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The African Contribution to Technology and Science
by Yosef ben-Jochannan (1986)

(A lecture delivered for the Minority Ethnic Unit of the Greater London Council, London, England, March 6–8, 1986. It was addressed mainly to the African community in London consisting of African people from the Caribbean and African people from Africa.)
I will first express my appreciation for you having me here, and ask that you meticulously follow my comments, because as you know I'm known to be controversial, and that's an understatement. I'm controversial not because something is wrong with my documentation, but because I challenge Western hegemony.

Africa, as the label of my talk, cannot be spoken of in terms of Adam and Eve, because long before they had an Adam and Eve there was an Africa and African people, with concepts that predated Abraham. All of the pyramids of Africa, not only those in Egypt, but those in Sudan, and the two in northern Ethiopia (which the British and the Berlin Conference removed and put into southern Sudan), where built thousands of years before there was an Adam and Eve mentioned anywhere on the planet. When you get to the birth of Abraham, at the same time when the Africans along the Nile are already in their thirteenth dynastic period, there is no Adam and Eve, because the Hebrews gave you the concept of Adam and Eve. Most of you believe that it has something to do with facts, rather than theocracy.

To speak of Africa you would have to revise your concept of the Virgin Mary and understand that it's nothing but a copy of Isis, and her husband God Osiris. You will also have to go to the Nile Valley to the temples there and see that this is thousands of years before Westminster Abbey, and, of course the Vatican in Rome. You can go all over the Nile Valley and elsewhere, and I use the Nile Valley, particularly, in that the oldest records of man are still there in terms of monuments. Of course, there are a lot stolen from Africa here in London, and in Berlin or other such places.

Your ancestors gave to the world the calendar in 10,000 B.C.E. (Before the common "Christian" Era). That is 8,000 years before Adam and Eve. Your ancestors revised that dating system because of their understanding of the astronomical calculations. It is the science of astronomy that gives the ability to read calendars. Thus 10,000 B.C.E. saw the first calendar. The term is self explanatory, the solar calendar showing the relationship of the moon and the sun, etc. that gives us the basis of the present calendar, with 364 days corrected each year, instead of 365 days corrected each fourth year. And I will say again that there wasn't a single European society in existence at that time. The first European writer, Homer, had not been born yet. And when Homer was born and finally became literate because of the teachings the Africans gave him, he too started to corroborate the evidence your ancestors had by stating that even the gods of Europe, Greece, in particular, which was then called Pyrrhus, came from Ethiopia.

I'm sure that those of you who have been to college, if not here in England somewhere else, know that I'm quoting from two works of Homer, the Iliad and the Odyssey, which brought Europe and England into civilization. The African we must talk about is the African that caused people to understand science, medicine, law, engineering, etc. It is common at the universities here to deal with science as if the art of medicine came from a Greek named Hippocrates. We don't have Hippocrates until about 333 B.C.E. Yet we don't need any record other than Hippocrates himself to know that what is being taught at the universities here are lies.

One has to realize that Hippocrates himself, in what is called the Hippocratic Oath, wrote that he had a god named Escalipius, the Greek name for the God Imhotep. Imhotep had died 2500 years before the birth of Hippocrates. Imhotep is the first known multigenius other than the one you call Michelangelo. We don't have Michelangelo until 1609 and he is not known until he does the work of Pope Julius II, who commissioned Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Michelangelo used his cousin and other relatives as models for some of the biblical characters that he painted. The basis of engineering was created by Imhotep. He created the first stone structure; that building still stands in a place called Sakkara, about less than an hour north-west of what is today called Cairo. And here you will see the Grand Lodge of Djoser at Sakkara. That modern structure was built in the Third Dynasty, since Djoser was the third pharaoh of the Third Dynasty. Imhotep was the man who gave us the little quip, "eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we shall die."

The FIRST WORLD western university was the University of Jenne of Timbuktu. But as we continue, we realize that in the universities here you use paper to write on, and if it was not for paper the means of communication would not be as it is today. But in Egypt, Sudan and other such places, and I will remind you that Egypt is still in Africa, the Africans reached such a height in engineering that we even turned the Nile in an s-turn to cut down the flow when the inundation period came. That brings us to 2200 B.C. That means at least 1400 years before the first European wrote anything.

Africa, Mother Africa, as I prefer to call her, understanding that the Greeks called her Africa in about 500–400 B.C. I'm talking about the time when the first Greeks who had gone to Pyrrus, who had come into Egypt by way of Leba (now called Libya) and established their little villages in a little enclave, they then called Africa long before the continent was partitioned by the colonialists. I am speaking about 11.3 or 11.5 million square miles of land, where first the concept of a God and Goddess Nut is shown as the mother of the sky. Symbolically, the God Geb, the god of the earth, lived in a little chapel in the center of Hathor. The African woman is giving birth even to the sun, in the morning through her vagina and receiving the sun back in the evening through her mouth. This shows the whole rotation of the world, long before the world had a beginning and an end. These Africans along the Nile were to do more of this. They were to give us a God Osiris, where people went yearly to pay pilgrimage long before there was a wailing wall in Palestine or a myth of a Jesus born in Bethlehem, which changed at the Nicene Conference of Bishops, ordered by Constantine and removed from a cave in Ethiopia to a manger in Bethlehem.

It is Africa that gave birth to Hadzart Bilal ibn Rahab, who taught Mohammed ibn Abdullah, who was illiterate in his own language, not able to read and write. In spite of what your belief system may be, Hadzart Bilal ibn Rahab became the head of the Moslem embassies under Mohammed ibn Abdullah, Omar the Great, and Abu Bakr. I think that we need to know history before we can quote texts in religious scriptures.

There was a myth of Africa as the home of a people who ate each other and missionaries. I wish we did eat the missionaries, it's never too late! We've got to understand that this Africa we are speaking about even established Europe's greatest universities and first, the University of Salamanca in Spain. The Africa we are speaking about produced the ancestors of the present Queen of England, George III, the German king who spoke no English. We forget that Elizabeth's grandparents and ancestors are related to George III, who was the son of Alexander the Medici, the cardinal of Rome who later became Pope, and an Ethiopian woman by the name of Martha. So I have to say, don't worry too much about it because Elizabeth belongs to the family. The Africa, which you may not know, happened to give birth to Zinjanthropus Boisei by the Africans of Kenya. The Leakey family, Louis and Mary, dated him to 1.7 million years old. Adam is about 4000–5000 years. The Africa you do not know gave birth also to Lucy in Ethiopia dated 3.2 million years old, they are both in Kenyan and Ethiopian museums. And some of us are still ashamed to be Africans! Some of us pay money to have our nose reshaped, our hair fried and boiled and all sorts of things, because we don't know this Africa; we know the Africa of the slave trade with John Hawkins from London and the other little songs.

Yes, that is the phase of Africa. Surely, slavery is a phase of lives past, but slavery is a tiny little bit from 640 A.D. with the Arabs, 1506 A.D. with the Europeans to now as against what I'm talking about; it is minuscule by comparison, because if I wished to go back to Africa, not only when we were performing astronomy, engineering in establishing the pyramids and so forth, but when we gave to the world the fundamental moral concept. "I have not killed man or woman." This is a response to the admonishing of the Goddess Maat. You notice that every time we talk about justice and rights we have as African woman representing the scale of justice. The response to the admonishing which would have stated, "You shall not speak ill of your mother and your father; you shall not kill man or woman; you shall not hide a light under a bushel," sounds familiar to you because they said some guy named Moses discovered them thousands of years later on Mount Sinai.

Yet they said Moses was born in Goshen. This is the Goshen in Egypt according to the Torah or the Old Testament in the Book of Exodus. Moses had to be trained, and if he was born and lived there (for between age one to eighty-five years of age), according to your Bible, then he must have read this, because he was taught in the Grand Lodge. If he went to the lodge at age seven as a young boy, then he did not come out until he was forty-seven, because it took forty years of training to make a priest in all of the disciplines. So then, Moses came as nothing but a copy of the Egyptian priests and Teachings of The Egyptian Mysteries System.

These same Africans went on to give us the concept of the monotheistic deity. Thus it was that Amenhotep IV, who changed his name to Akhenaton, who gave us the concept of a solitary god by the name of Aten. Akhenaton died long before the birth of Moses. Is it possible for you to come to England, go to kindergarten here, go to elementary school, college, do post-doctoral work and never hear of the English national anthem, the Magna Carta, or Queen Anne's stature? Is it possible, just as it was for Moses to be born in Egypt, a soul brother, because his first wife was Deborah, according to the Bible, and had never heard of Akhenaton.

And it is said that when Moses was running away from the Pharaoh for committing murder (before he got the rod of Mount Sinai), and his brother Aaron was charged for stealing from the Pharaoh's treasury, he met Deborah. It would seem to be that Deborah said, "That Egyptian," pointing to Moses; there was nothing in Moses to tell that he was Jewish; he was not wearing any special clothes; he looked like any other soul brother you can find in London, the Caribbean, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Ghana, the South Pacific. And then you say you are the minority! You are members of the third world. I am not a member of the third world, I am a member of the first world.

When one of the first of the so-called philosophers came to Egypt, we see him before 640 B.C.E. When he was supposed to have released his philosophical thinking, he is in Egypt. From Socrates down to Aristotle, the so-called post-Socratian philosopher, every one of them spent several years in Egypt and of course the only one who couldn't come since he was the creation of Plato's mind, was Socrates. And even he (Socrates) was supposed to have taken the hemlock for teaching African philosophy: "Socrates is an evil doer" was part of the charge against him. Plato had to run (and all the others) for teaching this philosophy. Would you have to run from England for teaching English history? Neither would the Greek government persecute the Greek philosophers for teaching Greek philosophy. It was somebody's Philosophy they were teaching, and where did they go to school to know whose philosophy?

It is not until the Persians in 525 B.C.E. allowed them in, and it was not until 323 B.C.E. at the death of Alexander, the son of Philip of Macedonia, that Aristotle was allowed by General Soter (who changed his name to Ptolemy I) to have Tusak to bring those works down, that the Greeks had access to Egyptian works. Those who could study in Egypt for themselves did so, while some were sent over to Greece where they established what they called the Peripatetic schools in what later was called Alexandria, out of African materials.

Is that the Africa you know? It couldn't be, otherwise you couldn't be praising your masters; you would be going back to your educational past and be your own master, at least if not physically, mentally. It is difficult, because colonialism brings to us a kind of history written by the conqueror for the conquered to read and enjoy. When the conquered looks around and finds that even God speaks from the heart of the conqueror, the conquered then becomes suspicious of God. What is God's interest in all of this? It is not the African who said in the Songs of Solomon, Chapter 1, Verses 1–9, and when you get to 8 and 9, it says, "Ye daughters of Canaan look not upon me because I am black, because I'm beautiful. My mother put me in the vineyard, but my sister, she kept indoors." That is why the Queen of Sheba turned black. I thought it was because her mother and father were black! But even in the Bible you find lies, racism and all that. As if we didn't have Bibles. We have "The Book of the Dead" which was changed right here in London from its original name in 1895 at the British Museum. It was called "The Book of Coming Forth By Day and Night." We have the "Book of the Divines," "The Book of Judgment," "The Heart of Judgment," and other such works, that preceded the Old Testament and the Jewish Kabala by thousands of years.

The Africans gave us the concept against murder. When the Shipwats at the Temple of Philos, a Greek word, which means Angelica, by the way, of the Goddess Auset, which the Greeks called Isis, and her son Heru, who the Greeks called Horus, and all the gods viewed the murder of Osiris by his brother Seth. A murder that preceded the Cain and Abel murder by thousands of years, beginning on the island of Angelica, continuing at the Temple of the God Horus, continuing further and you see the Virgin Birth and Immaculate Conception. It is here long before you see it in lifestyle, and you can see in life-size the drama that preceded Greece, showing Horus killing his uncle for the revenge of killing his father, showing his uncle symbolically as a hippopotamus.

This continued to the Temple of Osiris in Abydos, where pictures of the Virgin Birth, the Resurrection, showing Osiris' penis perpendicular to his body, being symbolic to the resurrection. When you go there you will see it all over the place. Those of you who have been to Egypt know that life is shown as the penis coming out of Peta's naval, representative of the extension of the umbilical cord, which is the extension of life, the source of life.

The Africa that I have spoken of, you need to know, and no one can keep you a slave after you know it. In America there is a saying that "A mind is a terrible thing to waste." It is said on television all the time by people who call themselves "The United Negro College Fund." You can only waste your mind on that one, and by using the term "negro" it indicates they've got no minds, because I have been looking for a negro, and I haven't found one in umpteen years. Because I'm not a Portuguese, I don't create negroes nor Negroland. I'm an African, and that word we need to deal with as having come from the Greeks. I guess some say it has got good connotations. So I beg of you to always carry a mirror, whether you are a man or a woman, to look at yourself daily. Then you've got to have a good feeling about that face you've got, the texture of hair you've got, and all the fine features you've got. I don't know about you, brothers, but when I look at the face of that African woman, I see heaven!

Buy books by Dr. Yosef Ben-Jochannan

The African Contribution to Technology and Science

Only thing most whites know about Blacks is slavery, natived representived in american produced movies on africans, drugs and welfare. Whites always depict Blacks in a negative position.
Western civilization would not exis if not of the blacks and native americans who welcome them to share the new world and as history repeats it's self White got greedy and wanted it all and still do. Got to have their noses in every county> if they cannot control it they destroy it.
Now that's racist. Mulit races built this country. Blacks contributed 200 years of free labor. White people built it on the backs of Native Americans, Hispanic, Jews, and black, etc. It is the white people who has allowed the importation of poverty. White men, for the time being, is still running this country in to the ground.
White people, the founding father included, have blood stained hand that will never come clean.
Cheap illegal alien labor is theft and there was a documentary on showing how this country will end. Can't remember the name of it. We will never recover from what we are experiencing now. It's just the beginning of the end of America.

White people's achievements and inventions in this country far surpass what negroes ever did.White people founded this country.
Negro slaves were mostly used as farm animals...and they were living in the stone age in africa before they got captured by their own people and sold around the world as slaves.Actually they were better off in the long run.Ask any negro if he thinks he'd be better off in africa..

Native americans didn't establish governments or nations or states or laws or any type of formal civilization. The white man did all that.
They were basically just itinerant tribes moving here and there to keep up with the food.

Sorry, but there is no "equality" in nature. Nothing is "equal".

Know your history. Africa contributed most of what white peole have stolen from them. Blacks are far more intellient than white.
Are you proud of civilization white man has created?:cuckoo:

Name all the things negroes invented that were stolen by the white man.

Negroes are most assuredly not more intelligent on average...We've already been over that. The average negro IQ in america is around 80-85.
The African Contribution to Technology and Science
by Yosef ben-Jochannan (1986)

(A lecture delivered for the Minority Ethnic Unit of the Greater London Council, London, England, March 6–8, 1986. It was addressed mainly to the African community in London consisting of African people from the Caribbean and African people from Africa.)
I will first express my appreciation for you having me here, and ask that you meticulously follow my comments, because as you know I'm known to be controversial, and that's an understatement. I'm controversial not because something is wrong with my documentation, but because I challenge Western hegemony.

Africa, as the label of my talk, cannot be spoken of in terms of Adam and Eve, because long before they had an Adam and Eve there was an Africa and African people, with concepts that predated Abraham. All of the pyramids of Africa, not only those in Egypt, but those in Sudan, and the two in northern Ethiopia (which the British and the Berlin Conference removed and put into southern Sudan), where built thousands of years before there was an Adam and Eve mentioned anywhere on the planet. When you get to the birth of Abraham, at the same time when the Africans along the Nile are already in their thirteenth dynastic period, there is no Adam and Eve, because the Hebrews gave you the concept of Adam and Eve. Most of you believe that it has something to do with facts, rather than theocracy.

To speak of Africa you would have to revise your concept of the Virgin Mary and understand that it's nothing but a copy of Isis, and her husband God Osiris. You will also have to go to the Nile Valley to the temples there and see that this is thousands of years before Westminster Abbey, and, of course the Vatican in Rome. You can go all over the Nile Valley and elsewhere, and I use the Nile Valley, particularly, in that the oldest records of man are still there in terms of monuments. Of course, there are a lot stolen from Africa here in London, and in Berlin or other such places.

Your ancestors gave to the world the calendar in 10,000 B.C.E. (Before the common "Christian" Era). That is 8,000 years before Adam and Eve. Your ancestors revised that dating system because of their understanding of the astronomical calculations. It is the science of astronomy that gives the ability to read calendars. Thus 10,000 B.C.E. saw the first calendar. The term is self explanatory, the solar calendar showing the relationship of the moon and the sun, etc. that gives us the basis of the present calendar, with 364 days corrected each year, instead of 365 days corrected each fourth year. And I will say again that there wasn't a single European society in existence at that time. The first European writer, Homer, had not been born yet. And when Homer was born and finally became literate because of the teachings the Africans gave him, he too started to corroborate the evidence your ancestors had by stating that even the gods of Europe, Greece, in particular, which was then called Pyrrhus, came from Ethiopia.

I'm sure that those of you who have been to college, if not here in England somewhere else, know that I'm quoting from two works of Homer, the Iliad and the Odyssey, which brought Europe and England into civilization. The African we must talk about is the African that caused people to understand science, medicine, law, engineering, etc. It is common at the universities here to deal with science as if the art of medicine came from a Greek named Hippocrates. We don't have Hippocrates until about 333 B.C.E. Yet we don't need any record other than Hippocrates himself to know that what is being taught at the universities here are lies.

One has to realize that Hippocrates himself, in what is called the Hippocratic Oath, wrote that he had a god named Escalipius, the Greek name for the God Imhotep. Imhotep had died 2500 years before the birth of Hippocrates. Imhotep is the first known multigenius other than the one you call Michelangelo. We don't have Michelangelo until 1609 and he is not known until he does the work of Pope Julius II, who commissioned Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Michelangelo used his cousin and other relatives as models for some of the biblical characters that he painted. The basis of engineering was created by Imhotep. He created the first stone structure; that building still stands in a place called Sakkara, about less than an hour north-west of what is today called Cairo. And here you will see the Grand Lodge of Djoser at Sakkara. That modern structure was built in the Third Dynasty, since Djoser was the third pharaoh of the Third Dynasty. Imhotep was the man who gave us the little quip, "eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we shall die."

The FIRST WORLD western university was the University of Jenne of Timbuktu. But as we continue, we realize that in the universities here you use paper to write on, and if it was not for paper the means of communication would not be as it is today. But in Egypt, Sudan and other such places, and I will remind you that Egypt is still in Africa, the Africans reached such a height in engineering that we even turned the Nile in an s-turn to cut down the flow when the inundation period came. That brings us to 2200 B.C. That means at least 1400 years before the first European wrote anything.

Africa, Mother Africa, as I prefer to call her, understanding that the Greeks called her Africa in about 500–400 B.C. I'm talking about the time when the first Greeks who had gone to Pyrrus, who had come into Egypt by way of Leba (now called Libya) and established their little villages in a little enclave, they then called Africa long before the continent was partitioned by the colonialists. I am speaking about 11.3 or 11.5 million square miles of land, where first the concept of a God and Goddess Nut is shown as the mother of the sky. Symbolically, the God Geb, the god of the earth, lived in a little chapel in the center of Hathor. The African woman is giving birth even to the sun, in the morning through her vagina and receiving the sun back in the evening through her mouth. This shows the whole rotation of the world, long before the world had a beginning and an end. These Africans along the Nile were to do more of this. They were to give us a God Osiris, where people went yearly to pay pilgrimage long before there was a wailing wall in Palestine or a myth of a Jesus born in Bethlehem, which changed at the Nicene Conference of Bishops, ordered by Constantine and removed from a cave in Ethiopia to a manger in Bethlehem.

It is Africa that gave birth to Hadzart Bilal ibn Rahab, who taught Mohammed ibn Abdullah, who was illiterate in his own language, not able to read and write. In spite of what your belief system may be, Hadzart Bilal ibn Rahab became the head of the Moslem embassies under Mohammed ibn Abdullah, Omar the Great, and Abu Bakr. I think that we need to know history before we can quote texts in religious scriptures.

There was a myth of Africa as the home of a people who ate each other and missionaries. I wish we did eat the missionaries, it's never too late! We've got to understand that this Africa we are speaking about even established Europe's greatest universities and first, the University of Salamanca in Spain. The Africa we are speaking about produced the ancestors of the present Queen of England, George III, the German king who spoke no English. We forget that Elizabeth's grandparents and ancestors are related to George III, who was the son of Alexander the Medici, the cardinal of Rome who later became Pope, and an Ethiopian woman by the name of Martha. So I have to say, don't worry too much about it because Elizabeth belongs to the family. The Africa, which you may not know, happened to give birth to Zinjanthropus Boisei by the Africans of Kenya. The Leakey family, Louis and Mary, dated him to 1.7 million years old. Adam is about 4000–5000 years. The Africa you do not know gave birth also to Lucy in Ethiopia dated 3.2 million years old, they are both in Kenyan and Ethiopian museums. And some of us are still ashamed to be Africans! Some of us pay money to have our nose reshaped, our hair fried and boiled and all sorts of things, because we don't know this Africa; we know the Africa of the slave trade with John Hawkins from London and the other little songs.

Yes, that is the phase of Africa. Surely, slavery is a phase of lives past, but slavery is a tiny little bit from 640 A.D. with the Arabs, 1506 A.D. with the Europeans to now as against what I'm talking about; it is minuscule by comparison, because if I wished to go back to Africa, not only when we were performing astronomy, engineering in establishing the pyramids and so forth, but when we gave to the world the fundamental moral concept. "I have not killed man or woman." This is a response to the admonishing of the Goddess Maat. You notice that every time we talk about justice and rights we have as African woman representing the scale of justice. The response to the admonishing which would have stated, "You shall not speak ill of your mother and your father; you shall not kill man or woman; you shall not hide a light under a bushel," sounds familiar to you because they said some guy named Moses discovered them thousands of years later on Mount Sinai.

Yet they said Moses was born in Goshen. This is the Goshen in Egypt according to the Torah or the Old Testament in the Book of Exodus. Moses had to be trained, and if he was born and lived there (for between age one to eighty-five years of age), according to your Bible, then he must have read this, because he was taught in the Grand Lodge. If he went to the lodge at age seven as a young boy, then he did not come out until he was forty-seven, because it took forty years of training to make a priest in all of the disciplines. So then, Moses came as nothing but a copy of the Egyptian priests and Teachings of The Egyptian Mysteries System.

These same Africans went on to give us the concept of the monotheistic deity. Thus it was that Amenhotep IV, who changed his name to Akhenaton, who gave us the concept of a solitary god by the name of Aten. Akhenaton died long before the birth of Moses. Is it possible for you to come to England, go to kindergarten here, go to elementary school, college, do post-doctoral work and never hear of the English national anthem, the Magna Carta, or Queen Anne's stature? Is it possible, just as it was for Moses to be born in Egypt, a soul brother, because his first wife was Deborah, according to the Bible, and had never heard of Akhenaton.

And it is said that when Moses was running away from the Pharaoh for committing murder (before he got the rod of Mount Sinai), and his brother Aaron was charged for stealing from the Pharaoh's treasury, he met Deborah. It would seem to be that Deborah said, "That Egyptian," pointing to Moses; there was nothing in Moses to tell that he was Jewish; he was not wearing any special clothes; he looked like any other soul brother you can find in London, the Caribbean, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Ghana, the South Pacific. And then you say you are the minority! You are members of the third world. I am not a member of the third world, I am a member of the first world.

When one of the first of the so-called philosophers came to Egypt, we see him before 640 B.C.E. When he was supposed to have released his philosophical thinking, he is in Egypt. From Socrates down to Aristotle, the so-called post-Socratian philosopher, every one of them spent several years in Egypt and of course the only one who couldn't come since he was the creation of Plato's mind, was Socrates. And even he (Socrates) was supposed to have taken the hemlock for teaching African philosophy: "Socrates is an evil doer" was part of the charge against him. Plato had to run (and all the others) for teaching this philosophy. Would you have to run from England for teaching English history? Neither would the Greek government persecute the Greek philosophers for teaching Greek philosophy. It was somebody's Philosophy they were teaching, and where did they go to school to know whose philosophy?

It is not until the Persians in 525 B.C.E. allowed them in, and it was not until 323 B.C.E. at the death of Alexander, the son of Philip of Macedonia, that Aristotle was allowed by General Soter (who changed his name to Ptolemy I) to have Tusak to bring those works down, that the Greeks had access to Egyptian works. Those who could study in Egypt for themselves did so, while some were sent over to Greece where they established what they called the Peripatetic schools in what later was called Alexandria, out of African materials.

Is that the Africa you know? It couldn't be, otherwise you couldn't be praising your masters; you would be going back to your educational past and be your own master, at least if not physically, mentally. It is difficult, because colonialism brings to us a kind of history written by the conqueror for the conquered to read and enjoy. When the conquered looks around and finds that even God speaks from the heart of the conqueror, the conquered then becomes suspicious of God. What is God's interest in all of this? It is not the African who said in the Songs of Solomon, Chapter 1, Verses 1–9, and when you get to 8 and 9, it says, "Ye daughters of Canaan look not upon me because I am black, because I'm beautiful. My mother put me in the vineyard, but my sister, she kept indoors." That is why the Queen of Sheba turned black. I thought it was because her mother and father were black! But even in the Bible you find lies, racism and all that. As if we didn't have Bibles. We have "The Book of the Dead" which was changed right here in London from its original name in 1895 at the British Museum. It was called "The Book of Coming Forth By Day and Night." We have the "Book of the Divines," "The Book of Judgment," "The Heart of Judgment," and other such works, that preceded the Old Testament and the Jewish Kabala by thousands of years.

The Africans gave us the concept against murder. When the Shipwats at the Temple of Philos, a Greek word, which means Angelica, by the way, of the Goddess Auset, which the Greeks called Isis, and her son Heru, who the Greeks called Horus, and all the gods viewed the murder of Osiris by his brother Seth. A murder that preceded the Cain and Abel murder by thousands of years, beginning on the island of Angelica, continuing at the Temple of the God Horus, continuing further and you see the Virgin Birth and Immaculate Conception. It is here long before you see it in lifestyle, and you can see in life-size the drama that preceded Greece, showing Horus killing his uncle for the revenge of killing his father, showing his uncle symbolically as a hippopotamus.

This continued to the Temple of Osiris in Abydos, where pictures of the Virgin Birth, the Resurrection, showing Osiris' penis perpendicular to his body, being symbolic to the resurrection. When you go there you will see it all over the place. Those of you who have been to Egypt know that life is shown as the penis coming out of Peta's naval, representative of the extension of the umbilical cord, which is the extension of life, the source of life.

The Africa that I have spoken of, you need to know, and no one can keep you a slave after you know it. In America there is a saying that "A mind is a terrible thing to waste." It is said on television all the time by people who call themselves "The United Negro College Fund." You can only waste your mind on that one, and by using the term "negro" it indicates they've got no minds, because I have been looking for a negro, and I haven't found one in umpteen years. Because I'm not a Portuguese, I don't create negroes nor Negroland. I'm an African, and that word we need to deal with as having come from the Greeks. I guess some say it has got good connotations. So I beg of you to always carry a mirror, whether you are a man or a woman, to look at yourself daily. Then you've got to have a good feeling about that face you've got, the texture of hair you've got, and all the fine features you've got. I don't know about you, brothers, but when I look at the face of that African woman, I see heaven!

Buy books by Dr. Yosef Ben-Jochannan

The African Contribution to Technology and Science

Only thing most whites know about Blacks is slavery, natived representived in american produced movies on africans, drugs and welfare. Whites always depict Blacks in a negative position.
Western civilization would not exis if not of the blacks and native americans who welcome them to share the new world and as history repeats it's self White got greedy and wanted it all and still do. Got to have their noses in every county> if they cannot control it they destroy it.

Afro centrist gibberish.
Here's the reality...White people created "western civilization".

A short one hundred years ago, the sun never set on the empires of our people. At that time we had brought forth the finest music, explored to the uttermost ends of the earth, pioneered care of the environment and kindness to animals, made the most startling discoveries, created the greatest inventions, wrote the most profound literature, established colonies in foreign lands that — despite contemporary assertion — improved the lot of the indigenous peoples, and began unlocking the very secrets of Nature Herself.

Yes, from us have come the most gifted intellects the world has ever seen:Caesar, Pythagoras, Dickens, Bach, Alexander, Da Vinci, Pasteur, Newton, Edison, Gutenberg, Mannerheim, Twain, Washington, Goethe, Lee, Ericsson, Ford, Beethoven, Nietzsche, Franklin, Von Braun, Socrates, London, Rembrandt, Kipling, Lindbergh, Dante, Shakespeare, Bell, Napoleon, Magellan, Amundsen, Mozart, Plato, Wagner, Copernicus and Galileo, (ahem) to name a few.

Name some inventions by negroes. Just pick the first 10 that come to FIVE..give me 5 if you can.
Not really about race, but about importing poverty.

AND you can thank some of the biggest corporations in this country for that. Thank big Agra and the meat monopolies, everyone!!! The majority of their workforce is illegal labor. Did you know they broadcast job openings for illegals in Mexico, Latin and South America? They do. Did you know that they physically bus workers in? Did you? Maybe you should take it up with them.
1. The cotton gin
2. Peanut butter
3. The Jenny Coupler
4. Pre-cursor to the street sweeper
5. Potato chips
6. Blood/plasm separation
7. The Super Soaker
8. The egg-beater
9. Gas Masks
10. Automatic traffic signals
'Know your history. Africa contributed most of what white peole have stolen from them. Blacks are far more intellient than white. Are you proud of civilization white man has created?'

I know I AM - as I have yet to see a country which is run by blacks AND latinos and that have prospered and progressed!!! They all live in misery plus extreme poverty. Another red flag that whites have created great countries is seeing so many fleeing from countries run by these two races to countries run and founded by WHITES!!!! So go smoke that one.
1. The cotton gin
2. Peanut butter
3. The Jenny Coupler
4. Pre-cursor to the street sweeper
5. Potato chips
6. Blood/plasm separation
7. The Super Soaker
8. The egg-beater
9. Gas Masks
10. Automatic traffic signals

LMFAO...where did you get all that bullshit. You need to read more and type less.Here, let me educate you;

1.Well, hell..Eli Whitney was a white man.

2.G.W. Carver invented peanut butter?..Is that the lie you're perpetrating now?

Wrong again, my boy.
George Washington Carver 1864-1943 ( began his peanut research in 1903).

Peanuts, which are native to the New World tropics, were mashed into paste by Aztecs hundreds of years ago. Evidence of modern peanut butter comes from US patent #306727 issued to Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Montreal, Quebec in 1884, for a process of milling roasted peanuts between heated surfaces until the peanuts reached "a fluid or semi-fluid state." As the product cooled, it set into what Edson described as "a consistency like that of butter, lard, or ointment." In 1890, George A. Bayle Jr., owner of a food business in St. Louis, manufactured peanut butter and sold it out of barrels. J.H. Kellogg, of cereal fame, secured US patent #580787 in 1897 for his "Process of Preparing Nutmeal," which produced a "pasty adhesive substance" that Kellogg called "nut-butter."

3. Are you implying that the negro Andrew Beard invented the "Jenny [sic] coupler" in 1897?
you're wrong..
The Janney coupler is named for US Civil War veteran Eli H. Janney, who in 1873 invented a device (US patent #138405) which automatically linked together two railroad cars upon their being brought into contact. Also known as the "knuckle coupler," Janney's invention superseded the dangerous link-and-pin coupler and became the basis for standard coupler design through the remainder of the millennium.
Andrew Beard's modified knuckle coupler was just one of approximately eight thousand coupler variations patented by 1900. See a history of the automatic coupler and also The Janney Coupler.

4.Charles Brooks in 1896? Is that your claim?

Brooks' patent was for a modified version of a common type of street sweeper cart that had long been known, with a rotary brush that swept refuse onto an elevator belt and into a trash bin. In the United States, street sweepers started being patented in the 1840s, and by 1900 the Patent Office had issued about 300 patents for such machines.

5.Potato chips, huh? Well, there's no evidence to argue about.
If you want to believe that IN THE WHOLE HISTORY OF PLANET EARTH NO ONE EVER THOUGHT ABOUT CUTTING POTATOES INTO SLICES AND FRYING one else ever did it...some negro somewhere was the first EVER ...ok...sure..whatever you say...LMFAO...

6.Did Charles Drew "discover" (around 1940) that plasma could be separated and stored apart from the rest of the blood, thereby revolutionizing transfusion medicine? Hell no.

The possibility of using blood plasma for transfusion purposes was known at least since 1918, when English physician Gordon R. Ward suggested it in a medical journal. In the mid-1930s, John Elliott advanced the idea, emphasizing plasma's advantages in shelf life and donor-recipient compatibility, and in 1939 he and two colleagues reported having used stored plasma in 191 transfusions. (See historical notes on plasma use.) Charles Drew was not responsible for any breakthrough scientific or medical discovery; his main career achievement lay in supervising or co-supervising major programs for the collection and shipment of blood and plasma.

7.Super Soaker?..I don't know for sure what that is?..Is it a big water gun?
A negro "invented" the water gun?
C'mon man.. get serious.

8.Willie Johnson in 1884? Nope.

The hand-cranked egg beater with two intermeshed, counter-rotating whisks was invented by Turner Williams of Providence, Rhode Island in 1870 (US Patent #103811). It was an improvement on earlier rotary egg beaters that had only one whisk.

9.Garrett Morgan in 1914? Nope.

The invention of the gas mask predates Morgan's breathing device by several decades. Early versions were constructed by the Scottish chemist John Stenhouse in 1854 and the physicist John Tyndall in the 1870s, among many other inventors prior to World War I.

10.Invented by Garrett A. Morgan in 1923? hahahahahaha...too funny!

The first known traffic signal appeared in London in 1868 near the Houses of Parliament. Designed by JP Knight, it featured two semaphore arms and two gas lamps. The earliest electric traffic lights include Lester Wire's two-color version set up in Salt Lake City circa 1912, James Hoge's system (US patent #1,251,666) installed in Cleveland by the American Traffic Signal Company in 1914, and William Potts' 4-way red-yellow-green lights introduced in Detroit beginning in 1920. New York City traffic towers began flashing three-color signals also in 1920.

Garrett Morgan's cross-shaped, crank-operated semaphore was not among the first half-hundred patented traffic signals, nor was it "automatic" as is sometimes claimed, nor did it play any part in the evolution of the modern traffic light.

All this afro centrist revisionist bullshit...who teaches people these lies about negroes "inventing" shit that they had NOTHING TO DO WITH?..
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"American as we know it; Gone"

Let's see. I am 58 years old and America as I know it has changed constantly since I was a tot old enough to start having reasoning ability. What America point in time are we talking about here?
"'Know your history. Africa contributed most of what white peole have stolen from them. Blacks are far more intellient than white. Are you proud of civilization white man has created?'

Oh jeez....what the hell is this?
Let's call a spade a spade here - America is what it is because of whites. Yes, many other races have contributed but NOT as much as whites have. Why is it so hard to admit that???? I have seen more bashing on whites in the past few years than I have in my lifetime. What the hell is going on??? Is this what is meant by reverse racism???? It seems that many minorities have a very hard time accepting the history of the USA. They either lie about it or want to change it to meet their 'needs'. Foolish!
Let's call a spade a spade here - America is what it is because of whites. Yes, many other races have contributed but NOT as much as whites have. Why is it so hard to admit that????

First of all, because it's not true. How much do you think was contributed to this country by black slaves? The reason America was ever able to sustain itself was because it had a strong economy built on illegally obtained tobacco crop. How many white people do you think were working to harvest crops on tobacco plantations? The various contributions to our country are not based on race. Many people, of various socio-economic backgrounds all provided vital contributions to the US.

I have seen more bashing on whites in the past few years than I have in my lifetime. What the hell is going on??? Is this what is meant by reverse racism???

Yes, it is reverse racism. However, there is no substantial difference in how much it occurs presently, to a few years ago. It has been a problem for about two decades. However, it does not justify dismissing the contributions of various people to our country, of any claim of one race being more important than another. Doing so is, itself, merely a reverse-reverse racism.

It seems that many minorities have a very hard time accepting the history of the USA. They either lie about it or want to change it to meet their 'needs'. Foolish!

I have never seen any substantial effort by any person or group to lie or change our history for the sake of elevating minorities. Some people may emphasize various aspects, or have different interpretations, but that is not an attempt to lie or change the history. However, your own statements betray an ignorance about our history. Whether it is an intentional or accidental ignorance remains to be seen.
If blacks and hispanics were worth a shit, the countrys they came from would show it
Mexico is a country with very strong traditions, values and cultural customs. I truly don't see Islam taking root; and radical Islam stands a snowball's chance in hell. Not saying that Mexicans are devout Catholics; however, the Catholic religion is very much a strong part of Mexican culture.

But some of you are determined to believe what you will.

I see the likelihood of the streets of Juarez being littered with bodies of radical Muslims than some iman successfully converting enough souls to carry out some fatwah.
Forget federal government, we'll build fence ourselves!
Plan makes illegal immigrants pay for states to secure U.S. border
January 30, 2011
By Drew Zahn
© 2011 WorldNetDaily

Mississippi State Sen. Joey Fillingane

A Mississippi legislator has caught on to an idea that if the federal government won't complete a border fence separating the United States from Mexico, the states will – and he's planning on taxing illegal immigrants to fund it.

Republican State Sen. Joey Fillingane has filed S.B. 2255, which would charge a fee on all money transfers wired out of the United States, then count the amount as a credit on Mississippi citizens' tax returns. The result: Only illegal immigrants sending money abroad would ultimately pay the fees, since they cannot file tax returns to receive a refund.

Read more: Forget federal government, we'll build fence ourselves! Forget federal government, we'll build fence ourselves!

LilolLady, I think that is a marvelous idea! If that would catch on with the lower 48, and make that charge a reasonable amount, say $100.00, maybe we could see a wall in a reasonable time! Darn Feds!
Go , go, go Mississippi!!! If CA built a fence in San Diego, why not Mississippi????

Q&A: Building a Barrier Along the Border with Mexico

One of the most controversial proposals in the debate about immigration would create a high-tech fence along one-third of the U.S. border with Mexico. Approved by the House in December, the barrier is modeled on an existing 14-mile fence between San Diego, Calif., and Tijuana, Mexico. Supporters say the fencing would bolster homeland security and curb illegal immigration. Opponents decry it as a new "Berlin Wall," antithetical to the American ideal of an open society, and the plan has sparked protests by Hispanic immigrants across the country. NPR's Ted Robbins helps explain the proposal and existing strategies.

Related NPR Stories
San Diego Fence Provides Lessons in Border Control

April 6, 2006
Q: How long has the San Diego/Tijuana border fence been in the works?

The fence has been under construction since 1993. Lawsuits and environmental regulations have stalled completion of the final 3.5 miles, which go through a tidal estuary next to the Pacific Ocean. Last fall, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff used his authority to waive some legal requirements that were bogging down the process.

The government says that about $39 million has been spent on the project so far, though some critics think that's a conservative figure. The Department of Homeland Security expects to spend an additional $35 million to finish the last leg of the fence. The Border Patrol, though, says the cost could be higher.

Q: What kind of security measures does it employ?

The 14-mile project is actually a double- and triple-fence. The first fence was built with surplus military airplane landing mats that were welded together. The second fence is called Sandia fencing, because it was developed at the government's Sandia National Laboratories. It's steel mesh, 15 feet high, with the top part slanted inward. In high-traffic areas, there's a third chain-link fence topped with barbed wire. In between the first two fences is a 150-foot "no man's land." The Border Patrol uses that area to station vehicles. There are also light towers, and remote video-surveillance cameras are being installed even as I write. Security is augmented by helicopters and hundreds of ground-based Border Patrol agents.

Some areas use closely spaced concrete pillars instead of steel mesh for the second fence. And the last 150 yards or so — leading into the sea — is made of steel pillars sunk into the sand.

Q&A: Building a Barrier Along the Border with Mexico : NPR
Let's call a spade a spade here - America is what it is because of whites. Yes, many other races have contributed but NOT as much as whites have. Why is it so hard to admit that????

First of all, because it's not true. How much do you think was contributed to this country by black slaves? The reason America was ever able to sustain itself was because it had a strong economy built on illegally obtained tobacco crop. How many white people do you think were working to harvest crops on tobacco plantations? The various contributions to our country are not based on race. Many people, of various socio-economic backgrounds all provided vital contributions to the US.

I have seen more bashing on whites in the past few years than I have in my lifetime. What the hell is going on??? Is this what is meant by reverse racism???

Yes, it is reverse racism. However, there is no substantial difference in how much it occurs presently, to a few years ago. It has been a problem for about two decades. However, it does not justify dismissing the contributions of various people to our country, of any claim of one race being more important than another. Doing so is, itself, merely a reverse-reverse racism.

Tobacco?..wrong. The main crop in the south wasn't tobacco.

Here are some more facts

75% of white Southern families didn't own any slaves.
Half of all slave owners owned between 1 and 5
Fewer than 1% of of slave owners owned more than 50
Not all negroes in the South were slaves. 10% of negroes in the upper South were free and made their living as laborers or craftsmen.

Lots of free negroes owned slaves.
Ironic, isn't it? Slaves were captured by their own black countrymen, sold to white people, transported across the ocean, earned their freedom and promptly turned around and bought slaves...That's almost FUNNY! if it weren't so pathetic...

Black Slave Owners Civil War Article by Robert M Grooms
In an 1856 letter to his wife Mary Custis Lee, Robert E. Lee called slavery "a moral and political evil." Yet he concluded that black slaves were immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially and physically.

The fact is large numbers of free Negroes owned black slaves; in fact, in numbers disproportionate to their representation in society at large.
In 1860 only a small minority of whites owned slaves.
According to the U.S. census report for that last year before the Civil War, there were nearly 27 million whites in the country. Some eight million of them lived in the slaveholding states.

The census also determined that there were fewer than 385,000 individuals who owned slaves (1). Even if all slaveholders had been white, that would amount to only 1.4 percent of whites in the country (or 4.8 percent of southern whites owning one or more slaves).

According to federal census reports, on June 1, 1860 there were nearly 4.5 million Negroes in the United States, with fewer than four million of them living in the southern slaveholding states. Of the blacks residing in the South, 261,988 were not slaves. Of this number, 10,689 lived in New Orleans. The country's leading African American historian, Duke University professor John Hope Franklin, records that in New Orleans over 3,000 free Negroes owned slaves, or 28 percent of the free Negroes in that city.

In 1860 there were at least six Negroes in Louisiana who owned 65 or more slaves The largest number, 152 slaves, were owned by the widow C. Richards and her son P.C. Richards, who owned a large sugar cane plantation. Another Negro slave magnate in Louisiana, with over 100 slaves, was Antoine Dubuclet, a sugar planter whose estate was valued at (in 1860 dollars) $264,000 (3). That year, the mean wealth of southern white men was $3,978 (4).

In Charleston, South Carolina in 1860 125 free Negroes owned slaves; six of them owning 10 or more. Of the $1.5 million in taxable property owned by free Negroes in Charleston, more than $300,000 represented slave holdings (5). In North Carolina 69 free Negroes were slave owners (6).

According to the 1850 U.S. Census- Slave Schedule of Sumter County, South Carolina, William Ellison was listed as a black man with thirty-seven slaves, twenty-seven males and ten females. In a letter to his son Henry, dated March 26, 1857, Ellison wrote giving him instructions on managing several of the gin shop customer accounts. One can conclude that business was going so well, that William’s son help was needed to keep up with the accounting (Ellison’s papers).

By 1860 William owned, not only his gin shop, but also a large cotton plantation and more than 60 slaves (Lemelson Center, 2008, see “Student Activity Packet, Activity #2: Fixing a Gin: Math and History at Your Desk”). He was South Carolina’s largest black slave owner. In the entire state, only five percent of the people owned as much land as William (Ellison Family Graveyard, 2009)

Actually slaves were just farm animals, that's their main contribution.
Field work...and with the industrial revolution and the invention of the cotton gin just around the corner, they would have become obsolete and too expensive to keep and would have been freed shortly as there was no more point in having them... Since they were expensive to buy and keep..One would want to keep them in the best condition possible.
Contrary to all the "Roots" myths, they weren't widely mistreated and more than a farmer would mistreat his best horse.

geekap said:
I have never seen any substantial effort by any person or group to lie or change our history for the sake of elevating minorities. Some people may emphasize various aspects, or have different interpretations, but that is not an attempt to lie or change the history. However, your own statements betray an ignorance about our history. Whether it is an intentional or accidental ignorance remains to be seen.

Well, that nonsense that was posted above about all those inventions negroes were supposed to have created...Did you see that?Check it out...a couple of posts back. Post # 39. See it?
Those were ALL lies.
Check out post #41 for proof.
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The importance of tobacco is that it is what allowed colonization to become viable. Without it as a source of income, the first colonies would have never gotten of the ground. Tobacco plantations required heavy usage of slave labor.

A single comment by a single uninformed person is not meaningful to the overall state of historic knowledge. However, I find it an extremely flawed position to challenge anyone to name 10 inventions by a black person. I would challenge people to pick any 10 items for which they can name the inventor off the top of their head, and without doing a google search. I would even go farther to rule out any invention by Thomas Edison, since his fingerprints can be found almost everywhere.

I also find it flawed to even think of the question in terms of how many such and such were invented by black people, or how many songs were composed by black people. Considering the fact that black people were oppresses and forbade from being educated all in the hopes that they would never gain the opportunity to have such impacts on the development of the world, looking back now and noting that there are little to no such examples of blacks contributing to such things is circular reasoning. Finally, I find the notion that the "best" music and/or art, or comparable claims, have come from European sources is, well, Euro-centric. I'm sure that there are a great many Japanese who would consider that the "best" contributions to the arts over human history came from Asia. I'm sure that there are many people in the USA who might feel that the "best" contributions to art in human history came from early 20th century jazz (and I, for one, would find it difficult to argue with anyone making such a claim).
Census estimates show big gains for US minorities
2010 … .By HOPE YEN,
Associated Press

WASHINGTON – U.S. racial minorities accounted for roughly 85 percent of the nation's population growth over the last decade — one of the largest shares ever — with Hispanics accounting for much of the gain in many of the states picking up new House seats.

Preliminary census estimates also suggest the number of multiracial Americans jumped roughly 20 percent since 2000, to over 5 million.

Census estimates show big gains for US minorities - Yahoo! News

Not really about race, but about importing poverty.
OH THE HORROR!!! Brown and yellow toned Americans. What has become of our great white nation???
Originally posted by gekaap
Hello.....Hello....Anyone home? That's the point, Mexico refuses to take any responsibility for its own citizens. It just wants to dump the trash on our doorsteps. Stop begging the question.

I asked twice for international laws or at least border agreements clearly stating that Mexico, America or any other country in the world is under any obligation to help solve problems outside of their borders and all I got from gekaap was deflections and evasive statements.

Why on Earth he consistently fails to present these legal documents that would effectively end the debate?

Because there is none!! Because Mexico is under no legal obligation to solve America's problems with illegal mexicans just like America have no obligation to do anything to diminish the number of illegal american weapons in Mexico.

Gekaap is now reduced to what he really is:

Just another drooling, fanatic patriot who wishes to strongarm a neighboring country to do part of the job that belongs EXCLUSIVELY to the US immigration service.

This kind of patriotic bozos with massive bias against Mexico are a dime a dozen on this Board and don't even deserve to be addressed seriously due to their total inability to back up their claims.
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