LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

I think minorities need to take a page out of the book from white people and only have children that you can actually afford to care for on your own without government help.
America as we know it, gone.

Geronimo could have said that too................

What do you propose we do about it? Insist on whites having more kids? Sterilize hispanic women?
But what percent of the Republican Party is "white"?

PRINCETON, NJ -- More than 6 in 10 Republicans today are white conservatives, while most of the rest are whites with other ideological leanings; only 11% of Republicans are Hispanics, or are blacks or members of other races. By contrast, only 12% of Democrats are white conservatives, while about half are white moderates or liberals and a third are nonwhite.

Republican Base Heavily White, Conservative, Religious

Actually, if you count in error, it's probably between 88% and 91% white.

Republicans have been calling me names for the last year for saying the Republican Party is 90% white and mostly Christian. When I point out that even though the majority of Democrats are white, those whites include poor, rich, gays, feminists, liberals, conservatives, atheists, college professors, scientists and so one. This is why the Democrats are a coalition and Republicans are not. In my mind, because of the way Republicans go after one minority or another, they are not a party, but a "gang".

When I asked how many "liberals" are in the Republican Party, the only one any could come up with was Arnold Schwarzenegger and even that is debatable.
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America as we know it, gone.

Geronimo could have said that too................

What do you propose we do about it? Insist on whites having more kids? Sterilize hispanic women?

Obviously the only two choices.
Poverty is home grown and supported by people like you that force a direct association between race and poverty. if anything, declining Caucasian birth rates indicate that white people are the poor ones, too poor to afford children.
I don't know why I bother reading the US boards, there are an insurmountable number of bigots and idiots with modest typing skills in this country.
what a racist thing to say

How is it racist? People often wonder how I, as a Hispanic, justify my views on being against illegal immigration and wanting to prevent/minimize cultural pollution from a third world country like Mexico. My answer is simple. I have nothing against any race, my issue is with their cultural values and economic effects on our country. Disliking what a group of people does, who happen to derive from a common race, or their effects on my country does not mean that my position is racist. What would be racist would be to accept undesirable traits simply because the group is composed of a given race.
Poverty is home grown and supported by people like you that force a direct association between race and poverty. if anything, declining Caucasian birth rates indicate that white people are the poor ones, too poor to afford children.
I don't know why I bother reading the US boards, there are an insurmountable number of bigots and idiots with modest typing skills in this country.

This is not true, upper and middle class whites usually only have a number of children they can afford without going on welfare and food stamps. Minorities like the Hispanics have alot of children they cannot afford on their own and use the help of food stamps and welfare to support them, are you saying whites need to do the same thing? taking care of a child nowadays is expensive, ain't no way anyone can take care of 5-6 children without assistance unless hes getting paid a nice salary.
If we had just not let those drunken worthless Irish in....

What ever happened to the melting pot concept?
So we kept the drunken worthless Irish out and accepted the drunken worthless 'others' - great going.
if anything, declining Caucasian birth rates indicate that white people are the poor ones, too poor to afford children.

This is unfounded. Being well to do does not create children. There are plenty of reason why people may choose to not have children, or chose to have only one or two children. One of those reasons is as a matter of responsibility. For example, I will never have children because I know that I will never be able to be a good parent. Thus the responsible thing for me to do is to avoid parenthood. Toward that end I make responsible decisions and actions regarding my sex life. On the other hand, Mexican culture does not embrace this kind of reproductive responsibility. There's a county just south of San Antonio, TX where I first lived when I first moved to Texas. The population is at least 90% Mexican, and everywhere you look you see rampant pregnancy of girls as young as 13 years old. On more than one occasion I would see a girl of 14 or 15 pushing a stroller with one child, carrying another on her hip, while she was pregnant with her third. If one of these girls reaches the age of 18 and has not yet had a child, the rest of the community is dumbstruck as to how and why not. Of course, these people aren't well to do at all. Most of them are pretty much dirt poor. But that doesn't stop them from having children.

I don't know why I bother reading the US boards, there are an insurmountable number of bigots and idiots with modest typing skills in this country.

I'm not usually inclined to harp on people's grammar or things like that, unless what they've written is simply unintelligible, but next time you complain about people's typing skills, I'd advise making sure that you've used proper capitalization the whole way through your post.

Just playing devil's advocate here, but the county directly south of San Antonio (Atascosa County), has 60.5% of it's population being any hispanic or latino descent. While this is high-it's a FAR cry from "at least 90%".

Atascosa County, Texas - Fact Sheet - American FactFinder
White people don't have as many children on average as Hispanic families, what do you suggest white folks do? start popping out kids left and right that they can't afford to care for?

No.That would be lowering the standard even further.
Many white people are slowly starting to wake up and realizing that all this "multi cultural" propaganda and forced "equality" is killing the country they built.

Hell yeah!!! then maybe we can all get some of that Obama money!!
No.That would be lowering the standard even further.
Many white people are slowly starting to wake up and realizing that all this "multi cultural" propaganda and forced "equality" is killing the country they built.

Now that's racist. Mulit races built this country. Blacks contributed 200 years of free labor. White people built it on the backs of Native Americans, Hispanic, Jews, and black, etc. It is the white people who has allowed the importation of poverty. White men, for the time being, is still running this country in to the ground.
White people, the founding father included, have blood stained hand that will never come clean.
Cheap illegal alien labor is theft and there was a documentary on showing how this country will end. Can't remember the name of it. We will never recover from what we are experiencing now. It's just the beginning of the end of America.

White people's achievements and inventions in this country far surpass what negroes ever did.White people founded this country.
Negro slaves were mostly used as farm animals...and they were living in the stone age in africa before they got captured by their own people and sold around the world as slaves.Actually they were better off in the long run.Ask any negro if he thinks he'd be better off in africa..

Native americans didn't establish governments or nations or states or laws or any type of formal civilization. The white man did all that.
They were basically just itinerant tribes moving here and there to keep up with the food.

Sorry, but there is no "equality" in nature. Nothing is "equal".

Well by you're own assessment..the tables are a turning..:lol:
Now that's racist. Mulit races built this country. Blacks contributed 200 years of free labor. White people built it on the backs of Native Americans, Hispanic, Jews, and black, etc. It is the white people who has allowed the importation of poverty. White men, for the time being, is still running this country in to the ground.
White people, the founding father included, have blood stained hand that will never come clean.
Cheap illegal alien labor is theft and there was a documentary on showing how this country will end. Can't remember the name of it. We will never recover from what we are experiencing now. It's just the beginning of the end of America.

White people's achievements and inventions in this country far surpass what negroes ever did.White people founded this country.
Negro slaves were mostly used as farm animals...and they were living in the stone age in africa before they got captured by their own people and sold around the world as slaves.Actually they were better off in the long run.Ask any negro if he thinks he'd be better off in africa..

Native americans didn't establish governments or nations or states or laws or any type of formal civilization. The white man did all that.
They were basically just itinerant tribes moving here and there to keep up with the food.

Sorry, but there is no "equality" in nature. Nothing is "equal".

Well by you're own assessment..the tables are a turning..:lol:

I don't get your point?...Can you elaborate?
White people don't have as many children on average as Hispanic families, what do you suggest white folks do? start popping out kids left and right that they can't afford to care for?

No.That would be lowering the standard even further.
Many white people are slowly starting to wake up and realizing that all this "multi cultural" propaganda and forced "equality" is killing the country they built.

Now that's racist. Mulit races built this country. Blacks contributed 200 years of free labor. White people built it on the backs of Native Americans, Hispanic, Jews, and black, etc. It is the white people who has allowed the importation of poverty. White men, for the time being, is still running this country in to the ground.
White people, the founding father included, have blood stained hand that will never come clean.
Cheap illegal alien labor is theft and there was a documentary on showing how this country will end. Can't remember the name of it. We will never recover from what we are experiencing now. It's just the beginning of the end of America.

The largest group of people that died in "World" War One and Two was white. Those people would have changed the numbers drastically.

Remember only Brazil sent 25,000 troops in WW2 and no Latin Americans fought in WW1. Cowards always seem to survive tragedies.
When a society stops caring about what happens to its people (as this one has of late) then you can pretty much expect that those people will not thrive.

Middle class families don't breed as quickly as the very poor because they try to space children according to their ability to raise them.

AS as it has been getting harder to start a family, buy a home and makes meet, those of us who were raised with middle class values started our careers later, marrying later and limiting the number of children we had.

Now if you're a Libertarian you see that as a wise decision for the individual, and it is a wise decision for middle class people with middle class aspiractions,

Sadly, its also a massive TRAGEDY OF THE COMMONS.


Because the middle class was the prodecitive class, and as fewer and fewer people can suvive in that class, and as their kids abaondon the values of that class, well then, we end up with more poor, more poor who breed like poor people, and more people who are less productive, too.

The THEORY that there is no society, and that society is nothing but individuals interaction is flawed.

In fact it's terribly flawed. What that is really describing isn't a social animal at all.

What that is describing is the law of jungle imposed on a society of men.

We ARE our brothers keepers, folks.

And not for any silly reason like because GOD wants us to, but because we are SOCIAL ANIMALS who must creates societies that serve both the indicidual in that society, and also the society itself.

We are a society going MAD, folks.

And not just America, but most of the world since our masters are becoming the masters of the world.
No.That would be lowering the standard even further.
Many white people are slowly starting to wake up and realizing that all this "multi cultural" propaganda and forced "equality" is killing the country they built.

Now that's racist. Mulit races built this country. Blacks contributed 200 years of free labor. White people built it on the backs of Native Americans, Hispanic, Jews, and black, etc. It is the white people who has allowed the importation of poverty. White men, for the time being, is still running this country in to the ground.
White people, the founding father included, have blood stained hand that will never come clean.
Cheap illegal alien labor is theft and there was a documentary on showing how this country will end. Can't remember the name of it. We will never recover from what we are experiencing now. It's just the beginning of the end of America.

White people's achievements and inventions in this country far surpass what negroes ever did.White people founded this country.
Negro slaves were mostly used as farm animals...and they were living in the stone age in africa before they got captured by their own people and sold around the world as slaves.Actually they were better off in the long run.Ask any negro if he thinks he'd be better off in africa..

Native americans didn't establish governments or nations or states or laws or any type of formal civilization. The white man did all that.
They were basically just itinerant tribes moving here and there to keep up with the food.

Sorry, but there is no "equality" in nature. Nothing is "equal".

Know your history. Africa contributed most of what white peole have stolen from them. Blacks are far more intellient than white.
Are you proud of civilization white man has created?:cuckoo:
Africa's Contribution To Contemporarily Western Civilization
By Edmund Zar-Zar Bargblor

The Perspective
Atlanta, Georgia

February 19, 2003

This article is a contribution to the continuing debate between Western and African scholars regarding the role Africans played in the development of modern civilization. According to Dr. George G. M. James, author of the book, Stolen Legacy," the authors of Greek philosophy were not the Greeks but the people of North Africa, commonly called the Egyptians; and the praise and honor falsely given to the Greeks for centuries belong to the people of North Africa, and therefore to the African continent."

Apparently, the impression given by some Western scholars that the African continent made little or no contributions to civilization, and that its people are naturally primitive has, unfortunately, become the basis of racial prejudice and negative perception directed against all people of African origin.

This article, therefore, is an overview of Africa's contributions to Western Civilization. As such, it will briefly trace the history of Africa beginning with the empire of ancient Egypt and continues on to other African empires that developed thereafter. It will also review some aspect of African Civilization and the impact it had on the development of Western Civilization.

Africa's Contribution To Contemporarily Western Civilization

Black are more intelligent and stronger. They survived 200 years of imprisoned an force labor and many atrocities. Black are my heros because they are the beginning of mankind and contributed to the world.

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