LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

So I guess Mississippi is going to send volunteers to trespass on private property along the Mexican border and build the fences that the Feds can't because of all the takings issues? :cuckoo:

People own that land, ya know. The States aren't going to get any further than the Feds, not without trampling property, grazing and water rights.

Illegal aliens are doing a great jobs of trampling, killing cattle, destroying land owner's property and they are complaining now where as the did not before in 2008. Rancher has been killed.

Feds Prepare Legal Battle Against Landowners Blocking Border Fence Project
Thursday, January 10, 2008

PrintShareThisWASHINGTON — The government is readying 102 court cases against landowners in Arizona, California and Texas for blocking efforts to select sites for a fence along the Mexican border, a Homeland Security Department official said Wednesday.

With the lawsuits expected soon, the legal action would mark an escalation in the clash between the government and the property owners. The Bush administration wants to build 370 miles of fencing and 300 miles of vehicle barriers by the end of the year.

A number of property owners have granted the government access to their land. But others have refused. The agency sent letters to 135 of them last month, warning they had 30 days to comply or face court action.
Feds Prepare Legal Battle Against Landowners Blocking Border Fence Project - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum -

Eminent Domain for home land security trumps.
I think those opposed in 08 have finally had a change of heart and begging for a fence, etc

Yet you can't find anything on this less than 3 years old. Wonder why. :eusa_whistle:

The violence on the border has changed since 08 and so has the land owners opposition to a fence.

Grass-roots organization proposes citizens build AZ-MX wall

Posted by ladyimpactohio (Profile)

Saturday, December 18th at 12:02AM EST

Since the Feds have failed miserably to protect the 389-mile Arizona-Mexico border to keep drug traffickers and illegals from the US, a grass-roots group has proposed citizens take efforts into their own hands and build a wall themselves. The name of the group is The Great Wall of Arizona.

I have been in e-mail contact with Mr. David Garretson who is heading up the project, and I agree with him in the wake of a border patrol agent being shot and killed it is even more imperative to have a physical barrier. From their website:

“Who actually owns the land?
The land on the Arizona-Mexico border is comprised of private, state, federal, and Indian Reservation ownership as well as Drug Cartel & Human Smuggler occupation.
Grass-roots organization proposes citizens build AZ-MX wall | RedState
So I guess Mississippi is going to send volunteers to trespass on private property along the Mexican border and build the fences that the Feds can't because of all the takings issues? :cuckoo:

People own that land, ya know. The States aren't going to get any further than the Feds, not without trampling property, grazing and water rights.

Feds Prepare Legal Battle Against Landowners Blocking Border Fence Project
Thursday, January 10, 2008

PrintShareThisWASHINGTON — The government is readying 102 court cases against landowners in Arizona, California and Texas for blocking efforts to select sites for a fence along the Mexican border, a Homeland Security Department official said Wednesday.

With the lawsuits expected soon, the legal action would mark an escalation in the clash between the government and the property owners. The Bush administration wants to build 370 miles of fencing and 300 miles of vehicle barriers by the end of the year.

A number of property owners have granted the government access to their land. But others have refused. The agency sent letters to 135 of them last month, warning they had 30 days to comply or face court action.
Feds Prepare Legal Battle Against Landowners Blocking Border Fence Project - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum -

Eminent Domain for home land security trumps.
I think those opposed in 08 have finally had a change of heart and begging for a fence, etc

Yet you can't find anything on this less than 3 years old. Wonder why. :eusa_whistle:

Is this recent enough for you? I kind a think they have a change of mind on border fence since 08:confused: - Ariz. ranchers asking for more border securityJan 27, 2011 ... The ranchers' plan calls for military units to deploy to the border, the addition of 3000 Border Patrol agents, stepped-up video ...

16 illegals sue Arizona rancher | The Federal Observer May 18, 2010... he said, after they destroyed his property, killed his calves and broke into his home. ... “This is my land. I´m the victim here,” Mr. Barnett said. ... 3 Responses to “16 illegals sue Arizona rancher” ... - Cached
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So I guess Mississippi is going to send volunteers to trespass on private property along the Mexican border and build the fences that the Feds can't because of all the takings issues? :cuckoo:

People own that land, ya know. The States aren't going to get any further than the Feds, not without trampling property, grazing and water rights.

It's called eminent domain.
This isn't the first time this bill has come up. They tried to do this a couple years ago, if I remember correctly. But it would be pointless, the Supreme Court has already long ago established that the 14th amendment declares anyone born in the US a citizen, regardless of the citizenship of the parents.

Shit, that's just the tip of the fucking iceberg. Thanks to the Supreme Court's decision back in '82, the states have been forced to educate illegals' non-anchor baby kids (a free K-12 education)--costing us billions annually--even though they are here illegally. Back then the Supreme Court had the audacity to say we would be "creating a permanent underclass" if we didn't educate illegals' kids. DEPORTATION WAS SOMEHOW DEEMED IMPOSSIBLE. WHAT A LOAD OF SHIT. I hope all those old Supreme Court justices died a long, drawn out, miserable death for what they did to the United States with that one decision.
Hi Lady:

Forget federal government, we'll build fence ourselves!
Plan makes illegal immigrants pay for states to secure U.S. border
January 30, 2011
By Drew Zahn
© 2011 WorldNetDaily ...

This is the kind of nonsense and stupidity that makes me throw up my hands and conclude that America 'is' worthy of utter destruction off the face of the earth. First of all, building a fence does nothing about the US employers HIRING the 20 million goddamned illegal aliens already here. Secondly, about half of the illegals come here using one kind of visa or another, which a fence is never going to stop. Thirdly, the immigration 'enforcement' problem begins AT THE WORKPLACE and not on the border, which is the smokescreen put up by the Open Border Lobby to keep you looking into the wilderness somewhere.

The idiots running this country need to figure out that enforcement of our perfectly good immigration, employment and document fraud laws AT THE WORKPLACE is the only solution. Period! You cannot even begin to solve this problem, until the EMPLOYERS are put into jail and their licenses to do business are revoked FOR LIFE for hiring the goddamned illegals in the first place. Then you need no fence, because nobody in America is willing to take the chance of hiring the illegals! Then Americans get their jobs back and the consumer/tax bases begin to enlarge again. There is no incentive for Mexican nationals to stay home, when all they must do is find a way around the border security and they are home free! The idiots running our border patrol should have two men on the border and at least one at the workplace making sure everyone working is AMERICAN.

That is too damned easy to figure out, which says the Mississippi idiots coming up with this ridiculous 'fence' solution are part of the problem. Taxing wire transfers will never work against illegals, because they will simply mail the money home via the US Postal Service for deposit in the family bank. The idiot who dreamed up this plan is thinking that only illegals will pay, because everyone else will get a tax break. STUPID IDEA. The reason is that the supposition is that U.S. employers will continue hiring the illegals to give Mississippi their goddamned money! That will give incentives for the Mississippi government to allow more hiring of the goddamned illegals to support their new tax base.

I swear that if you made me king for one day, that all government official heads in this country would roll!!! The entire lot is too damned stupid to figure out that only AMERICANS are supposed to have jobs in the USA, unless 'legal' provisions are made in certain circumstances. Making new laws to tax illegals is helping them stay employed, which is the reason we have high unemployment of US workers from sea to shining sea; because that is what stupid Americans deserve ...



Any kind border security is useless if we don't do anything about businesses hiring illegals. But it is against drug smuggling.
A jail guard converts. A lot of inmates in the States convert as well.

More Muslims converting to Christianity in Africa.

I thought you were not going to post anymore in this thread Sunni Man?

This is my last post on this thread thanks to Ropey's thread wrecking and trolling.

A jail guard converts. A lot of inmates in the States convert as well.

More Muslims converting to Christianity in Africa.

I thought you were not going to post anymore in this thread Sunni Man?

This is my last post on this thread thanks to Ropey's thread wrecking and trolling.


Ropey alot of the inmates who convert to Islam in prison in the States end up going back out on the streets and doing the same things they did before, drinking, doing drugs, fucking women etc. alot of them don't live the life of a strict Muslim when they get out.

A female imam?

Yeah, I'm sure the Imams in the middle east will listen to her. They say that she might be able to lead in prayers, but in any discussions with men, she is to stay silent.

There is a current controversy among Muslims regarding the circumstances in which women may act as imams—that is, lead a congregation in salat (prayer).

Certain sects, such as the Haruriyyah branch of the Kharijites movement in the 7th century, considered it acceptable for a woman to be imam. Certain medieval scholars—including Al-Tabari (838–932), Abu Thawr (764–854), Al-Muzani (791–878), and Ibn Arabi (1165–1240)—considered the practice permissible at least for optional (Nafl salat) prayers[citation needed]; however, their views are not accepted by any major surviving group

Thus no imam in Mexico that is female can do more than lead prayers.

And can't do that in the middle east.

Women as imams - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
alot of the inmates who convert to Islam in prison in the States end up going back out on the streets and doing the same things they did before, drinking, doing drugs, fucking women etc. alot of them don't live the life of a strict Muslim when they get out.
May be true; but I personally know several who after release stayed straight, follow the religion, and do alot of good works for their community. :cool:
alot of the inmates who convert to Islam in prison in the States end up going back out on the streets and doing the same things they did before, drinking, doing drugs, fucking women etc. alot of them don't live the life of a strict Muslim when they get out.
May be true; but I personally know several who after release stayed straight, follow the religion, and do alot of good works for their community. :cool:

Oh I'm sure there are some who do good once they leave, Malcolm X converted to Islam while in prison. However jailhouse converts are a mixed bag, adhering to strict Muslim practices like no liquor, drugs, women etc is easier behind bars but resisting those temptations face to face when they get out is hard, some people can handle it, some people go right back to the life that led them to prison.
Shit, that's just the tip of the fucking iceberg. Thanks to the Supreme Court's decision back in '82, the states have been forced to educate illegals' non-anchor baby kids (a free K-12 education)--costing us billions annually--even though they are here illegally. Back then the Supreme Court had the audacity to say we would be "creating a permanent underclass" if we didn't educate illegals' kids. DEPORTATION WAS SOMEHOW DEEMED IMPOSSIBLE. WHAT A LOAD OF SHIT. I hope all those old Supreme Court justices died a long, drawn out, miserable death for what they did to the United States with that one decision.

In other words, you dislike the law, and you wish death on government officials for doing their duty to uphold the law. Great. Don't blame the courts because you don't like the laws of our land.
Shit, that's just the tip of the fucking iceberg. Thanks to the Supreme Court's decision back in '82, the states have been forced to educate illegals' non-anchor baby kids (a free K-12 education)--costing us billions annually--even though they are here illegally. Back then the Supreme Court had the audacity to say we would be "creating a permanent underclass" if we didn't educate illegals' kids. DEPORTATION WAS SOMEHOW DEEMED IMPOSSIBLE. WHAT A LOAD OF SHIT. I hope all those old Supreme Court justices died a long, drawn out, miserable death for what they did to the United States with that one decision.

In other words, you dislike the law, and you wish death on government officials for doing their duty to uphold the law. Great. Don't blame the courts because you don't like the laws of our land.


P.S. Don't put words in my mouth. I didn't say I wished death on "government officials" for doing their duty to uphold the law. I said I hoped those (presumably dead) Supreme Court justices died a long, drawn-out death for fucking our country over the way they did. They BETRAYED the people of the United States. What part of "ILLEGAL" did they NOT UNDERSTAND?
Originally posted by LilOlLady
You get there the same way Egypt is getting there. Fight the corruption.

LOL... Don't make me laugh.

The entire history of Mexico from 1821 to now has been an endless succession of revolutions, uprisings, coups d'etat, etc, etc... with the aim of fighting "mismanegement of the country".

It's amazing to see how easy it is to solve all the world's problems ON PAPER and ON THE INTERNET:

Mexico can become a developed nation in a couple of years.

America can erradicate its intractable drug problem.

etc, etc, etc...

:eusa_whistle: :eusa_whistle: :eusa_whistle: :eusa_whistle:
José;3278381 said:
Originally posted by LilOlLady
You get there the same way Egypt is getting there. Fight the corruption.

LOL... Don't make me laugh.

The entire history of Mexico from 1821 to now has been an endless succession of revolutions, uprisings, coups d'etat, etc, etc... with the aim of fighting "mismanegement of the country".

It's amazing to see how easy it is to solve all the world's problems ON PAPER and ON THE INTERNET:

Mexico can become a developed nation in a couple of years.

America can erradicate its intractable drug problem.

etc, etc, etc...

:eusa_whistle: :eusa_whistle: :eusa_whistle: :eusa_whistle:

Its going to take Egypt decades to fix the problems they have in that country, Mubarak was just one man, removing him will do very little to change life for the average Egyptian.
AND - Mexico can eradicate the PRODUCTION of the drugs that 'ONLY americans' consume....yeah, right!

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