LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

Originally posted by High_Gravity
Its going to take Egypt decades to fix the problems they have in that country, Mubarak was just one man, removing him will do very little to change life for the average Egyptian.

Good comparison, HG. :thup: :thup:

Although I'd venture to say it's gonna take centuries, "if ever", for Mexico to fix its problems. I'm afraid I'm not as optimistic as you are.

Anyway it's DEFINITELY not as simple as a cake recipe as the members of this Board try to portray it in their attempts to blame Mexico's government for Mexico's underdevelopment and illegal immigration.
Originally posted by Angelhair
AND - Mexico can eradicate the PRODUCTION of the drugs that 'ONLY americans' consume....yeah, right!

SPEAKING OF THE DEVIL :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Angelhair and LilOlLady would make a lovely lesbian couple. They both blame Mexico for everything bad that happens under the sun (ie, in America) :lol: :lol:
José;3278424 said:
Originally posted by High_Gravity
Its going to take Egypt decades to fix the problems they have in that country, Mubarak was just one man, removing him will do very little to change life for the average Egyptian.

Good comparison, HG. :thup: :thup:

Although I'd venture to say it's gonna take centuries, "if ever", for Mexico to fix its problems. I'm afraid I'm not as optimistic as you are.

Anyway it's DEFINITELY not as simple as a cake recipe as the members of this Board try to portray it in their attempts to blame Mexico's government for Mexico's underdevelopment and illegal immigration.

Oh I agree, I have never been to Mexico but from what I read about there is a huge corruption problem there and the Cartels are running everything, and the funny thing about is the same Narcotics officers who try to bust the Cartels during the day work security for them at night! I think the first order of business for Mexico is to handle the Cartels, they are doing the same thing to Mexico that the Italian Mafia was doing in the US during prohibition. Either way yes, it will take a long time to make a significant change there, there are no overnight changes to stuff like this anywhere, even in the US.
Nevada not a border state but;
Nevada’s percentage of illegal immigrants in workforce tops nation
By Timothy Pratt

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 | 9:47 a.m.

Nevada tops the nation when it comes to the percentage of illegal immigrants in the workforce, according to a report issued today by the Pew Hispanic Center.

The Washington-based think tank estimates that 170,000 workers, or 12.2 percent of the state's total, are illegal immigrants. That is more than twice the national average, which is 5.4 percent. The top five were rounded out by California, Arizona, New Jersey and Florida. The figures are 2008 estimates.

The report also estimates that there are 230,000 undocumented immigrants in Nevada, placing the state 13th nationwide.

Other findings in the report include that 4 million children, or nearly three-fourths of the children born to illegal immigrants, are U.S. citizens by birth.

The report also notes that Nevada is one of five states in which at least one in 10 children in K-12 schools has a parent who is an illegal immigrant.

To read the full report go to

Nevada's percentage of illegal immigrants in workforce tops nation - Tuesday, April 14, 2009 | 9:47 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun

New Report: Nevada has Highest Rate of Illegal Immigrants and Illegal Workers
New Report: Nevada has Highest Rate of Illegal Immigrants and Il - KTVN Channel 2 - Reno Tahoe News Weather, Video -
Hi James:

I'm all for ending anchor babies, but what would you put in it's place? How do you determine who becomes a citizen and who doesn't?

That is simple: US Citizens are born to US Citizens in the USA 'legally.' Period. Anyone born to citizens of other countries here or abroad are citizens of the country where their parents 'are' citizens. Period.

I agree with this (I state so lower in my post).

I personally would like to see that the only way you're automatically a citizen if you're born here is if one of your parents is already a citizen at the time you're born (even if one is an illegal).

No. If one of the parents of anyone born here is 'illegal,' that flies in the face of being born here 'legally.' Here is a good lesson for everyone reading these posts: Legal = Legal and Illegal = Illegal.

If one of their parents is a citizen-then they shouldn't become a citizen? I disagree with that. Currently let's say you're born abroad and only one of your parents is American-you can still be granted American citizenship. You only need one parent to be an American-not both.

Those born to legal immigrants shouldn't automatically become citizens in my opinion-but should have a pathway to citizenship.

No. All you are doing is cheapening what it means to be a US Citizen, by allowing someone to be rewarded for engaging in 'illegal' activity. Note the bold type above again. If two Americans run to Canada or Mexico to have their child, that child is subject to the same jurisdiction of his or her parents; i.e., the USA. They should be booted back to the USA with their American child to live happily ever after. The same goes for illegals having their children in the USA. Ship the whole lot back to Mexico where they have the opportunity to get in line and return to the USA using the front door. NEVER give anyone a backdoor pathway to becoming a US Citizen, or your citizenship becomes a very cheap commodity indeed ...

No no no I said legal immigrants-not legal visitors. There's a difference. When you cross the border to Canada for example just to visit-you don't necessarily go through immigration (only if they suspect something, and want to check your background). You answer a few simple questions and are on your way. If you're immigrating to Canada (which I did for 3 years), you have to go through a very long and in depth process. It's not simply "running in" as you put it.

edit: And for the last part I agree if a child is born to two illegals in the USA-send them all back without citizenship. All for that.
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Funny how Republicans scream for MORE government when they target a new group of people.
Census estimates show big gains for US minorities
2010 … .By HOPE YEN,
Associated Press

WASHINGTON – U.S. racial minorities accounted for roughly 85 percent of the nation's population growth over the last decade — one of the largest shares ever — with Hispanics accounting for much of the gain in many of the states picking up new House seats.

Preliminary census estimates also suggest the number of multiracial Americans jumped roughly 20 percent since 2000, to over 5 million.

Census estimates show big gains for US minorities - Yahoo! News

Not really about race, but about importing poverty.
Importing poverty is right...and all of them resent white people, so they infiltrate the govt. and corrupt or manipulate it from the inside.
I think many people know this intuitively...We cater to the lowest common denominator in this country though, so it shouldn't really be a surprise to anyone.
what a racist thing to say

Racist but factual. Importation of poverty is leading to our demise quickly. American as we know it IS gone forever and poverty is growing us into the biggest third world nation. We will soon disolve the borders, can't control it now, and become like Mexico with all of Mexico's problems. Racist? Depends on who you are and how you want to look at it. American has been invaded and occupied by poverty.
Would it be racist if all the growth had been the wealthy of Mexico who were professionals like doctors, nurses,etc and actually contributed to the growth of our economy instead of contributing to the fall?:eusa_hand:
Immgrant of old even tho poor did not draw on the economy, they help build this country and ask nothing from it in return. Those coming in now are making no contribution. They have depeleted our welfare system, education system and legal system.
If Truthmatters, then speak the truth.
White people don't have as many children on average as Hispanic families, what do you suggest white folks do? start popping out kids left and right that they can't afford to care for?
White people don't have as many children on average as Hispanic families, what do you suggest white folks do? start popping out kids left and right that they can't afford to care for?

No.That would be lowering the standard even further.
Many white people are slowly starting to wake up and realizing that all this "multi cultural" propaganda and forced "equality" is killing the country they built.
The growth could be much higher since many Hispanics were afraid to fill out the forms.
White people don't have as many children on average as Hispanic families, what do you suggest white folks do? start popping out kids left and right that they can't afford to care for?

No.That would be lowering the standard even further.
Many white people are slowly starting to wake up and realizing that all this "multi cultural" propaganda and forced "equality" is killing the country they built.

Now that's racist. Mulit races built this country. Blacks contributed 200 years of free labor. White people built it on the backs of Native Americans, Hispanic, Jews, and black, etc. It is the white people who has allowed the importation of poverty. White men, for the time being, is still running this country in to the ground.
White people, the founding father included, have blood stained hand that will never come clean.
Cheap illegal alien labor is theft and there was a documentary on showing how this country will end. Can't remember the name of it. We will never recover from what we are experiencing now. It's just the beginning of the end of America.
White people don't have as many children on average as Hispanic families, what do you suggest white folks do? start popping out kids left and right that they can't afford to care for?

I would suggest we stop importing so much poverty who is creating more poverty. Poverty and not the lack of white people will be our destruction. I am against any race have kids I have to take care of. Hispanic happed to be the highest on the list right now. Black are accused of aborting their kids. Whites are not having enough. :confused:
But what percent of the Republican Party is "white"?

PRINCETON, NJ -- More than 6 in 10 Republicans today are white conservatives, while most of the rest are whites with other ideological leanings; only 11% of Republicans are Hispanics, or are blacks or members of other races. By contrast, only 12% of Democrats are white conservatives, while about half are white moderates or liberals and a third are nonwhite.

Republican Base Heavily White, Conservative, Religious
White people don't have as many children on average as Hispanic families, what do you suggest white folks do? start popping out kids left and right that they can't afford to care for?

No.That would be lowering the standard even further.
Many white people are slowly starting to wake up and realizing that all this "multi cultural" propaganda and forced "equality" is killing the country they built.

Now that's racist. Mulit races built this country. Blacks contributed 200 years of free labor. White people built it on the backs of Native Americans, Hispanic, Jews, and black, etc. It is the white people who has allowed the importation of poverty. White men, for the time being, is still running this country in to the ground.
White people, the founding father included, have blood stained hand that will never come clean.
Cheap illegal alien labor is theft and there was a documentary on showing how this country will end. Can't remember the name of it. We will never recover from what we are experiencing now. It's just the beginning of the end of America.

White people's achievements and inventions in this country far surpass what negroes ever did.White people founded this country.
Negro slaves were mostly used as farm animals...and they were living in the stone age in africa before they got captured by their own people and sold around the world as slaves.Actually they were better off in the long run.Ask any negro if he thinks he'd be better off in africa..

Native americans didn't establish governments or nations or states or laws or any type of formal civilization. The white man did all that.
They were basically just itinerant tribes moving here and there to keep up with the food.

Sorry, but there is no "equality" in nature. Nothing is "equal".

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