LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

For anyone else, the thread title is, "The rise of radical islam in mexico"

Thank You

And I am speaking to how I believe Radical Arabian Islam and Inbreeding are connected. :cool: And how I don't see inbreeding in the culture of Mexico so not a worry for Mexico and thus not a worry about Radical Islam in Mexico.

Mexican Muslims cannot change Islam Ropey, if they try the rest of the Muslim world will view them as illegitimate, they either fall in line or thats it.
Mexican Muslims cannot change Islam Ropey, if they try the rest of the Muslim world will view them as illegitimate, they either fall in line or thats it.

The change will come from without HG, not within. The Vatican's changes are not coming because the Pope wants these changes.

They are being demanded from without. When Mexico begins to create their own Imams, they will start to demand their own changes in Mexico. This will happen to many worldwide Muslim communities. Already Arabians are a minority in Islam. There are more non Arabian Muslims in the world than Arabian Muslims. Reformation must come. (to my view)

This happens with both Judaism and Christianity. I say it might well happen with Islam as well.
For anyone else, the thread title is, "The rise of radical islam in mexico"

Thank You

And I am speaking to how I believe Radical Arabian Islam and Inbreeding are connected. :
This is my last post on this thread thanks to Ropey's thread wrecking and trolling.

btw Inbreeding in Israel among the Jews is epidemic and leads to the mental illness known as Zionism. :cool:
btw Inbreeding in Israel among the Jews is epidemic and leads to the mental illness known as Zionism. :cool:

And you can't even debate an inbred Israeli ? You have to run away rather than continue the discussion?

The Law of Israel forbade inbreeding. The laws of gentiles did not, and this may help explain (although there were other factors, most dealing with obedience to God) why the average Jew in the Roman world lived longer than their gentile contemporaries.

It is against modern Israel Law as well.

This is just fear mongering towards Mexicans! We have quite a few Islamic converts here in the U.S. probably more so than down there... now I'm all about getting rid of our illegal immigration problem and securing our borders but this isn't a reason!
Originally posted by LilOlLady
Jose Jalapena
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

:thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup:

I think I'm gonna change my screen name to José Jalapena or Mr. Nachos inspired by Mr. Sauerkraut from Germany. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
LilOlLady's post showed a lot of promise... I couldn't agree more. America is totally free to reduce her foreign aid to 0 if the country deems it to be in its best interest.

How much aid we give to Mexico compared to Isreal is not the point. Neither should happen

But as it often happens with super patriotic clowns the desire to blame others for her country's problems was just too great to resist...

But the point is we do give aid to Mexico and Mexico is killing us.

tsk, tsk, tsk...
José;3235948 said:
1 - Mexico cannot prevent its citizens from leaving the country freely because this goes against all the fundamental principles of democratic states. This is what totalitarian countries like North Korea do.

2 - Mexico cannot be blamed for being an underdeveloped, third world country. If America wants to blame Mexico for its poverty it should first turn that dirty poor country of Afghanistan into a developed nation since the country is currently under US control.



3 - According to the international protocol that informally rules border relations between neighboring countries, in the absence of a broad comphehensive border agreement, each country is resposible for its own side of the border.

I urge you to get a hold of your totally out of control patriotism and try to treat Mexico in a fair manner just like I treat America, Ernie. : )


1 - Mexico cannot prevent its citizens from leaving the country freely because this goes against all the fundamental principles of democratic states.

Even though MEXICAN PRESIDENTS have promised the American people that they will do this since the late 1950's?

2 - Mexico cannot be blamed for being an underdeveloped, third world country. If America wants to blame Mexico for its poverty it should first turn that dirty poor country of Afghanistan into a developed nation since the country is currently under US control.

You can't expect third world helper monkeys to actually control themselves and stop breeding like rats now can you.

3 - According to the international protocol that informally rules border relations between neighboring countries, in the absence of a broad comphehensive border agreement, each country is resposible for its own side of the border.

So Mexico IS responsible for its own people and to keep those people inside its own border. Countries in the eastern hemisphere have no problem taking back their own people when they try to sneak into other countries, what's with Mexico and the rest of Latin America?
Speeddemon writes me an angry message asking me if I don't understand that a prosperous Mexico would be good for both countries. It never ceases to amaze me just how badly you can be misunderstood on the Net no matter how clearly you try to get your message across. Of course a wealthy Mexico would be a gift to both Mexico and America, demon. The only problem is how to get there.

I'm sick and tired of USMB members regurgitating the same line over and over:

Mexico should do




to become a rich country (and help solve the US problem with illegals).

Well, America ruled Puerto Rico and Cuba as overseas colonies for 50 years. The two countries had MUCH LESS AUTONOMY THAN ANY US STATE.

America had half a century to do




to turn Puerto Rico and cuba into first world nations and failed miserably.

Today more Puerto Ricans live in America than in Puerto Rico itself and the country is not in worse shape only because it is still a US colony in many ways.

The members of this Board talk about economic growth as if it were as simple as a cake recipe!!!! If it is that simple why America failed in PR, Cuba and now in Iraq and Afghanistan?

So stop demanding from Mexico the very same thing America failed to deliver in so many parts of the world!!
"Illegal immigrants" - how do other countries deal with it? Quote

Putting things in perspective, here is an excerpt from how Thailand deals with not just illegal immigrants, but those who have overstayed their visa by even just one day:

"It is important to remember that if your visa has expired even for just one day, and you do not surrender but are apprehended by immigration officials or the police, you will automatically be taken to court. If your court hearing is held on a Friday and you pay your fine the same day, in accordance with the court order, it does not mean that your case has ended. The Immigration Bureau still has to pursue your case by deporting you. Therefore, you will need to have a confirmed air ticket together with sufficient money for transportation to the airport. If you cannot meet those requirements, you will be detained in the Immigration Bureau jail until you are able to acquire a confirmed ticket and sufficient cash for the trip to the airport.:clap2::clap2::clap2:
"Illegal immigrants" - how do other countries deal with it?

Since our leaders are those who will not do the job of enforcing our immigration laws, maybe we should import foreign entities to do it for them. you know. Jobs that Americans will not do?

I'm in Costa Rica as I type.If you roll into the airport, or border, and you have overstayed your visa it's $100 per month of overstay. If you overstay a month you cannot return for 3. 2 months = 6 months etc.
If you want to be a resident you have to have an external income of $1000/mo.( proven), you can not be employed( self employed is fine but that income doesn't qualify for residency) and you can NEVER be eligible to vote...........unless you were born here.
Now I'm pretty sure Mexico can obtain a small improvement in the living conditions of its citizens if the mexican government implemented the correct economic measures. But this small improvement would not have any noticeable impact on illegal immigration into the US.

There's no magic wand that can be waved to turn Mexico into a first world country. Anything other than little improvements is wishful thinking.
José;3248298 said:
Speeddemon writes me an angry message asking me if I don't understand that a prosperous Mexico would be good for both countries. It never ceases to amaze me just how badly you can be misunderstood on the Net no matter how clearly you try to get your message across. Of course a wealthy Mexico would be a gift to both Mexico and America, demon. The only problem is how to get there.

I'm sick and tired of USMB members regurgitating the same line over and over:

Mexico should do




to become a rich country (and help solve the US problem with illegals).

Well, America ruled Puerto Rico and Cuba as overseas colonies for 50 years. The two countries had MUCH LESS AUTONOMY THAN ANY US STATE.

America had half a century to do




to turn Puerto Rico and cuba into first world nations and failed miserably.

Today more Puerto Ricans live in America than in Puerto Rico itself and the country is not in worse shape only because it is still a US colony in many ways.

The members of this Board talk about economic growth as if it were as simple as a cake recipe!!!! If it is that simple why America failed in PR, Cuba and now in Iraq and Afghanistan?

So stop demanding from Mexico the very same thing America failed to deliver in so many parts of the world!!

America controls Cuba? What underground bunker do you live in? Ever hear of Castro?

And Puerto Ricans can't even decided if they want Puerto Rico to be independant. They are so used to sucking on the tit of the Statue of Liberty!
"Illegal immigrants" - how do other countries deal with it? Quote

Putting things in perspective, here is an excerpt from how Thailand deals with not just illegal immigrants, but those who have overstayed their visa by even just one day:

"It is important to remember that if your visa has expired even for just one day, and you do not surrender but are apprehended by immigration officials or the police, you will automatically be taken to court. If your court hearing is held on a Friday and you pay your fine the same day, in accordance with the court order, it does not mean that your case has ended. The Immigration Bureau still has to pursue your case by deporting you. Therefore, you will need to have a confirmed air ticket together with sufficient money for transportation to the airport. If you cannot meet those requirements, you will be detained in the Immigration Bureau jail until you are able to acquire a confirmed ticket and sufficient cash for the trip to the airport.:clap2::clap2::clap2:
"Illegal immigrants" - how do other countries deal with it?

Since our leaders are those who will not do the job of enforcing our immigration laws, maybe we should import foreign entities to do it for them. you know. Jobs that Americans will not do?

I'm in Costa Rica as I type.If you roll into the airport, or border, and you have overstayed your visa it's $100 per month of overstay. If you overstay a month you cannot return for 3. 2 months = 6 months etc.
If you want to be a resident you have to have an external income of $1000/mo.( proven), you can not be employed( self employed is fine but that income doesn't qualify for residency) and you can NEVER be eligible to vote...........unless you were born here.

Very interesting, Douger, Thanks.
Originally posted by FifthColumn
So Mexico IS responsible for its own people and to keep those people inside its own border. Countries in the eastern hemisphere have no problem taking back their own people when they try to sneak into other countries, what's with Mexico and the rest of Latin America?

Absolutely wrong...

Mexican citizens who hug or climb the border fence are not doing anything wrong and cannot be harassed by Mexican authorities. They only commit a misdemeanor when they jump to the american side and by then they are not under Mexico's jurisdiction anymore unless you want the federales to invade american soil to arrest Mexicans.

From that moment on they become America's problem. The same goes for american illegal weapons smuggled into Mexico.
As long as we keep extending the unemployment payment a lot Americans won't work. Stop paying them to sit home and see what happens. Stop supporting people who have broken the law with welfare. Anchor babies is a joke. Why do you think a lot of them come over here. We are the only country that I know of who is having this debate.. What does that tell you.
I heard a congress man say that Social Security was an entitlement program. Money that I was force to give the government with out interest and belongs to me is an entitlement. if that is the case maybe I should give us my citizen ship, move to Mexico, break into the US and apply for aid. We have lost our minds.

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