the illegals do. As long we have food stamps, unemployment insurance, and welfare we will not be able to fill these jobs with American workers unless we pay a considerably higher wage which will increase costs and prices.

My experience with immigrant manual labor is that it is no better or worst than American, it's just a lot cheaper.

Tell that to the American veterans of all the wars of the 20th century. You couldn't get those Mexicans to fight for the free world if you offered them American citizenship and their own farm.

And if these wonderful Mexicans are such great farmworkers, why are they flooding into the big cities of the US. No crops here!
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The negative effects of rampant illegal immigration into the United States
Article by Waldo Benavidez
At the risk of being called a traitor and immigrant basher I must speak out or at least attempt to express a point of view that I believe has not been even a small part of the debate about illegal immigration, and that issue is the impact illegal immigration has on the working poor of this country; and the political impotence it has injected into the Chicano community. Primarily, the debate has focused on the drain illegal immigration has on institutions such as school systems, health care, jobs and the depression of wages, law enforcement and the criminal justice system. All this is true and the taxpayer funded institutions that are reeling from this huge migration into the United States are the ones that are primarily suppose to be servicing the low income people of this country. In turn, causing low income families to compete for increasingly limited funds, resources and basic survival necessities.

The proponents of open borders or at least unlimited immigration argue that these people are not harming anyone”all they want is work”, ”they do not bother anyone” and “they only take jobs not one else wants”, this naive and simplistic rational for illegal immigration fails to acknowledge the far reaching and critical impact on the low income people. The competition for low income housing is a primary example of how those that advocate for immigrants ignore the working families that cannot compete for the high rents landlords are demanding for their rental units. Whereas a family of four with one bread winner has a difficult time meeting the inflated rents being asked for housing, often substandard, plus the high cost of energy bills plus feed and cloth the family on seven, eight or nine dollars per hour. Immigrants can pay whatever is asked by landlords because they pack four and five, often times more working individuals into the unit and by pooling their resources easily manage rent. The result is that rents are inflated because a group of working adults can always outbid one working individual with a family, so the bottom line becomes inflated rents, increasing the cost of living and depressed wages, putting the working class citizen at a distinct disadvantage.

The negative effects of rampant illegal immigration into the United States - article by Waldo Benavidez - Defend Colorado Now - a Colorado immigration reform organization supporting initiatives and legislation to stop illegal immigration and stop ill
This is the only thing gekaap got right.

Originally posted by gekaap
Mexico actively lobbies the US.
This is absolutely true. Just like the USA lobbies the whole world and sometimes even use economic blackmail to advance its geo-political interests.

Whether you like it or not all countries have this "I'm for my citizens right or wrong".

In my ideal world, Mexico, America, China, Russia, etc, etc, would not say a word to try and free their citizens arrested abroad conducting criminal activities (provided the punishment was not brutal, over the top).

But unfortunately this is not how the REAL WORLD works.

Mexico tries to help illegal Mexicans in the US.

America sometimes make political and economic threats to free american criminals arrested abroad and to advance other goals.

etc, etc, etc...
Originally posted by gekaap
Wow Jose. All that talk, and you said nothing. You think you know alot about me. Bet you would have never guessed my name is Lopez, or that I am from in south Texas. But unlike many others in south Texas with similar names, I am an American by birth, so were my parents, and their parents before them. The families of my parents came to this country in the 1800s, and legally, which is more than most non-black Americans can say nowadays.

I'm sure after your little hissy fit you're feeling very good about yourself. But those of us who are interested in an actual intellectual discussion see that everything you've said is a pile of logical fallacy. You've tried to twist my words into things I did not say (like your allegation that I said the Mexican government pays the expenses for illegal aliens to cross the borders). You've ranted and raved and done plenty of name calling toward me, all the meanwhile completely ignoring the substance of my arguments. And perhaps the

worst part, is that you apparently seemed to expect a response from me in the middle of the night after a mere few hours, and somehow found a lack of response as some kind of indication that I was incapable of providing a meaningful response; you completely ignored the very natural inference that I was probably asleep would not have even logged on between the time of your first and second hissy fit.

Keep up with good work, Jose. You're a real contribution to your cause.

Gekaap, I will use your own words so you can't accuse me of putting words in your mouth.

You say "Mexico also encourages their people to illegally immigrate" but you were unable to find any official ad paid by the Mexican government or money being given to illegals to prove your accusations. Just hearsay about a statement supposedly made by a Mexican president. Ironically, the leaflet distributed by the Mexican governemnt strongly discourages Mexicans to cross the desert.

Then you say "Mexico's heavy flood of illegal aliens does create a responsibility to make attempts to curb the flow" but once again you are unable to present any international law or border agreement stating that Mexico has any duty to help America stem the flow of illegal Mexicans into America

Aside: Interestingly enough, I don't see you complaining about America's unwillingness to stem the flow of illegal weapons into Mexico. HINT: America is under no obligation to spend precious resources actively searching and arresting weapon smugglers LEAVING HER TERRITORY. Again, there's no international law or border treaty stating that the US has such an obligation.

How do Americans feel when idiots from all over the world blame the US security service for the mega terrorist attack of 2001, gekaap?

They feel outraged, disgusted with those baseless accusations and justifiably so. And you are doing the exact same thing with Mexico, gekaap.

When you come into a Message Board and make a series of baseless, unfounded accusations against Mexico that you have to way to prove you shouldn't be surprised when people call you out on your bullshit.
Jobs american will not do.

"Illegal immigrants" - how do other countries deal with it?

Let us talk about the jobs that American so-called 'law enforcement' will not do:

1. They sit eating donuts while 20 million goddamned illegal aliens run around loose everywhere stealing identities and JOBS from real U.S. Citizens.

[ame=""]Warning To All So-Called Law Enforcement[/ame]

2. American senators and congressmen sit behind desks waiting for 40,000+ Washington Lobbyists to enter their offices with 5 billion dollars in bribes to keep them looking the other way, while 25 U.S. Citizens are killed by Illegal Aliens EVERY DAY (12 by murder).

3. The same corrupt politicians allow Barry Soetoro, aka Barrack Obama, to squat in the White House as the Illegal Alien commander-in-chief, even though there is no evidence of his fake birth certificate in either of the two Hawaii hospitals he cites:

[ame=""]Abercrombie Admits There Are No Obama Birth Records In Hawaii[/ame]

4. Jobs that Americans refuse to do includes the fat cat police allowing Mexican Drug Gangs to take over more that 200 U.S. Cities.

[ame=""]Their Purpose Is To Come To The USA And Take Over[/ame]

5. The so-called Police continue looking the other way, while America is burning and falling victim to foreign nationals; which includes allowing unscrupulous Americans pick around U.S. workers in favor of their 20-million man illegal alien labor pool. We have many Illegals using the same Social Security Numbers (story), but nobody from Immigration (what a joke) or the Social Security Offices (another joke) are doing one thing about it.

Everyone from the Obama Administration to every branch of the Federal Government to the Governors and State Police to the county sheriff and the dog catcher is looking the other way, while millions and millions and millions of illegal aliens come to our towns and do whatever they please. I have no pity whatsoever for the so-called law enforcement people who sit back and watch America burn with refugees from all corners of this earth, because they allow lawlessness to run rampant and do nothing about it. Government Corruption is everywhere and the police are involved in that corruption up to their eyeballs as guardians and protectors of the New World Order Elites destroying this once-great nation on purpose and right before our eyes.

The police had better start enforcing the Rule of Law and protecting the jobs and livelihoods and lives of U.S. Citizens, or lawlessness will raise his ugly head and consume us all.


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I'm glad to hear someone else mention these things. I agree, this facet of the burden that illegals have on our country is regularly under appreciated, though there are some who easily recognize these facts. Mostly, people who live in areas with heavily Mexican populations. Another aspect that ties in to what you were saying, but that you didn't really mention, is that it's not uncommon for illegals to double dip, by working and managing to earn welfare benefits. This happens not just among groups of adults, but especially among immigrant families. Immigrants who have anchor baby children are able to gain benefits for their citizen children, even though they wouldn't qualify for the aid if their income was traceable or on the books. Adults, regardless of having children or not, can obtain fake papers with which they can then turn around and get welfare benefits while again still working under the table. This double dipping allows illegals who pull it off to up the ante in terms of the competition they create for impoverished Americans.
José;3263667 said:
This is absolutely true. Just like the USA lobbies the whole world and sometimes even use economic blackmail to advance its geo-political interests.

The US does not lobby other countries to give our people a pass to illegally immigrate en masse and drain their economies. I'll be the first one to agree that the US gets too involved too often in other countries' affairs, but nobody can accuse us of pressuring other countries to not keep themselves secured so that we can invade one wetback at a time.

Whether you like it or not all countries have this "I'm for my citizens right or wrong".

That's not true, and clearly you misunderstood the point anyway. Mexico's politicians tell their people that they have an INHERENT RIGHT AND ENTITLEMENT to come into the US and use our resources. They base this right on the fact that certain areas used to be part of Mexico 100+ years ago, and that there are "loyal" Mexican citizens today in those areas. That, of course, is a very illogical conclusion, because those Mexicans are only there because they illegally immigrated in the first place. Mexico WANTS people to illegally immigrate to the US. The blond haired/blue eyed Mexicans are all too happy get rid of the dark skinned Mexicans. The wealthy are all to happy to get rid of the poor. The politicians are all too happy to rely on American funds being funneled into Mexico to keep their economy afloat. The real power behind the politicians, the drug cartels, are all too happy to have easy and accessible avenues for their criminal activity. Which, by the way, is not just drug running and human smuggling, but also violent crimes. Mexican organized crime has been successful at maintaining paid assassins north of the border.

In my ideal world, Mexico, America, China, Russia, etc, etc, would not say a word to try and free their citizens arrested abroad conducting criminal activities (provided the punishment was not brutal, over the top).

In my ideal world......Eh, I'll take a coke, please.

Mexico tries to help illegal Mexicans in the US.

No, Mexico tries to lobby the US to make OUR COUNTRY help their people, because they aren't willing to do it.

America sometimes make political and economic threats to free american criminals arrested abroad and to advance other goals.

You honestly can't see the difference between the US saying "Give them back to us" and the Mexican government saying "Keep them, we don't want them"?
Hi Lady:

The negative effects of rampant illegal immigration into the United States

Article by Waldo Benavidez

At the risk of being called a traitor and immigrant basher I must speak out or at least attempt to express a point of view that I believe has not been even a small part of the debate about illegal immigration, and that issue is the impact illegal immigration has on the working poor of this country ...

The working poor? What in the hell is Waldo talking about??? I have worked with hundreds of illegal aliens right here in Florida, which has made me a bit of an expert on the subject of negative effects associated with the Illegal Alien Invasion of these United States. Here is how the scheme works:

One white guy hires twenty to fifty Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals to work under a few crew chiefs for a construction company that can be in the masonry, carpentry, roofing, tile setting trades, or any company where the work is done by human hands. The white guy can lower his prices to below cost, because only a few of his workers are on the books and everyone else gets cash at much reduced wages than the American workers of his competitors.

This single company of illegal aliens begins to systematically run the legitimate companies out of business, by keeping the prices so low that nobody else can get a job. That means more and more Americans on unemployment and food stamps and more and more illegal aliens taken even more jobs from local citizens. We are not talking about worker displacement of 'poor people' (give me a break), but skilled masons making 20 to 25 dollars per hour are forced to take 14 dollars per hour (illegal wage) or have no job at all. That means an entire echelon of skilled masons, carpenters, roofers, dry-wallers, tile setters, etc. are displaced from the shrinking pool of 'consumers' and 'taxpayers' that reduces the demand for goods and services, until those jobs come under threat and more service sector people join the ranks of the unemployed.

My brother is the chief estimator for what was once a 350-man masonry company, but he cannot lower his prices low enough to even get a job; because the companies using illegal aliens have cut prices to 50 percent below cost. That means my brother is on unemployment and he is anything but 'poor,' but he cannot compete in an environment where nobody is enforcing our employment laws and lawlessness is allowing the competition to hire as many illegal aliens as they wish and nobody is doing one thing about it.

The bottom rungs of the socioeconomic pyramid have already imploded from too much job outsourcing, NAFTA offshoring of the manufacturing base, too many guest worker programs (23) and far too many goddamned illegal aliens and that is the consumer base and tax base that is losing houses and going into bankruptcy and foreclosure; which lowers the value of your house and every house in the neighborhood. You cannot expect banks to lend money to mortgagees, when nobody in Govt is protecting those jobs. America has already gone to the dogs and we are just waiting for the maggots to finish feasting on the dead carcass ...

BTW, every illegal alien I have worked with has a brother, uncle and cousin coming to join them. They waive their ill-gotten driver's licenses around and laugh at the local government idiots for allowing foreigners to just come in and take over the place. Actually, they are laughing at all of you for allowing the Illegal Alien Invasion to continue ...


José;3263683 said:
You say "Mexico also encourages their people to illegally immigrate" but you were unable to find any official ad paid by the Mexican government or money being given to illegals to prove your accusations.

Again, you're demanding things that are non-sequitors. It does not follow that the Mexican government has to run TV ads that say "Go to America." It's enough that the Mexican government tells its people that Texas belongs to Mexico, that it refuses to make any attempt to deter illegal immigration, that Mexican border agents regularly accept bribes from people trying to illegally cross the border, that Mexico interferes with US plans and attempts to increase border security and immigration enforcement.

But, since you asked:

Mexican State Issues 'How To' on Border Jumping - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum -

Nation & World | Mexico offers tips for crossing border in comic book | Seattle Times Newspaper

BBC NEWS | Americas | Mexican migrants to get US maps

Just hearsay about a statement supposedly made by a Mexican president. Ironically, the leaflet distributed by the Mexican governemnt strongly discourages Mexicans to cross the desert.

Read if for yourself.

Then you say "Mexico's heavy flood of illegal aliens does create a responsibility to make attempts to curb the flow" but once again you are unable to present any international law or border agreement stating that Mexico has any duty to help America stem the flow of illegal Mexicans into America

Hello.....Hello....Anyone home? That's the point, Mexico refuses to take any responsibility for its own citizens. It just wants to dump the trash on our doorsteps. Stop begging the question.

Aside: Interestingly enough, I don't see you complaining about America's unwillingness to stem the flow of illegal weapons into Mexico.

HA! Mexico's immigration policy is so much more strict that anything it will tolerate the US having. In any event, Mexico does not seem have any significant problem with Americans illegally immigrating into Mexico. Their illegal immigration issues come from Central American countries and Cuba, mostly being people trying to use Mexico as an easy access point to get into the US. Oh, and the Chinese. Chinese trying to illegally enter the US frequently will first go to Mexico because that's the easiest way to get into the US.

HINT: America is under no obligation to spend precious resources actively searching and arresting weapon smugglers LEAVING HER TERRITORY.

Actually, we have an obligation to arrest such people, because it is a violation of our laws.

How do Americans feel when idiots from all over the world blame the US security service for the mega terrorist attack of 2001, gekaap?

What are you even saying? How do Americans feel when people blame, who for the 9-11 attacks? The FBI? CIA? President Bush? Well, Americans tend to have different perspectives on just exactly who is to blame, but overall Americans were outraged at the failure of our government institutions and we demanded a higher level of work product out of them. But I fail to see what that has to do with Mexican's illegally immigrating to the US.

They feel outraged, disgusted with those baseless accusations and justifiably so. And you are doing the exact same thing with Mexico, gekaap.

I'm not making baseless accusations. Are you trying to say that there is not a huge flow of illegals from Mexico to the US? Are you trying to say that Mexico does not promote illegal immigration? See my links above. Better yet, get out from under the rock under which you've spent your entire life. Then, go out and get educated on the subject matter before you say anything else, because your emotional and unfounded positions are boring. You support illegal immigration into the US because you are apparently Hispanic, and that apparently is enough for you to support people illegally invading the US. Horribly racist, I have to say.

When you come into a Message Board and make a series of baseless, unfounded accusations against Mexico that you have to way to prove you shouldn't be surprised when people call you out on your bullshit.

:lol: Baseless? You just don't know what you're talking about, do you? You don't know anything about the subject, all you know is that you want a certain outcome and you want to scream and shout to try make everyone believe that the outcome is possible, or that it's even acceptable.
Twenty years ago my brother had a lucrative painting business, and hired several men to work for him. He painted newly built complexes and homes. Illegal aliens constantly under bid him on jobs and he could not survive on the bids they made. Finally he lost his business putting several men out of work. Lost his rentals and his home and his wife and finally took his life. That is one of the effect of illegal immigration has on Americans. Many times you have read of people who lost their jobs and have taken their lives and the lives of their family. Maybe not directly but indirectly the cause. When there were 7 million illegal aliens in the workforce, some Americans are not working. 7 million are not working in the fields either. I am a tireless worker against illegal immigration and it’s not racist to want Americans first.
Also illegal aliens do commit fraud on the welfare system.

ABC for children of illegal aliens is the reason we cannot control illegal immigration and enforce our immigration laws. Amending the 14th Amendment to exclude children born to illegal aliens is the first step to controlling illegal immigration.

The 14th Amendment has broken our immigration system by giving citizenship to a child of a non-citizen and makes it virtually impossible to deport the parents and it is used by the parent not to be deported because they claim it separates families. Enforcing our immigration laws separate families? And GOD forbid we cannot separate these poor children from their parents who committee a crime by entering the country illegally. But we do it all the time to children of American citizens when we send parents to prison or to war. They cannot take their children to prison with them, but illegal aliens can when they are deported. Nothing stops them from taking their American born child with them when they are deported.

So what happens is a pregnant woman crosses the border illegally to have her baby in this country or have a baby after entering knowing that baby instantly become an anchor and a free meal ticket, free delivery, welfare, food stamps, medical care and public housing. In other words wards of the state and the American tax payers. Benefits they receive in behalf of their anchor babies can sustain them if they don’t work. With 20 million in the country and only 7 million in the workforce, what is the other 13 million doing?

Now these anchor babies, sometimes called jackpot babies, are having babies or their own and it’s a expensive circle Obama and the democrats want to make permanent via the Dream Act and Comprehensive Immigration Reform which is amnesty with a fine. If you can call $5,000 a fine. They spend that much on a set of wheels. $5,000 fine is a slap in the face of those who earn citizenship the legal way and proud of it and cheapen U.S. citizenship. But for those who have an investment in illegal immigration, cheap labor and future votes, etc is selling out America for their own selfish gains. God help us this country already looks like Mexico and soon have all the problem that Mexico has and then they will be scratching their head wonder how it happened and it’s too late to do anything about.

America is in a state of emergency due to illegal immigration.

In spite of more border security, more raids and deportation, it is not nearly enough. There is absolute on pluses to illegal immigration. We are importing those who have absolute nothing to contribute to our economy. Illegal immigration bring in the poorest of nations and not doctor, nurses, engineers and other professionals.

All anchor babies and illegal children do not stay in school and become contributor to society. All do not want to enter the military. Some join the gangs like MS13, deal in drug and other criminal acts and our prisons are full of illegal aliens and their children. All illegal aliens are not hard working, law abiding people who only want to make a good life for their families. With illegal immigration we take the good, bad and the ugly. We cannot separate them when we don’t know who is here. How do we deport a criminal illegal alien when we don’t know they are criminals until they are caught committing a crime?

There is absolute no positives of illegal immigration. No positive of amnesty. We must remember this when we go to the polls. If is a priority to the survival of this country. Our children’s future depend on controlling immigration.
Speaking of inbreeding.

Is there really a race of blue people?July 24, 1998 Dear Cecil:

My husband swears that when he took anthropology they talked about a race of blue people. How did I miss this? Don't you dare say it was the Smurfs.

— Lonijo, via AOL

None of Martin and Mary Fugate's descendants would have been blue had they not intermarried with a nearby clan, the Smiths. The Smiths were descendants of Richard Smith and Alicia Combs, one of whom apparently was also a met-H carrier. According to family historian Mary Fugate, the first known blue Fugate was born in 1832. Because of inbreeding among the isolated hill folk--the Fugate family tree is a tangled mess of cousins marrying cousins--blue people started popping up frequently thereafter. A half dozen or so were on the scene by the 1890s, and one case was reported as recently as 1975. They were quite a sight. One woman is said to have had lips the color of a bruise. ... lue-people

The Fugate Family
What is it about Islam that some people find so very powerful?

It seems many in this country think people will choose it over their own religion.

Fearing a religions growth means you think it has more to offer people than your own beliefs.

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