LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

But you must begin by teaching American children that these invading illegals are evil and will destroy the American way of life.
So my buddy in Miami, Juan Pablo, who is from Honduras, has a schoolteacher wife and two little girls back home, lays 600 block a day, 7 days a week, is evil.The kikes that run the IRS don't have any trouble collecting his "illegal" tax dollars from his check every week. Chosen, not evil.

I know. You're uh murkin. A brainwashed idiot on a superiority trip.

Depend on if your buddy is illegal. If he is he is not evil but just a criminal. It is a federal crime to enter this country illegally and use false or stolen documents to work here. Being poor is not exuse to break the law. If it were a lot of criminals would not be in jail.
Why the hell is he here if is wife is a school teacher? What do 600 blocks got to do with anything? Unless he is a brick layer and has taken a job away from an american or legal immigration.
José;3236007 said:
Originally posted by mudwhistle
Millions of our dollars go into Mexico every year.

Sorry to burst your bubble but you got the wrong country. Millions of US dollars go to ISRAEL every year, not Mexico.

The amount of foreign aid given to Mexico in 1 YEAR pales into insignificance when compared to what Israel gets in 30 DAYS.
Jose Jalapena; How much aid we give to Mexico compared to Isreal is not the point. Neither should happen, but the point is we do give aid to Mexico and Mexico is killing us. We are supporting corruption in Mexico and not the people.
This is not our problem and we should not make it our problem.
The people of Mexico need to go home, revolt and change things in Mexico for all Mexicans. Not tucking their tail and running. Oh, well they are good at that. Our economy has sent tucking their tails and running back home.

Mexico is a member of the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and shares a 2,000-mile border with the United States. Mexico is the 12th largest economy in the world and the third largest trading partner of the U.S. It had $11 billion in foreign direct investment and received $23 billion in remittances in 2009. Yet Mexico still faces huge gaps between rich and poor, north and south, urban and rural. Over 40% of the country’s population is poor (living on less than $2 per day), while close to 18% is extremely poor (living on less than $1 per day).

USAID - Latin America & Caribbean: Latin America & the Caribbean

A Conservative Estimate of Total Direct U.S. Aid to Israel: Almost $114 Billion
By Shirl McArthur

Aid to Mexico and Isreal need to stop.
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america does not have to demand anything from mexico. It just has to stop treating it like a step-child or adopted child - no more dolars; no more help - period! Let them sink or swim. Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves and the usa will not have to lift one little finger. But first - put the military at the border. Really - who gives a f*** about that god forsaken country??? The more the usa does, the more they hate us. They are so egotistical that they cut off their nose to spite their face. Actually, let them go communist/socialist. We have poured in billions of dollars to keep them from going in that direction - it's time to cut them loose.

tough love, uh?
If we stop being a safety net for Mexico, they would have to get their act together.
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The Rise of Radical Islam in Mexico
January 16, 2011

The comparison here is drawn by observing the result of balkanization brought on by these two groups of people, and the intent by the ruling class to use these groups for this end. There is also a blending of the radicalism of both groups, currently Islamic radicalism is taking hold in Mexico and Cartels are adopting terrorist tactics.

Certainly the exploration should be about the blending of radicalism, which is inevitable, but more to their role in disrupting American culture. Regardless of religion, the components here are ignored as the MSM does not want any more reasons to close the border.

The recruiting buzzphrase in Mexico is “revert” to Islam, not conversion, as will be explained in their own words.

The Rise of Radical Islam in Mexico - Grendel Report
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NRO Debates: Dealing with illegal immigrants should be a top priority of the war on terror.
By Tamar Jacoby, Mark Krikorian
February 2003
Op-eds and Magazine Articles

National Review Online, February 12, 2003
Most Americans understand that immigration control is a critical tool for protecting America's national interests. A Zogby International poll taken in the wake of the 9/11 attacks found that the overwhelming majority of Americans, across all races, regions, incomes, and political beliefs, blamed lax border control and screening of immigrants for contributing to the attacks and believed that improved immigration enforcement would reduce the likelihood of future atrocities.

Nor is this mere scapegoating. Terrorists have exploited all aspects of our feckless immigration system to penetrate our society. Our 2002 report on the immigration histories of the (then-) 48 foreign-born, radical Muslim terrorists who committed crimes in the U.S. since 1993, one-quarter were illegal aliens when they committed their crimes and close to half of the total had documented violations of the immigration law at one point or another. Out of that 48, 19 were the 9/11 hijackers and not one of the 15 whose visa applications escaped shredding should have been granted a visa.

Also, amnesties for illegal aliens have facilitated terrorism. Mahmud "The Red" Abouhalima, a leader of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, was legalized as a seasonal agricultural worker (he was actually a cabbie in New York) as part of the 1986 amnesty, which allowed him to travel abroad, including several trips to Afghanistan, where he received terrorist training.

NRO Debates: Dealing with illegal immigrants should be a top priority of the war on terror. | Center for Immigration Studies
I've never met any Mexican Muslims.
I personally know several Mexican muslims.

Mexican and Central American people accepting Islam is growing quite rapidly.

There are 4 fairly new all Spanish speaking Mosques right along the U.S./Mexican border.

They are located in the Texas towns of Edinburg, McAllen, Weslaco, and Brownsville.

Mexican people easily convert to Islam because they like the conservative and family oriented values inherent in the religion. :cool:
I've never met any Mexican Muslims.
I personally know several Mexican muslims.

Mexican and Central American people accepting Islam is growing quite rapidly.

There are 4 fairly new all Spanish speaking Mosques right along the U.S./Mexican border.

They are located in the Texas towns of Edinburg, McAllen, Weslaco, and Brownsville.

Mexican people easily convert to Islam because they like the conservative and family oriented values inherent in the religion. :cool:

Well there are Muslims from every country in the world, still the majority of them are Catholics. I don't think radical Islam is converting Mexicans en masse like the poster is saying though.

By Jens Glüsing

Long a bastion of Catholicism, southern Mexico is quickly turning into a battleground for soul-savers. Islam, too, is gaining a foothold and the indigenous Mayans are converting by the hundreds. The Mexican government is worried about a culture clash in their own backyard.

Anastasio Gomez, a Tzotzil Mayan from Mexico, fondly remembers his pilgrimage to Mecca. He circled around the Kaaba, the highest sanctuary of Muslims, seven times. At Mount Arafat he prayed to Allah and then he, together with 15 other Indians, sacrificed a sheep before boarding the flight back to their Mexican home.

“In Islam, race plays no role,” the young man says joyously. His enthusiasm is understandable. After all, in his home state of Chiapas, Mexico’s poorest, the indigenous people are viewed as second class humans, and whites and Mestizos treat the Indian majority as if they weren’t there. In the southern Mexican provincial metropolis San Cristóbal de las Casas, the descendants of the Maya even have to move onto the street if a white person approaches them on the sidewalk.

Mexican Maya embrace Islam ADAMITE
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By Jens Glüsing

Long a bastion of Catholicism, southern Mexico is quickly turning into a battleground for soul-savers. Islam, too, is gaining a foothold and the indigenous Mayans are converting by the hundreds. The Mexican government is worried about a culture clash in their own backyard.

Anastasio Gomez, a Tzotzil Mayan from Mexico, fondly remembers his pilgrimage to Mecca. He circled around the Kaaba, the highest sanctuary of Muslims, seven times. At Mount Arafat he prayed to Allah and then he, together with 15 other Indians, sacrificed a sheep before boarding the flight back to their Mexican home.

“In Islam, race plays no role,” the young man says joyously. His enthusiasm is understandable. After all, in his home state of Chiapas, Mexico’s poorest, the indigenous people are viewed as second class humans, and whites and Mestizos treat the Indian majority as if they weren’t there. In the southern Mexican provincial metropolis San Cristóbal de las Casas, the descendants of the Maya even have to move onto the street if a white person approaches them on the sidewalk.

Mexican Maya embrace Islam ADAMITE

Interesting, I didn't know that.
Muslims in the Caribbean

Khan, president of the Guyana-based Islamic Missionaries Guild International, is one of nearly 400,000 Muslims scattered across the nations of the Caribbean. Mostly East Indian in origin, they live in relative prosperity on at least a dozen Caribbean islands, including Barbados, Grenada, Dominica, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Jamaica.

The region's heaviest Muslim concentrations, however, are in Suriname, with an estimated 100,000 believers, in Trinidad and Tobago, also home to 100,000 Muslims, and in Guyana, with an estimated Muslim population of 120,000.

Travel agents like to promote Trinidad as a tropical Caribbean paradise, an ideal vacation spot throbbing with calypso, carnival and steel bands.

But Trinidad is also the focus of Muslim life in the Caribbean. Last August, Saudi Arabia's Prince Muhammad ibn Faysal visited to address the 24th international convention of the Islamic Missionaries Guild. The oil-rich island, smaller than Brunei or the state of Delaware, boasts the western hemisphere's highest concentration of mosques - 85 in all - a Muslim speaker of the house in veteran politician Nizam Mohammed, and even a Muslim president, Noor Mohammed Hassanali.

Saudi Aramco World : Muslims in the Caribbean
I'd rather see Prince Muhammad deal with the extreme inbreeding of his country which is higher than even Pakistan. As high as seventy percent of Muslims in Saudi Arabia marry their first cousins. Yes, they are easier to control. This is the true dummy down of Arabians.

Muslims in Mexico will not have this cultural sickness. Go Mexico! Maybe you can change the Arabians inbreeding. :doubt:

Minister warns of ‘inbred’ Muslims

A government minister has warned that inbreeding among immigrants is causing a surge in birth defects - comments likely to spark a new row over the place of Muslims in British society.

Phil Woolas, an environment minister, said the culture of arranged marriages between first cousins was the “elephant in the room”. Woolas, a former race relations minister, said: “If you have a child with your cousin the likelihood is there’ll be a genetic problem.”

The minister, whose views were supported by medical experts this weekend, said: “The issue we need to debate is first cousin marriages, whereby a lot of arranged marriages are with first cousins, and that produces lots of genetic problems in terms of disability [in children].”

Medical research suggests that while British Pakistanis are responsible for 3% of all births, they account for one in three British children born with genetic illnesses.

“I have encountered cases of blindness and deafness. There was one poor girl who had to have an oxygen tank on her back and breathe from a hole in the front of her neck.

“The parents were warned they should not have any more children. But when the husband returned again from Pakistan, they had another child with exactly the same condition.”

This is the true Cultural Issue. PC or not. To my view, this is why the cultural interpretations are often quite insane.

Ropey this is totally :offtopic: and just another example of you Trolling in order to wreck threads. :evil:

Not at all. I am speaking to how I hope that the Muslims who do not come from the Arabian culture and who do not inbreed can possibly reform this cultural act. Mexico may well help Arabian Islam to reform.

That's on topic.

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