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LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

Hospitals are now going to be imigration centers?

This means people will die for lack of treatment.

Arizona has lost its mind

Then don't come here illegally. Problem solved.:eusa_hand:
I don't think hospitals would have a problem with it since they are going bankrupt because they have to give illegal aliens free medical care.
If an homeless man goes to a private hospital, he is given emergency treatment and then sent to a public hospital.
What make illegal aliens think we owe them free medical care just because they are here? When immigrants came through Ellis Island they had to undergo a medical exam before they were allowed in. Mexican come in carrying all kind of diseases. Quarantine them, treat men and turn them over to immigraition.
If they get sick enough they will go to ER for treatment. Gang members who get shot or stabbed to to ER knowing they are subject to arrest?

Unfortunately, I don't think it is realistic to expect Mexican immigrants to police themselves and refrain from coming to America based on a moral appeal. They do not view their actions the same way America does. Free medical care, free education, a chance to live in a nice place instead of a shithole drugtocracy. Its like an open ended invitation, and if I were Mexican I'd do the same.

If you want immigration reform you need to blame the politicians and businesses who make America a welcome environment for illegals. Vote for the candidates who are tough on immigration. Vote in Republican primaries for the candidate who is most serious about closing down the border and shutting out illegals. Trump, for instance, has taken a tough tone against illegal immigration. Above all, vote Obama out of office in 12, nothing will improve until he's out.

But what if you live in Illinois, where most of the politicians side with the Mexican invaders and set up "sanctuary" cities and counties so the drugs and illegals keep flowin'? Our goofy Governor Pat Quinn hands out money to Latino only projects then cut off benefits for poor Americans claiming there's no money to go around.

We are also the hub for drug distribution and LA RAZA henchmen like Luis Gutierrez who pledge to "get even" with anyone who votes against the Latin American invasion of the US.
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Good idea. Maybe more will go back to Mexico or to California now. Hell its now a mexican state seems like.
It's time to close birthright citizenship loophole
Sen. David Vitter

February 15, 2011

America’s illegal immigration problem is out of control. To change this, we must better protect our borders, particularly the Mexican border, and ensure that only citizens and those in our country legally can be hired for jobs.

Another change we must make is to stop babies born in this country to two illegal immigrant parents from automatically becoming U.S. citizens as they do now; this happens more than 300,000 to 400,000 times in the U.S. every year. This is just flat wrong, and it serves as a magnet to attract more and more adults into our country illegally.

I recently introduced legislation so that a person born in the United States to illegal aliens does not automatically gain citizenship unless at least one parent is a legal citizen (including naturalized citizens), legal immigrant, or active member of the Armed Forces. Closing this loophole will not prevent anyone from becoming a citizen. What it will do is ensure that he or she has to go through the same process as anyone else born of foreign parents who wants to become an American citizen.

I don’t believe that the 14th Amendment to our Constitution grants birthright citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants. In fact, all we have to do is use history as our guide. It reminds us that this amendment was specifically designed to address the horrible injustice of slavery — not to grant citizenship to children of people living in our country illegally.

Therefore, my goal is to make sure that our 14th Amendment is not stretched to allow a person born in the United States to illegal aliens to automatically gain citizenship. I want to bring the 14th Amendment back to what its drafters intended — nothing more and nothing less.

Please let me know about any issues of importance to you and your family by contacting me at any of my state offices or in my Washington office by mail at U.S. Senator David Vitter, U.S. Senate, 516 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510, or by phone at 202-224-4623. You can also reach me on the web at vitter.senate.gov.

David Vitter is a U.S. Senator from Louisiana and the chairman of the U.S. Senate Border Security and Enforcement First Immigration Caucus.

The Natchez Democrat - It's time to close birthright citizenship loophole

What about the next generation? What do we do with a child born in a US hospital to 2 people who were also born here but are "not quite American"?

Are you willing to let the future of American be decided by third world helper monkeys who forced their way into the US over the graves of American GIs?

I'm just asking a question that is highly likely to occur.

There are solutions, like: Grant birthright citizenship to children born to people who can document a bloodline going back 4 generations of "Sort of Americans".

:eusa_think: Do we REALLY want to go there, Kemo Sabe? Ranking Americans in classes by the length of their bloodline born on American soil?
I can't decide if you're just generally an idiot, or only one on the specific subject of illegal immigration, which seems to be a concept beyond your grasp. :eusa_eh:

If you ask a Native American, I think they would argue we came here illegitimately... which is really the same as illegally. The only difference is formal codification.

The only idiots are people who feel threatened by Mexican immigrants (legal or illegal). What? Afraid someone will say a Spanish word around you? The horror.

If that's the only reason you think we Americans are afraid of the illegal immigration problem then you certainly haven't been paying attention!! For starters they're exacerbating our economic problems and among many other things, they are breaking the law by entering our country!! We are taught from an early age to obey the law of the land, why should these illegals get to ignore the laws over entering our country?

Yup. And the politicians that you hired to work on the problem when it was a problem blew you off and did... other things, and now the problem is a major SNAFU King Size Cluster Fuck.

Did you learn anything?

I'm surprised those most protesting the economy that supports illegal immigration aren't the legal immigrants... Do you know how fucking easy it is to get a green card? All it takes is money.

What if we opened the borders and let genuine citizens earn their first $30,000 free of federal income tax? :eusa_think: Can we DO that in a democracy?
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What about the next generation? What do we do with a child born in a US hospital to 2 people who were also born here but are "not quite American"?

Are you willing to let the future of American be decided by third world helper monkeys who forced their way into the US over the graves of American GIs?

I'm just asking a question that is highly likely to occur.

There are solutions, like: Grant birthright citizenship to children born to people who can document a bloodline going back 4 generations of "Sort of Americans".

:eusa_think: Do we REALLY want to go there, Kemo Sabe? Ranking Americans in classes by the length of their bloodline born on American soil?

Why would we have to? By this point in time, everyone in this country is either a documentable citizen in his own right (or a documentable legal resident), or isn't. Period. So if you're born here, and neither of your parents is a documented citizen or legal resident, neither are you.

Simple. Why do you feel the need to complicate this?
Hi. My name is Kraklov. I was born in Moscow, now live in Turjicistan. I would like cultural learnings be spread to Americans that Multiculturalism is failure. It failed Europe already. All European want foreigner out. Yes that liberal europe as well. Especially liberal europe. In europe, they already see how negro from africa and sand-negro from desert land has lead to high crime and dumb down education.
Please look to europe for this my american friend and see this is big problem with crime and dumb down/poor grade testing education in America. You use to be #1 now you are less than my lowly Russia and Turjicistan.
Please write back Kraklov your learnings from this post and if you respond with mindless rage and anger, it mean you are afraid of truth. Like cave man when he get upset, he respond with much anger towards other caveman with out taking time think about the reality of truth.
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Hi. My name is Kraklov. I was born in Moscow, now live in Turjicistan. I would like cultural learnings be spread to Americans that Multiculturalism is failure. It failed Europe already. All European want foreigner out. Yes that liberal europe as well. Especially liberal europe. In europe, they already see how negro from africa and sand-negro from desert land has lead to high crime and dumb down education.
Please look to europe for this my american friend and see this is big problem with crime and dumb down/poor grade testing education in America. You use to be #1 now you are less than my lowly Russia and Turjicistan.
Please write back Kraklov your learnings from this post and if you respond with mindless rage and anger, it mean you are afraid of truth. Like cave man when he get upset, he respond with much anger towards other caveman with out taking time think about the reality of truth.

Bye Now! :) Where do you go for fun??? Norristown or Philadelphia???
mexico is safe, unless one is against the cartel... we will have some problems, most from our own politically correctors..

I fear the time is coming where it's really going to spill over the border. It already is to a degree, but remains uncovered by the media. For some reason they don't want to let everyone know how unsafe it is in the South. But I worry that there will be a day where there will be war in the streets of the southern states like Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California. There really already is on the border cities, but I'm betting it'll move further into the states if something drastic isn't done soon.

when drugs are being smuggled across the border is has already spilled over. Most of the news is about drug smuggling by illegals crossing the border. Drug violence and gangs on our streets are not about violence from across the border. We are at war with MS13 who are dealers in drugs. Have you heard of the drug violence in phoenix? That is what all the roaring is about in Arizona.

Drug related violence is in every state in this country and 90% of all our drugs come across the souther border. When we fight drugs on the streets of our cities we are fighting drug cartels. When we stop guns and money from crossing into Mexico, we are fighting drugs cartels.

I'm not saying that the drug trafficing hasn't spilled across the border. I live in South Texas...I know what you're talking about. I'm talking about the full scale assassinations and firefights that we're seeing on the border.
Are you willing to let the future of American be decided by third world helper monkeys who forced their way into the US over the graves of American GIs?

I'm just asking a question that is highly likely to occur.

There are solutions, like: Grant birthright citizenship to children born to people who can document a bloodline going back 4 generations of "Sort of Americans".

:eusa_think: Do we REALLY want to go there, Kemo Sabe? Ranking Americans in classes by the length of their bloodline born on American soil?

Why would we have to? By this point in time, everyone in this country is either a documentable citizen in his own right (or a documentable legal resident), or isn't. Period. So if you're born here, and neither of your parents is a documented citizen or legal resident, neither are you.

Simple. Why do you feel the need to complicate this?

You have to refer back to the quote from the original post from LoL.

I recently introduced legislation so that a person born in the United States to illegal aliens does not automatically gain citizenship unless at least one parent is a legal citizen (including naturalized citizens), legal immigrant, or active member of the Armed Forces. Closing this loophole will not prevent anyone from becoming a citizen. What it will do is ensure that he or she has to go through the same process as anyone else born of foreign parents who wants to become an American citizen.

It seems to be proposed legislation to stop handing out a Social Security Number to every kid lucky enough to be born on American soil. If we do that, what do we do with the inevitable children, also born on American soil, of a union between two of these semi-legal bastards? What about their children? How many generations do we exile?

It's a legitimate question.
Hi. My name is Kraklov. I was born in Moscow, now live in Turjicistan. I would like cultural learnings be spread to Americans that Multiculturalism is failure. It failed Europe already. All European want foreigner out. Yes that liberal europe as well. Especially liberal europe. In europe, they already see how negro from africa and sand-negro from desert land has lead to high crime and dumb down education.
Please look to europe for this my american friend and see this is big problem with crime and dumb down/poor grade testing education in America. You use to be #1 now you are less than my lowly Russia and Turjicistan.
Please write back Kraklov your learnings from this post and if you respond with mindless rage and anger, it mean you are afraid of truth. Like cave man when he get upset, he respond with much anger towards other caveman with out taking time think about the reality of truth.

If the world was raped by the Europeans during the 500 years leading up to WW II, America is the dysfunctional spawn that most resembles daddy. Comparisons between the two are no more or less valuable than comparisons between any estranged but speaking father and son. White America never had the luxury of an option to cleanse its blood. Europe may have once had the opportunity to cleanse but I'll bet that ship sailed for Daddy after 1950.

When momma's little bastards do reach the stars, I imagine most of them will be varying shades of brown.
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Siccin' the FBI after `em...
Official: Gunmen knew ICE agents were law officers
Feb 16,`11 -- Gunmen who shot up an SUV carrying two U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, killing one, knew they were attacking law enforcement officers, according to U.S. officials.
But details of the attack that emerged Wednesday indicate the two agents were not targeted ahead of time, rather stopped in the wrong place at the wrong time in a blue Suburban - a vehicle coveted by drug cartels. Special Agent Jaime Zapata, 32, died and a second agent, Victor Avila, was wounded Tuesday when they were attacked after being stopped on a four-lane federal highway in northern Mexico.

They were returning to Mexico City from a meeting with other U.S. personnel in the state of San Luis Potosi, according to an ICE statement, which also said the Mexican government does not authorize U.S. law enforcement personnel to carry weapons. Some reports said the two were stopped at a roadblock, while others said they were run off the road by other vehicles.

Texas Congressman Michael McCaul, who was briefed on the incident as chairman of the Homeland Security Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee, the gunmen opened fire after the agents indentified themselves as U.S. diplomats. An U.S. law enforcement official told The Associated Press that the gunmen made comments before they fired indicating they knew who their targets were. The official was not authorized to discuss the case publicly.

"This was an intentional ambush against two United States federal agents," McCaul said in a statement. "This tragic event is a game changer. The United States will not tolerate acts of violence against its citizens or law enforcement and I believe we must respond forcefully." U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Attorney General Eric Holder announced a joint task force led by the FBI to help Mexico find the killers.

I fear the time is coming where it's really going to spill over the border. It already is to a degree, but remains uncovered by the media. For some reason they don't want to let everyone know how unsafe it is in the South. But I worry that there will be a day where there will be war in the streets of the southern states like Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California. There really already is on the border cities, but I'm betting it'll move further into the states if something drastic isn't done soon.

when drugs are being smuggled across the border is has already spilled over. Most of the news is about drug smuggling by illegals crossing the border. Drug violence and gangs on our streets are not about violence from across the border. We are at war with MS13 who are dealers in drugs. Have you heard of the drug violence in phoenix? That is what all the roaring is about in Arizona.

Drug related violence is in every state in this country and 90% of all our drugs come across the souther border. When we fight drugs on the streets of our cities we are fighting drug cartels. When we stop guns and money from crossing into Mexico, we are fighting drugs cartels.

I'm not saying that the drug trafficing hasn't spilled across the border. I live in South Texas...I know what you're talking about. I'm talking about the full scale assassinations and firefights that we're seeing on the border.

Mexican cartels running pot farms in U.S. national forest

August 08, 2008
From Dan Simon "American Morning" Correspondent

"These aren't Cheech and Chong plants," says the nation's drug czar, John Walters. Beyond the towering trees that have stood here for thousands of years, an intense drug war is being waged.

Illegal immigrants connected to Mexico's drug cartels are growing hundreds of millions of dollars worth of marijuana in the heart of one of America's national treasures, authorities say. It's a booming business that, federal officials say, feeds Mexico's most violent drug traffickers.

"These aren't Cheech and Chong plants," said John Walters, director of the National Drug Control Policy. "People who farm now are not doing this for laughs, despite the fact Hollywood still thinks that. They're doing it to make a lot of money."
Mexican cartels running pot farms in U.S. national forest - CNN
I fear the time is coming where it's really going to spill over the border. It already is to a degree, but remains uncovered by the media. For some reason they don't want to let everyone know how unsafe it is in the South. But I worry that there will be a day where there will be war in the streets of the southern states like Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California. There really already is on the border cities, but I'm betting it'll move further into the states if something drastic isn't done soon.

when drugs are being smuggled across the border is has already spilled over. Most of the news is about drug smuggling by illegals crossing the border. Drug violence and gangs on our streets are not about violence from across the border. We are at war with MS13 who are dealers in drugs. Have you heard of the drug violence in phoenix? That is what all the roaring is about in Arizona.

Drug related violence is in every state in this country and 90% of all our drugs come across the souther border. When we fight drugs on the streets of our cities we are fighting drug cartels. When we stop guns and money from crossing into Mexico, we are fighting drugs cartels.

I'm not saying that the drug trafficing hasn't spilled across the border. I live in South Texas...I know what you're talking about. I'm talking about the full scale assassinations and firefights that we're seeing on the border.

We may never see that from drug cartels but the effects of the drug use and dealing on our streets are much the same. Lives are being destroyed either way.
Before who? Make up your mind, is this their country or is mexico their country. Those mexican that were born in Mexico are citizens of Mexico. They lost part of the US when they sold it for $13 million. Now the want to reclaim it? There are Mexican American that are in this country for generatiions but that does not give all Mexicans every where the right to be here. Afro-American have no claim on African because their descendent were from Africa?

i did not mean to urinate in your Wheaties, honest. i was being sarcastic... i do agree with you disertation....


I said: latin americans were here first... in their country bro.... why was ice in their country bro.....

You said: Before who? Make up your mind, is this their country or is mexico their country. Those mexican that were born in Mexico are citizens of Mexico. They lost part of the US when they sold it for $13 million.

and you appropriately added which I thanked you for: Now the want to reclaim it? There are Mexican American that are in this country for generatiions but that does not give all Mexicans every where the right to be here. Afro-American have no claim on African because their descendent were from Africa?

Sounds like I got you going with my original comment and you may have inadvertently gotten the impression that I am a progressive leaning multiculturalist. I am not and I would not give an brown, yellow, black, blue, or purple person any repriations.. I do not believe the sins of those who were here before me should be billed to me... I am rather politically incorrect and say to hell with all repriation bills. I was just apologizin for any ill you may have felt regarding my OC. Go in peace my sister, return in peace....
Mexico gettin' on Obama's bad side?...
Killing of US agent in Mexico could raise pressure on Mexico
February 16, 2011 - A US federal agent for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Attache in Mexico City was shot and killed Tuesday, and another agent was wounded in an attack on their vehicle.
A US federal agent was fatally shot Tuesday and another wounded in an attack on their vehicle that could raise pressure on Mexico to better protect US officials. Jaime Zapata, who was working at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Attache office in Mexico City, died of his wounds. The injured agent, who was not identified, was shot in the arm and leg and remains in stable condition.

The special agents had been driving between the violent northern city of Monterrey and Mexico City through the state of San Luis Potosí when gunmen opened fire. Local media photos show a sports utility vehicle with tinted windows apparently run off the highway and peppered with bullets through the passenger window. News reports that the men were caught in a false roadblock customarily set up by drug traffickers were not confirmed, and Mexican military told The Associated press that they have no checkpoints in the area.

The agents were shot in the line of duty. In response to an inquiry about the agents’ duties in Mexico, ICE said it coordinates investigations into “transnational criminal organizations” and serves as liaison with foreign law enforcement. ICE agents in Mexico also participate extensively in training of Mexican police, the US Embassy of Mexico City says. On Tuesday, Mexico’s Foreign Ministry immediately condemned the attack and pledged to bring the assailants to justice. The same day, the Attorney General’s Office sent organized crime investigators to the relatively calm state of San Luis Potosí where the shooting took place, Mexican newspapers reported.

A tough US response?

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said the United States is working closely with officials on the Mexican-led investigation to ensure the perpetrators are captured as quickly as possible. “Let me be clear: Any act of violence against our ICE personnel ... is an attack against all those who serve our nation and put their lives at risk for our safety,” Ms. Napolitano said. The strongly worded statement, along with a history of swift justice against the few traffickers who have killed or threatened US agents, portend a major crackdown against drug groups found responsible.

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Drug related violence is in every state in this country and 90% of all our drugs come across the souther border. When we fight drugs on the streets of our cities we are fighting drug cartels. When we stop guns and money from crossing into Mexico, we are fighting drugs cartels.
Intelligently acknowledging the futility of the aggressive approach to drug law enforcement, The Netherlands abandoned its failed drug policy in 1976 by decriminalizing marijuana and adopting a heroin maintenance program. Since that time their crime statistics have significantly decreased, marijuana use by minors has decreased and the overall result of their enlightened policy has been impressively positive.

Switzerland adopted a similar policy in 1992 and the results are equally successful.

Portugal decriminalized the possession and use of all drugs in 2001, providing maintenance and treatment for addicts. Their experiment has been completely successful in every way.

The U.S. put an end to the epidemic of violence associated with alcohol prohibition by legalizing it. So can you suggest one reason why the United States should continue fighting its utterly failed and ruinously counterproductive War On Drugs?
So if someone arrives at the hospital with meningitis or some other deadly communicable disease the hospital will be required to check their immigration status before treating them?

How retarded. The State of Arizona should be disbanded as a menace to society.

Nobody said that any citizenship check would be before treatment would be rendered. Although nothing here mentions "when," in all likelihood it would be bundled in with collecting insurance information. I.E. when time permits, and not yet if immediate treatment is necessary for the welfare of the patient. In theory, I don't have a major problem with this. In practice, I worry that it might dissuade illegal immigrants from going to the hospital, which could possibly create a danger to the public because serious infections could spread when people avoid treatment in an effort to avoid punishment for their illegal status. But, if the people of AZ are willing to accept that risk, then by all means go for it.
The bill says citizenship is to be determined before treatment is given. It doesn't say that hospitals can't treat people that can't prove their citizenship, but it is something that must be determined first and ICE must be notified.

Drug related violence is in every state in this country and 90% of all our drugs come across the souther border. When we fight drugs on the streets of our cities we are fighting drug cartels. When we stop guns and money from crossing into Mexico, we are fighting drugs cartels.
Intelligently acknowledging the futility of the aggressive approach to drug law enforcement, The Netherlands abandoned its failed drug policy in 1976 by decriminalizing marijuana and adopting a heroin maintenance program. Since that time their crime statistics have significantly decreased, marijuana use by minors has decreased and the overall result of their enlightened policy has been impressively positive.

Switzerland adopted a similar policy in 1992 and the results are equally successful.

Portugal decriminalized the possession and use of all drugs in 2001, providing maintenance and treatment for addicts. Their experiment has been completely successful in every way.

The U.S. put an end to the epidemic of violence associated with alcohol prohibition by legalizing it. So can you suggest one reason why the United States should continue fighting its utterly failed and ruinously counterproductive War On Drugs?

Job security for tens of thousands of cops, lawyers, prosecutors, prison officials, tough on crime politicians, and bureaucrats. Market share for alcoholic beverage producers and affiliated wholesalers and retailers.
And our ICE agents in Mexico cannot carry arms. They were sitting ducks targeted for assassination. Now what?

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