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LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

CORRECTION: Any act of violence against a US American from a person who is from Latin America is an attack on all US Americans and deserves the proper punitive action against his country of origin.

latin americans were here first... in their country bro.... why was ice in their country bro.....

Before who? Make up your mind, is this their country or is mexico their country. Those mexican that were born in Mexico are citizens of Mexico. They lost part of the US when they sold it for $13 million. Now the want to reclaim it? There are Mexican American that are in this country for generatiions but that does not give all Mexicans every where the right to be here. Afro-American have no claim on African because their descendent were from Africa?

i did not mean to urinate in your Wheaties, honest. i was being sarcastic... i do agree with you disertation....
What the hell are we doing sending our agents into that God forsaken country??? They can't even protect their own people much less ours!!! Get the hell out of Mexico and let is SINK!!! It's a stink hole anyway - always has been; always will be!

expanding our influence? :eh:
I wish the article told us what the ICE agents were doing in Mexico. .

Delivering ICE. What else.:lol:

One official said the victims, whose identities have not been released, were the first ICE agents to be gunned down in Mexico. According to ICE, the agency has about 30 officers assigned to its office in Mexico City. They work a range of issues including drugs, weapons, currency and immigration.Borderland Beat: Two ICE Agents Shot in Mexico.
I wish the article told us what the ICE agents were doing in Mexico. Were they in the middle of an official action of some sort? Had they completed some kind of investigation, or were they on the way to begin one? Is it possible they were there as private citizens rather than agents of the US government? I'm not looking for some reason to excuse their attackers, but I am curious if there is any reason to believe this was a targeted attack or not.
you did not have the need to know what they were doing...... but, the truth is out there, just not sure exactly where it is....
Hospitals are now going to be imigration centers?

This means people will die for lack of treatment.

Arizona has lost its mind

When I, an American citizen, go into ER I have to show SOCIAL SECURITY CARD, PICTURE IDENTIFICATION AND PROOF OF MEDICAL COVERAGE. Why should illegal aliens be treated differfently? They will have none of the above and that is REASONABLE SUSPICION that they are in the country illegally. or the information the give belong to 12 others in the computer.:lol::lol:
And I am required to carry this information on my person at all times. I have no problem with that because it is for my own protection to be able to prove who I am and in case or an accident and I am not consciense.
Stupid illegals don't carry any ID. They also carry IDs of other people children to the welfare office. How may Maria Lopez have kids name Jose and Rosa? Hundreds. That's how they commit welfare fraud.
Every law abiding US citizen should help report illegal aliens, especially hospitals. Only takes a minute to push a buttion and connect with Immigration authorities. JUST DO IT.:evil:
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Hospitals are now going to be imigration centers?

This means people will die for lack of treatment.

Arizona has lost its mind

Then don't come here illegally. Problem solved.:eusa_hand:
I don't think hospitals would have a problem with it since they are going bankrupt because they have to give illegal aliens free medical care.
If an homeless man goes to a private hospital, he is given emergency treatment and then sent to a public hospital.
What make illegal aliens think we owe them free medical care just because they are here? When immigrants came through Ellis Island they had to undergo a medical exam before they were allowed in. Mexican come in carrying all kind of diseases. Quarantine them, treat men and turn them over to immigraition.
If they get sick enough they will go to ER for treatment. Gang members who get shot or stabbed to to ER knowing they are subject to arrest?
latin americans were here first... in their country bro.... why was ice in their country bro.....

Before who? Make up your mind, is this their country or is mexico their country. Those mexican that were born in Mexico are citizens of Mexico. They lost part of the US when they sold it for $13 million. Now the want to reclaim it? There are Mexican American that are in this country for generatiions but that does not give all Mexicans every where the right to be here. Afro-American have no claim on African because their descendent were from Africa?

i did not mean to urinate in your Wheaties, honest. i was being sarcastic... i do agree with you disertation....

FEBRUARY 16, 2011.U.S. Agents Are Shot, One Killed, In Mexico

He was probably killed with an American made weapon supplied by the ATF. :cool:

"If a man will not work, he shall not eat." 2 Thessalonians 3:10

I believe Paul meant evey able bodied man should work when work is available. and
“The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”
I agree.

Send all the honkeys back to Europe.

For evidence why this is necessary, I submit all the racial violence of the past 200 years.

I can't decide if you're just generally an idiot, or only one on the specific subject of illegal immigration, which seems to be a concept beyond your grasp. :eusa_eh:

If you ask a Native American, I think they would argue we came here illegitimately... which is really the same as illegally. The only difference is formal codification.

The only idiots are people who feel threatened by Mexican immigrants (legal or illegal). What? Afraid someone will say a Spanish word around you? The horror.

I am Native American and Native American did not believe the land belonged to anyone and welcomed the white man when they came and let them settle. What the white man did afterwards is what was wrong. They got greedy. There were no immigration laws then and Natives did not have a claim on the land.
Feel threatened by illegal aliens? Rightfully so. Their mere presence is a threat. Not to mention the monetary cost and the cost of american lives. Illegal immigration is the biggest threat to our freedom adn survival as a nation. Not terrorism.
So if someone arrives at the hospital with meningitis or some other deadly communicable disease the hospital will be required to check their immigration status before treating them?

How retarded. The State of Arizona should be disbanded as a menace to society.
Obama should be disbanded for being a menace to society and the security of this country. Isolate the illegal with menengitis and deport back to mexico to infect his own country.
Hospitals are now going to be imigration centers?

This means people will die for lack of treatment.

Arizona has lost its mind

Then don't come here illegally. Problem solved.:eusa_hand:
I don't think hospitals would have a problem with it since they are going bankrupt because they have to give illegal aliens free medical care.
If an homeless man goes to a private hospital, he is given emergency treatment and then sent to a public hospital.
What make illegal aliens think we owe them free medical care just because they are here? When immigrants came through Ellis Island they had to undergo a medical exam before they were allowed in. Mexican come in carrying all kind of diseases. Quarantine them, treat men and turn them over to immigraition.
If they get sick enough they will go to ER for treatment. Gang members who get shot or stabbed to to ER knowing they are subject to arrest?

Unfortunately, I don't think it is realistic to expect Mexican immigrants to police themselves and refrain from coming to America based on a moral appeal. They do not view their actions the same way America does. Free medical care, free education, a chance to live in a nice place instead of a shithole drugtocracy. Its like an open ended invitation, and if I were Mexican I'd do the same.

If you want immigration reform you need to blame the politicians and businesses who make America a welcome environment for illegals. Vote for the candidates who are tough on immigration. Vote in Republican primaries for the candidate who is most serious about closing down the border and shutting out illegals. Trump, for instance, has taken a tough tone against illegal immigration. Above all, vote Obama out of office in 12, nothing will improve until he's out.
I wish the article told us what the ICE agents were doing in Mexico. Were they in the middle of an official action of some sort? Had they completed some kind of investigation, or were they on the way to begin one? Is it possible they were there as private citizens rather than agents of the US government? I'm not looking for some reason to excuse their attackers, but I am curious if there is any reason to believe this was a targeted attack or not.

YOU are very naive. We have agents in Mexico for years now trying to help those inept people! Nothing is going to fix that corrupt country. Not us, not them, NOT even GOD. It is doomed to failure because there is nobody there that gives a damn about anybody. Most of them run to the north to enjoy the good life and leave behind those who are not able to help themselves because they have been kept in extreme poverty AND IGNORANCE!
So if someone arrives at the hospital with meningitis or some other deadly communicable disease the hospital will be required to check their immigration status before treating them?

How retarded. The State of Arizona should be disbanded as a menace to society.

No - the menace to society is people with your mentality. Hospitals, yes, even in AZ, are required BY FEDERAL LAW to treat anybody and everybody! Nothing should keep them from asking for their status once treated. Go, go, go ARIZONA!!!!
I agree.

Send all the honkeys back to Europe.

For evidence why this is necessary, I submit all the racial violence of the past 200 years.

I can't decide if you're just generally an idiot, or only one on the specific subject of illegal immigration, which seems to be a concept beyond your grasp. :eusa_eh:

If you ask a Native American, I think they would argue we came here illegitimately... which is really the same as illegally. The only difference is formal codification.

The only idiots are people who feel threatened by Mexican immigrants (legal or illegal). What? Afraid someone will say a Spanish word around you? The horror.

First of all, the North American aborigines are no more "native" than anyone else. Immigrating earlier doesn't make you indigenous.

Second of all, only a North American aborigine who was as big a halfwit as you are would try to argue that we came here illegitimately OR illegally (and no, fucktard, they are not the same). If anything, the experience of the North American aborigines is a strong argument as to why one needs to have a strong sense of national sovereignty, a firm and clear border policy, and the will to enforce it. They had none of the above.

Third, Mensa Boy, that little "only difference" of formal codification is quite significant, in that it is the only thing in the world that makes something illegal. You can dislike something all you wish, and if you don't have a law against it, your opinion doesn't mean spit. And if you don't have the power to enforce that law, the law doesn't mean spit, either.

Fourth, jackwad, what you know about illegal immigration, the people who oppose it, or Mexican immigrants in general obviously wouldn't fill a gnat's ear. You think those of us on the border give a good goddamn about "having a Spanish word said around us"? You really think THAT is the only problem we have with people flooding illegally across our border? It must be because we hate Mexicans, because there COULDN'T be any other fucking problem with it?

Sit your juvenile ass down, shut the fuck up, and maybe you'll learn something, ass clown.
Check citizenship give the emergency treatment and lock em up and send em home after getting genetic imprint. If they show up again put em in jail for 30 days and send em home, if caught again 1 yr, etc.

I agree except w/ the 'jailing' part. That is one, of many, reasons Cali is in the financial shape it's in. Jailing people is quite expensive especially in the U.S. They need to deal w/ their internal problems in Mexico so they won't come here in the 1st place IMHO.
MEXICO CITY - A U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent was killed and another wounded while driving through northern Mexico Tuesday, in a rare attack on American officials in this country which is fighting powerful drug cartels.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said one agent was critically wounded in the attack and died from his injuries. The second agent was shot in the arm and leg and remains in stable condition.

The department did not release their names.

"I'm deeply saddened by the news that earlier today, two U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) special agents assigned to the ICE Attache office in Mexico City were shot in the line of duty while driving between Mexico City and Monterrey by unknown assailants," she said.

U.S. and Mexican officials said they were working closely together to investigate the shooting and find those responsible.

"Let me be clear: Any act of violence against our ICE personnel - or any DHS personnel - is an attack against all those who serve our nation and put their lives at risk for our safety," Napolitano said. "We remain committed in our broader support for Mexico's efforts to combat violence within its borders."

The two agents were driving in the northern state of San Luis Potosi when someone opened fire on them, according to reports.

San Luis Potosi police said gunmen attacked two people a blue Suburban on Highway 57 between Mexico City and Monterrey, near the town of Santa Maria del Rio, at about 2:30 p.m.

Police said one person was killed and another was flown to a Mexico City hospital, though they couldn't confirm the victims were the ICE agents.

Arturo Sarukhan, Mexican ambassador to the U.S., spoke with ICE chief John Morton to express Mexico's condolences, according to a spokesman.

"This is a difficult time for ICE and especially for the families and loved ones of our agents. Our hearts and prayers go out to them. This tragedy is a stark reminder of the risks confronted and the sacrifices made by our men and women every day," Morton said in a statement.

Though Mexico is seeing record rates of violence from warring drug cartels and a crackdown on organized crime, it is rare for U.S. officials to be attacked. The U.S. government, however, has become increasingly concerned about the safety of its employees in Mexico amid the escalating violence.

In March, a U.S. employee of a consulate, her husband and a Mexican tied to the American consulate were killed when drug gang members fired on their cars as they left a children's party in Ciudad Juarez, across the border from El Paso.

The U.S. State Department has taken several measures over the past year to protect consulate employees and their families. In July, it temporarily closed the consulate in Ciudad Juarez after receiving unspecified threats.

1 US agent slain, 2nd wounded in attack inside Mexico
This one is a no-brainer. I seriously doubt there would be much objection to a Constitutional Amendment that would make this change.
Everything that has to do with Mexico when it concerns the USA is a JOKE! NOTHING is ever done to make things better. Napolitano as well as EVERY administration treats Mexico with kit gloves. It's time to take them off. Napolitano has seen first hand what happens on border states but when she left AZ to go to WA, and since she serves the president, she has done an about face. NO president seems to want to rock the mexican boat. I wonder what is up with that???? It does seem that they have something quite 'secretive' concerning the USA and are 'holding it over our heads.'

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