Limbaugh died... after denying for years...the risk of smoking

I know other faithful Rush listeners who are suffering due to his lies. It seems that he was a precursor to the greatest liar....formerly the Liar in Chief....trump

Shit stain...he gave up smoking cigarettes decades ago, and only puffed cigars....

You lying assholes are morons...
SMOKING IS SMOKING!.....DUNG BREATH. He compared smoking to eating carrots. His lies killed people...just like trump's lies killed people.

No, isn't......smoking Cigars is different from smoking idiot.

He didn't die of mouth cancer, he died from lung cancer...after having quit smoking decades ago... And I know people older than him who smoke like chimneys and are well over dumb ass.

I know other faithful Rush listeners who are suffering due to his lies. It seems that he was a precursor to the greatest liar....formerly the Liar in Chief....trump

Shit stain...he gave up smoking cigarettes decades ago, and only puffed cigars....

You lying assholes are morons...
SMOKING IS SMOKING!.....DUNG BREATH. He compared smoking to eating carrots. His lies killed people...just like trump's lies killed people.

Name all those that Rush killed.

I know other faithful Rush listeners who are suffering due to his lies. It seems that he was a precursor to the greatest liar....formerly the Liar in Chief....trump

Shit stain...he gave up smoking cigarettes decades ago, and only puffed cigars....

You lying assholes are morons...

What's the difference dumbass.
Rush never denied that smoking cigars was dangerous. He simply felt that the reward was worth the risk. He did quit smoking years ago. Quitting didn't help.
When you smoke a cigar...a certain amount of unfiltered smoke enters the lungs. I know....I used to smoke both.
So. That changes nothing. At one time he believed that the enjoyment he got from smoking was worth the risk. A decade ago he changed his mind and quit smoking completely.

I know other faithful Rush listeners who are suffering due to his lies. It seems that he was a precursor to the greatest liar....formerly the Liar in Chief....trump

Shit stain...he gave up smoking cigarettes decades ago, and only puffed cigars....

You lying assholes are morons...

What's the difference dumbass.

Here, stupid ass.......

Cigars are more likely to cause oral cancer, and cigarettes are more likely to cause lung cancer.

Another difference is how they're consumed. While cigarette smoke is inhaled into the lungs, cigar smoke is typically left in the mouth. Since cigarette smoke travels into the lungs, the absorption of nicotine into the bloodstream is much higher than cigars, which pass nicotine through the tissues in your mouth.

Better than going through life being a liberal, and denying that it won't kill you or someone else, someday.

We're all gonna die eventually. You, me, everyone. You can take care of yourself and be cautious, but eventually, something's going to get everyone.
libs are so stupid they think Joe biden will give them eternal life

I know other faithful Rush listeners who are suffering due to his lies. It seems that he was a precursor to the greatest liar....formerly the Liar in Chief....trump

Do you understand that you man child, barak obama is a current smoker? you idiot.

I know other faithful Rush listeners who are suffering due to his lies. It seems that he was a precursor to the greatest liar....formerly the Liar in Chief....trump
Why are you disrespecting the beliefs of our Native American brethren you fucking racist!

Traditional tobacco is tobacco and/or other plant mixtures grown or harvested and used by American Indians and Alaska Natives for ceremonial or medicinal purposes. Traditional tobacco has been used by American Indian nations for centuries as a medicine with cultural and spiritual importance.​
Keep your white supremacist judgementalism to yourself before you get your ass cancelled.
I'd probably call Kevorkian' ghost if I ever was as miserable and unhappy as the OP.

I wonder who killed more people with their lies....Limbaugh or trump?
Are you retarded or do you just play one on USMB?
Top 20/25 celeb cigar smokers
I don't smoke tobacco anymore...not because I don't love it, but after kicking cigarettes I don't trust myself not to fall back into nicotine addiction.

But that doesn't mean I gave up smoking.

I smoke a tobacco alternative...

Good stuff. 100% non-addictive.

Get yourself a nice Missouri Meerschaum Pipe and whittle a tamper and you're good to go.

Smoking is Smoking
A man goes to the doctor and says, "Doc, I would like to live a long life. What should I do?"

"I think that is a wise decision," the doctor replies. "Let's see, do you smoke?"

"Oh.. Half a pack a day."

"Starting NOW, no more smoking."

The man agrees.

The doctor then asks, "Do you drink?"

"Oh, well Doc, not much, just a bit of wine with my meals, and a beer or two every once in a while."

"Starting now, you drink only water. No exceptions."

The man is a bit upset, but also agrees.

The doctor asks, "How do you eat?"

"Oh, well, you know, Doc, normal stuff."

"Starting now you are going on a very strict diet. You are going to eat only raw vegetables, with no dressing, and non-fat cottage cheese."

The man is now really worried. "Doc, is all this really necessary?"

"Do you want to live long?"


"Well then, it's absolutely necessary. And don't even think of breaking the diet."

The man is quite restless, but the doctor continues, "Do you have sex?"

"Yeah, once a week or so..., only with my wife!" he adds hurriedly.

"As soon as you get out of here you are going to buy twin beds. No more sex for you. None."

The man is appalled. "Doc... Are you sure I'm going to live longer this way?"


"I have no idea, but however long you live, I assure you it's going to seem like a freakin' eternity!"

source: Doctor Jokes - Long Life Jokes

I know other faithful Rush listeners who are suffering due to his lies. It seems that he was a precursor to the greatest liar....formerly the Liar in Chief....trump
So...I c h I g o....are you saying he didn't deny the risk of smoking or are you just a trump humper?
He made it to 70.
When he was born 1951 the life expectancy for a white male was 66 years. Now obviously it's increased since then, in fact now it's somewhere around 77 years for a white male.
There's little doubt that smoking shortened his life, and while it's STUPID to smoke, he obviously enjoyed it. He likely traded several years of life for the enjoyment of smoking. It apparently was worth it to him.

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